Luca/Alberto x Reader One Sho...

By AlyssaTrancy002

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I am in love with this film, I watched it with my girlfriend and my God ;-; I thought I would do a one shot... More

Hiccups (Alberto x Reader)
Sound of Music (Luca x Musician Reader)
Sick Days (Alberto x Reader)
Nightmares...(Alberto x Reader)
Too much Pasta...(Alberto x Reader)
Birthday Gift (Luca x Alberto x Reader)
Standing up Against Ercole
Sleepless Night (Luberto)
Tickle Fight! (Luca x Reader)
Massage (Alberto x Reader)
Author's Note
Near the Seashore (Alberto x Siren Reader)
Why must you hide? (Alberto x Werewolf Reader)
Itchy Dots (Alberto x Reader x Luca)
Never seen you around (Alberto x Albino Sea Monster Reader)
First Date! (Luca x Reader)
Sleep Hunting? (Alberto x Reader)
To keep her safe!! (Alberto x Black Shuck Shapeshifting Reader)
Sleeping Beauty Fish (Alberto x Reader x Luca)
Crushing your Fear (Alberto x Shy & Scared Reader)
Cuddle monster (Luca x Reader)
Wine Tasting (Luberto)
Disney Land! (Underdogs x Reader)
School Crush (Luca x Reader) Part 1
School Crush (Luca x Reader) Part 2
Cover-up (Alberto x Reader)
Guard Dog (Alberto x Bunny Reader)
Guard Dog part 2 (Alberto x Bunny Reader)
Sugar Crash..(Luca x Alberto x Reader)
See the Light Part 1 (Lucax Alberto x Rapunzel Reader)
See the Light Part 2 (Alberto x Luca x Rapunzel Reader)
See the Light part 3 (Alberto x Luca x Rapunzel Reader)
See the Light (Luca's Ending)
See the Light (Alberto's Ending)
Kitty Quality Time (Alberto x Neko Reader)
Author's Note
Your not a Freak (Luca x Naga Snake Reader)
Sea Baby (Luca x Reader)
Sea Baby part 2 (Luca x Reader)
Sea Baby (Alberto x Reader)
Author's Note again...
Sea Baby Part 2 (Alberto x Reader)
Beauty and the Beast Part 1 (Alberto x Reader)
Beauty and the Beast part 2 (Alberto x Reader)
Beauty and the Beast Part 3 (Alberto x Reader)
Beauty and the Beast Final Part (Alberto x Reader)
Kitty quality time part 2 (Alberto x Neko Reader)
Guilia and Ercole One Shots Requests!!
Cast a spell on me (Guilia x Witch Reader)
So what? (Alberto x Trans Reader)
Visiting (Ercole x Norwegian Reader)
Blood Thirsty (Alberto x Vampire Reader)
Haunted (Luca x Ghost Reader)
Forbidden Love (Luca x Mermaid Reader)
Forbidden Love Part 2 (Luca x Mermaid Reader)
Forbidden Love Part 3 (Luca x Mermaid Reader)
🎃Halloween with the Underdogs!🎃
Forbidden Love Final Part/Bonus (Luca x Mermaid Reader)
Haunted part 2 (Luca x Ghost Reader)
Good Girl (Alberto x Shiba Inu Shapeshifting Reader)
Good Girl Part 2 (Alberto x Shiba Inu Shapesihifting Reader)
An Angel? (Alberto x Winged Reader)
You drew this? (Alberto x Artist Reader)
You drew this? Part 2 (Alberto x Artist Reader)
An Angel Part 2 (Alberto x Winged Reader)
Guido and Ciccio Edition!!
Hunting (Guido x Sea Monster Reader)
Love Triangle (Luca x Reader x Alberto)
Hunting Part 2 (Guido x Sea Monster Reader)
Hunting Final Part (Guido x Sea Monster Reader)
Ciao Alberto Special! (Alberto x Reader)
A Brothers Best Friend (Alberto x Sea Monster Reader)
Strange Love (Guido x Goth Reader)
A Brother's Best Friend Part 2 (Alberto x Sea Monster Reader)
Author's Note
Foreign Student (Luca x Japanese Reader)
Curly Bear (Clingy Alberto x Reader)
Secrets (Human Alberto x Sea Monster Reader)
Secrets Part 2 (Human Alberto x Sea Monster Reader)
Secrets Final Part (Human Alberto x Sea Monster Reader)
Thanksgiving Special!!
Authors Note Again
Be less Girly (Luca x Tomboy Reader)
Your mine now... (+16) (Yandere Alberto x Reader)
Karma...(16+) (Yandere Luca x Reader)
Girls Night Out (Fem Alberto x Fem Reader)
Sick Days (Ciao Alberto Edition)
Christmas Special 🎄
Love Spell (Luca x Nice Witch Reader)
First Kiss (Alberto x Reader)
Protecting an AngelFish (Luca x Albino Reader)
JellyFishes Preference
Never seen you around part 2 (Alberto x Albino Sea Monster Reader)
Sea Baby Prequel (Luca x Pregnant Reader)
Sea Baby Prequel (Alberto x Pregnant Reader)
New Haircut? (Alberto x Luca x Reader)
Choosing a Prince (Alberto x Luca x Disney Princess Reader)
WE HIT 100!!!!
Your Safe Now (Guido x Cat Shifting Reader)
❤️Valentines Day Special❤️ (Luca x Alberto x Reader)
💜💙Luberto Valentine Special💚💙
Your Safe Now Part 2 (Guido x Cat Shifting Reader)
First Kiss (Luca x Reader)
Hey Brother (Alberto x Little Sister Reader)
Hey Brother Pt. 2 (Alberto x Little Sister Reader)
Prom Dance (High School AU Alberto x Reader)
Prom Dance Pt. 2 (High School AU Alberto x Reader)
Prom Dance Final Pt. (High School AU Alberto x Reader)
Summoned A Cutie (Giulia x Demon Reader)
Sick Days (Luca x Reader)
Do You Trust Me? (Giulia x Outcast Reader)
Lets try that!! (Alberto x Reader)
My hero (Alberto x Super Hero Reader)
The Princess and the Frog Part 1 (Alberto x Reader)
The Princess and the Frog Part 2 (Alberto x Reader)
The Princess and the Frog Part 3 (Alberto x Reader)
The Princess and the Frog Part 4 (Alberto x Reader)
The Princess and the Frog Final Part (Alberto x Reader)
Your Not That Dangerous (Luca x Hunter's Daughter Reader)
Strange Picnic (Luca x Hunter's Daughter Reader)
Luca/Alberto One Shots Bloopers (part 1)
Why? (Luca x Hunter's Daughter Reader)
Nobody Like You (Alberto x Pop Star Reader)
Caught Singing Preference (Main 3 Only)

Bambolina (Luca x Shy Axoloti Sea Monster Reader)

867 11 13
By AlyssaTrancy002


Okay no joke...these little beans are absolutely adorable!!!

You and Luca are dating, and you two had a date under the sea, it gets fun when you two had some fun playing hide and seek.

Warning, there will be some make out sessions, but its sweet <:3

That's pretty much the lemon, or should I start calling it Orange? xD

The both of you are 17.

You were picking a dress for your date tonight with your loving boyfriend Luca.

You don't like to look too revealing and too stylus, but you still wanna feel cute.

So you choose this teal dress that he bought for you on special occasions, which is what you chosen.

You put it on and cover your arms with a sea through white cardigan, you didn't do anything with your hair, just leave it how it is.

You checked the time to see whether there is still time, until you heard a knock on your bedroom door.

"Knock knock, can I come in?"

It was your mother checking on you, let's just say yours and Luca's mother are best friends, there's a real reason how you two met.

"Aww you look lovely, what a lucky boy he truly is."

You turn red from the response "mom stop..."

She gently kissed your forehead and a big hug.

"Plus he's here, didn't wanna tell you sooner."

You smiled and you make your way down the stairs to see him holding flowers.

He turns to see you and grew a big smile onto his face.

Y/n's POV

"Y/n!" He rushed up to me, picking me up from the ground, spinning me like he hasn't seen me in forever.

He is so charming, always all about exploring, full of energy.

Its the reason that I love him.

Then Luca kisses my cheek..

Oh my, his smells so nice.

"You look so beautiful." He said softly while he runs his soft fingers down to my curves.

"Grazie sweetheart."

My mom saw us having our sweet moment, it always happens to us, but for the next few hours, no one will he bothering us.

"You two be safe!" She said out loud while me and Luca walked out of my home, I have no idea how people would see us going to the water, but it didn't bother him.

We were making our way down, but then I heard some men howling at me which made me feel uncomfortable...

"Sei bellissima Y/n!" One of the italians shouted at me...I get it its a compliment...just not used to it."

"Its okay bambolina, were almost to the shore."

Oh...that's new...he's never called me that before. I like it, I even like how he says it, pretty sexy.

We made it to the shore, I can't wait for this date.

"My lady?" He offered me to go in first, so I make my way into the water, my skin shifts into my fish form which resembles an axoloti, we're very rare creatures, but to let you know, we are cute and friendly sea monsters.

I turn to see Luca diving in and held me close to his arms.

Then I felt his lips press against my neck, it made me blush intensely from the area.

"Im sorry I couldn't help it, it's like its been forever without you."

The things he say is always so heart warming.

"W-we can do that after dinner."

He chuckles and held my hand close. "Of course, Im getting hungry as well."

He showed me the way to the dinner table which is near his home, it was a lovely view.

Plus the sea grass does give us more privacy, Luca understands what I go through...he's sometimes like that too.

He pats a rock near him with a basket in between us.

I swam closer and see what he's pulling out. To my surprise it was an adorable sight to see.

He made sea pasta.

"Luca, this looks incredible." I complimented.

He pulled out a bowl portioning it inside then hands it to me.

"Grazie." I said softly, taking a bite of the stuff mama mia...

"This is amazing.." I wish I would pig this out...but Im too insecure to do so.

I heard him chuckle "grazie bella, a kind chef from the town lended me his recipes so I could make it for tonight. It wasn't that hard to make."

He explained while I slurp the noodles.

He slurps his up as well and looked up at the wonderful view of a school of fish following a whale towards one direction.

I brushed my sea whiskers to the side and turn to look at him...he is so handsome, back when we were little he was such a cutie.
Big eyes, sweet smile, big rosie cheeks, and now he's a gentlemen, even when his voice got deeper, he's still the same Luca I knew and loved back in my childhood.

"Say Y/n, I understand you don't like to be surrounded by people...but maybe find a restaurant up there where you feel okay with."

Hmm...this was a small issue with us. Finding a place to eat out...there's a good reason I don't like going into restaurants...its because humans are very judgemental...

"Ill search for a good one tesoro."

I smiled and possibly give it another shot.

I lean in to place a kiss on his cheek and we finish up our delicious dinner.

We decide to head back to the shore.

The thing we love to do as our date is looking up into the stars.

He told me when he was little, him and his friend would look up at night and explore what's out there.

"Come on, let's head back up."

He carried the basket in one hand while he held my hand with the other and we swam our way back up to the surface.

--Back in the shore--

Luca and you were laying against the shore, looking up into stars above.

It was no wonder he was so interested in the universe, he'd even talk about it and it fascinates you.

After taking a moment of silence and relaxation. You felt a hand run up against your thigh, it made you shiver.

Then a soft kiss under your jawline, almost made you squirm.


"What is it bella?" He whispered into your ear, concerned whether your okay or not okay with it.

"N-not here..."

" one isn't around, we can just kiss." He placed his fingers under your chin, making you look at him with those chocolate eyes.

"If that's alright with you."

You decided, you did miss the taste of his sweet lips.
"Im alright with it Luca."

Then he curled a smirk in his face, almost an evil face...your scared what he is planning...  He pulling you closer and placing you on top of him.

You squeaked from the action, you weren't too sure what else to say...

"Im always on top, thought we can try something new." No kidding it is new for the both of you.

He kisses you sweetly while you kiss back, almost switching to passionate and french.
Your scared someone would here the both of you moan. Good thing the waves would cover the sound.

You gently cupped his face while he runs his fingers up your waist.
"I love you bambolina..." He said against the kiss. You pant softly from the heated kiss "I-I love you too bello." You replied back and the two of you continue to kiss more, speaking to each other very passionate with lips.

When things were about to get heated, you stopped your self, being all flustered that it's getting really late.

Luca was getting a bit tired himself, so he help you get back to your home safely, saying sweet good nights and shared one last kiss for the night.

"Ill see you tomorrow Bambolina."

You gazed out the window seeing him head back the sea. It was a lovely date, not too big or too small, it was simple yet romantic.


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