The Fox Brothers

By Sovereign343

45.7K 1.6K 350

Demons. Monsters. Murderers. These are but a few words used to describe the Uzumaki brothers. But these wondr... More

Ch.1 The Uzumaki Brothers
Ch. 2 Konohamaru
Ch.3 Sakura
Ch.4 Survival Test
Ch.5 You Failed!
Ch.6 Sakura's Training
Ch.7 Journey to the Land of Waves
Ch.8 The Assassin of the Mist
Ch.9 The Oath of Pain
Ch.10 The Forest of Chakra
Ch.11 The Land Where a Hero Once Lived
Ch. 12 Zabuza Returns
Ch. 14 The Broken Seal
Ch.15 The Weapons Known as Shinobi
Ch. 16 The Chunin Exams!
Ch.17 Powerful New Rivals
Ch.18 Preliminarily Exams
Ch.19 Rock Lee vs. Sasuke

Ch.13 Haku's Secret Jutsu

1.3K 60 8
By Sovereign343

Kakashi, Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke, and Tazuna stood stoke still, staring down Zabuza and Haku. The rogue ninja returned the stares with ferocity.

"Well, well... it seems my prediction was right on the money." Kakashi said.

"Prediction?" Tazuna asked.

"That little mask... No matter how you look at her, she's gotta be a comrade of Zabuza. Standing together with him and all..." Kakashi said.

"And to think she was being awfully flirty with Uzumaki-Sensei." Sakura said, gritting her teeth.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Naruto asked.

"She was alone with Sensei in the forest. I even saw her kiss him. Probably playing with his emotions." Sakura explained.

"WHAT!?!" Naruto and Sasuke shouted.

"You think you can mess with our big brother and get away with it!" Sasuke yelled at Haku.

"We'll put you in the dirt for that!" Naruto yelled. Sasuke and Naruto glare daggers at Haku. But her expression remains unreadable due to her mask. Suddenly, Haku begins to spin on her heel towards the group. Sasuke rushes forward and blocks an attack from Haku's senbon needle with a Kunai.

"Sakura, Naruto, go help Sasuke. I'll protect Tazuna and keep an eye on Zabuza." Kakarot ordered.

Sakura and Naruto rush forward. Sasuke breaks the lock with Haku allowing Naruto to jump over him and aim a kick at Haku. She ducks under the kick but is quickly met by a punch from Sakura. Haku grabs Sakura's fist and throws her over her shoulder, but Sakura lands on her feet behind Haku.

"Attacking me all at once. A good tactic, but... it wont help you. None of you will be able to keep up with my speed." Haku said.

"You want to test that?" Sasuke smirked. Sasuke lunges at Haku. He goes for a stab with his Kunai, but Haku blocks it with a needle. Naruto comes at her from the side and attempts to kick her in the face, but she grabs his leg. This leaves Haku open as Sakura comes up from behind and kicks Haku in the back, send her forward into the air. Sasuke vanishes and quickly reappears in front of Haku and sends his foot into Haku's face knocking her across the bridge and landing at Zabuza's feet.

"I can't have you mocking our team, calling them brats. They may not look it, but these three are the best rookies of the Village Hidden in the Leaves. If you underestimate these three, you'll be in for a world of hurt." Kakashi said.

After Kakashi finishes his speech, Zabuza could be heard laughing from across the bridge.

"Haku, do you know what this means? At this rate, you'll be defeated by your intended victims..." Zabuza said. Haku rose to her feet and stared down the three young ninja. Blue streams of chakra could be seen emanating from her body.

"Its unfortunate..." Haku said, her voice low. A chill breeze suddenly came over the bridge. The air felt as though it had been frozen. Haku raised her hands into a strange hand sign. As she did this, all around Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura large sheets of ice began to form around them creating a dome of mirror like sheets of ice.

"Hidden Jutsu! Crystal Ice Mirrors!"

Haku stepped towards one of the mirrors and slowly phased into it, becoming one with the ice. After she had been fully engulfed in the mirror, her image began to appear on the others, mimicking her movements perfectly.

"What in the world?!" Sasuke shouted.

"Now then... I'll start... I shall show you... my true speed." Haku declared. The three young rookies are suddenly attacked from all sides by Senbon needles. The young ninja try to shield themselves from the attacks with their hands and arms, but it proves useless. Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura are cut and stabbed all over their bodies. Haku only relents in her attack when Zabuza is suddenly kicked in the face catching everyone's attention. With Haku distracted, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura collapsed to the ground bleeding and in pain.

"I was wondering... when big bro would show up." Naruto said with a laugh.

"He sure... took his time." Sasuke chuckled.

"Sorry I'm late everyone. But I had some things to take care of." Hanzo said. Zabuza groans as he gets to his feet. Zabuza glares at the one responsible for attacking him.

"So... you've finally arrived, Boiling Fox."

"That's right. And I'm going to show you why I have that name.... Kakashi, what did I miss?"

"That girl that was with Zabuza has Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura trapped in some sort of Jutsu over there." Kakashi said pointing to the ice mirriors. Hanzo looks over and sees the formation of ice mirrors.

"That's a strange Jutsu. I've never seen that before." Hanzo said.

"Indeed. Also, nice work Hanzo getting the jump on Zabuza like that." Kakashi praised.

"Enjoy it while it lasts, cause it wont happen again! Haku, kill the brats!" Zabuza ordered.

Haku continued her attack on Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura. The three young ninja screamed as they were relentlessly stabbed and cut deeply by her Senbon needles. From within the mirrors, in an attempt to attack Haku Sasuke uses his Fireball Justu in an attept to melt the ice mirrors, but it doenst do a thing. After Sasuke's failure, Haku continues her attack.

"This is a teleportation Justu that uses mirrors that can reflect only my image. Watching you from the speed I move, it almost seems as if you aren't moving at all..." Haku explains.

"I knew it!" Kakashi yelled. "Incredible! She's using a Kekkei Genkai?!"

"What's a Kekkei Genkai?" Tazuna asked.

"Its the same type as my Sharingan... deep blood ties... lineage of paranormal individuals... a type of Justu that is passed on only through those traits." Kakashi explains.

"The First Hokage of the Hidden Leaf had a Kekkei Genkai, even I have one. Kekkei Genkai are unique to a clan or individual, not even the Sharingan can copy these abilities." Hanzo elaborated more. From within the mirrors, the young ninja heard what the others said.

"No... way... I cant die here yet. Cause I have a dream that I must turn into reality... the dream that my strength, and the strength of my big brother will be recognized by everyone in the village... and become the Hokage!" Naruto declared defiantly. Haku stared at Naruto for a moment. She was lost in a memory of her childhood. When she returned from her past, she looked to the young ninja.

"For me, becoming a shinobi completely is difficult. If I can, I dont want to kill you... and I don't want to get killed by you... but if you are going to come at me... I'll kill my feelings with a sword and completely become a Shinobi. This bridge is the battleground that connects each of us to our dreams. I, for the sake of my dream. And you, for the sake of your dreams. Please dont hold it against me... I want to protect the person dear to me... I work for the sake of that person, I fight for that person, and I want to make that person's dream a reality... that is my dream. For the sake of the dream, I will completely become a Shinobi... and kill you!" Hearing the resolve in Haku's voice, the three young shinobi rose to their feet and smiled.

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