Ch. 11

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 Sapnap taps his foot against the powdered stone, standing outside of the Rose's Thorn with his arms crossed, brows furrowed in thought. The events of last night stirred in his mind; the glowing eyes, the sudden was all so strange, but they were both connected to one thing.


It reminded him during the time Dream was half-conscious while recovering. He'd mumble in his sleep, as if something was speaking to him. Like he was fighting something. He brushed it off as nightmares, but thinking back on might've been something else.

And during their entire visit with the hermit, he saw how Dream looked at them, and George seemed to have noticed as well. Dream's eyes glowed, and it always happened whenever Y/n spoke and his attention was on them. Almost like...

Almost like something was drawn to them.

 Sapnap's eyes opened wide in realization. He knew that Dream had the tendency to want things he became obsessed with, but people? This was all new to him, but...what mainly concerned him was his eyes, how they glowed. Maybe Grian has an answer...


Subpoena snapped his attention forward, seeing the hermit in question stand before him, dressed in their warm layers. Reiner was nowhere in sight, but he knows that the wolf was brought into the care center inside the Rose's Thorn, so he'll be well taken care of. "Hey," Sapnap exclaims, showing a smile on his face as he uncrosses his arms to put his hands on his hip. "Ready to go?"

 Y/n nods and begins walking with Sapnap, heading towards the town square. It's quiet for a moment until Sapnap decides to speak up. "Anywhere you want to go first?"

Y/n hummed for a moment before giving a nod. "I'd like to go to that merchant's tent. I believe you said it was owned by Grian?"

Sapnap silently cheered in his head as he gave a curt nod. "Yep! It's just this way," he states, leading the way towards the square. Just off to the side, as Grian's usual spot, lies Grian's Magical Wares. While not all of his trinkets may be magical, they're all items obtained through his travels around the world, and things he made himself.

 Pushing the tent's entrance to the side, Sapnap let the hermit enter first before going inside himself, immediately feeling the warm air the tent provided. The tent itself has enchantments threaded into its cloth, allowing it to be warm as a nice summer day on the inside while it can be freezing cold on the outside.

It's a narrow entrance, the two immediately being squawked at by a blue macaw sitting on a perch next to them, boxes and crates stacked all around. Thankfully, it wasn't towered too high, allowing his head to peek over to see the rest of the shop. It was a mess, for sure, but at least there was a way to get through.

 While Sapnap was busy searching for the blonde male, Y/n took the time to look at the things surrounding them. There were toys and trinkets stringed on the tent's roof, along with stars that gave a warm glow; birds that flew here and there to different perches on ledges at various heights, along with crates that contained all kinds of stuff, ranging from rolls of cloth to potions, to even various styles of weaponry. Some were made with Elven craftsmanship, while others were made by the sentient creatures that lived in the depths below. It's a place of wonder, as people of all ages could enter and find at least one thing for themselves.

As they made their way around the maze of trinkets, a head of fluffy blonde hair caught the eyes of Sapnap, to which Sapnap raised a hand and shouted for his attention, causing the blonde to jump a bit and stand straight up. He looked over before grinning once he spotted Sapnap. "Hey! There you are!"

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