Cinnamon Goes Best

By destielimpala6767

513 10 7

*Coffee Shop Destiel AU* *COMPLETED* Castiel Novak works at a coffee shop when one day a mysterious, green ey... More

Chapter 2 - What Do I Do??
Chapter 3 - The Date
Chapter 4 - Business As Usual
Chapter 5 - Today Was Different
Chapter 6 - Why?
Chapter 7 - I Like You
Chapter 8 - The First Shoe
Chapter 9 - HE
Chapter 10 - Son of a Bitch!

Chapter 1 - Who's That Guy?

122 1 2
By destielimpala6767

Castiel Novak was an ordinary guy that nothing interesting ever happened to...or so he thought

December 1

"Welcome to Coffee from Heaven, where the coffee tastes heavenly, what can I get for you?" Castiel asked almost automatically when the door opened with that little noise the bell makes "I will get a handsome man with blue eyes and black hair"

"Haha very funny Charlie" Castiel rolled his eyes at his weird little red headed friend "you know you love me" Charlie smiled up at Castiel, kissing him on the cheek as she put on her work apron

"Unfortunately I do" "where's Kevin? I thought he had a shift this morning?" "He called in sick, again. Just because his mom is the owner of the building" Castiel sighed thinking about their lazy coworkers "you should take a break Cas, I'm the one that came in an hour late, you had to deal with a lot of people already" she looked out into the small-ish cafe where there were already people seated around drinking coffee and eating muffins

"If you say so, I'll just be in the back" "okie dokie bitch" she whispered the last part, their boss already gave her a warning about swearing, Castiel walked into the back room, before shutting the door he heard the door bell and Charlie saying their line, indicating that somebody came in

The back room functioned as their boss's office but Hannah never really came into work anyway so the workers used it as a break room seeing as it had a small, brown, couch in it already

There was a knock on the door "Cas?" Charlie whispered "what Charlie?" She opened the door "I have a question about our food..." her eyes darted towards the front area "what's wrong with our food?" "Well, a customer has a question that I'm not sure how to answer" "okay, okay" Cas sighed once again, he walked down the small hallway leading into the front area, Charlie following right behind him the whole time

"Hello sir, how may I help you?" Castiel asked the customer standing in front of the counter but he froze when he seen his eyes, they were perfect, a beautiful emerald yet forest green, the mans lips were full and pink, not a crack to be seen in them, his freckles very prominent in this lighting against his tan skin, dark blonde hair spiked almost like a hedgehog but softer looking

"I was just wondering if you guys have pie?" The man's voice was deep and when he spoke his eyebrows slightly raised, his face softened as if he was sorry for even asking that question

"Why yes we do, there is cherry, apple, pumpkin, pecan and banana cream" Castiel answered attempting to keep his cool

"I'll take a slice of apple and a slice of cherry to go please" the man smiled, his perfectly straight, white teeth shined and sparkled almost like how they would in a movie

"Alrighty, anything else?" "Two medium black coffees" he smiled at Castiel again "coming right up" he smiled back

The second one is probably for his girlfriend

"You know, I find when I want some flavour in my coffee, cinnamon goes best" Castiel told the man as he put the pie into to-go boxes

"I'll have to try that one day, remind me next time I come in" the man said as he took the pies and coffee, giving Castiel the crumpled up money "keep the change" he winked at Castiel then he walked right out the door, making the little bell go off

"Charlie!" "Yes Cas?" "You obviously know that we have pie" Castiel said to his best friend in his pretty bad interrogation voice "so why did you do that?" "He asked, his tone rising "because Cas, you deserve all the hot guys in the world and how else will you meet more of them if you hide in the back all of the time?" Cas rolled his eyes at Charlie for the second time within 20 minutes "you told me to go back there!" "And then I told you to come and flirt with the hot guy and it worked, he'll be back!" she clapped her hands while jumping up and down, her red curls bouncing with her, causing some people to give her some strange looks in the cafe and even some walking past on the street

"Okay okay, settle down, we'll see if he does come back" Castiel stopped her from jumping "he will!! I just know it" she hugged Castiel but then the door bell jingled

"Welcome to Coffee from Heaven, where the coffee's heavenly, what can I get you" Castiel smiled but soon realized it was just his annoying little brother "that never gets old" the short, golden haired boy laughed at his brother "I know right" Charlie fist bumped the boy "shut up you two and let me do my damn job" Castiel said trying to hold back a smile at his ridiculous co worker and brother "sorry Cassie, can I get a large pumpkin spice latte with a sprinkled donut?" "Yes to the donut but no to the latte" "whyyyyy, I love those things" "Gabriel, those are seasonal" "but I'm your brother" Gabriel whined "I can't do anything about it" Castiel shrugged "fine, I'll get a chocolate hazelnut latte" "that I can get you"

For the rest of the day Castiel went through his job as usual but it wasn't normal, he couldn't get that gorgeous green eyed man out of his head, he wondered if he would see him tomorrow

Castiel returned home, he lived in a small apartment, it wasn't much but it was all he could afford with his menial job at the coffee shop

He stopped to pet his cat "Crowley" "how was your day little devil?" He stopped to ask the black cat, all he received in response was a meow but that was nothing new

He threw his keys on the counter and walked to his bedroom, taking off his clothes and changing into his pajamas, Crowley joined him in his bed, both falling asleep, Castiel wondering what would happen tomorrow, if the green eyed man would return

December 2

Castiel had already been at work for an hour, no sign of the green eyed man yet, Kevin finally came into work for once but mainly because he needed to cover Charlie's shift, she had an "emergency" but they knew that just meant she was hungover

"Welcome to Coffee from Heaven, where the coffee's heavenly, what can I get you?" Kevin said faking a smile, Castiel quickly looked up to see the green eyed man "two medium coffees, with cinnamon and some apple pie" he smiled at Kevin but winked at Castiel

"So I see you met Cas already" Kevin said taking the apple pie out of its case, not even looking up at the green eyed man "Cas?" He asked, his nickname in that deep voice making Castiel shiver "yeah, he's always going on about how much better coffee is with cinnamon in it and how he wants to start brewing the coffee with hints of cinnamon" Kevin gestured to Castiel

"So that's your name" a smirk rose on the green eyed mans face as he made eye contact with Castiel "actually it's Castiel, my friends call me Cas because they're too lazy to say the full thing" Castiel laughed "Castiel, I like it" he smiled at him

Kevin put the pie and coffees down on the counter, the green eyed man threw down the same amount of money as yesterday and walked out, flashing a toothy grin at Castiel before leaving

"Someone likes you, how do you do it Cas?" Kevin asked with a confused look on his face "don't be jealous Han Solo just cause girls don't fall at your feet the second they lay eyes on you" Castiel gave Kevin an evil smile "come on man, what's your secret, you got hot girls and guys flirting with you everyday, you gotta leave some for me and Charlie" "I don't make the rules, besides, I'm gay so the women do nothing to me except for boost my confidence" Castiel shrugged "it's not fair" Kevin stomped off to the back room, probably to play some game on his phone

Castiel couldn't hold back his smile, he realized what Kevin was saying is true, everyone hits on him but he couldn't see why, he was just some skinny guy in his mid 20s with a mess of black hair, nothing special, his mom always told him the opposite but she's a mom, that's what she was supposed to do oh well

Once again after work, Castiel returned home to Crowley, this time they fell asleep on the couch watching some random movie on the tv

December 3

Today Gabriel was working at the coffee shop, he didn't always but if he needed some extra money and nobody else was going to show, Hannah allowed him to come by over the weekends or whenever he wasn't busy with school

"Cassieeee! I hate senior year" he complained to his big brother "I know Gabe, but you're plenty smart, you'll be done in no time" Castiel reassured him "easy for you to say, you were the golden child, why can't you move back home? You could help me with my homework" "how about this, when you graduate, you can move in with me and Crowley" "I'll consider the offer" Gabriel said jumping up onto the counter, popping a sucker into his mouth

The door bell chimed right on time "welcome to Coffee from Heaven, where the coffee's heavenly, what can I get for you?" Castiel said with a large smile as his favourite customer walked in but a minute after, a very tall handsome man walked in

This guy was taller than the green eyed man but looked younger, his dark brown hair bordering on long, his eyes green but not as bright as the other's, he had a shy smile on his face as he cowered slightly behind the green eyed man

"Two medium coffees with cinnamon, and some apple pie" the green eyed man smiled at Castiel as he placed his order

"Gabe, get the apple pie please" Castiel told his younger brother that was currently zoned into his phone and whatever game he was playing "fineee" he shut his phone off, jumping off the counter, when he turned around and seen the two men his face fell

"It'll be just a minute" he smiled nervously which confused Castiel, his little brother was never nervous

After a few minutes of nervous stumbling, Gabriel managed to get the apple pie into the to-go boxes "here you go" he placed the pie gently on the counter

Like clockwork, the green eyed man threw money into the counter "keep the change" he winked at Castiel but this time he went to hand the taller guy one of the coffees and a slice of pie, when he didn't take it, the green eyed man mumbled "bitch" and almost like a reflex, the taller man mumbled "jerk" while slightly shoving the shorter

When they walked out Castiel turned to Gabriel "what the hell was that" he smacked his little brother on the side of the head "do you know who that was!?!" He said, the words coming out louder than he meant in the empty cafe "no?" Castiel tilted his head

"That was Sam Winchester!!! He's only the most wanted guy at my school, the girls and the gays all want him, even some of the straight guys which is surprising since he doesn't play sports and is a total introvert and he just moved here last month but I swear to god Cassie, have you seen him in here before?!?" Gabriel finished his rant "no, that was the first time, who was that he was with?" Castiel asked feeling the blush creep up his face as he thought about the green eyed man

"That's his older brother, not sure what his name is but he picks him up from school everyday in a really badass, classic car, I've only heard rumours but people say they live a life on the run, that they never settle down in one place for too long" "oh wow.." Castiel's stomach turned at the thought of suddenly not seeing the green eyed man anymore

What if he leaves...?

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