Valentines Day Fluke

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Yeah I Know I said I was gonna get off the episodes but this will be nothing like that episode if that makes sense. The drama is just beginning at this point, my heart is breaking cause I already know what's about to go down.

Gina's POV

Today is Valentines Day and for the first time in my 16 years of being alive, I actually have a Valentine that isn't my mother. No offense to her, I've always loved the things she got me, but they could never compare to me getting something from my actual lover ya know. Wow, I'm actually getting a lot of firsts this year and I couldn't be more happy. I wonder what Ej has planned for me. I plan on taking him to our special field again and eating out there. I saw a cute little canopy while Ej was carrying me. I don't think he noticed but that is the perfect spot for us to have the picnic. It's not directly on the ground so bugs won't have easy access to it and it's clean as well. I asked around to see if the land belonged to anyone and it did but they were very nice people. I told them what I wanted to do to see if they were okay with it and they were. Surprisingly they saw me and Ej the first time we came there. They saw him running after me and they heard us laughing so they knew I wasn't in danger. They told me they thought we were really cute. I'm so glad I got their blessing. They even volunteered to decorate it, I told them no but they kept insisting and after awhile I said yes. They showed me some of their ideas and I loved them so this is going to be a great day.

Gina gets out her bed, does some stretches and gets ready for the school day. As always she puts on her "Get Ready" playlist and off to the bathroom she goes. She wanted to dress cute for the occasion but at the same time be able to wear it to school without getting a ton of looks. After a few minutes of searching, she found exactly what she wanted to wear.

Gina's Outfit

Gina's Outfit

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Gina's POV

Well red does mean love so this will be perfect for today. I hope Ej likes it.

Gina walks out of her closet and she opens her room door and there was Ej standing behind it with a huge bouquet of roses, a bunch of Gina's favorite chocolates and snacks, a teddy bear with a picture of the two of them on its tummy, and two cards.

Ej: Surprise!! Happy Valentines Day Gina!

Gina: Oh my god Ej I don't even know where t-to start *she tears up*.

Ej: I have an idea.

He places the things down gently then pulls her into a kiss and she happily accepts it.

Gina: *she pulls away* Ej when did you find the time to get all these things?

Ej: Well some of the stuff I already had, trick was hiding them in places you wouldn't look or couldn't reach *he winks*. You got real close to finding the bear one day but I made sure you weren't going to *he laughs*.

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