Not Meant To Be

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So it's been a good few months since Ej applied for Duke, and he hasn't heard anything for the longest until today. He hopes to be able to open this letter and be filled with happiness but sadly it does not happen that way...

Ej's POV

"...we regret to inform you that we are not offering you admission to Duke University..."Wow...I cannot believe this...what am I going to tell my dad?? He's going to kill I really about to be the one who breaks my family tradition?! All of this hard work for am I going to tell him...

The Following Day

Gina: *knock knock knock* Ej babe, you almost ready for school *she opens the door and finds him still laying in bed*? Ej are you okay *she goes over to him*?

Ej: I'm just not feeling well today, think I'm going to stay here today and rest up.

Gina: But you never miss a day of school, even when you were sick. Does it feel different this time?

Ej: Yes it does.

Gina: Who's going to take me to school?

Ej: I've already talked to Ashlyn and Big Red, they should be here soon.


Ej: Or they are here right now. I forget they like to get to school early. Hope that's okay with you.

Gina: Of course it is, I hope you feel better baby, I will be checking in throughout the day so please respond. Unless you're napping then that is an exception *she kisses him* I love you and I miss you already *she pouts*.

Ej: I'm going to miss you moreeee, and I love you morrreee.

Gina: God you're making this so hard, might just stay here and cuddle with you all day *they laugh*.

Ej: As much as I'd like that, we both know you can't do that...sadly.

Gina: I'll be back as soon as possible. Byeeee I love youuuu *she says as she walks out so she can get the last word in*.

One Hour Later

Ej's POV

God I feel so bad about lying to her...I just don't know how I was supposed to tell her what I learned. I honestly don't want this getting out at all but I know it has to because my dad is going to question me sooner or later...


Ej: Uhhh

In comes his dad making Ej's eyes go wide because he knew his time just got cut way short.

Cash: There he issss my pride and joy. I got a text from your girlfriend and she told me about how you were feeling. She was worried about you and lucky for me I was already on my way here so that just made me speed up a little while driving. What's going on? Stomach bug or just needed a break?


Cash: Eej?

Ej:...I didn't get into Duke *he says really fast*.

Cash: I'm sorry...what?

Ej: I didn't get into Duke dad...

Cash: There is no way that's possible. Not with your amazing GPA, involvement, and more. THIS IS WRONG!...I'm going to need a minute...

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