When He First Realized

By MultiPassions

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Many people say that Portwell felt rushed from the start but in all reality it was sparked way before Season... More

His First Glance
More Realizations
Reality Kicks In
Bringing Her Home
Something In The Air Pt 1
Authors Note
Something In The Air Pt 2
New Year, New Relationships?
What If?
Weekend Getaway
First Read Through
Valentines Day Fluke
Payback 2.0
Carlos' Celebration
Not Meant To Be
Showtime Pt 1
Showtime Pt 2

Many More Tests

565 10 4
By MultiPassions

It's Spring Break and as much as they wanted to be together, Gina is going to see her mom and Ej will be spending time with his dad who is in another state right now. This will be the first time they've been away since they got together. Who will they encounter while gone?

Gina's POV

Well it's spring break and the last thing I was expecting was for my mom to text me and tell me that she has some free time over there and she's able to spend time with me. I've missed my mom a lot since Christmas , I just also wanted to have quality time with Ej as well but this is an opportunity I'm not about to miss and I know he's going to understand. It's really about to be the first time I've been away from my boy since we've been together, this should be really interesting but at least I'll have someone waiting on me for when I get back. I've never had that before so this is another new feeling. Guess it's time to go and tell him the news, I know it'll go well though.

Gina gets up from her bed to go and find Ej, she looks in his room and he wasn't there but then she heard clanging in the kitchen and that's where she found him making pancakes. That's the one thing he can trust himself with when it comes to cooking. Gina let's him get away from the hot stove before she jumps on his back to try and scare him.

Gina: Surprise!

Ej: You think you're slick but I heard you coming down the stairs, but I will say you were the cutest scare ever and thanks for trying.

Gina: *she gets off his back and attacks him with kisses* bet you didn't see that coming.

Ej: You're not wrong about that, now that was a nice surprise *he smirks*. Pancakes are almost ready, I feel pretty confident about these and while we're eating I have to tell you something.

Gina: Well that's good because I have to tell you something as well.

Ej makes the last of the pancakes while Gina sets up the little table they eat at every morning. She sets the plates with the glasses and pours milk in each glass. Ej comes with the pancakes, they say their prayers then they dig in.

Gina: So is everything okay?

Ej: I guess you could say that, what I'm about to say is something that's never happened before.

Gina: Ok shoot.

Ej: So my dad has this business trip coming up, it's all the way in New York and he told me that they overbooked him meaning he would have extra days to himself and he told me that he wanted me to come with him so we could get some time in together to make up for lost time and talk about some things. Considering how spring break has just started it happened at the perfect time but that means that I wouldn't be here with you. I want to go but I'm worried about leaving you here by yourself, I know we have our friends but what about at night?

Gina: Well lucky for you Ej I was going to talk to you about a similar situation. My mom told me she has some spare time of her own and she would like for me to come and stay with her during spring break so I guess this works out perfectly. I was just about to tell you the same news.

Ej: Wow really? That's amazing G, I know it's been awhile since you've seen her and I know you miss her. This will be great for the two of you.

Gina: Same for you and your dad, I'm glad he reached out to you for this because I know things have been tense but seems like he want to make amends with you and that's awesome.

Ej: Have you bought your ticket yet?

Gina: Not yet, wanted to talk to you first. I mean was I going to go regardless, but it's still worth talking to you about it of course.

Ej: Well looks like we can buy our tickets together and hopefully leave on the same day too. I still don't want to leave you alone, even for a day.

Gina: Awwww you're so cute when you're protective.

Ej: I try I try *they laugh*.

Gina: My mom told me she wants me to leave on Monday, what did you dad tell you?

Ej: He said we leave on a Monday as well so it seems like everything lines up perfectly. Let's go buy our tickets and pack our things, let's hope we don't get sidetracked.

Gina: Teens are born to get sidetracked but we got this, we always do.

They finish eating and then they decided to clean up the kitchen. Pancakes were great but the making process was very messy which was okay because they liked doing things together even if they were not fun to other people. After they got done cleaning they went to their separate rooms to start packing but they left their doors open so they could shout to each other when needed and so they could both enjoy Gina's banger playlist. While they were packing, it ended up turning into a little fashion show because Gina kept finding old clothes she hadn't worn in awhile and started modeling them for Ej. Of course he was the best hype man ever but by doing this, it made the process longer but it was worth it. They always enjoy these small moments together. After awhile they were done, all that was left was to pack their necessities which will happen the day they actually leave. Now they have the rest of their weekend to relax to themselves and enjoy their company because for the next week, they will be apart for the first time.


It's 5am and they both needed to get ready for their flights, Ej was the first to wake up so he went into Gina's room to wake her up. He always knows the best way to do it. He gets down on his knees to get on her level and kisses her forehead, then cheeks, then lastly her lips. He was about to pull away but he felt Gina's arms wrap around his neck and that was when he knew he had her hooked. He pulls away and then looked at her.

Gina: I'm going to miss being woken up like that *she whines*.

Ej: I'm going to miss doing that, believe me.

Gina: Okay well let's get ready, don't want to leave your dad waiting on us cause we're late.

Ej: Got that right, this is still a business trip for me at least *they laugh*.

Ej leaves Gina's room and they start to get ready. The first day will be very chill for her since she would just be spending time with her mom but Ej on the other hand had to dress nice since he would still be meeting his father's business colleagues. Since she didn't want to feel left out, she picked out something nice but comfortable so she didn't look like a total bum standing next to the Caswell boys. They packed up the rest of their things and headed out the door, they had no time to waste. Their ride was already there and since it was still early in the morning, no talking happened which was fine with all of them.

At The Airport

Gina's flight leaves a bit early compared to Ej's so it will sadly be Ej having to watch her leave and he doesn't think he's ready for that.

Ej: I wish I didn't have to watch you leave first but at the same time I'm glad I don't have to leave you here alone, my feelings are being so weird right now.

Gina: I get those feelings, I didn't want to leave first either. I'm going to miss you *she puts her arms around his waist and puts her head on his shoulders*.

Ej: *his arms go around her neck but he then cups her face so she's looking up at him* I'm going to miss you too *they are both tearing up but one tear falls from Gina's eye and then he wipes it away with his thumb* but we can do this, we can do anything through the love that we share.

Gina: You've always been so wise and I love it *they laugh*.

Ej: I learn from the best *they smile*.

Over The Intercom

"Would all passengers traveling to New Orleans on flight NO0522 please have your boarding passes ready for boarding. Flight NO0522 now boarding at gate 22"

Gina: And that's my cue *she wipes her eyes*.

Ej: Have a safe flight babe, I promise the next time you see me it will be right here in this airport bringing you home. Text me the moment you get there safely please. I love you so much *he hugs her and then kisses her*.

Gina: *she kisses back* I love you too Ej. And you do the same for when you land. I'll be counting down the days until I see you again.

They pull away from the hug and she slowly pulls away leaving their hands to last thing to part ways as she walks towards her gate. She looks back one last time, waves, then walks into her gate. Ej tears up while watching but his dad comes and pats him on the back.

Cash: It will be okay son, I know those feeling well too. Whenever I left your mom to go on all these business trips and vice versa. It gets easier with time I can promise you that.

Ej: Thanks dad.

Over The Intercom

Would all passengers traveling to New York on flight NO4462 please have your boarding passes ready for boarding. Flight NO4462 now boarding at gate 62

Cash: That's us son, can you feel the bond cause I do already and I love the feeling.

Ej: I do too dad, glad you feel it as well.

The Caswell's go and board their flight. Ej would like to nap, it is a whole four hour flight after all but he couldn't nap knowing that his girl wasn't safe and sound yet and the same thing applied for Gina. She was a good 30 minutes in her flight and the only thing she wanted to do was text Ej but she knew devices only made the plane conditions worse so she chose to stay off of hers even if other people were on theirs.

Gina Lands

Her flight was finally over, she got off her plane and went through the gate and there she was. Her mother holding up the biggest sign she could carry with Gina's name on it. Gina rushed over and gave her mom the biggest hug ever. It was at that moment all of her worries had washed away.

Terri: There's my pride and joy, how was your flight baby?

Gina: It was good mommy, I just was thinking the whole time.

Terri: That's good baby, how is my boy doing?

Gina: *shocked she called Ej her boy* he's doing just fine. What did you call him?

Terri: That's my boy, after what he did for me and to make you so happy, he's very important to me as well.

Gina: That makes me happy to hear mommy.

Terri: I'm glad it does, now come on I can't wait to show you my new place. It's much bigger compared to the other stuff they've provided us with in the past, I think you're going to like it a lot. It even comes with a view!

Gina: Wow, of course this would happen the one time I'm not there to enjoy it *they laugh*.

Terri: Weird how things work out that way.

Gina: Well I'm very excited for this. Now I need to text Eej and let him know that I made it here safely.

Terri: Awwww did he tell you to do that?

Gina: Yes he did *she smiles*.

Terri: That's my boy.

With Ej

He looks at his phone and sees that Gina texted and he immediately smiles. He's glad to know that she's safe. They still have a little under an hour before they land. He doesn't text her back because he knows how she is about turbulence and she wouldn't want him on his phone while in the air so he goes back to his thinking for the next hour. Next thing he knew, they had landed.

Cash: Hey son, snap out of it. We're here in New York, I would've sang that like Alicia Keys if it wasn't for the fact that we are in front of people *they laugh*.

Ej: Great now I can let G know I'm safe.

They get off the plane and they see the sophisticated but boring sign Cash's colleagues had made for the two of them and they go and greet them. They did a formal handshake of course and led them to the rental car they were going to be driving. Everything was paid for since a mistake was made so they were going to take advantage of everything they could while there. They get in the car and drive to the house they were going to be staying at. It was a huge mansion with a big front and backyard. Along with a pool and it's closed off to the public with good security features.

Ej: Wow, we're going to be staying there!?

Cash: Yes we are son. It's their way of saying "sorry for making you stay longer so we might as well treat you for our mistake". Don't let that get to your head though, not many people are that generous so don't expect this with every mistake. But yes this place has everything for out pleasuring needs. Don't worry though, we will still go out and explore New York once we have had all the fun with the whole house.

Harold: Oh and to add onto your accommodations there is also a lovely servant who will be in the house as well. I have already let her know where to set up so you guys can go and meet her and then start working her to death.

Ej: I don't know about all of that but having some help would be nice.

Cash: Thanks for the thought but that won't be necessary.

Harold: Sorry she's already been paid in full and there is no going back. You guys can kick her out if you want but don't go looking to me for help.

Cash: Ok sir.

They pull up to the house and the servant was already waiting for them outside. She had a nice smile on her face and when she saw Ej get out the car her smile grew wider.

Harold: Brookelynn would you introduce yourself please?

Brookelynn: Why of course. Hello Caswell men, my name is Brookelynn and I am happy to be your servant this week. Be sure to holler at me if you need anything, especially you hot stuff *she winks at Ej*.

Harold: And that's quite enough, go and grab the things you're able to get and bring them to their rooms. Then meet Cash in the dining room. Come on Cash, we have business to attend to.

Brookelynn goes and grabs the luggage that purposely said Ej on it so she could go and show him to his room.

Brookelynn: Right this way *she forcefully grabs Ej's hand and rushes him upstairs and to his room*.

Brookelynn: And this is where you'll be staying. It has a beautiful view of the pool *and my room* along with it being the best room in the house. Not including the master bedroom of course.

Ej: Thanks, I like it a lot.

Brookelynn: *very quickly* and I like you a lot.

Ej: What was that?

Brookelynn: Nothing, enjoy your room. Time to go and get your fathers stuff. Don't hesitate to ask me anything, ta ta *she waves and exits the room*.

Ej's POV

I'm not stupid, I know when a girl is flirting with me and or likes me and she is sadly one of those girls. This is about to be the longest week of my life. Hopefully I can convince my dad to skip all the things in the house and just go out. Sad part is I won't be able to go out while he's gone because he will have the car which means I'll be alone in this house with her! God I hope Gina is having a better time than I am right now. I definitely got to tell her about this, let me FaceTime her.




Gina: I MISS YOU TOOOOO!! How's New York going?

Ej: Well it was going fine until I got to the house.

Gina: What's wrong with the house?

Ej: Nothing is wrong with the house, it's just who's in the house is the problem.

Gina: Who's in the house? Thought it was just gonna be you and your dad.

Ej: So did I but turns out they hired a servant who will be living with us until we are gone and I didn't even make it in the house before the girl tried to make a move on me.

Gina just goes silent with this new piece of information. Knowing this girl has access of her man the entire time while he's there just makes her feel so unsettled. She knows he would never do her wrong, she trusts him 150% it's just the girl she doesn't trust.

Ej: G? Is my connection bad?

Gina: Oh no it's not bad I um just started thinking about the situation...

Ej: Hey, you have every right to feel the way you feel but let me assure you that you're the one I love and always will love. She got Nothin On Youuuu Baby *he sings which causes her to laugh and feel better*.

Gina: I know I know, I trust you all the way it's just her I don't trust. I don't need her trying anything on you.

Ej: Trust me next time anything happens I'm calling you in front of her face without warning. I'll be like "heyyy there's my amazing, beautiful, sexy, talented, one of a kind girlfriend" and just walk away while doing it. Have it all planned out.

Gina: That's cute babe *her mom calls out to her*. Okay well me and my mom are about to go to dinner so I will talk to you when we have the time okay? I love you Ej.

Ej: Have a great dinner Gina, I love you more *he quickly hangs up so he can win the I love you game*.

With Gina

As worried as she was about the girl, she wasn't going to let that ruin her time with her mother. The place they were going to was fancy so she put on a nice dress to match with her mother and they headed out the door. At the same time the family right next to them was leaving as well. It consisted of a mother, father, and son. The son looked the same age as Gina and when he saw her he couldn't help but stare at her. Gina looked for a second but looked away and continued with her mother to their car and to the restaurant. While waiting in line they heard the doors open behind them and what a coincidence, it was the same family. Once the boy saw them in front of them he took his chance right then and there.

?: Hi there, uh I wanted to tell you this while on the porch but you look really beautiful in that dress. I'm Jack by the way.

Gina: Thank you for the compliment Jack, I'm Gina.

Jack: I haven't seen you around, are you from here?

Gina: No I'm just visiting for spring break. I'll be gone in a week.

Jack: Nice, that gives me a week to get to know you.

Before Gina could respond back, his family had been called from the line and brought to their table along with Gina and her mom following behind them. They were sat in a table not very far from Jack's family and Gina was sadly faced in the direction of Jack so she couldn't avoid his every now and then stares.

Gina's POV

Welp, seems like Ej isn't the only one having to deal with lovey drama while on break. Of course the boy would live right next to me out of all places. This is going to be an interesting story I can tell Eej tonight. I mean he's not bad looking but he's not my Ej, nothing can compare to him. If he tries to say anything I'm already stealing Ej's idea and calling him complimenting the crap out of him when he answers. Hopefully the boy can get the hint cause I know some boys can be pretty oblivious...

The dinner was awkward, she had to position herself in a way to avoid the stares and luckily her mom didn't question her about why she was looking down even when talking to her. Gina knows it's rude but she can't take the stares. Luckily they were done and were about to leave but right as they got up, his family was preparing to leave as well. Gina acted like her stomach was hurting to get them out the restaurant faster and it worked. Luckily her mom didn't play when it came to her baby being sick so she rushed right on back before Jack's family could pull up to their driveway as well. Gina rushed inside and to her room, changed and then called Ej.


Ej: Hey babe, is everything okay you look flustered?

Gina: Wow not even a full two seconds and you continue to prove how well you know me. Yes I'm a little bit flustered right now.

Ej: What happened, do I need to fly over there tonight??

Gina: No you don't but let's just say you're not the only one dealing with unwanted romance.

Ej: What!! Who tried what on you!?

Gina: Woah baby, easy easy. So tonight when me and my mom was leaving for dinner the neighbors beside us were leaving as well. They had a son who stared at me the entire time until I got in the car. We went to the restaurant and turns out they were going there as well. The boy talked to me, complimented me, introduced himself etc and when I explained to him that I lived out of town and was only there for a week he said that's cool because that's gives him a week to get to know me. Then during the dinner he was staring at me a lot and I was very uncomfortable and knowing that he lives right beside me doesn't help things either.

Ej: Does your mom know?

Gina: Nope, does your dad know about your situation?

Ej: Nope. This is my battle to fight, not going to let her ruin anything.

Gina: We can fight these people because at the end of the day, you're the only one I want.

Ej: Same for you Gina Porter.

Gina: Are you sleepy, I know it's later over there for you?

Ej: Yeah a little, I have to go and do something for my dad though. I've been avoiding leaving my room for...reasons.

Gina: I get that, well be sure to call me if needed. I want you on the phone tonight.

Ej: Same here. Talk to you in a bit. I love you Gina.

Gina: I love you too Eej.

Ej:I love you more ha *he hangs up quickly so he wins again*!

He opens his room door and he finds Brookelynn not far from his door. She tried to play it off like she was cleaning but he knew the truth.

Ej: Can I help you?

Brookelynn: I should be the one asking you that cutie, do you need help with anything like your luggage *she walks closer to him* or your clothes *she put her hand on his shoulder but Ej immediately pushed it away* ok rude.

Ej: Don't put your hands on me please, my girlfriend wouldn't like that and I already don't!

Brookelynn: Girlfriend?

Ej: Yes girlfriend, now if you'll excuse me I have to find my father *he walks away past her and down the stairs*.

Brookelynn:...of course he has a gf...like that's gonna stop me.

The Next Day

Gina woke up the following morning and she wanted to do something she hadn't done in awhile and that was jog. She knew the neighborhood well enough and it was still getting bright early so she put her jogging shoes on and stepped out the house but of course it couldn't happen by herself. He was walking out as well.

Jack: Good morning newbie.

Gina: Morning *she immediately jogged away but Jack followed behind her which caused her to stop jogging and turn around to him*. Can I help you?

Jack: I normally go on jogs in the morning as well, was wondering if maybe you wanted a little company on yours.

Gina: That's nice and all but I really prefer music when I run but if you promise to not talk so much, maybe I can make an exception.

Jack: Done! Won't hear a peep out of me unless it's needed. Thanks.

They run in silence for a solid five minutes before Jack felt the need to say something while  jogging.

Jack: So where are you from?

Gina: Well I did a lot of moving in my life so I don't even know where I'm from in all honesty.

Jack: Oh wow, that's interesting. Where did you come from before here?

Gina: A place I can call home and it's all thanks to my boyfriend.

This caused Jack to stop in his tracks and Gina almost didn't notice he wasn't beside her until a few steps later. She turned around and looked at him, he looked disappointed.

Jack: Boyfriend? Oh...that's nice. What did he do for you?

Gina: So I was supposed to be living here with my mom but I didn't want to leave the amazing life I had behind so he bought me a plane ticket back and even let me stay at his place for the rest of the semester so I appreciate him greatly.

Jack: That's really...nice. So anyways you have a good rest of your jog, I forget I need to prepare breakfast. See you whenever *he runs the other way*.

Gina's POV

I knew he was gonna be hurt by that comment but it had to be done sooner or later. Just glad I was able to praise Ej in the process because he deserves it all and so much more.

Gina continued her jog around the rest of the neighborhood, when she approached her house she could've sworn she saw the curtains next door close quickly but she just rolled her eyes and continued inside. This had been an interesting morning that she cannot wait to tell Ej about.

To Ej

Ej woke up that morning to a noise in his closet, he thought he was just hearing things but it wasn't until he heard it a second time did he finally go and check it out. When he opened his closet door, there was Brookelynn in his clothes.

Ej: What in the world are you doing in my closet?!

Brookelynn: I was seeing if you needed your clothes washed but you were asleep so I took matters into my own hands. Don't get mad at me for doing my job.

Ej: That easily could've waited. I can do my own stuff while I'm here. I don't need you so can you please leave!

Brookelynn: Damn okay, someone's grouchy, maybe I can help relieve that sexy *she winks*.

Ej picks up his phone and FaceTimes Gina because he had enough with that comment.


Ej: Heyyy there's my amazing, beautiful, sexy, talented, one of a kind girlfriend, how are you doing this morning baby *he walks out the room while looking at Brookelynn just like he had planned*?

Gina: I'm doing good babe, also bring me back in there I want a formal introduction *she smirks because she knew what he was doing*.

Ej walks back in and brings the phone over to Brookelynn.

Ej: Alright G well this is my servant *he put emphasis on that word* Brookelynn, Brookelynn this is my girlfriend *he put emphasis on that word as well*.

Brookelynn: Hello *she awkwardly waves and then rushes out the room*.

Ej: Annnnddd that's how it's done my girl *they laugh*. But for real though how are you?

Gina: I'm good just had an interesting morning, went on a jog and Jack tagged along.

Ej: Oh he did *his tone changed a bit*?

Gina: Yeah he did but only because he said he wasn't going to talk...then he talked. He tried to get on a real personal level with me which wasn't going to happen to a certain extent. He asked me where I was from and stuff like that, then he asked where I was before I came here. I brought you up and he stopped dead in his tracks. He hated hearing me praise you.

Ej: You praised me?

Gina: Of course I did. Ej you gave me a place to call home, you deserve it all.

Ej: Well you were worth it all and more. Thanks for that, glad he got the hint at least I hope he did because boys can be oblivious.

Gina: So true.

Ej: Alright well I got to get the day started and so do you, bonding with my dad starts today and I'm very excited for that. I hope you and your mom have a good day and tell her I said hey.

Gina: Okay I will, also did you know that she considers you as her own basically?

Ej: Yeah she told me, I felt like I really did something that day.

Gina: You really did, I love you babe. I love you more *she hangs up*.

Ej:...got me that time *he smiles*.

The rest of their visits went so much better after they finally stood up to the people who tested them. This was definitely going to be a spring break they both remember. Jack had tried one last time with Gina by asking her out to lunch but that was an immediate fail, he learned his lesson after that and Gina finally was able to enjoy the times with her mom and go out by herself without worrying about him. Brookelynn had tried one more time by flashing Ej from her room window because she knew he had a view of her from his room which once caused havoc to the point where she was kicked out so it worked out for the best. The only thing they both wanted was each other because this unwanted romance was just not it. Their flights back were on the same days and around the same times so it once again worked in their favor. Their countdown has officially reached zero.

At The Airport

Ej could barely stand still, his flight had already landed which meant that he would be the one to rush up to Gina the moment he sees her gets off her flight and through the gates.

Cash: Woah calm down son, you're jumping and pacing all over the place.

Ej: Sorry dad I just can't help myself right now. It's been a long week of unwanted love and the only thing I want right now is my actual love in front of me.

Cash: Unwanted love?

Ej: It's a long story *he laughs*.

Gina: EJ!!!

Ej turns around and already sees Gina running towards him and before he knew it she was already in his arms and almost knocked him off his feet. They silently sobbed because of how much they missed each other. After all the drama, this was all they needed. He put her back down but they still didn't pull away, they wanted this to last a little bit longer. He put his hand under her chin, lifted her head to his face, and then he kissed her not caring that his dad was watching them. But sadly all moments like this must end.

Ej: There's my girl *he kisses her forehead* I've missed you so much.

Gina: I've missed you too...

Ej: Next time it will be us on a plane together traveling.

Gina: I can't wait for it *she kisses him again*.

They walks out the airport hand in hand, their cars had been delivered to them so Cash went his own way and Ej and Gina went back to the house. Their break was over but now it was time to focus on the real deal, their opening night is coming up in a matter of days and things needed to be done. Will it go as smoothly as their first or will someone make all hell break loose...who knows?

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