First Read Through

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After the amazing weekend Gina had, she still had that weekend glow. Ej has done nothing but reassure her about today and she feels good about today. Yeah she has to watch Lily be cute with her boyfriend but at the end of the days Lily wasn't the one being spoiled the weekend before.

Gina's POV

Well today is the dreaded day I wish I could avoid but know I can't. If it wasn't for the amazing weekend I had, I would be in a much worse mood right now. Just gotta remind myself that there is still a chance that Lily could choke between now and opening night and the part could be mine. Just have to remain hopeful and enjoy the also as amazing part as Babette. Time to get this day started. 

Gina gets out the bed and turns on her "Get Ready" playlist to start her day to get her up and energized. She rushes to the bathroom and brushes her teeth and does her morning skin care routine as always. Next thing is picking out what she wanted to wear.

*knock knock*.

Gina: Come in sexy.

Ej: Good morning beautiful? How did you sleep?

Gina: Well I missed you but other than that it was okay. Kinda spent the night mentally preparing myself for today.

Ej: Yeah I get that but it's okay, we can get through this. If we're lucky she won't even show up today.

Gina: That's very unlikely but hey let's speak it into existence cause why not. Also how long have you been up? You seem already dressed and ready to go.

Ej: *he laughs* that's cause I am. I've been up for awhile now. I've also been preparing myself mentally but instead of staying up late like you did, my body wanted to wake me up early which I hate it for *he laughs*.

Gina: Well next time that happens wake me up. It would be nice to get some morning cuddles before we start the day.

Ej: Oh you know it *he hugs her from behind*. Know what you're gonna wear yet?

Gina: Yeah think I'll just keep it simple today, no need in going all out. Also the time you've been waiting for...time to model my stuff for you real quick so turn around and close your eyes.

Ej: *rubs his hands together excitedly* you got it babe!

Gina goes in her closet and goes to the Victoria's Secret bag to get the sets out. She goes with the maroon one cause she notices how Ej wears an assortment of reds more often compared to most colors then she walks out the closet.

Gina: Ok you can look now.

Ej turns around and for the first time you can actually see his face turn red as he looks at his girlfriend. He has to refrain himself from kissing her right then and there cause he knew exactly where it would go if he did.

Ej: I have no words *he can barely get those out, his talking and breathing was so shaky*.

Gina: *switches towards him on purpose, puts her hands on his shoulder and jumps on him wrapping her legs around his waist* do you have any actions? Cause I can feel something that tells me otherwise *she whispers while she kisses his neck*.

Ej knows exactly what she was talking about and he was lowkey hoping she wouldn't feel it but it was harder than ever so there was no avoiding it at that point. He just grabs her face and kisses her with as much passion as he can give her. He wants her. He wants her so bad but he knows now just isn't the right time. So while kissing he's slowly making his way towards Gina's closet. Gina notices and pulls away.

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