Reality Kicks In

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This is shot during the Thanksgiving episode but slowly moves onto the tech rehearsal episode. After Gina leaves Ej gets comforted by his cousin but then makes a move that could either make or break their relationship.

Ashlyn's POV

Wow tonight really did not go like it was supposed to. The point of this party was to bring everyone together and to have fun but it instead ended up with us losing the best dancer and best friend we've ever had. It honestly sucks that Gina has to live a life like this. I don't know if her mom got the job before or after Gina was born but all I know is that if it was before then I wouldn't have had a kid knowing I'd have to bring them to a new place in a blink of an eye. Just seems so unfair to do that to them so often. If she does leave I'm just going to have to accept the sad reality that I'll be losing a close friend but Ej on the other hand, is taking it much harder than I am and I don't blame him. They way I feel and the way he feels are two different feelings. I don't even remember him crying over Nini when they broke up and here he is crying over someone who isn't his. I didn't think the crush was like this...

Ashlyn comforts Ej as he lies on the bed with his back turned to her.

Ej: I can't believe it Ash...I j-j-ust *he kinda coughs a little* just can't believe she's possibly going to be gone in a matter of days...

Ashlyn: I know Eej I can't really like her...don't you?

Ej: I do Ash. I was telling myself that I probably like her more than I know and realize and this is the proof right here. The last thing I ever expected me to do was to cry over this girl. I didn't even cry over losing Nini and we were actually dating Ash. What is this feeling? I know I kinda fell for Nini  fast but this feel like a whole new type of fast when really it is longer compared to Nini.

Ashlyn: I wish I understood your mind but I think I know where you're coming from. Before everything happened with Gina, I was having a few moments with Big Red and I don't know where my feelings are with him either but I sense something there. But from what I'm getting from you is that you really and truly care about Gina and she would be lucky to know that you're here crying and wishing she could stay.

There is a few minutes of silence before an idea pops into Ej's head.

Ej: You're right Ashlyn....and now I got to go!

Ej darts up from the bed and runs out the room.

Ashlyn: Wait! Where are you going!?

Ej: To Gina's! *with his voice slowly fading and he exits the front door*.

Ej doesn't even bother taking his car. With all this adrenaline going through his body he doesn't want to lose the confidence he is feeling right now by having to wait for his car to start and everything. Gina doesn't live very far and turns out she hasn't even gone inside her house yet by the time Ej got there. She was outside on her porch just crying with her knees up to her chest so she didn't see Ej come up the road and up her driveway. Ej didn't know what to do so he slightly knocked on the wooden porch to get her attention without scaring her. Gina lifts her head from her knees confused and shocked and tries to quickly wipe her tears away but Ej quickly grabs her hands to stop her and pulls her into another hug. Her sobs were loud but then grew quiet as she pulled away from Ej, then the convo begins...

Gina: Ej what are you doing here?

Ej: I couldn't stop thinking about you after you left. It was hard for me to sit at that house knowing that I would possibly never see you again.

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