Children of lava

By Lava_Serpant

4.4K 95 54

It's been years since the Ninjago city flooding and Cole feels like he's nearly ready to just settle in and w... More

A Normal Morning
School's In
Feild Trip
Careful They Sting
This Isn't Cool
Questions and Little Answers
Training with Kai

Busted Bus

405 10 6
By Lava_Serpant

Lilly was in high spirits the rest of the trip. Oscar was really warm the rest of the trip and the teacher worried he was coming down with a fever, but Oscar acted normal the entire trip. Lilly enjoyed sleeping with the fishes, why do people say that so threateningly? It's super fun.

At the end the entire class got to pick whatever they wanted from the gift shop for free. Em and Zack got a book, Onyx got a bag of candies, Oscar was deciding between a stuffed animal or a T-shirt, Sky got a glass figurine of a octopus, and Eddie got a giant stuffed blue octopus, but Lilly wasn't sure what she wanted though. The gift shop had a lot of different stuff and she couldn't decide. The attendant watched her a little scared because if she didn't pick something her parents were free to sue them for what happened and they could easily win said law suit even without a lawyer, it would be worse if the parents were lawyers.

As Lilly looks around she drifts to the counter to see if they have any jewels and didn't see any. "Exscuse me miss? Where is all the jewelry?" She asks. "Oh we haven't taken them out yet, here just a moment," The cashier unlocks a safe under the counter and pulls out the jewelry. They were pretty expensive and really pretty, but one necklace drew Lilly's attention.

It was a golden chain necklace with a pretty blue crystal shaped like a diamond in the middle of it surrounded in a gold casing, but had some gold welded into it curving kinda like a swirling pool or something like that.

"FSM that's beautiful! Why don't you have it on display?" She asks. "Oh well we do most of the time, but it's past closing hours and we tend to lock up the expensive stuff in safes. It had already been put back, but we're keeping the shop open a little longer for you kiddies. So you want it?" The cashier asks.

"Yes! Please," she added the last part shyly. The cashier smiles and started punching in some numbers. "You know nobody really likes this necklace," They comment. "Why?" Lilly asks. "Superstition really, people say it's apart of the water amulet," Lilly was instantly interested. "The water amulet? What's that?" She asks. "Oh well you see when Ninjago city was being flooded the monster causing it was powered by two stones, the water and lightning stones. Your a little young to remember it, but the story goes the red ninja put so much power into the water stone it cracked and a piece came loose while the lightning Ninja so the lightning amulet and no one's sure what they did with it. Anyway they say though this Crystal here in the piece that got cracked by the red ninja," The cashier explains as the bagged the necklace in a fancy box.

"If they think this is apart of the amulet why are you selling it in a gift shop and it's not apart of a museum or display?" She asks. "Well there are a lot of other jewelry pieces out there claiming to be the piece and there's really no way to prove it. The boss got this necklace after finding the crystal washed up near the shore and decided to have it made into a necklace and make it into another possible fake. The gold is real though which is why it's so expensive," They finished explaining and handed the box with the necklace to Lilly.

"How expensive?" She asks. "Nothing near how much your parents could get from us," The cashier answers with a forced happy smile. Lilly thanks them and goes to the rest of her friends at the exit.

"So you got the t-shirt?" Lilly asks and Oscar nodded proudly.

"What'd you get?" He asks. "This!" Lilly pulls it out and the girls thought it was pretty as Lilly put it around her neck.

"Okay class! File into the bus," The teacher calls out. The kids do so dutifully and the teacher counts them out loud and nods approvingly when he had all twenty of the students.

"Alright everybody make sure you have everything this is your last chance to check you got everything before we leave," The teacher announces and the students do this.

As they were doing this Oscar looks out the window boredom obvious when he saw something. "Umm Mr. Nick? What's that?" Oscar points out the window and the teacher looks over out the window as does the rest of the bus.

The ocean next to the aquarium was a peaceful part of the ocean and didn't have any waves and known to have a abundance of fish. Coming out of the water though you could see blue serpentine looking creatures carrying red glowing spears.

"Are those serpentine?" A student asks. "But Serpentine can't breath underwater," A different student said.

"Driver start the bus now," Mr. Nick said as more of the sea creatures emerged all carrying weapons. "Already on it," The bus driver said turning the ignition on, but like any old bus it was taking awhile to start up. "Aren't those the sea serpents from when Ninjago got flooded?" Sky asks. Lastly one more figure appeared from the oceans and it did not look like the other serpents. It's lower body had eight light purple octopus tentacles, it's upper body was covered in a old scratched, barnacle covered amour, it's face looked like someone tried sculpting a old frowning fish human, with hanging nostrils like a mustache, purple skin, flaring gills at the side of it's head connected by blue webbed skin, green eyes with yellow rings around the slit pupil, and, on it's head was some coral that looked to be shaped like a crown, it's right arm was covered in old ocean rusted metal mechanics. It was also worth mentioning that it also carried a trident that towered over it by half a foot and the forked part was glowing a light blue instead of red.

"We're close, find them!" The squid thing yelled at it's soldiers with a distinctive male voice.

The sea serpents spread out around the area and began harassing anyone nearby who ran into the aquarium or down the roads to avoid them screaming.

"Driver start the bus!" Mr. Nick yelled at the driver. "The dam thing isn't working!" The driver shouts back trying to start it.

The squid leader looks at his trident and waves it around. Lilly watches in fascination as it lit up at a certain angle. When it pointed at the bus it suddenly glowed really brightly. The squid thing paused and looked at the bus before grinning.

"Serpents! Attack that yellow thing and bring me what we came for!" The squid thing orders and the students screamed as the serpents began approaching the bus.

"Driver!" Mister Nick yelled and finally the bus started up.

The driver hit the pedal to the metal and headed towards the main road that was practically the only exit.

"What do those things want with the bus?" Eddie asks watching as they sped off. "Maybe they want to use the students to draw the ninja in?" Onyx suggests.

"Uhh Mr. Nick," The teacher looked back and curses seeing that the things had stolen cars and were chasing after them at a faster pace then what the bus could do.

"Students! Stay in your seats," The teacher orders.

Zack was furiously texting on his phone while other students were recording the chase.

Suddenly there was a boom and the bus swerved and everyone screams clutching onto the seats as the bus tipped over onto the side.

Some poor students screamed in pain when they landed on the other side and hurt themselves.

"Everyone evacuate to the emergency exits at the back of the bus. Help any of your injured classmates," The teacher orders.

Everyone began crawling too the back exit, but that was blocked when the serpents ripped it off it's hinges. "I don't care about the brats just get us what we came for!" The squid thing orders. The serpant things crawled on the windows facing up the students were screaming and crying realizing they were trapped.

The kids was seated at the back of the bus near her friends and one of the serpents looked at them and hisses reaching inside. Kids scrambled to get away, but the serpant still managed to grab the ankle of a poor unfortunate student. "Sky!" Eddie calls out as his twin was pulled out of the bus by the serpant.

Sky held on for dear life to a bus seat crying and kicking at the thing.

"Let her go!" Lilly screams and for some reason it made her feel lightheaded, but the serpent let go of Sky who quickly scrambles back to get away while the serpent looks confused.

No one realized the squid man's eyes became excited. "Get it!" he orders. The serpants began ripped off the metal trying to get inside the bus when they heard a revving.

Everyone looks to the source and Em squealed. "It's the samurai sisters!" Everyone in the bus cheers as they saw their mechs coming.

The first one was a dark green race car holding The Racer, she wore a dark green racing uniform with armored patting and a racing helmet covering her face, she is the only samurai no one knows the identity of. Next was the mech that was dark blue, used jets to fly, and was equipped with every tool you could think of. Piloting it was the Silver Samurai also known as Pixel Borg the girlfriend of the white ninja. She wore more traditional samurai gear and used a hooked chain as her choice of weapon though could easily use any other weapon if she wanted. Lastly was the leader, the Cyan Samurai also known as Nya Smith coming in on her tricked out motorcycle. She wore a mix of ninja and samurai clothing with a helmet covering her face and a cyan blue coloring, and twin katanas strapped to her back.

The Cyan Samurai stopped just outside the bus and yelled out. "I'll give you one warning to go back to the ocean Calamari or else we won't hesitate to turn all of you into Sushi!" The cyan ninja yelled and boy did she sound mad. "She kinda sounds like mum," Eddie comments and everyone nodded in agreement to that.

"It's Kalmar! And I'm not leaving without what I came for. Attack!" 'Kalmar' orders his followers and half go to attack while the rest focused on the bus. "Silver get the minions away from the bus, Racer protect the kids, I got Kalamar," The Cyan Samurai orders and the two nodded.

The silver samurai quickly got to the bus and swatted the minions off of the bus and away from the children. Racer hopped out of her car and broke off the emergency exit window and started pulling the kids out from the bus one at a time. "Stay together!" Racer orders them before they could run off.

When she pulled Em out she seemed to do it with much more gentle nature and made sure Em knew not to run away before she got to the other kids. Once everyone, plus the two adults, were out of the bus the Racer ordered the two adults to lead the kids towards a nearby national park and to call the parents of the children. The two adults nodded and quickly started herdding the children in the direction of the forest they had to cut through to get to the park half a mile away.

"Why are those things even after the kids?" The driver asks the teacher as they ran, but the teacher had no clue.

The class was running for ten minutes and the sound of fighting became fainter when the group started to slow down. The teacher was urging them to keep running, but like any kid they tired quickly.

Suddenly they heard blasting fire and the kids all screamed scattering.

"Stay together!" The teacher yelled, but it was useless. Lilly saw a hollow tree trunk and she grabbed her brothers dragging them to it. Her and the boys hid inside it, barely fitting in it. "Hey where are we supposed to hide?" Eddie asks his cousins. "Go hide in the trees," Onyx answers and the kid groans running with his sister to hide in the trees, Zack and Em followed them trying to get them to come down.

Eventually the teacher and bus driver got the kids together at the moment when another shot went off and they all ran not realizing the seven kids they left behind by mistake. "Hey wait!" Em yelled when Zack covers her mouth. "Quiet or they'll find us!" He whispers to her. Everything was deathly quiet as they waited on baited breath hearing the fighting in the distance.

Onyx heard footsteps and he looks out a hole in the trunk seeing Kalmar and at least six of his goons. Onyx made a quiet motion as Kalmar moves his trident around in the air, and he turned his eyes to the tree the triplets were hiding in. He grins and within five seconds he used his robot arm ripping the bark apart to find them.

The kids screamed and held onto each other, but that didn't stop Kalmar from using his robot hand to grab Lilly by the scruff of her shirt to lift her up.

"Put me down!" Lilly yelled, but the squid man laughs. "Your too weak for that to work on me," He taunts. Suddenly though he drops her when he cried in pain and turns his rage onto her brothers. Onyx had grabbed a large rock and thrown it onto one of Kalmar's tentacles, and Oscar stabbed a stick into another.

"Little brats!" Kalmar growls at them and his trident crackles with energy. "Don't hurt them!" Kalmar looks up and growls. "Take care of those brats too! I'll take care of these ones," He orders before turning back to Onyx and Oscar trapping them in his good tentacles.

"Eww gross!" Oscar gags at the slimy thing. "Say night brats," He said and points his trident at them when suddenly he shrieks in pain.


Everyone's eyes turned to see that it was.

"The red ninja!" Oscar jumps in excitement and awe. The red ninja had shot Kalmar with a fire blast and was continuing his array of fire blasts expertly keeping any of the flames from touching the kids.

The other ninja also showed up jumping down from the trees and attacking the goons. "Get the kids out of here!" The green ninja orders. "Cover me!" The white ninja blasted snow on the ground under the tree and yelled for them to jump.

Zack jumped first and landed safely in the snow pile. The rest of the kids followed and the white ninja quickly lead them away, but the triplets were still stuck in between Kalmar and the red ninja's fighting.

"So you are alive, I didn't think that oaf knew how to bring you back," The red ninja did not respond and threw a fire ball, but it fizzled out before it hit Kalmar. "But it also seems he did do a very good job anyway," Kalmar attacks with the trident, but the red ninja spun around him getting in between Kalmar and the kids.

"This is awesome!" Oscar cheers. "Get them away from here!" Red looked at his husband in black who had already reached them. "On it," He said and picked them each up effortlessly before running off with them. He reached the side of a road and paused asking. "Are you each okay?" he asks them and they nodded. "Yeah that was awesome!" they each cheered. "Good, never do any of that again," the black ninja took pressed a button on his belt and ten seconds later the racer had pulled up with Zack, Em, and the twins seated safely in the back. "Got three more for you, take them to their group and make sure they're okay, we'll deal with the Calamari," The black ninja said as he put each of the kids in the backseats.

Racer nodded and as soon as the kids were in the back seat the black ninja turned and ran back off into the fight without another glance.

"This is so awesome!" Oscar whispers to his friends. "Awesome? A man squid just tried killing us," Onyx delcares to his brother. "I wish I had dropped the rock on him that was funny," Em said laughing.

The racer remained silent, but eventually got outside the park and opened the door. "Okay your group should be at the ranger station, if they aren't call a police car explain what happened, and let them pick you up," The racer instructs and they nodded taking it as their cues to leave. They do this and the Racer sped off.

"This has been the best field trip ever!" Sky said. "We nearly died!" Zack stated. "Kids!" Everyone saw their teacher run over to them relived. "Thank goodness, are you all okay?" He asks. They all began talking at once and the teacher couldn't understand them. "Okay slow down, a police cruiser has already arrived and they're taking all of us to the station to get some statements. Come on," Mister Nick explains and the kids look at each other high on adrenaline, except Zack who was texting frantically on his now cracked phone.

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