Response to Message (8/14/22)

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So, I apologize for the two month wait, but I now have a response to the message I posted previously.

(Also, enjoy this animatic, I think it's really cool (and I may use some of its images as thumbnails for future stories, who knows .w.))

I will still be adding Technoblade into my stories. Note that if he is and nothing is specified about his relationship with the reader character, it is most likely a platonic relationship, or an ambiguous one, where the reader can interpret it however they'd like.

I respect those that wish to discontinue their creations that relate to Technoblade or to stop adding him into their content, however, I do not wish to do the same. Technoblade never dies, and I wish to continue his legacy and existence in the stories I'll create.

If he IS a romantic interest and is intended to be viewed in that light in any story I may write, it will be stated in the description of the story AND in the beginning chapter, or in the chapter he may appear in if I choose him to be an interest. However, I've never viewed him, both as the character and as a person, in a romantic light, so it is very unlikely I'll be doing that.

Again, I do apologize for the long wait for these chapters, I've been struggling to continue the chapters due to being busy with other things. I DO NOT PLAN TO HAVE THESE DISCONTINUED! I do not wish to do that, and I do like this story. Am I improvising? Yes, and that much harder than writing out a planned story. I literally have no idea what I'm doing sdgihsdigd

The chapters are in the works, and due to my long silence, I'll be throwing so many chapters into your faces. It's been, what, 8 months? 8 chapters then! Per story!

Or, well...three chapters first, but I'll get more to throw at ya. I want to give you enough content to make up for my absence!

Also, I'M SO FREAKING UPSET THAT THE MUSIC I POSTED FOR THE CHAPTERS GOT REMOVED, I REALLY LIKED THOSE SONGS. I'm not gonna do that anymore, it just...kinda takes up space ->-

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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