Ch. 1

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(some nice background sounds for the story :3) 

It was a peaceful morning. The aftermath of a nice rainstorm fills the air, dew drops decorating nature's plants it touched, along with the cool damp air filling their lungs; it was comfortable.

Y/n, a young adult hermit who lives in a small cabin, was relaxing on the steps of their porch. The wind calmly ruffled their loose clothing as they sat there, a nice warm drink wrapped in their hands that contrasted the cool weather.

They lived a calm life, as long as you ignore the hostile mobs that wander into the area. Not having to deal with the hustling energy of the cities was something Y/n greatly appreciated.

They were glad they moved there. They were also glad they knew how to fight and hunt; they even knew a little bit of gardening.

As they sat there, they thought about how the nearby kingdoms were fairing. Probably at each other's throats, they thought. They never did get along well.

In the middle of their thoughts, they heard a bark. Not just any bark, but their pet wolf. Reiner.

The big boy came running up to them, their light fur pallet being ruffled by the wind's petting. He lies down by their feet, ready to go at any moment they move.

They smile and pat his head.

Ever since they moved here and met each other, Reiner has never left their side. Whether they were out gardening, hunting, or cooking, he would be there.

Looking at the trees, they noticed that the leaves were beginning to change color. "Autumn must be approaching," they mumbled. "We should get you a room inside."

Finishing their warm drink, they got up and walked inside, Reiner following suit.

Quickly after rinsing their cup, they went out to the shack out back, taking out the bedding in Reiner's makeshift dog house. Bringing it inside, they sat it up by the fireplace, making sure it wasn't too close. Since it'll be getting cold, the autumn being colder than one would usually think, they thought Reiner would like being near some heat.

As they were adjusting things in the living room, they heard some shouting in the distance. Confused, they quickly stepped outside to see where it was coming from.

No one comes out here, they thought. Perhaps they were lost?

Curious, they made their way towards the shouting, which slowly turned into...laughter?

They relaxed a bit, but still kept their guard up. Reiner, on the other hand, was on edge. He wasn't used to anyone but Y/n, so hearing other people didn't sit right with him.

When the voices were getting louder, Y/n began to move quietly, Reiner suit. Not wanting to be spotted, they moved from tree to tree until they got a clear view of the campsite.

From the looks of it, it was still being set up, the main tent being quite larger than usual.

Around the area were guards, but not just any guards.

"Royal guards," they whispered.

Looking at the occupied clearing, it's now apparent that someone of high status was visiting the area. Why? Were they taking a trip to relax? Highly unlikely, there are too many soldiers for that to be the case. There had to be a reason for their visit to an area that's labeled as "The Lost Woods".

"I shouldn't get involved", they mumbled.

They turn around to leave, only to be blocked by someone in armor. Looking up, they can see a male with raven hair with a white bandana and slightly pointed ears, their eyes glaring at them like a raging flame.

CONTROL - Yan!Dream x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum