Long lost twin

By Swimming_111

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What happens when Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall had twins instead of one child? Take from birth, this i... More

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Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
chapter 7 part 1
Author's note
chapter 7 part 2
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
The end.

chapter 5

1.9K 38 2
By Swimming_111

(A/N: Rosa-Bella's POV)

Clary looks like she just about to be arrested for something and Lizzy looks like... well Lizzy.

" Rosa-Bella meet the Mikaelson family, they are going to be staying with us for a couple of days. Mum and dad said they could stay here for a while." Lizzy says like it was nothing. 

Mikaelson? Why have I heard that name before? Well it looks like I have to be nice to them. Great.  

" Well then, Hello Mikaelson family. I'm Rosa-Bella May and welcome to the institute. If you need anything my door is always open."  I say as I smile.  

 " Hello, I'm Hope Mikaelson it's nice to meet you too." This girl who looks around my age says as the whole family tells me there names.

 "Now that you all know where everything is and who's room who's I going to be taking Clary and Rosa-Bella to my room.  need a to get their opinion on something." Lizzy says as she grads Clary's arm and pulls her to Lizzie room well leaving me behind.

"Well I better be going see you around." I says as I begin to walk to Lizzie's room. 

 " Would you like to hang out some time?"I hear Hope's voice spoke out to me, I stopped walking and turn around to look at her.   Why would she want to hang out with me? This is oddly  suspicious, maybe I'm over thinking it. 

"Sure, how about tomorrow we can do something tomorrow?" I says after thinking about to for a moment.   Why not, I did say that if they need anything doors open.  Which I'm already regretting. 

"That sounds great. I'll see tomorrow then." Hope says with a smile. 

 "Great. See you." I says as I walk to Lizzy room and knock on her door.  That family is wired. Lizzie opens it and let's me in. 

( A/N: Small time skip)

After Lizzy and Clary got dressed then left, probably to go see Alec and talk to the Mikaelson's. I look at the outfit Lizzy picked out for me and I just didn't like it.  Yes Lizzy has taste but I'm not feeling it tonight, I went back to go to my room and got ready for the "Mission." 

( A/N: Rosa-Bella is  down below )

After I'm down getting dressed, I did wavy curls my hair letting it flow naturally. I decided to do a natural makeup look, I'm too lazy to up a whole lot on for tonight. Which was only  waterproof mascara, some  concealer and a nude shade lip gloss.  

I looked at myself in the mirror feeling like something is missing with this outfit,  I walked over to were I keep what  little jewellery I have, in a little wooden box.   I'm not much for jewellery but I'll wear it when I'm in the mood,  I start go threw the box.  Then I found it, the necklace. 

( A/N:  Necklace is down below)

 When Alec, Lizzy, I are walking around in New York with baby Aurora on my hips, We went by a vintage shop window and I see the necklace.  I had this feeling it was made for me, only It coast a lot.  Which was money I didn't have.  Then a couple of hours go by and Alec comes back with a small boxes, he gives me the box's saying to a early Christmas present. 

I looked inside and there was the necklace.  After Aurora passed away I got the necklace engraved with my kids initials, I need to have something of them.  This is all I have.

 I sigh trying to push the painful memory out of my mind, I walked back to my mirror and put the necklace on.  I fixed my makeup, can't have others thinking I'v been crying, I already got enough of the sympathy looks.  

Once I feel ready,I head to the "lobby" as Clary calls.    

It's kinda funny her mum didn't tell her.  If I was Clary's mum I would have told Clary when she was 13 years old, maybe even 12.  I mean there is no use hiding something like that, if you wait to long it well cause unnecessary drama.   

After a few days, I would have started to train her on what she needs to know then take her to the Institute when she's 16.  let her get more experience and get a feel on what's it like to be on small missions ect.   That's what I would have done, if I was in Clary's Mum position. 

 When I got to where the group is as well the Mikaelson family, all their eyes are on me.

Alec, Jace and Lizzy are eyeing my necklace knowing somethings up, were as the rest are eyeing my whole outfit. 

I see the boys from the Mikaelson family look look they want to grab a blanket and cover me up were as the girls are nod the their head are approved.   Why thank you ladies. 

I saw Clary looking Jealous that Jace is looking at me, I mean  reality check sweetheart Jace is into you not me. Plus his more my brother, then a lover. 

 Simon looks like I'm a goddess who came out from a comic book, he's definitely  Lizzy's type. 

"Do you all want to take a picture? I'm sure it will last longer." I says as I saw  Clary rolled her eyes. 

 " Well now that we are ready can we go?" Clary asked the group. 

" Yeah let's get going." Alec says as we wrapped an arm around me. 

I could have sworn I heard a growl as Alec warped an arm around me which had came from the Mikaelson family, more suspiciously Klaus.  Why would he care?  He just met me, like dude stop acting like your my father. Your not, I never had  one never will. 

I looked at the family for a moment, eyeing them well Klaus.  I then pulled Alec along as we started to head to the main door. 

 "Where are you guys going?" I hear Klaus asked from behind me. 

Do we tell them? I mean we are going against the rules,  well to be honest I'm not a Shadow hunter, which means  I'm really not breaking any rules.   I stopped walked and turned around to look at him as in the corner of my eye I saw Alec  roll eyes, I feel you buddy. 

I'm wanting to just call it a night and watch the rest of Titanic.  I felt Alec pull me closer to him, I wrapped an arm around his wast, as I looked back to the Mikaelson family. 

" We are going to a club to talk to a friend of ours." Lizzy says, as if it's a normal thing for us, well it's use to be for me until I got clean.  I would have to them the truth, it's not like they can do much anyway right? 

 " Their is no way they will let you in. You look 17."  Klaus stated, eyeing me.  I saw the rest of the Mikaelson family either looking like their cover is about to be exposed or kind of agreeing to what Klaus says .  Like it's hared for them. 

 Why the hell does this man care so much? Least I checked I just met the guy like what 2 hours ago.  I can do as I please, thank you very much. 

" Don't worry about me, Growls. I know the owner, I'll get in. Plus it's not like I'm going to be drinking, even if I could I can't I'm alcoholic." I stated as I smirk at the family. 

I saw the Mikaelson, Clary and Simon looking shocked were as Lizzy, Jace and Alec don't look phase at least not anymore.  

"On that note,  see ya."  I say to all of them as I pulled Alec along, well him and I  walk out of the institute.

( A/N: Time skip to Magus Bane's apartment.)

I go to the kitchen to make I'm some witch's special tea, once I'm done making my tea.  I come back out and saw Clary talking to magus about her memories and some demon thing. Honestly I'm not even paying attention to the conversation.

 As I'm drinking my tea and playing with my necklace, thinking about my kids. I zoned back in when I felt starts on me. Ugh, what's with people and starting at me today? 

 "What? Do I have something on my face?" I asked as I looked up and saw everyone looking at me, no one says anything.  Clary and goes to another room with Magnus.  Which leaves Alec, Jace, Lizzy and myself. 

 " Okay. Since when do you where that necklace? I thought you buried that necklace after what happened with Aurora."  Jace asked a little confused as I saw both Alec and Lizzy looking like they wanted to say the same thing only didn't know how to say it. 

 My eyes start to water hearing Aurora's name.

 "  I didn't just  bury it." I says as I take a breath in and out. 

 "  I keep it in the box you all give me." I say as I look up to Alec and continued. 

" I just need to wear it to remind me why I still need to keep going."  I added. 

 " We are here." Alec says, with a small smile. 

" I know. It's just with everything going on, It's getting heard." I say as Lizzy pulled me into a hug.  

After a few minutes Lizzy and I let go from our hug, I saw Magus came back out by himself

  " Can we talk In private?"  I asked him as I saw him nod his head,  I got up from my spot and we go to to talk about my idea to get apartment.

A/N: Thank you for reading this chapter, I hope you all have an amazing day. 


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