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[MATURE CONTENT] Everyone tends to outgrow their childhood memories as they become adults but not Trinity. Th... Daha Fazla

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One Year later

"Any last words, Uncle?"

I held the trigger ready to fire putting an end to the man who has put me through so much misery. Who shattered my family, had hands in the imprisonment of my father for twenty-seven long years and the death of my mother. I even let him snatch five years out of my life cowering in fear and regrets.

He used me for all he has and today after being tortured by my sexy psycho for months; today ends it all. Andrei gave me the one time opportunity to end him saying it's my right after all Uncle did to me.

I deserve to end his miserable life.

The battered man smell of his own blood and filth; parts of his body missing like an eye, his ear, a broken nose, limbs broken and in addition is parts of his flesh peeled off his skin. You can see it in various places decorating his body. Andrei promised him to give him something worse than death and he meant it. I want to feel pity but everytime I remember how he used me ignites more hate in me and I want to let it go. I want to be at peace once again.

Uncle is hanging by a chain to the roof looking at me with hate. Jokes on him, cause it's same here.

"You bitch, I gave all you have today. I made you, Trinity Tobias. You became the best because of me and this is how you repay me." He coughs out blood. "You owe me your fucking life." He spits venomously.

Cocking the gun. "Then, I want my life back."


Unblinking, I fired a perfect shot watching the bullet sink into his temple hearing his last breath smiling triumphant.

Throwing the gun to the corner I told the men to clean the place up and dispose of his body while sashaying out of chernyy (black). The boys very own torture house in our villa.

Like a heavyweight being lifted off my shoulders walking to my babies room. No more running, no more hiding; just us living our best lives with their Dads. Pulling the first door open met by an empty room and a very cold bed eyeing the surrounding of where he will be.

I walk out. "Where is he?" I ask Nino.

"With the little Princess." His thick accent shows with each word he utters now gearing myself to the room few doors away.

Quietly turning the doorknob not wanting to wake them up, I step inside to see Tusya wide awake reading his school book sitting beside his sister who lay asleep.

A frown etch my face walking closer to the bed, his head turns looking at me giving a cute heartwarming smirk going back to his book with apt concentration. What is he doing here and not sleeping?

"What are you doing here? You should be sleeping Tusya." I reprimand in hush whispers because if my little girl wakes up and sees me, she will turn into a crying fit especially as I'm about going to meet their Dads.

"I am watching over baby." His cute voice says in a duh tone and I've just had enough of this boy. I ask God for a kid and he gave me an old soul in a kid's body.

Trying not to fuss and throw a temper. Pinching the bridge of my nose. "Tusya, that is what the guards are here for. You are a six year old and should start acting like one."

"But I'm not sleepy Mummy." His blue eyes shines tilting his head to the side having a better look at me. Emote. "Why are you dressed like that mummy?" My eyes shuts briefly saying a prayer.

Please God, let my girl at least be a normal kid for my sake because this boy is slowly crawling on my nerves.

Snapping my eyes open, he stares up at me waiting for an answer unyielding. "Daddies are not here. Should I call Daddy to pick you up." A sickly sweet smile appears on his face in a taunting smirk.

I have Vadim and Andrei bossing me around and let's not forget my other father's, uncle Elijah and uncle Andrei and now my own son. They have finally corrupt him.

"Tusya, baby, you are a child and I think you should really start acting like one. I am the adult here and your sister is safe. We have alexsee also to do that." His look switches to one of Vadim, unreadable and dauntless.

Shutting his book keeping it by the side table. "I am a man mummy, it's my duty to look after you and baby when daddies are not around." Throwing my hands in the air hoping to yell a scream but refrained.

I need to keep him away from these men probably send him to his grandmother in Italy. Maybe he will learn some manners about being a child.

Exasperated, I walk over to his side picking him up out of his sister's room and straight to his room.

Once I placed him on his bed, he has a naughty smile dancing on his lips. "Love you, Mummy."

"Be a kid for me... Can you try." His grin goes wider giving me the answer. A definite No.

"I love you baby." Kissing his soft cheeks walking out with instructions to the guards not to let him out of their sight.

The desire to drown my overwhelming son character and letting it burn with a scorching liquid down my patched throat finds me inside Vadim's bugatti veyron speeding out of the estate and towards the club.

It wasn't long after I'm being welcomed by neon blue lights and blasting music that can definitely result to temporal deafness; but I didn't mind. I love it instead sauntering amidst bodies straight for the bar.

"Give me your best shot." Smiling at the handsome dark bartender who waves a flirty wink eyeing my red bodycon fitting like a second skin finishing off with a vamp lipstick showing off a toothy grin. He turns eyeing the bottles of drink picking at least five out of it walking back to the bar.

He looks new; wonder what happened to the last bartender.

I watch him mix whatever the hell it is contemplating where my boys will be right now feeling the bartender eyes heavy on me and how Andrei will end up firing the poor lad not before receiving a hard punch from Vadim as the cute bartender can't seem to take his eyes off me.

"Here you go beautiful." Grazing my hand with his fingers as he place my drink in front of me and a straw in it. He is definitely new.

Scratch that, Vadim will definitely fire him while Andrei must punch him into comatose state.

Having pity on the bartender in fear of his life cause it will be sad to hear someone lay dead in the streets; I look away entertaining my eyes with the crowd dancing to the music sipping my alcohol. My leg shakes loving the tempo searching around for the boys, they should be here by now. Feeding my eyes on partners kissing on the dance floor or new found love getting past that first awkward laugh joining in the dance. I smile.

Peace, that is all I feel right now knowing the bogey man is dead and my kids are safe from harm. My six year old rambunctious Tusya who exerts dominance like a foreskin and our beautiful one year baby girl; both at home sleeping. Utter peace.

Snatching my phone from my purse dailing Vadim, a voice interrupts.

"You don't know the Russians huh?" The familiar voice turns my head seeing the agent looking at me in a knowing smirk.

"Agent... Thailand." I mock seeing anger cloud his face.

"Thompson." He corrects. "Agent Bryan Thompson, Mrs Ivanov now right."

"Has a nice ring to it right." Showing off my huge diamond ring. "And what will a federal agent be in such a place. Don't have anything better to do or are you that lonely?" Smiling at him sipping my drink as I put emphasis on lonely.

Ouch! I think I hit a nerve watching his face registers one of hate. By now I'm sure he knows that I know what happened between him and Mrs Rosie now that I'm an Ivanov wife. The miserable agent is that lonely he doesn't have a wife after all the years chasing and looking for a loophole to end the Russian mafia just to prove a  point. Sad indeed.

"I will see you around Miss Tobias."

"It's actually Mrs Ivanov, and you are never welcomed to the Russian club, any of the Russian clubs, ever or I will deal with you myself." Grinning like a chesire cat watching him storm angrily out of the club.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Like I said, never mess with the Russians and far better; never mess with the Ivanov.

Basking in the victory sipping my cool beverage that is until a new admirer barge into my sweet solitude.

"Hey." He calls.

"Hey." I reply dryly, not once sparing him a glance.

"I'm Hardy and you are?" Very uninterested searching again for my husbands. But he seems not to get the gist or totally dismissing it.

"Sweetheart. Let me guess, your number, go for a date, blah blah blah." He chuckles as I point out his objectives.

"Is that bad huh?"

Rolling my eyes at his remark, I turn to face him. "I'm married." Showing my ring to which he stares at with a frown creating a smile on my lips.

A new voice. "And what if I love the idea of desiring a married woman one as beautiful as yourself." Then you better love the idea of staying dead.

I snarly retort hoping this other fella leaves me alone. "I'll say my husbands will skin you alive and kill you. Really, they will kill you."

"Ghost." The newcomer introduce with a flirty grin showing his pearly whites.

"Sweetheart." I lie again.

"Did you say husbands with an 's'?" Hardy, the first guy says situating himself on an empty stool. This is not funny anymore but I stayed compose as ever.

"Why, yes of course. Scared?" I muse.

"Not really. Intriguing to say the least. Such a beautiful woman doesn't need two men if you have one that can satisfy you." That does it, glaring at him at same time sizing him up.

For any average girl will be fawning over him but not me; I'm way beyond average after having two men at my disposal.

Before I can reply the second guy, what is his name again cuts in. "And I'm guessing that one is you. Excuse me fella, but tonight is my Lucky night with this beauty. Let's get down to business shall we. I am sure you have heard of the name Zanotti holdings, I am Ghost Zanotti, the owner. How about a million dollars, will you come home with me?"

My eyes lands on the second guy giggling at the fact he thinks because he is rich then he can buy me.

"Now where is the fun in that... Make it more enticing or do I look cheap to you." I encourage now relaxing to enjoy this show before my men walks in on them.

Hardy laughs while my eyes search for Vadim or Andrei. They should be here any minute. "Cheap bastard. Do you know who I am? I'll give you five million dollars for one week in my apartment. I'm in town for some business."

"Now you are talking." Praising Hardy.

Ghost hiss at the strange man that is his competition. "Fucker." I should be honored that two rich strange men well known in the country desires me rather I'm saddened by the fact Vadim and Andrei always best all other men for me. They always do.

Ghost continues. "Call your details and I'll deposit five euro."

"What do you want in return?"

Eyes cloud with lust looking me from head to toe meeting back my eyes. "Your body will be mine." I burst out laughing so hard that my drink spilled on my chest. How rich people think and have the audacity always baffles me.

Snatching a napkin drying my chest very much amused. "Like I said, married."

Sitting up, Ghost blocks my way. "I never take no for an answer."

"That accent, Italian. Figures. You think you have all it takes to make a girl swoon. Try again." He looks taken aback pushing him aside. "Have a beautiful night while I look for my husbands."

Just then one of the Russian guards walks to me having Ghost shout louder. "Ten million pounds, euro, whatever you want. I don't take no for an answer."

The security escorts me out talking to his com in Russian which I'm guessing are the boys. I shout back glancing at ghost. "You must have a death wish. Very well, catch me if you can."

The car ride is silent wearing a giddy smile; for real, that stranger was willing to pay me ten million in whatever currency I choose just to have my body for one week.

"Take me home."

"Sorry madam Ivanov, the bosses instructed to take you to the Hilton." They better have a good explaining to do.

As soon as I walk in, I can feel numerous eyes on me. Business men ogling, men with partner lusting, women glaring at me. I paid them no mind going towards the reception asking for my men, the brunette gives me a key card with no further word not that she said any in the first place.


My ears search for the scorned word falling on a lady besides me as she looks at the card in my hand eyeing me disdainfully. She even calls me a slut in low whispers.

I sure already knows what's running in her head as she eyes me from head to toe. My Gucci strap heel matching my Gucci purse, seductive red bodycon showing my womanly curves and ample chest. Thick bouncy curls flowing lushly, even my perfume breathes money. Truthfully, I look like a very expensive escort which I'm sure that is what she sees and because she can't afford my lifestyle she makes hateful comment hoping it appease her and vex me.

Such a sad lady, I'm sure she has a cat as her companion. Tsk.

To spite her more, I fully turn to face her running my hands on my curves up to my chest squeezing a bit looking at her.

"Beautiful women don't hate on beautiful women, it's obvious you're both ugly on the inside and out. I hope you enjoy your cat tonight." The shock tells me she is a cat lady causing me to laugh harder.

Wasting no time, I walk to the elevator and once in flashing her my card while she glares at me.

Serves her right.

The elevator opens to a very chic penthouse suite. Words cannot describe such a beauty but something was off about it. One of the windows is open.

How possible is that a penthouse window is wide ajar? Zero to null hypothesis right.

Pulling out my gun quickly. "Who is there? Show yourself or I'll shoot your fucking brains out."

"Told you I don't take no for an answer." Revealing Ghost coming out from behind a wall paces in front of me.

Removing the safety, index on trigger. He must be fucking stupid if he thinks I won't kill him before Andrei does. "You followed me. My ten million."

"Done." My phone chimes showing ten million in euros. Too bad I'll still shoot him.

The elevator dings open. "What the fuck?!" Vadim barks in a loud roar.

"Vadim, wait." Distracted, Ghost jumps on me throwing the gun out of my gun pinning me to the wall slamming his lips on mine.

I moan. "You boys will be the death of me." Clutching onto Andrei, my supposed Ghost as our kiss got more heated and lust craze.

His fingers snakes under my short dress finding my pussy juicy and desiring him.

"She is ready. So moist." Andrei growls devilishly pushing me on the couch tearing everything obstructing my body from his view. No pun intended.

"Uhm, Vadim, I don't think Andrei is himself right now. He won't take it slow, will he?" Scared, but still turned on looking over at Vadim my other supposed stranger called Hardy, as he takes off his tie looking at me sexily wearing a wolfish grin. I gulp.

I'm truly in for the night moaning loud as Andrei thrusts two digits in me so hard and fast I shout my first orgasm. Uhh! Yes!

Vadim chuckles. "He plans on fucking the ten million out of your pussy for the whole week."

Fluttering my eyes open to see both men in front of my naked body grinning devilishly. Their eyes crawls over my heated flesh having my hairs stand and goosebumps covering me. My breasts heaves, perky as my pointy nipples invites them for a feast. Desire seeps out of my pussy opening my legs wide enough for them to see my glistening sex as I begin to clench begging for them in me. Their bulge strains against their pants having me suck my lips in plucking it out moist.

Vadim says huskily."Now, where were we sweetheart?"

Smiling. "Telling you about my husbands killing you."

Vadim says. "Good, because I'm about to kill this pussy."

Andrei psychotic smirk appears watching them pull off their clothes standing like Adonis, gods on earth ready to ravish me and satisfy my dark desires.

"Don't scream." I did the very opposite as Vadim slams hard into my pussy. Oh fuck!

Why did I have to listen to Mrs Sonia about role play again. They boys look like they're about to have the last supper and I am the feast.

"You know what, scream for us." Andrei penetrates in me and I moan so loud getting the true taste of pleasure. "Let them hear you moan for us as we fuck you."


Thanks for reading
Abbie cares

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