Many More Tests

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It's Spring Break and as much as they wanted to be together, Gina is going to see her mom and Ej will be spending time with his dad who is in another state right now. This will be the first time they've been away since they got together. Who will they encounter while gone?

Gina's POV

Well it's spring break and the last thing I was expecting was for my mom to text me and tell me that she has some free time over there and she's able to spend time with me. I've missed my mom a lot since Christmas , I just also wanted to have quality time with Ej as well but this is an opportunity I'm not about to miss and I know he's going to understand. It's really about to be the first time I've been away from my boy since we've been together, this should be really interesting but at least I'll have someone waiting on me for when I get back. I've never had that before so this is another new feeling. Guess it's time to go and tell him the news, I know it'll go well though.

Gina gets up from her bed to go and find Ej, she looks in his room and he wasn't there but then she heard clanging in the kitchen and that's where she found him making pancakes. That's the one thing he can trust himself with when it comes to cooking. Gina let's him get away from the hot stove before she jumps on his back to try and scare him.

Gina: Surprise!

Ej: You think you're slick but I heard you coming down the stairs, but I will say you were the cutest scare ever and thanks for trying.

Gina: *she gets off his back and attacks him with kisses* bet you didn't see that coming.

Ej: You're not wrong about that, now that was a nice surprise *he smirks*. Pancakes are almost ready, I feel pretty confident about these and while we're eating I have to tell you something.

Gina: Well that's good because I have to tell you something as well.

Ej makes the last of the pancakes while Gina sets up the little table they eat at every morning. She sets the plates with the glasses and pours milk in each glass. Ej comes with the pancakes, they say their prayers then they dig in.

Gina: So is everything okay?

Ej: I guess you could say that, what I'm about to say is something that's never happened before.

Gina: Ok shoot.

Ej: So my dad has this business trip coming up, it's all the way in New York and he told me that they overbooked him meaning he would have extra days to himself and he told me that he wanted me to come with him so we could get some time in together to make up for lost time and talk about some things. Considering how spring break has just started it happened at the perfect time but that means that I wouldn't be here with you. I want to go but I'm worried about leaving you here by yourself, I know we have our friends but what about at night?

Gina: Well lucky for you Ej I was going to talk to you about a similar situation. My mom told me she has some spare time of her own and she would like for me to come and stay with her during spring break so I guess this works out perfectly. I was just about to tell you the same news.

Ej: Wow really? That's amazing G, I know it's been awhile since you've seen her and I know you miss her. This will be great for the two of you.

Gina: Same for you and your dad, I'm glad he reached out to you for this because I know things have been tense but seems like he want to make amends with you and that's awesome.

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