One Direction's Manager

By Dylan_Hyde_Ninja

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****SEQUEL TO ONE DIRECTION'S BABYSITTER***** Meghan's life was everything but normal she work's for one di... More

A Brand New Start
Madam Taussand's and........Disneyland????
Rollercoaster? and Toy story ride?
I'm going to beat you at this game so badly!!!!
It's a small world......I'm going to kill that song!!!!
Stupid boy's!!!!!
My new job.....
The mystery person
What should I call this one?
The Starbuck's Date
Making Tough Decisions
Stay with me

Niall's ride

703 19 2
By Dylan_Hyde_Ninja

 A/N so I noticed that I haven't said anything about shadow or harry's bruise so I shall in this chappy.

Harry's P.O.V

I was about to kiss her over there but I remembered she was with Justin and I can't do that to her. But these pic's they got of us are hilarious. My eye's and her eye's are huge and Zayn and Niall have their hand's up and Louis and Liam are hugging each other.

"Oh my god these are hilarious."Meghan said.

"I know,let me get picture's."I said.

I got picture's of them then we were waiting for the boy's. Man my bruise hurt's so badly but i'm not going to tell anyone that why would I? Louis would get in more trouble when I should be the one getting in trouble.

Louis P.O.V

We came out and saw the picture's I would've taken a picture of me and Liam but someone took my phone away because of what I did to Harry. But that's what best friend's are for we stick together through thick and thin.

Meghan's P.O.V

So next was Niall's ride hmm I wonder if Justin's doing ok with Shadow,right before we left to go to the mall I asked Justin if he could look after Shadow and he said sure and I thanked him. I should text him and see.

Meghan:Hey how are you and Shadow doing?

I waited a second then my ringtone went off.

If I was your boyfriend, I’d never let you go

I can take you places you ain't never been before

Baby, take a chance or you’ll never ever know

Justin <3 <3:Good how are you doing?

Meghan:Great i'll be there soon bye

I didn't really know how soon I was going to be there but I think I could convince the boy's to leave a little early. Once Niall get's his ride and if Liam is still begging for buzz light year ride then we'll go on it but for now Niall's ride.

"Niall which ride do you want to go on?"I asked.

"Hmm I don't know,probably the one with the driving car's."Niall said.

"Ok guy's let's go."I said.

Then we were off to see the wizard the wizared no we were off to the autopia? Yeah I think that's what it was called. Anywho we were off to that place. Because Niall wanted to ride the car's and everything I think I'll just tag along I don't really feel like driving well fake car's but still.

So we went over there it wasn't to far so we walked and finally got there. The line didn't seem to long and it was just enough time to put the pair's together.

"Ok so I think that I should go with Niall and then Zayn and Liam and Louis and Harry."I said.

"Ok that sound's good."Liam said.

"Then it's settled."I said.

The line was only like going to be a five minute wait yes I can't wait to see Justin well if I can convince the boy's,maybe I can say like I want to see my dog and I don't want to leave her with Justin to long or something like that.

"Come on let's go."Niall said.

I just noticed I was spaced out for a while but we were there and he was waiting oh shoot I should get in know.

"Oop's sorry."I said.

Then Niall got in so I got in and then they said all of the basic's I just drowned it all out because I was only the passenger,I didn't have to know all of this stuff except for buckle up so I did. The scenery was cute and stuff but it wasn't real.

"So how're you doing?"Niall asked his irish accent coming through.

"Yeah i'm fine just thinking."I said.

"How do you like this ride?"Niall asked.

"It's fun."I said.

It wasn't fun at all and I could only think about Justin what is he doing right now? I want to text him but then Niall would get suspicious. So I can't do that. I'll just talk with Niall and stuff so he doesn't get bored.

"So what do you want to talk about?"I asked.

"How about I ask you twenty-one question's?"He asked.

"Ok,you can ask some question's but not that many."I said.

"Favorite animal?"He asked.

"Easy one gotta be a panda."I said.

"Favorite color?"He asked.

"Red."I said.

"Favorite food?"He asked.

"Man,you know I love that subject more then you do."That got him to laugh a whole bunch."Why do you make it so hard on me erm ugh!!! Nando's chicken has to be."I said.

"Yes,oh um favorite famous person?"He asked.

"Let's see probably Niall horan."I said.

Then we just laughed and laughed until the ride was over and then we went and waited for the boy's. They didn't take to long this time,they usually took a long time oh,well whatever.

"Hey guy's."I said.

"Hello Meghan where to next?"Liam asked.

"Well I think we should go to you're ride and then leave i'm really tired."I said yawning.

"Ok,that sound's good."Liam said.

So we started walking over to the buzz light year ride. Liam is such a toy story fanatic but i'm a lilo and stitch fanatic so I think,I can't really make fun of him for it. So we got in line it wasn't really that long not many people wanted to get on this ride. There was like a five minute wait though.

"Not that long of a wait yay!!"I said.

"Yeah most of the ride's have been long wait's sorry about that."Liam said.

"It's not you're fault Liam you couldn't have predicted the line's and how long they were going to be."I said.

"Thank's."He said.

"So what were you and Niall doing?"Harry asked.

That's a wierd question to ask me but whatever.

"We were just goofing around laughing half of the time."I said.

"Cool,so pair's for this time?"Harry asked.

"The same pair's as Space mountain."I said.

"Ok."He said.

He seemed happier once I said that but he can't like me,why would he like me? I don't want him to like me I want Justin to like me,well I want Harry to like me but not like like me. I just don't get it why he all of a sudden like's me he never like me that way before.

He's just so confusing I don't get guy's they like you,then they act like they have no intrest then they just break you're heart's.

"Come on let's go."Harry said.

I noticed the other boy's had already gotten on but I was lost deep in though again,I should stop doing that.

"Right,i'm sorry."I said.

"It's no problem babe."Harry said.

Dang him why does he have to keep doing this? Well I got into the car thingy and grabbed one of the gun's they had,it was actually quite cool and then we were brought into this room with a bunch of target's this one was harder then the three d one.

10 minute's of hard shooting

"I won!!!!"I yelled.

"I let you win."Harry mumbled

"Of course you did."I said.

Harry's P.O.V

I did let her win because i'm in love with her but she doesn't know,she's so beautiful and she say's she's not but she is and I know she's dating Justin but this make's me want her more I need her with me but I don't want Justin to hate me though so this is why I keep my feeling's to myself and it's so hard.

"Fine you won."I said.

You could see the joy on her face she was so happy when I said she was so beautiful.

"Yes!!! Oh let's go fine the boy's."She said.

"Ok let's go."I said.

Meghan's P.O.V

I so beat his butt and i'm going to brag to the boy's I won I won I won,yeah I'm childish on certain thing's but I can be an adult when I want to...most of then time. When i'm with the boy's I can't but when i'm with anyone else I can be mature.

"Found them."I said.

"Ok let's go."Harry said.

Then we walked over and saw them sending there picture's to their email's so they can save them wait they took picture's? Whatever,Harry went over and sent it to his email's I didn't want to see the picture I didn't want to know.

We then left he ride area and where ready to leave disneyland.

"It's been a long day."I said.

"Yep but the best day ever."Harry said.

"Come on Hazza let's go back now."Louis said.

So we walked back to downtown disney it was a really long walk and it took a long time but we did it and then we got back on the tram it was fun today and I was really tired I wonder what time it was?

"What time is it?"I asked.

"Three-o-clock."They all said together.

So by the time we get back to the hotel it should be,about four-o-clock. Not to bad I could have dinner with Justin and everything would work out just fine,well the boy's would wonder where I was. Ok this is going to be hard deciding on what to tell them. I'll figure it out. So we got off the tram and back into our car and left.

I put in my headphone's and feel asleep.

1 hour later

"WAKE UP MEGHAN!!!!!"Louis yelled in my ear.

"Ahh i'm up."I said.

Then I saw Louis laughing and everyone else glaring at him except for Niall he's laughing to.

"Ugh Louis don't have to yell."I said.

"Sorry,but that was hilarious."He said.

Then I stormed out of the van and into the hotel,I knew that I was going to go up the stair's it was the easiest way to get there without the boy's chasing me. So I ran up the stair's and went to Justin's hotel room. I knocked on the door and waited a while.

"Hey what's up Meghan?"Justin asked.

"That again? You know my answer my wierd boyfriend."I said.

"Ok,so should we go in and you can see Shadow again?"Justin asked.

"Yay,I've missed her,but not as much as i've missed you."I said.

Then I walked in and I'm still amazed by his large hotel room. It's so magnifecent,I love everything about it. Then I remebered Shadow right I miss my baby.

"Shadow."I said.

With that she came running to me and I already got in front of the couch knowing what would happen she grew alot since I got her and she's as big as me. She saw me her eye's lit up and then she came running over to me and jumped right on top of me.

She started licking me and that was the disgusting part.

"Shadow get down no licking."I said.

She got off of me and then I pet her and said "good girl" She loved that and then I noticed Justin walk into the room with me.

Shadow's P.O.V

I've missed her so much,I haven't seen her since this guy started watching me,I didn't like him at first but then he gave me a bone so I liked him since then I loved that bone it was so good. Where was I? Oh yeah I haven't seen Meghan in so long I love her so much more then I love this bone.

Meghan's P.O.V

I wonder what's going through my dog's mind? Probably just thinking about treat's or something.

"So what do you want to do?"Justin asked.

"Well,how about we go out for dinner?"I asked.

"Sure nothing to fancy,because I know you don't like that but let's bring Shadow back to you're hotel."He said.

Shoot if I did that I was going to have to face the boy's,and I just stormed off on them how was I going to explain this? I could tell them they got me mad and I needed someone to comfort me that's it someone to comfort me.

"Sure let's go."I said.

A/N Hey I don't know if this was longer then the last chapter but I made this one just for you!!!! That's right my lovely fan's I love you!!!! He he so anyway the superbowl's coming up and I've got to say GO 49ER'S!!!!!!! Sorry there my dad's team if you like the other team then go you!!

But my family has like 5 diffrent football team's and when there playing against each other I'm like "Go team" because you don't know what side to root for,it's hard. But anyway hope you liked it and keep




and most importantly....................


(try these one's on the meebo chat there awesome)







Ok so hope you liked it and love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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