Unraveling Him | A mafia Story

By pumpkinyara

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(Book #4 in the series) (Can be read as a stand-alone) HER A mystery. So very complicated. An enigma. A... More

Chapter 1 - Redemption
Chapter 2 -First memory
Chapter 3 - Don't kill her
Chapter 4 - Playing with fire
Chapter 5 - Promise? Promise
Chapter 6 - That's what brothers are for
Chapter 7 - She is my everything
Chapter 8 - What if it was me?
Chapter 9 - You need to let someone in
Chapter 10 - I won't be selfish again
Chapter 11 - I don't want to fight anymore
Chapter 12 - Give me sugar
Chapter 13 - Bring the monster back
Chapter 14 - Your grumpy Nik
Chapter 15 - You're mine and I am yours
Chapter 16 - This will be our secret
Chapter 17 - Red riding hood and the big bad wolf
Chapter 18 - In my story, you're the hero
Chapter 19 - Everything you touch, dies
Chapter 20 - Mushy and whatnot
Chapter 21 - Sister-Kisser
Chapter 22 - Ferris wheel ride
Chapter 23 - Us against the world
Chapter 24 - The three N's
Chapter 26 - It didn't bring him back
Chapter 27 - Big boss mafia
Chapter 28 - My beautiful delicate girl
Chapter 29 - Atonement
Chapter 30 - Rebirth
Chapter 31 - Death is easy, living is hard
Chapter 32 - A death sentence
Chapter 33 - A pain in my ass
Chapter 34 - The Crystal ball
Chapter 35 - Keep fighting
Chapter 36 - You've got us
Chapter 37 - Avenging Angel
Chapter 38 - The holy grail
Chapter 39 - My beautiful king
Chapter 40 - Unwanted memories
Chapter 41 - Bella
Chapter 42 - Mr. Right/ Mr. Wrong
Chapter 43 - We are buddies now
Chapter 44 - You make my world spin
Chapter 45 - A lost bet
Chapter 46 - My number-one girl
Chapter 47 - I am not a warrior
Chapter 48 - Love conquers all
Chapter 49 - This is our normal
Chapter 50 - My fierce protector
Chapter 51 - Big Bad Boy
Chapter 52 - Make Ronald Cry
Chapter 53 - A Little bit more
Chapter 54 - One Last Fight
Chapter 55 - It wasn't your pain to avenge
Chapter 56 - The abused and the abuser
Chapter 57 - Dose of Insanity
Chapter 58 - It's been long overdue
Chapter 59 - The Supreme Leader
Chapter 60 - Conquer or Die (Part I)
Chapter 60 - Conquer or Die (Part II)
Chapter 61 - A Broken King
Chapter 62 - Selfless Love - Part I
Chapter 62 - Selfless Love - Part II
All Hail the Queen - Extra Scenes
Chapter 63 - Five Months & Five Days

Chapter 25 - Weapons don't weep

925 71 242
By pumpkinyara

"You're a weapon and weapons don't weep."


Nikolas's POV

"Yes, and to that we are forever grateful, right Matteo?" Mia said, nudging her bodyguard slash boyfriend with her elbow, asking him to suck it up.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at his whining before I handed him the envelope, "Everything you need is here, new IDs, passports," I explained, "The jet will take you to a town, far away from here, where no one would ever think to look for you. I have someone there to pick you up and get you settled down," I added, I had everything taken care of, "You never step a foot in London again, and you'll be doing us both a favor."

"It's the last thing I want to do anyway," Matteo mumbled, more to himself, proving to me I am kind of doing the right thing.

Mia whispered something before she let go of his hand and stepped forward, facing me. Her boyfriend took a couple of steps backward, leaving us to speak alone per her request. He leaned his back against the car and crossed his arms over his chest, his narrowed gaze focused on me, waiting for one wrong move so he could attack. My eyebrow raised at his defensive state, he huffed out a very bothered breath in return and looked away. I should've just killed him.

"I will never be able to repay you back for all of this," Mia said, grabbing my attention back to her. Her voice was so low and her hand kept fidgeting with the hem of her coat, still so nervous to be speaking with me.

I shook my head, "It's nothing," I said, not comfortable with the whole thank-you and you're-welcome part of it, "In the end, we are both benefiting from this."

I didn't want to fool myself, as if one right move could ever erase a wrong one I've committed before. If only.

She shrugged, "Still, you could've really killed me to get what you want, I am nothing to you, but you didn't," She shook her head, gratitude shone in her dark brown eyes, "You are giving me a way out of this, which is all I ever dreamed of," Emotions tightened her voice and I was hoping she won't cry or something, I would just run away and let her boyfriend deal with that.

"You kind of saved me, well...you saved us both," She added over a low whisper and I would be stupid not to understand the meaning behind those words, not when she rested her hand over her stomach, ever so lightly.

My eyes grew wide the slightest as they shot up to hers, a bit taken aback by the information, "I...uh, I didn't know," I mumbled, "If I knew, I would've never had them drag you out like that," It had to be believable though. Isaac has half of my men working for him, it's how he knows everything, how he has eyes everywhere. It took me a long time to know who is actually loyal to me and who isn't. But for now, I will play along, using it to my advantage and feed him lies, but once I am done, they all will pay for their infidelity.

I might be a hypocrite but I don't care. I might deceive and lie throughout the day, through every part of this messed up life of mine but one thing I can't take is this; to be tricked, to be lied to and deceived by someone I considered part of my team. To be taken as a fool and stabbed in the back.

It's why the need to get rid of Ronald keeps pushing up against my head. He must thank his sister, the fact that they share blood is the only one holding me back from spilling his blood.

But I won't let it hold me back from doing other colorful things.

Mia shook her head, smiling genuinely, "They didn't hurt me," She assured me and I nodded, "At least by this," Her gaze flickered to the jet, pointing out the whole escape plan, "I can be sure my father would never be able to hurt this child," The light dimmed in her eyes as she spoke further, "I can't even begin to imagine...what he would've done if he got to know about this baby and..."

"He wouldn't," I said, interrupting her from saying more, "All he knows now is that you're dead, he won't go around searching for a ghost, I will make sure of it, you don't need to worry."

She stared back at me, astonished and a bit taken aback by my level of assurance. Her teeth dug into her lower lip, trying to stop her eyes from spilling forward those waterworks and make this whole situation more awkward than it is, "Uh...when my father first told me about this..." She rubbed a hand over her throat, "This whole marriage and you," She shook her head, "This is definitely not what I expected," Her throat bobbed as she carefully added, "I've just...I've heard only terrible things about you."

I nodded, "I am not gonna tell you they're lies," My reputation was tainted only with my own wrong doings, no more, no less.

She stared at me for a long second, as if trying to understand something, "I get that, but," She took a step forward and her lips lifted into a small smile, "You told me you are going to help me because you've got blood on your hands and you would like to wipe it away," She surprised me when she extended her hand forward. In response, I placed mine around hers, shaking it back as she added, ever so innocently, "Consider it wiped."

Her words had the corner of my lips lifting up, a bit amused and I shook my head, "If only it's that easy."

She shrugged as she retreated her hand back, "Still, it's step number one."

Then, what in god's name is step number two?

My gaze flickered to Matteo as he kept sneaking glances at us, huffing and puffing in annoyance, "You trust him?" I asked, making sure one more time.

Mia's eyes went to him for a brief second and her smile only widened. When she turned to me, the light seemed to be rushing back to her eyes with full force, "More than anyone," She answered, without any hesitation, "He is all I have."

I nodded, "Good."

"Shouldn't we be heading out now?" Mr. boyfriend interjected, too bothered by our private conversation, I would've probably punched him for that tone of his but the fact that I have someone of...my own now, it made me realize that if situations were switched, I would've probably done worse than he is doing.

Mia turned to him, her eyebrows raising in warning, "Just one second," She mumbled and he rolled his eyes as he took a few steps backward again.

"Uh, before we go, I just want to say it again...thank you so much," She said, tucking her hair behind her ear, "And uhm...Natalie, she seems like a great person," Her smile was so warm and genuine, like she really meant her next words, "And I really hope that one day, you will have this with her."

"This?" I questioned, "You mean escaping?"

She nodded, "Yeah," Her smile slowly dropped down at the topic, "You said it yourself, you have blood on your hands and to be honest, you will never be able to wipe it away as long as you stay in...this world we were born and forced into," She added, only stating facts I hate to acknowledge, for the very first time openly speaking with me without that fear or hesitation in her tone, "If you stay, you will only be adding more blood and tainting more than just your hands with it, you will taint hers too and I think you know very well that she deserves better than that."

My jaw tightened, not at her words, but at the truth behind them, "I can't leave, I can't simply walk away from this, there is a lot left for me to do."

She nodded, "But I think that you need to consider one more thing; these things that are left for you to do," Her eyebrows pulled closer in something that resembled worry , "Can you come back from them?" She didn't want me to give an answer, she indirectly forced to answer myself that, "Do you think that...that she will accept them?"

The answer was simple; no, she won't. Not when the very thing I need to do will affect her on a personal level. Not when my father's only fucking weakness is her very own family and blood.

Her throat bobbed heavily, scared she might have crossed a boundary, probably the hard look on my face reflected that because her voice lowered down, "It's just like you helped me, I think you should help yourself too."

With that, she took a step backward, sticking to her limit and ending the conversation there as her eyes flickered to Matteo, signaling that it's time to go. He inched closer to us and without a second word, we all headed toward the jet.

Matteo helped her get up the stairs and before she got inside, her eyes flickered to me one more time, she gave me a small nod, a small appreciative smile lifted up her lips and it only felt right to return it back. Once she was inside, my hand landed on Matteo's shoulder, stopping him for a second. He turned around, his dissatisfied gaze on me and I stressed out, "You take care of her," I said, warning and threatening.

He shrugged my hand off his shoulder and his eyes went inside the jet, looking after her before he nodded his head, the muscles of his jaw working as he said, "I will protect them with my life," He seemed honest and that got me more relieved.

He glanced at me, "I was working on this, you know, trying to get her out of here," He said, "It's just I don't have the resources you have," A low frustrated breath pushed out of his lungs and he really hated saying those next words, "So, thank you...for this, I guess."

I shook my head, dismissing that talk, "Just keep them safe," I said, "My part ends here and yours start," I added and he nodded, understanding that very well, "But if something happens, my number is in there, you call me."

With that said, he got inside and I walked away, stood by my car and watched as the jet took off into the sky, desperately wishing that she won't meet the same fate her aunt did. I shouldn't allow that. Joseph will be kept alive as he helps me turn everyone against Isaac, but after that, he dies too.

I got inside the car and drove away, my mother kept glancing at me every now and then, so confused and stressed, but she stuck to her boundary, not asking or talking and I appreciated that.

All I could ponder over the whole drive back were the two questions Mia asked;

Will you come back from this?

Will she accept it?

And another important question kept pushing itself to the forefront of my brain; Am I willing to lose her over this?


Emma's POV

I am married to an idiot.

Yes, idiot.

Why an idiot, you might ask. Well, I wanted to go out on a date tonight, just me and him but my idiot husband mentioned that he already had plans to meet up with old friends and asked me to tag along as they will bring their wives as well. Idiot.

If I haven't promised myself not to use my knives tonight, I would've gladly pushed one up his throat at the moment. Fucking idiot.

As we walked into the restaurant, my eyes fell into the group of people that I suppose are his friends as they waved for us to come over. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, the closer we got to them and the better view I got of those wives, the more I regretted not killing my idiot husband in his sleep like I've always planned to do.

Girls, I just hate them.

Bonding with girls, probably the one thing I suck at.

Even from a distance, I could swear I have nothing in common with these real housewives of Beverly Hills. I just hope I won't lose it and kill someone tonight. The blood will be on Roman's hands not mine. He forced me into this. The idiot.

Once we reached them, the two men fist-bumped with Roman, greeting each others and the wives gave me a full look-over before they smiled, such a plastic fake smile that I was forced to return back. One of the guys looked my side and let out a low whistle, "The infamous Emma Viarchi," He extended his hand forward, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, ma'am," He said, the ma'am word coming out sarcastically and I thought of sixty-seven different ways of how to break that hand.

Oh wait, sixty-eight.

My eyebrow raised and he offered me a smile, a boyish charming one, "Really, a big fan of your work," He said, less sarcastic and I placed my hand in his to shake it but he surprised me when he turned it over, brought it to his lips and left a small kiss, being all flirtatious, as if his wife isn't sitting next to him.

Does he want me to show him my work that he is a fan of in a real-life version?

Roman playfully shoved him away, "Fuck off, Laurens," He said and Laurens chuckled before he sent a wink my side. I ignored him and shook hands with the other guy, Ethan, before they both introduced me to their wives and I decided to call Laurens's wife too-much-perfume-Lady, and Ethan's wife too-much-pink-clothes-lady.

We sat across from them and Roman immediately plastered himself to my side, not leaving me any space to breathe. He is being extra touchy lately and I can't help but get suspicious at his lovey-dovey behavior, less than a month ago he literally expressed his immense despise toward me and this marriage...what the hell changed?

I turned my head, taking him in and he returned my gaze, his lips lifting up into a small smile before his arm behind me on the couch moved and wrapped around my shoulder, smoothly pulling me closer to his side as his lips left a small gentle kiss over my cheek. For some stupid reason, the small meaningless gesture had my stomach tumbling up and down and I swallowed hard, dismissing whatever that was away.

"Oh, I see we're still in the honeymoon phase," Laurens commented teasingly, sending a wink at our behavior and I just decided to let go of my stupid suspicions and relax into Roman's embrace as the night went on.

I ignored the guy because if I give him more of my attention, I would end up cutting his tongue and feeding it to him instead of the steak he is dining on. Roman indulged in stupid conversations with his friends and I let my attention go to the two women, seeing if I can act like I am interested in their talk.

"Did you see Margret?" Too-much-perfume lady asked the other one as she sipped on the water glass in her hand, "The divorce isn't treating her well, she gained so much weight, everyone is talking about it!"

"I know!" Too-much-pink lady responded, "Drake had the total right leaving her by the way, she was always away on work trips, leaving the kids with the help, unbelievable, some people really don't understand the responsibility of a marriage."

I rolled my eyes at their gossip, seriously? Are we back to the stone ages?

Too much for women supporting women.

I silenced their voices and picked up the menu, immediately going to the alcohol section, because I really need it for this night to pass without me hurting someone. One advantage of not being pregnant is definitely this, consuming as much alcohol as I can. I missed it.

As I read through, I felt Roman's hand resting over my bare thigh, his thumb unconsciously rubbing circles over my inner thigh. I lifted my eyes to find him engrossed in the conversation with his friends, totally unaware of what he was doing. They laughed about something and it has got to be the first time I see him genuinely laugh since forever.

First time I met him, he was like this, young and full of life, he would sneak me out of the mansion every time, taking me places I've never been to before. It might've been an act on my side, but I really liked it; I liked the way he loved life and lived it but lately he is different, mostly serious, angry, cold, uncaring and whatnot. After his father's death and our marriage, he changed drastically and seeing him smile and laugh now, it had me involuntarily smiling.

This idiot man was making me care for him and I hated it, I hated it so much.

I bit the inside of my cheek and turned my attention away, giving my order to the waiter and internally hoping this night would pass fast. The waiter took the rest of their orders and Roman's hand squeezed at my thigh ever so lightly, grabbing my attention to him. He leaned closer, "We can leave early if you want," He whispered in my ear, sensing my discomfort and I nodded my head, desperately needing that.

"On one condition though," His tone was all mischief as his hand moved up my thigh, under my dress, lazily drawing circles over my skin, "You keep wearing this dress when we get home."

The corner of my lips lifted up and I rested my hand over his chin as I pecked his lips quickly, "Want to know a secret," I whispered against his lips, "I am not wearing any underwear," I added with a wink and he cleared his throat, rather loudly as he tried to suppress himself from saying more or doing more.

"We finish this stupid meal, no dessert and we leave," He said, sternly and I smiled, satisfied and accomplished.

I turned my attention back to them to see Laurens's wife staring at us, but once she caught my gaze, she looked away. The waiter asked too-much-pink lady if she needed anything to drink, "Oh no, thanks," She said before she looked at us, "God, do I miss being able to drink," She mumbled, her hand resting over her small bump.

"You're pregnant," The realization left my mouth without permission, I just felt taken aback by the news for some reason.

She nodded, "Oh yeah," She chuckled, her eyebrow raising, "I am not fat, this is all just baby weight."

My eyebrows pulled in dissatisfaction at her specific words, "And you could be that, what's the problem in it?" What's with all the weight paranoia with these two?

Her eyebrow raised, "Of course someone who looks like you would say that," She said as she waved her hand up and down my body.

My jaw ticked, her stupid meaningless words bringing back days I didn't want to remember. She doesn't know how they starved us at the HEX, she has no idea how they only gave us vitamins, injecting them into our muscles to build us the right way, she doesn't know that they purposely constructed me the way I am, based on men's standards of what a perfect body would look like.

We are making a weapon out of you, they said. There is no harm in making the weapon pretty, they added. A pretty weapon to fill into their enemies dirty desires.

The memories mixed with everything I've been keeping inside clouded my better senses and my hand went to pull the knife out of my garter, ready to kill someone tonight but Roman's hand curled over mine under the table, stopping me before all the irrationality comes tumbling out. He forced my fist open and curled his fingers between mine, squeezing at my hand and forcing me to calm the fuck down.

Did he understand what was going through my head? I doubt it. I never talked about the HEX to him and I don't plan to ever do that and reminisce the past. Because it's what I was taught to do. I am a weapon, and weapons don't weep, they said.

The guys went on talking, and the need to storm off out of here intensified by the second. I hate this, I am not good at this; double or triple dating as if I have anything in common with these people.

"Can you believe this is how we celebrate our birthdays nowadays," Laurens's words grabbed my attention and I turned my head to him, "Man, I really miss the bachelor life," He added and his wife, even though didn't comment at his words, her jaw tightened in annoyance and she fidgeted with the fork in her hand.

"Whose birthday is it?" I asked, curious and Laurens's eyes widened in fake shock, gasping at me, "Oh, you forgot your husband's birthday," He turned to Roman and smiled, "Lucky you, you could use this to your advantage later."

Roman shot him a glare and I turned to him, taken aback by the brand new information, "It's your birthday?" I asked, my eyebrows pulling closer. Why didn't he tell me? How else was I supposed to know, I didn't give birth to him for god's sake?!

Roman waved his hand, dismissing the subject, "Yeah, it's tomorrow, never mind, it's not important."

I decided to drop it for now and leaned in my seat as our food and drinks arrived. I tried to make small conversations here and there, mostly with the guys, even though this Laurens person is playing on my nerves beyond measures. For some reason, I didn't like him at all. I totally noticed how his wife innocently rested her hand over his but he rudely shrugged it off and kept on talking, totally ignoring her.

She tried not to look affected and excused herself to the bathroom later. Bored out of my mind, my eyes flickered around the restaurant, watching as people lived their own different lives, a couple clicking champagne glasses in one corner, and another fighting in the other corner. I sighed, my eyes wandered till they fell on a specific fake barbie as she strode inside. A big smile pulled at my lips at her sight and when she caught my gaze, she halted to a sudden stop, the memories of me smashing her face probably rushing back. Looks like she fixed the nose I broke. Would really love to break it again.

She immediately looked away and moved to her table, where three other girls were sitting. My gaze kept focused on her, daring her to look at my side or at who is sitting beside me. I would kill her for real this time if she looks at him the wrong way.

For a mere second, her gaze flickered to us but she looked away immediately, fear and nervousness radiated off her in waves. Looks like I left my touch on her. Perfect.

I moved away from Roman's embrace, getting up to my feet, "Where are you going?" Roman asked, being the clingy idiot husband he is.

My eyebrow raised and I said in a matter of fact tone, "To the bathroom."

I headed to the other side of the restaurant, walking through the corridor and entered the restroom. I washed my hands as I looked into the mirror at my reflection, making sure my makeup and hair still looked perfect. I turned off the faucet and fixed a few strands of my hair that were out of place. The sound of low sniffling coming from one of the stalls had me pausing in my movement. I turned around, my eyes drifting to the one occupied stall, and the shoe I saw from the small opened portion of the door made me realize it's Laurens's wife.

I looked back at the mirror and reapplied my lipstick, deciding to ignore whatever this is. A few seconds later, she went out of the cubical and toward the sink, she purposely didn't look my side as she washed her hands and with the napkins tried to remove any trace of tears from her eyes without ruining her waterproof makeup. I wasn't going to ask her what her problem is, that's not me, nor do I care.

I closed my purse and was about to get out when my gaze flickered to her back that's facing me as she fixed her face and hair. The movements of her arms had her shoulders bunching up, letting her blouse move the slightest to expose a portion of what looked like a fresh purple bruise over her back.

Looking away before she notices me staring, I headed out of the bathroom. I paused in my steps when I saw Roman leaning against the wall, waiting for me. His eyes met mine and he straightened himself, "What are you doing here?" I asked.

His hand circled around my arm and pulled me to him, his other hand going to my lower back as I felt his lips press over mine in a quick kiss, "Let's leave now," He mumbled and I rested my hands over his shoulders, fixing his collar as he added, "It's getting boring over here and all I could think about is you," His heated gaze flickered down my dress and his voice tightened, "In this fucking dress and with nothing under it."

A smirk pulled up one corner of my lip and his eyes fell onto my mouth as his hand moved down my lower back, "On one condition though," I stated and he nodded, his eyes still on my lips, "We never meet up with these people again," I grumbled, "I hate your friends."

He nodded, not bothered by my comment, rather busy fantasizing about this dress and what's underneath it, "Uhuh, for you I will sell my friends and buy new ones."

I couldn't hold my chuckle back and he smiled, leaning forward for another kiss. He bit at my lower lip before releasing it and the idea of us going home and resuming this felt more appealing than me killing his friends or his ex-girlfriend that just happened to drop by the same restaurant we are in.

He groaned against my lips and tugged at my arm, "Let's go," He said, urgently as we headed to the table to announce we're leaving.

Laurens was walking to the bathroom's direction when he spotted us, "Something came up," Roman announced, "We gonna have to leave now."

His eyebrows pulled closer, "What?" He asked in disbelief, "You just got here, man, come on, we rarely see you these days," He said and I kept glaring at him, the part of my brain responsible for logical decision got turned off as I came to the deduction of what type of a husband he is.

"Well, I guess he'd rather spend time with his wife," I said, my eyebrow raising and Laurens's lips curled up in annoyance. He looked at Roman, who casually shrugged in return, "Guilty," He said, not denying it and I smiled, sometimes he is too charming for me to resist.

"Okay then, see you later I guess," He said and when he turned to me, he extended his hand forward, "It was nice meeting you, Emma," He said and I stared at his extended hand in disgust. I shook my head, "Sorry, I just washed my hands," I simply said and he chuckled, amused before he bid goodbye to Roman and walked to the bathroom.

I looked at his retreating back and just couldn't hold myself back, "Hey Roman, how about you go get the car and I will follow you in a bit," I said, the need to just do it nagging at my brain, I won't sleep the night if I don't just do it. Roman's eyebrows pulled closer and before he could ask, I answered, "I forgot something in the bathroom."

Not waiting to hear his response, I turned around and headed back there. I looked behind me to check and saw as Roman walking away, I immediately turned and headed for the men's bathroom this time. I pushed the door open and strode inside.

"Hey, Lady, wrong bathroom!" One man standing by the urinal said loudly, holding his limp little boy in his hand. My gaze drifted down and I shook my head, not amused at all, "Not impressed, I've seen better," I mumbled before I looked at Laurens by the sinks, who stared back at me in total bafflement.

I smiled at him wickedly as I strode froward, "Emma?" He asked, confused and he couldn't say more as I went for his lucky charms, kneeing him in the balls before I twisted his arm behind his back and pushed him to the ground, all too very fast for him to react. He groaned in pain, "What the-" He couldn't even continue his sentence, not when I grasped at the back of his hair and slammed his head against the sink's corner, the sound was pure music, a beautiful melody to end this terrible night with.

"You will learn how to be a respectful husband from now on or else," I started and he groaned, trying to break free from my grip but I pushed down at his shoulder, keeping him in place as I leaned down and hissed in his ear, "Or that little pee-pee that you think makes you a man, I will cut it and stuff it down your throat, you get that?"

His eyes widened as he felt so damn powerless under my simple attack, probably like he makes her feel. Told you I will show him my work in action, live and full HD version, "If you lay a hand on your wife again," I grated out, my fingers tightening over his hair, wanting to knock him unconscious but held myself back, "I will fucking destroy your life!"

I let go of him, rather harshly that he stumbled forward, his hands pressing over the bathroom tiles to keep himself steady. I wiped at my hands, disgusted that I had to touch this person. When I turned around, the foreign man who was by the urinal had zipped his pants up and gaped at me with wide eyes. I moved forward and he raised his hands up in surrender, "I...uh..I swear I love my wife," He said, defending himself as if I was going to attack him too, he nodded his head toward outside, "I brought her here for our anniversary even."

I smiled and patted him at the shoulder, he winced mistaking it for a hostile action, "Good boy," I said before I turned around to shoot Laurence a murderous warning glare before I left the bathroom.

The small corridor that separates the bathrooms from the rest of the restaurant was empty when I got inside, but now, three tall, well-built men were standing, occupying most of the space and behind them was a little fake barbie standing and glaring at me.

My eyebrow raised, totally amused. Miss barbie needs bodyguards now. I wasn't going to attack her for no reason, so I simply moved forward, ready to get out of here but one of the men pressed his hand over my shoulder, stopping me.

"You think you will beat me up and get away with it?" Miss barbie said, ever so confidently and I couldn't hold back my chuckle, "Oh god, sorry, I shouldn't be laughing," I laughed again and tried to cover my mouth to suppress it down, "But this would be less hilarious if you weren't literally hiding behind three men at the moment."

One of them tried to pull me back but my hand curled around his wrist twisting his hand away from me, "Touch me again, I dare you!" I warned, glaring at him.

"This restaurant belongs to my father," Barbie said as one of the men closed the door separating this portion of the restaurant away from the rest and the other door separating us from the bathroom till it was just the five of us now in the small confined space, "So, don't think anyone would care to rescue you now."

I chuckled again and turned around to face her, "You think I would call for my daddy and his bodyguards to rescue me?" I asked with total mockery and her jaw tightened, my words hurting her ego. Poor little thing, I pity her.

"You see, I wasn't planning to do anything, considering I delivered my message loud and clear last time," I pointed at her face, "But I guess you really want me to break your brand new nose, huh."

She crossed her arms over her chest, "This time I came prepared," She pointed out.

Lines etched my forehead as I assessed her words and I took a step closer. On instinct, the men stepped forward, limiting the distance between me and her, "So, you're still following my husband," I deduced, this is the second time she appears where he is; this little shit, I am gonna kill her, "How much more pathetic can you get?"

She shook her head, "Not as a pathetic as you," She answered, confident now that she has three men ready to protect her, "When my father saw what you did to me, he was ready to bring me your head," She said, such a little mafia princess she is, "But you?" Her eyebrow raised, mocking me, "I heard that your daddy killed your own child," She pouted, "Poor you, not even fit to hold his bab-"

"You bitch," I grated out, silencing her next words as I marched forward, she went for the big guns, triggering me on purpose. I will show her.

The men came at me, all together but it wasn't anything I can't take. I pulled the knife out of my garter, defending myself as one tried to throw a punch at my face, I dodged it and stabbed him in the arm. The other tried to hold me from the back and I used it to my advantage as I brought my elbow up and pivoted, turning so that his face met the back of my elbow. I moved so quick, taking the spot behind him, counterattacking as I kicked at his back, bringing him down.

That took him off my case for a few seconds as I dealt with the third man, stabbing him hard in the stomach, making sure to hit somewhere vital as I kicked him right on it, pushing him away from me. I didn't get a break as the first one came back, attacking again.

I was busy fighting him that for the second time, another person was able to get the upper hand on me, the other guy came out of nowhere and punched me so hard, right where I got stabbed. The impact of his punch pushed me backward with full force and slammed my back against the wall. The pain surged through my body in waves and I wanted to scream but I suppressed it down. For a brief second I felt like I blacked out, the dots swarmed my vision but I pushed against the pain and shook myself back in.

When I forced my eyelids open, they first fell on Roman as he punched the guy, dragging him down before he used the knife that fell from me and ran it over his throat, blood spurred forward and the guy's eyes rolled to the back of his head as Roman let go of him.

I pulled myself away from the wall and all I felt after were Roman's hands over my face, "Hey, you okay?" He asked, the worry tightening his forehead as he gazed down at me. When did he get here?

My pulse accelerated, beyond enraged at the fact that I allowed yet another person to beat me down. My eyes drifted behind Roman's back and fell on her, her wide gaze was at the three unconscious men around her, the terror wrapped her up as she moved backward, ready to escape. I pushed myself away from Roman, ready to go after her but he held me and pulled me back, blocking my way.

My jaw tightened and I pushed at his arm, "Let me go, I will kill her!"

He tightened his hold around me, "Emma," He grated out, trying to guard me down. I angrily pushed him away from me but he didn't give up. I lifted my gaze to him, glaring and gritting my teeth, warning him or I will kill him too. He nodded his head, trying to assure me, "I will deal with this," He said before he let go of me and turned around to face her.

I didn't want to but I let him, even though I am not used to someone fighting my battles but at this moment, I felt drained, so drained, I didn't understand why...am I that out of practice? Is something happening to me? What has gotten into me that's making me so damn weak?

"What the hell has gotten into you?" Roman snapped as he reached her side, grabbing at her arm and stopping her from escaping. She was furiously pressing numbers over the phone, probably begging for daddy to get her out of here.

"Have you gone crazy? What the hell is all of this?" He snapped in pure rage and she lifted her eyes to him. Tears rushed down as she played the victim and the innocent, "She started it," She said, practically sobbing as she pointed at me, "She attacked me in the bathroom at the charity event, I didn't do anything to her!"

My fingers curled into the inside of my palm, ready to march forward and smash her face again, "After what, after you fed her lies about something that doesn't even exist between us!" Roman snapped, for some fucked up reason sticking to my side in this.

She sniffled as she gazed at him, the way she was looking at him alone burned at my chest, an inferno eating me alive, it tightened my stomach and uneasiness prickled under my skin. I was about to jump at her but stopped myself as I understood what's making me so weak lately.

My gaze fell on his back. Him. Caring for him is making me weak. Caring for that child got me hurt. Caring was always a fucking weakness, Isaac bred that into my brain and bones but it seems I forgot it somewhere on the way.

My gaze was on her only as she looked up at him in a way I will never be able to do, with such vulnerability I will never allow myself feel, with maybe that...love that I don't think myself capable of feeling.

"You said it was only temporary," She said, so weakly, "You said you will come back to me."

Against my better judgment, her words crushed my heart in their grip and I felt something I don't think I've ever felt before, especially when he didn't deny her words, only proving them right.

"I am a married man, understand that already and just stop coming after me," He said sternly, "And stay the hell away from my wife or next time," He hissed, "It will be your body on the ground, not theirs."

With that, he let her go and the doors opened on both sides, a few men rushed inside and toward her, coming to save the princess and take care of the mess on the floor. Roman ignored them all and walked closer to me, his hand curled over my arm as he pulled me out of the way and outside. I didn't object, too lost in my thoughts and trying to sort the mess of emotions pushing at my inside.

He led my way to the car and drove off, this night turning to be more awful that I anticipated. He turned on the heater but there was no need, I was already burning on the inside. His hand reached for mine but on involuntary, I pulled it away, unable to shake her words away.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yes," I mumbled, leaning my head against the window, reflecting my disinterest in making a conversation now.

When we reached home, I didn't wait for him. I got down and walked inside, rushing up to our room and hoping he would get the message and leave me alone till I calm down, scared if I opened my mouth, I will end up saying things I can't come back from.

I slammed the room's door shut behind me and dropped down at the bed's edge. I angrily threw my purse away and the need to break something pushed up against my muscles. A few seconds in and the door opened, Roman walked inside, a bit flustered at my actions.

I felt him get closer before he crouched down in front of me and his hand rested over mine, forcing me to face him. I looked up at his beautiful confused eyes and I wanted something I never wanted before. I wanted to be different. I wanted to be normal. I wanted to be good. I wanted to be someone he deserves. I wanted to so many things...

I let my eyelids glide down and kicked that thought away. No. No, just no, I can't let myself do that. I can't doubt myself, I can't care so much, I cant fucking weep. I just can't.

"Emma, what is it?" He said, his voice a low whisper as he soothingly rubbed his hand over my skin, trying to give me a safe place, somewhere where I can just tell him every fucked-up thing surging through my mind.

My jaw tightened and I shook my head, "I can't do this," I said, shaking it yet again as I retreated my hand back from his. I got up to my feet and he did the same, "I just can't, it...it won't work, you and I, we can never work."

The muscles of his jaw ticked, the anger at my behavior shifting his expression, "Where is this coming from now?" He kept his voice steady, not letting his anger control him.

My eyebrow raised, "I am not like them," I stated the obvious. I am not like his friend's wives, I am not like his ex-girlfriend. I am not normal. I was raised differently, taught differently. Normal was stolen from me and I am so beyond changing at this age now.

I never wanted to change even. Why the hell am I giving him this much power over me, why in god's name I want to change for him?!

What the hell is my fucking problem?

"Like who?" He asked, genuinely confused.

"Like your friend's wives, like that girlfriend of yours," I gritted my teeth, I wish I killed her, "Like the girl I was pretending to be all those years ago," The one he liked and probably loved. It's why he is still here with me, he thinks that girl is hidden in me somewhere. She is not. He wants her, not me. He can never love this me, the real me. He said it a hundred times before.

"I am not like them, Roman, I will never be like them," I added, "Don't ever expect me to...to iron your shirts and prepare you a meal after we fuck!" I took a low blow, I know, giving such a stupid example when what I meant was much bigger.

I will never give you the love you expect me to give. It's not who I am. I am not capable of it. This is what I wanted to say.

Roman shook his head, his jaw tightened even harder at the fact that I am ruining this already ruined night, "And I never asked you to be like them or anyone else for that matter," He shook his head, disappointed in me and my insecure thoughts, "I never asked you to change yourself, Emma, I really don't get where this is coming from."

"You know what," He added, the anger surging through each word, reaching his limit as well, "I am just sick of this...really, I am sick of being the only one fighting and working on this damn relationship."

He shook his head, "I am sick of the fact that you don't trust me!" He shot out, "And let's not forget that I am the one who should be having trust issues here not you, yet still, I keep giving you a chance and still, you manage to fucking ruin it every time."

I wanted to strangle him. Kill him. Punch him and his ugly handsome face at these stupid words. But all I could do is stand stunned as he slammed the door shut behind him and left.

I let out a loud groan of annoyance as my arm moved, pushing all that's over the counter to the ground. This motherfucking bitch. He will either force me to end him or he will end me.

Air harshly pushed in and out of my chest, bewildered as I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes darkened under the weight of my thoughts and I felt them...prickling in the back, waiting for me to release them but his voice kept echoing in my head. His voice is always in my head.

Weapons don't weep.

I pressed my eyes shut, pushing them back in and containing myself as I kept repeating that sentence in my head over and over again.


Natalie's POV

My gaze flickered from Sarah as she went on and on about next week's schedule and fell on Nikolas who just arrived and is standing by my office's door. He leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms over his chest as he gazed at me and when my eyes fell on his, he sent me a wink.

I couldn't stop my heart from fluttering as a big giddy smile pulled up at my lips. How the hell was my life before him? I don't seem to remember it at all.

"Natalie? Hey, Nate!" Sarah said, waving her hand in front my face and trying to grab my attention.

"Huh?" I mumbled in a haze, still occupied by the tall beautiful man at my door.

She turned her head, her eyes flickering to what was taking my attention and she gave me a knowing look, understanding, "I will email it to you," She said, winking at me, "Now how about you go and have fun, you had a long tiring day."

She picked up her files and bid me goodbye, asking me to drop by on the weekends before she headed out, greeting Nikolas, who nodded his head her way as she left. I pulled myself from the chair and Nikolas walked inside, coming near me.

"Hey," I said lazily, way too tired but seeing him is the best remedy.

His arm circled around my waist, pulling me closer before he leant down, pressing his lips against mine. I hummed, my eyelids dropping down as I savored him and his beautiful kisses that I cant get enough of. When he pulled away, "Hey," He said, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"You know, I could really get used to this," I mumbled, leaning into him, my temple pressing against his chest, letting him hold me as I enjoyed this way more than I should.

"You better get used to it," He mumbled, tightening his hold around my waist and I smiled at his usual grumpiness.

"You look tired," He added when I pulled away, his eyebrows pulling in worry as he gazed down at me, seeming too bothered at the fact.

I pouted and nodded, "I didn't get any break today," I mumbled, "And I couldn't sleep well last night, thanks to someone."

His eyebrow raised, "What did I do?"

I narrowed my eyes at him and he sighed, "Well, I kind of have a bad news, I know we agreed to spend the weekend together," He started to say, "But some work came up and I need to go to New York in the morning."

I pouted, not liking this at all, "Really?" Was I looking forward to spend every minute of my weekend with him? Yes, I so desperately was.

He nodded and lifted his hand up, tucking my hair behind my ear, "I know you are tired but...do you want to come with me?"

And just liked that, my mood flipped a hundred eighty degree, "Really?" I asked in excitement, my smile so big, "I never visited New York before," I added and his eyebrows pulled closer, "Never?"

I shrugged, "I told you I didn't travel out of here much, I always had other things to worry about," I explained. During university life, I had to study and work more than one job at times, the insurance covered part of my father's hospital bills but not all of them. I had to find an income source or else they would've thrown him out.

"I was planning to go for one day to take care of my work," Nikolas suggested, "But if you want, we can stay more and sail around a bit."

I nodded my head multiple times, liking the idea way too much, to the point that I didn't feel tired anymore. He smiled at my level of excitement before he pecked my lips ever so sweetly, apparently unable to get enough, is he still drunk? Not that I am complaining. I like touchy him more.

Later on, he dropped me at my place, stayed with me a bit before he had to leave for some reason he didn't explain. As usual. He kissed me goodnight after and said he will pick me up in the morning for our flight.

I closed the door behind him and let out a low sigh, wondering if I will ever know all that is going in his life; till when is he going to keep me at an arm's length?


Next day

Nikolas's POV

"So, what work do you have here?" Natalie asked as we got into the car, taking off from the airport and toward my destination.

The five-hour flight passed in a blink, mostly because she just never shuts up. It's both entertaining and annoying. I don't have the enough energy to indulge with her in every conversation but just seeing her talk and smile, always so excited about everything and energized, it stops me from ever complaining.

I let out a low sigh, "There is an asylum here that is kind of my responsibility," I answered, "And lately, I haven't been giving it much of my time," After I thought Isaac died, I had to take over the asylum, I had to manage things around but after all that has happened with me over the past year, I didn't have time, I've been throwing it on other people, and I know no one is doing their job the right way. The amount of calls I receive daily are enough proof that I need to show my face here and make sure that the lives in this place are being taken care of the correct way.

Not to mention, there is a little boy in here that is also my responsibility, and based on his doctor's reports, he is only getting worse by the day, not better.

When we reached, I parked the car and went down. I came to Natalie's side, my hand resting over her lower back, "You know I could've just dropped you off at the hotel," I stated, not understanding her will to join me here.

She looked ahead at the big building hidden behind the gate, "Are you kidding, this is like Disneyland for me," She said before her eyebrows pulled closer and she looked at me, "Wait, that sounded so wrong," She added guiltily and I smiled, she never thinks before she speaks, does she?

We headed toward the entrance, the guard lowered his head down in respect, "Good afternoon, sir," He said, before he moved aside, opening the gate and allowing us to pass. Natalie's gaze wandered around, astonished by her surroundings, "Can I work part-time for you? Is this place accepting applications?" She joked around.

She lifted her eyes toward me, her tone all teasing and playful, "That would indirectly make you my boss, right?" She said, a small smirk pulling one corner of her mouth, "Oh, our relationship would be scandalous, I like it."

I shook my head at her, unable to hold back my smile; how could she make me smile when my mind is occupied with a hundred different thing is beyond me.

Before we could enter the building, my gaze drifted to the playground at the back, falling into one person in specific from across the crowd.

"What?" Natalie asked, addressing why I suddenly stopped walking.

"There is someone here that I came to see," I said, heading there and pulling her along till I reached his side.

The rest of the kids were playing around, monitored by the staff and the nurses, expect him. He was sitting on one of the benches, all alone and just watching them play. My gaze fell down to his arms, he had the sleeves of his sweater pulled down, almost covering his small hands, purposely hiding something.

I moved closer to him, yet another guilt pressing over my chest. Mia said I can wipe that blood away but it seems impossible when so many lives got ruined under the impact of my wrong doings. I can never be able to wipe all that blood away. It's not possible.

I paused to a stop beside him and when he sensed the shadow hovering over, his gaze flickered up and met mine. A bit of shock swarmed his blue-grey eyes but he didn't say a word, instead he angrily looked away from me, his jaw tightening.

I let out a low breath, expecting this as I sat down beside him, "So, you don't want to talk to me?"

He crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head, looking at anything but me.

I playfully nudged his little arm with my elbow and he scooted away from me, building distance so I won't touch him. Natalie stared at us in pure confusion, trying to understand who this boy is and what's his relation to me.

Slowly, she is uncovering things I don't want her to discover, but it's almost inevitable.

I shook the thought away and focused on him. I rested my hand over his shoulder, forcing him to look at me. Hurt clouded his vision, "You promised me but you lied," He said, not shying away, "You said you will always come and see me, you said you will get me out of here," He shook his head, "But you don't care about me, you lied."

That looks of pure devastation is his eyes tightened my chest, "I didn't lie, I want to get you out of here," I added, meaning it, "Once your doctor tells me you're better, I will, I promise." He has to get better, I am in no way equipped to take care of him when his mind is weak. How can I? I'd ruin him more.

He looked away from me, his being still radiating with the same anger and hurt. He is a little bit too stubborn for a ten year old boy. Oh, but I do remember myself when I was in this place, I was beyond stubborn too.

Natalie inched closer to us, and even though she didn't understand a thing, she crouched in front of the boy, giving him her warmest smiles, always making the best of the worst situations.

"Hey," She said, so softly as she extended her hand, "My name is Natalie," She tilted her head to the side, gazing at him adoringly, "You are such a handsome little boy, what's your name?"

He looked hesitant at first as he gazed at her extended hand before he brought his forward, placing it in hers, "It's Christian," He mumbled, "But you can call me Chris."



So, I hope you liked the chapter!

What's your thoughts? On Emma and Roman? These crazy two xD
They took the bigger portion of this chapter for some reason. They are trying to steal the spotlight from Nik and Natalie I guess xD
But don't worry , drama and action are coming soon for these two...very soon xD

And oh, we saw baby Christian again lolxD

Anyways, see ya later, don't forget to leave your thoughts!

Love y'all!

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