La Reina Mafiosa

By SQ4lifeCL

10.3K 311 25

She was stolen as a child. Now 20 years later she's a married woman to her wife Ruby Lucas. Both trying to bu... More

Intro Please Read!
Characters! 2


334 12 1
By SQ4lifeCL

Reina's POV

I was trapped. My body was being my coffin. I tried so hard to move. To speak. To let my Ruby or anyone know that I was still here yet I couldn't.

Like a light switch, I began listening to a voice I've been yearning to hear.

"She came back to us."

I began grasping at the two hands that I felt were in mine, desperate for any type of interaction. Was this even real though? Was she actually here? Is this my heaven or my eternal hell? Having to spend the rest of eternity in the dark.

My eyes finally opened, thankful that the room was dim. My sight settled on the most beautiful pair of green eyes I thought I'd never see again. Ruby. My Ruby.

"Y-yes it's me I'm truly here baby. It's Ruby y-your Ruby."

Relief flooded through me. I didn't care she heard what I said I cared that she did hear me, that she was truly here. I immediately reached out towards her only to regret my actions. A punishing pain was piercing the entire left side of my body.

"Careful Mija! You're still healing." A new voice said as they gently laid me back down. (Daughter)

My focus is still on my Ruby, before I could speak she placed a cup of water to my lips. To which I greedily drank from, finishing it within seconds. Memories of what happened came rushing back so I shifted my vision to the person drying my mouth, I took a hold of her trembling hands ceasing her actions. She visibly tensed as I gave her a once over.

"Your okay." I verified. My voice was low and raspy but still manageable to hear.

Regina latched herself on to me in a tight hug although not tight enough to hurt my wounds.

"Non hai idea di quanto ci sei mancato tutti." She cried. (you have no idea how much we all missed you)

I wrapped my tiny arms around her, enjoying the warm feeling it brought. I looked at Ruby who was giving me an encouraging smile. Normally if this was ANYONE but her or granny she would've yanked them off by their hair, something is up.

Regina's loud sobs had turned into quiet sniffles, she slowly pulled away.

"I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for and as weird as it may sound, your hugs feel nice." Regina and Ruby gave a small chuckle making me smile. It went as quickly as it came when realization started to dawn on me.

The beeping to my heart monitor began to increase along with my heart. My eyes started to well with tears, my breath became short and fast.

"Reina! Mija! Breathe!" (Daughter)

"Baby! What's wrong!"

"E-Emma! w-w-where is she!? w-what h-happened to h-her!?"

My prayers were answered when Emma busted through the door, tightly holding a scared Dr.S by the collar of his lab coat.

"Get your ass in there and do your god damn fucking j-" Emma's threats were cut off short to the helpless doctor, seeing me wide awake.

In less than a millisecond she set Dr.S free and was holding me close to her chest as if I were to disappear. Once again the same warm comforting feeling ran through my veins, just as with Regina. Once Emma was done assessing me herself she let Dr.S take over.

"Everything seems to be in order, no sign of a concussion, no sign of trauma. I'm going to keep you for a few more hours since you lost so much blood. So you'll be discharged later today. I'm also going to put you on bed rest for a week and arrange an appointment to get your stitches removed. No strenuous activities."

My cheeks flared with heat as he gave Ruby and me a pointed look. Ruby scoffed, sending me a sly wink damn well knowing she'll find a way to get into my pants.

"Actually doc that won't be necessary. Our personal doctor will be taking care of that and any other medical treatments concerning both Reina and Ruby Lucas from here on out." Regina stated. Dr.S gave them a firm nod, making me stunned. Personal doctor? Talk about being loaded.

"Regina, please that's unnecessary you don't have to do that, I'm perfectly fine with coming back to the hospital."

"Reina honey, it's not up for discussion, listen to Regina. Don't argue with me on this, subject closed."

"But Emma-"

I swear if looks could kill I'd be more than six feet under. Not that I ever had a choice, with a sigh I surrendered.

"Fine alright, geez long was I out for?"

"You were gone for a week, baby," Ruby responded, a somber look on her lovely face.

"It is true Reina. When you first got here we had to immediately rush into surgery. Since you lost so much blood complications occurred sending you into a coma. Although if it weren't for your wife...well let's just say I wouldn't be speaking to you at this moment."

Oh Ruby, what I must have put you through my love.   

"Thanks, Doc." I gave him a tight smile.

"It's what I do, now before I go, do you have any questions for me?"

I was going to ask him what he meant about my Rubes but I'd rather save that conversation between me and her.

"No, I think we're good here once again thank you."

"It was no problem. It was nice seeing you Reina, you too Ruby, again I just wish it was under better circumstances." He excused himself taking his leave.

Truth be told I did have questions they just weren't directed towards his medical profession. These questions were directed to the people here, in the same room with me.

1. Who were the people that gunned us?

2. Why were they aiming at Regina?

3. Why are Regina and Emma still here?

4. Was it out of guilt that I took the bullet instead?

5. Did they care?

6. What did my Ruby do?

All of this just didn't make any sense, I know if most people were in my place they would be terrified by the situation. I mean who in their right mind wouldn't? That's supposed to be the 'normal' reaction right?

Not for me though, sadly this is not my first battle with death only this time death almost won. My thought process was interrupted by a small growl from my stomach resulting in all three women snickering.

"Dai, Amore Mio, let's go get her some food, these two have a lot of catching up to do and no funny business, I'm looking at you Ruby" Regina said while giving Ruby a hard look on their way out. Ruby being Ruby simply rolled her eyes at Regina's request. (Come one, my love)

I scooted over some so my Ruby can lay with me. Thankfully she got the hint and immediately slid in wrapping her arms around me, cautious of my wounds. My face rested in her neck while her fingers raked through my short hair.

It was silent for a while until I heard her low soft sniffles, I held on to her tighter letting her know I'm HERE.

"Twenty minutes." Her voice was a mere whisper. I pulled away to look at her clearly.

"What?" She placed her hand on my cheek, caressing it lovingly.

"It was twenty minutes you were...dead." I flinched at the coldness in her tone.

"After I saw those beautiful brown eyes shut I felt so fucking helpless and with the ambulance taking their goddamn sweet time...I was going to do everything in my power to keep you with me. I started with compressions, then switched back and forth between mouth to mouth, I didn't stop, I couldn't, I wouldn't, I kept going and going,"

Her voice began to crack, she took a second to compose herself and continued on.

"I hadn't known that Regina was keeping track of time. She told me the twenty-minute mark was up, to...stop because you were...already...gone. In those twenty minutes, I didn't see my Reina, just a lying corpse that held your beautiful soul. I would have to go home alone and start planning your funeral, get used to the fact that every morning I'd wake up alone. Our future- gone, no kids, no grandchildren, no growing old together, there would be nothing. You would just exist as a memory, although I would never accept that fate because I'd figure out a way to follow you, to meet you again."

Our faces came closer, her eyes boring into mine and vise versa, both of us in tears.

"Yet in that last single minute, whether it was the heavens above or the universe or whatever is up there, they sent you back to me. I got my Reina back, my wife, my world, my everything, my always. The ambulance finally showed up, brought you here."

I was speechless, all I could do was cry harder.

"O-oh Ruby, I'm s-sorry for putting you through that I'm s-so s-sorry, I really thought I was never going to see you again, p-please forgive me."

" have nothing to be sorry for, it wasn't your fault you hear me, the important thing is that we're together, ok?"


She wiped away my tears as I did hers, our noses touching. As she wiped the last tear she slid her thumb to my bottom lip, tracing it.

"I thought I'd never see your lips again. To hear your voice come out of them, to touch them, to kiss them."

Her lips now hovering over mine, with great haste our lips connected.

The kiss started slowly at first, passionate letting out mouths make up for the time we missed. Letting go of the fear and replacing it with our love.

Her sweet kisses trailed down my neck sucking, licking, no doubt leaving love bites here and there, making me a panting mess.

"Uhh, I love you Ruby so much." My eyes snapped open at the loss of her touch.

"Say it again. I want-... I need you to say it again."

With both hands I grabbed the sides of her face, looking directly into her hypnotic orbs.

"I love you, you hear me, I love you."

Our mouths molded together again, her tongue swirling around mine, letting her take charge.

She needed this, she needed to know I'm here, that I wasn't planning on going any were so that's exactly what I did.

I was cuddled up in Ruby's arms enjoying the warmth she radiated.

"You know it's going to suck not being able to have sex." She lets out a small huff.

"A week is not that long, besides you've lasted longer love" I smirked.

During our make-out session, a nurse came in to check my vitals along with my stitches. On her way out she gave a clear reminder not to do any 'activities' that could compromise my healing. Leaving us both irritated and Ruby cursing out hospitals for being in her words 'a fucking cock block'.

Even though we couldn't do what we had intended to do, I wasn't going to pass on the opportunity to get answers to the rest of my questions.

"Um Ruby, did you happen to find out who those people were that shot at us?" I watched her jaw clench at my question.

"No. Regina and Emma still have people looking into it."

"What do you mean 'people' shouldn't it be the police? What do they have to do with this? Why are they still even here? I'm nothing to them." 

She gripped my chin lifting my head to meet her gaze.

"Now you listen well Reina Lucas, I know you must have many questions and yes they will be answered sooner than you think just not by me."

"Why not? What's with all secrecy?"

"I know, I hate having to hold this from you it's just not my place to say, it's Reginas and Emmas right. Although what I can tell you is that you are wrong, you do mean a lot to them more than you can possibly imagine." She leaned down and pecked my nose.

"There are also going to be very important people coming, you are going to have to make certain decisions. Just know that whatever choices you make I'll be there with you every step of the way"

"Do these important people know about us?"

"Well you yes,"

"Babe this is all very suspicious please don't tell me they are one of those swinger couples because if that's the case then it's a hard HELL NO."

"What! No, absolutely not! It's nowhere near that at all! Look I know it's a lot to take in but please trust me on this. Can you do that for me?"

She interlaced our fingers together, giving my hand a good squeeze, with a smile I squeezed back.

"Querida mia, of course, I can trust you without a doubt." (My dear)


Regina and Emma had returned with Chinese take out which I was grateful for since it's my favorite food of all time.

"Thank you for the food, it's delicious." Ruby nodded in agreement.

"Anytime." Regina grinned.

We carried on eating when the door banged open with a whole group of people barging in startling me almost making me drop my noodles. Do people not know how to knock these days. 

"Move, move get out of my way."

"Muoviti, non farmi colpire Lorenzo." (Move, don't make me hit you Lorenzo)

Two women had struggled to get to the front of this giant mob, now in my hospital room. The two older women before me had tears running down their beautiful aged faces. They also both looked like Emma and Regina just older. Some of the other members here were also crying, others looking at me as if they just found treasure.

"MOVE!" A voice boomed.

On command, the giant group split like the red sea. Walking towards me was a built, tall man with tattoos, no doubt covering his body. Although he was to be a man that's intimidating, I wasn't scared just curious.

He sat in the seat next to me, placing his humongous hand on my little one. Not noticing the rest watching our interaction.

"Finalmente ti abbiamo riportato principessa." His voice held a strong itlian accent. (We finally got you back princess.)

Stunned at what he said I removed my hand from under his not fully understanding the situation. He looked hurt at my movement.

"Mi dispiace, ma chi sie?" I responded back. (I'm sorry, but who are you?) 

He looked shocked at first then his face turned serious yet soft.

"I'm Alejandro SwanMills, your brother and we are your family."


Hey guys, the truth is finally out, how do you think she'll take the news? How do you think the rest will think of Ruby?

We also met Alejandro yay! 

I also wanted to give a thank you for getting my book so close to 2k!

I love you my readers and in the words of RuPaul "If you can't love yourself how in the hell you gonna love somebody else"

Please vote and comment lets me know I'm doing something right plus I would like to know what you all are thinking.

Till next time -A

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