CONTROL - Yan!Dream x Reader

By masks_of_many

21.2K 836 385

Y/n, a hermit who lives in a cabin in the woods, lived a calm and quiet life, until one day, they hear a comm... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
A Message (6/30/22)
Response to Message (8/14/22)

Ch. 7

1.6K 73 59
By masks_of_many

(Ayyyyy music :3)


 Snow cakes the land within and beyond the forest. A cold, brisk breeze blowing harshly against the forest trees. Weeks have passed since the hermit's encounter with the king, and winter came faster than they had hoped.

Two days ago, a letter made its way to Y/n's door. How? Who knows.

 It was from Sapnap, informing them that the tech finished the commission he ordered for them as a thanks for their assistance, saying that it was ready for inspection and pickup. Thing was...the snow was deep, difficult to travel through. Even Reiner didn't want to go out.

 Sure, there wasn't a blizzard, but it was close. The harsh winds could knock them down with ease.

Normal people would wait for the storm to pass, but Y/n couldn't wait that long. This heavy storm has lasted for over a week. Food was running low. And with two mouths to feed, they couldn't wait any longer. They had to leave now before an actual blizzard comes.

 Y/n, wearing attire suitable for the harsh weather, stood on their porch, packing necessities on their sled. Tying down their bags of supplies, they also set up a blanket area. Not only for them to sleep on, but also for Reiner to lie on as well during their travels.

Yes, Reiner is going with them. They weren't going to leave him alone, in the freezing cold, alone, and with little food. The storm could get worse, closing Reiner inside with no way out, and Y/n wasn't going to risk that.

 Y/n went to the door, opening it to look at Reiner, who was lying on his makeshift bed near the unlit fireplace. They pull their scarf down that covered their nose and mouth, calling out to the wolf. "Reiner, come on!"

The wolf let out a whine, hiding his face in the blanket. Y/n sighs, shaking their head. "I'm not going to leave you here, dude. Come on, there's a bed waiting for you. You don't have to walk."

 With a huff, he gets up, walking out to the sled and lying down on the newly makeshift bed. Y/n closed and locked the front door, pulling their scarf over their nose once more. Walking over to the sled, they grabbed onto the rope that was in front of it and began trenching through the storm, dragging the sled behind them.


 Nightfall arrived quicker than usual, which Y/n expected. The days are shorter during the cold months.

 Y/n quickly made a fireplace and cooked some food for them and Reiner before bedding down for the night, bundling up in the thick blankets. Plus, a large wolf by their side.

When morning came, they begrudgingly got back up and continued on their journey. The trip, approximately, would take at least a week, especially with this weather.

If the storm got worse, would take longer. Oh boy...

 The next few days played the same: walk, hunt, eat, sleep, repeat. Thankfully, the weather hasn't gotten worse, but not better.

"Someone must be upset," they muttered to themself, staring at the grey sky. They didn't worship any deity, but that didn't mean they didn't believe in them.

There were five deities that were well known throughout the lands, but that doesn't mean they're the only ones who held a form of power.

 The God of Justice, the Blood God, is well known amongst groups building a revolution, anyone who wishes to put the truth in the light.

It is also believed to to be more of an evil cult than for good, merely because of their name and catchphrase, along with the chaos that it commonly brings to many settlements.

 Another well known deity was the Prime God, the deity of wealth and generosity.

This deity is normally seen worshipped by merchants and shelters. Temples that worship this deity are usually known for giving to the people. Good, shelter, money, they do their best to help those in need.

 The Totem God, the god of the undying and architecture, was well known amongst warriors and builders.

Warriors would worship this god in hopes of survival when in battle, so they could live another day to see their loved ones, or to still have a future to live out.

Builders worship him for good luck and stability. Many followers of this god have stated that their builds stand with great support, despite not having anything to support it, keeping it from falling down.

 The Goddess of Death is by far one of the most well known deities. As her name states, she is the goddess of death, but she is also the goddess of rebirth.

She is commonly worshiped among cemeteries, to make sure the dead rest peacefully, and in medical wards. It may seem strange, being worshiped at a medical ward, a place for healing, but there's a reason.

When someone dies, she leads them into the afterlife, them often becoming a part of her flock of crows (or murder). However, if she feels that the person she is leading deserves another chance, she will either grant them their current life back or a chance to be reborn.

Of course, she is not always there for every person. Very few brought back to life can even say they've met Death herself. Most people will commonly be led by one or two of her crows, who lead them to the afterlife unless told otherwise.

 Finally, but certainly not least, is the Guardian God, god of order and creation. Or, better known as, XD.

He, along with Death, are known to be the most powerful deities, as well as the most popular.

XD is commonly worshiped by rulers, military, and those with creative minds. He is more known for being the god of order than creation however, merely because places of higher power preach it nearly any chance they could get. Some started to think XD was a god of power, merely because of how most worshippers act.

That, of course, is not the case. His main job is to protect the realms, but not get involved with mortal matters. If he does, however, it usually means other gods are involved.

As stated before, they are not the only deities that exist. Just the well known ones.

 There is a god, commonly worshipped by witches and druids, that protects nature. He, however, gets quite sensitive.

When it's spring, they are commonly known to be happy and giving. In summer, he is heated and selfish. In autumn, they are calm and collected, and in winter, he becomes stoic and reclusive.

 You see, they have different forms of personalities that take over for different seasons. Right now, Suicul is in control, for the winter, and he is pissed.

Blizzards usually occur when he is enraged, which is rare, but since it's not a full fledged blizzard yet...he's seething with anger and trying not to retaliate. That's what Y/n assumes anyways.

Knowing him, he probably got pranked by the deity of chaos, Drista. Also known as the Trickster Goddess of mischief and wonders.

Suicul, unlike the other three seasons, doesn't like tricks or pranks. Usually, he'll just ignore them (according to stories), trying to find a quiet place to rest. However, it seems he may have been pranked and making him upset...

That must be why the weather is so bad. Hopefully it won't get worse, but only time will tell.


 On the sixth day of travel was when Y/n was finally able to see the city walls, the Kingdom of Somnium.

Filled with excitement of finally teaching their destination, they started picking up their pace, but quickly paused when reaching a steep slope they'd have to go down.

An idea popped into their head as they got into the sled Reiner and their stuff was on and slid to the bottom of the hill in mere seconds.

Due to momentum, they slid several feet past the hill before sliding to a stop and returning to their walk towards the gate, which was just a small walk away from where they were.


1361 words

Haha, another chapter! A more chill one, but it aight, right?
Lol, get it?
Chill? Hah, I'm so funny.
Also, like...there's so many of you? I think? WHY? AAAAAA-

Anyways, to give credit where credit is due, some information was used/inspired by PrimordialArchon on Reddit!

I did not use all of it of course and did do some of my own stuff with a few, but this was the main inspiration to come up with information for the deities.

I was looking up what deities there were and what information I could get (mainly for Mumza/Death since I didn't want to be too far from what people have imagined her as), as well as taking some creative liberties. :)

Sorry for the bad writing huhfisdu
Remember to hydrate! And take care of yourself pls! <3

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