Not Just The Side Character

By Super-Cool-Potato

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'Pointless' That is how the protagonist saw everything. It all started with an accident, but it is pointless... More

Ch 0: New Game+
Ch 1: Travelling Above The Clouds
Ch 2: An Unexpected Encounter
Ch 3: A Memory Unlocked
Ch 4: Late Knight Problems
Ch 5: A Proper Knight
Ch 6: I Got a Job. Then I Brought a Strange Girl Home
Ch 7: A Colourful World
Ch 8: Loose Ends-
Ch 9: -Tend to Catch Up
Side Story 1: The Days in Between
Ch ???: R|||n
Ch 10: Priorities
Ch 11: The Sixth Thread
Ch 13: A Change Of Heart
Ch 14: They Shall Kneel
Ch 15: A Withered Heart
Ch 16: A Breath of Fresh Air
Ch 17: A Date
Ch 18: Will You Go Out With Me?
Ch 19: How To Love
Ch 20: A Battlefield
Ch 21: Snowfall
Ch 22/Christmas Special Part 1/2: I Know Who You Are
Ch 22/Christmas Special Part 2/2: I Remember Who You Are
Ch 23: Not Even a Minute
Ch 24: Make A Wish
Ch 25: Please Be Happy
Ch 26: Robin Cross
Sidestory 2 part 1/4: From Otome To 18+ Eroge| Mini Edition
Sidestory 2 part 2/4: From Otome To 18+ Eroge| Rough Edition
Sidestory 2 part 3/4: From Otome To 18+ Eroge| Desire Edition
Sidestory 2 part 4/4: From Otome To 18+ Eroge| Villainess Edition
Ch 27: No Turning Back
Ch 28: A Productive Night Out
Ch 29: Proposal
Ch 30: Suits and Suitresses
Ch 31: The Calm Before The Storm
Ch 32: Without Hesitation
Epilogue: Not Just The Side Character
DLC Bonus 1: The Days Following
DLC Bonus 2: Final Boss
DLC Bonus 3: A Normal Girl
DLC Bonus 4: Babysitter
DLC Bonus Finale: Epik Adventure
The Halloween Treat

Ch 12: The Mob Life

4.1K 155 353
By Super-Cool-Potato

Robin POV

I've already seen how others react to the villainess in game but I find it rather interesting to see it in person. As we walk through halls everyone makes way for her, even some of the teachers. Though when we pass by them they look at me with sympathy, I wonder why.

After only seeing girls for a while, I realize that this is the girl's dorm and I start to get uneasy. Why does it seem like the female leads already hold a grudge against the villainess?

I have some time, I should just try to think about the game and the things I know. That way I can plan ahead and ignore everything around me, specifically the stares.

Clarissa Noelle, also known as the female protagonist trips on the road scrapping herself in the process. At that moment the player learns she has the ability to heal wounds with magic. Then she hitches a ride with a fellow student unbeknownst to her the he is the second prince, or the main male lead in her story.

Ignoring the change in her characteristics I saw first hand that it went smoothly. As smooth as it could have been with a random mob, me, with them. She then goes on to complete her exam, or the tutorial in the player's case, and enters a class.

This is where it gets worrisome. Depending on how well the player does on the exams/tutorials they can get put into one of three classes, B-Class, A-Class, and S-class. This can be seen as setting the difficulty for the player. Not only does it effects the combat, but it also changes the layout of each character.

If Clarissia is put into A-Class then so do certain male leads. But that was in the game where everything followed a script. It's obvious by now that every single protagonist, leads, NPC's, and mobs have their own free will and story. So I doubt Clarissa's exam result will affect others, which could be bad.

If a male lead just never ends up interacting with the protagonist then the story is possibly done for. Every single interaction made with any of the leads will affect the end you get. If one brick is removed the entire building will begin to crumble.

Since the villainess is involved with almost every scene with the protagonist I will also be there hopefully guiding the story from behind the curtains. The exam/tutorial rule also applied to the male protagonist in the game.

Speaking of whom, I haven't met him yet. I'm not sure how different he is now but I do know how his story is supposed to go.

Son of a royal knight and a high ranking mage, he lives a comfortable childhood and is trained by his parents. A very different backstory compared to the female protagonist's story that is filled with hardships.

His parents decide to send him to Omnis Magica Academy and there he meets various girls all of whom have problems that the protagonist helps solve.

Their full story can't be triggered unless the protagonist chooses their route but after I met them all I know that the game rules don't apply there. They all have something to deal with whether the male protagonist chooses to help them or not.

The protagonist doesn't have much character development throughout the game since he already has it all. Looks, status, skills, money, but all of this makes the player feel powerful so tend to leave a good review. His story focuses on the development of the girls, rather than himself.

Whereas the female protagonist develops her personality beside the male leads who are quite similar to the male protagonist in terms of status and belongings.

They're mostly well off with little to no problem with their own life. For them their story goes as followed. They meet the female protagonist and slowly fall in love with her and her resolve against the evil villainess who always seems to get in between them. Grace actually plays a key role in getting the protagonist and her male lead together.

The villainess plays the villain in all of the female protagonist's routes no matter who they choose as their partner. It's the opposite for on the male protagonist's end, the main antagonist, or final boss, depends on which female lead's route the player decides on.

But there is also a universal antagonist, one that the player fights no matter what route or story they're on. The demons and their worshippers. They act as mid game boss fights or natural enemies seen throughout the world.

During the first big demon fight, Robin, my character and who I am now, is scripted to die in the background during a cutscene. I was going to reach that point and survive no matter what.

On the path there I will be living the mob life, blending into the shadows as best I can. But at this point, I think doing the opposite will be more effective. Maybe I can play a character that gets along with all of his fellow mobs and survive together through our scripted deaths.

Yeah, that's not happening. I don't think making friends is possible with my personality.

Looking inside of myself, I'm a pretty shitty person. Thinking about everyone as simple pieces with no remorse for them as long as I live. All for some self imposed goal.

I feel this world losing its brightness as these thoughts cloud my mind. An all too familiar feeling of slowly sinking with no one to pull me up.

I can't even say I got through that phase of my life, I truly am fit for a worthless mob.

Grace: "What has gotten you so down again?" She asks startling me out of my thoughts.

Robin: "My apologies, I just started overthinking again." I say flatly.

And I wasn't lying, my thoughts always tend to drift towards a dark path when I start to think too much.

Grace: "I sense that that will be a reoccurring problem of yours. Here's a tip, don't think about the future and focus on having as much fun as possible in the present." She grins looking around her and at the students who fear her.

The present...I feel like I live in the past and future much more than the present. But I can't imagine myself just moving on from the past and not plan for the future. That's what I've been doing this entire life. I worked as hard as possible so I could survive my future to get over my past.

What else have I really done other than live for myself?

Grace: "There you go again, O-ver-think-ing." She says tapping her head with each syllable. "I need to teach you how to have fun so you can get your mind off of things." She smiles.

Robin: "I think our definition of fun is very different." I say thinking about what I know about her.

Grace: "Hmm, you might be correct about that." She says with a thinking look. "How about you tell me something you find fun then."

Robin: "I would have to think about that."

Grace: "No you don't silly." She giggles. "Here, just answer the question as fast as you can."

Robin: "What questi-"

Grace: "What do you like to do?" She says quickly.

Robin: "Cook." I say reflexively. I blink in surprise.

Grace: "See? It's that easy." She giggles.

Robin: "Is it really that easy?" I mumble.

The rest of the walk is silent while I try to comprehend this amazing trick Grace has shown me. I do notice in the corner of my eye Grace looking at me with a smug smile.

We make it outside and into the courtyard. Not to far away from us is a large crowd of students surrounding something.

Robin: "The board must be there."

Grace: "Oh! By the way, I'm going to have to make you cook something for me." She smiles.

Robin: "Nothing too extravagant I hope." I say imagining a tower of food.

Grace: "I won't be choosing what you cook though."

Robin: "What?"

Grace: "I said that I'm going to make you have fun, so you are going to choose for me. You better enjoy making or else that ruins the point." She says shaking her finger at me.

I was starting to get suspicious, why does she want me to have fun so badly?

Robin: "Why is it you want me to have fun so badly?" I ask voicing my thoughts.

She doesn't even hesitate to answer, as if she were expecting this.

Grace: "You are interesting to me, and I want to know every little thing about you." She says smirking and lowering her eyelids with her body leaned forward.

Robin: "With other students so close to us, you should dial it back on the familiarity, milady." I say glancing at her with a blank look.

She stands up straight and pouts.

Grace: "This is the biggest academy in the continent, there will be students all around us at all times. When will I ever have time to have fun with you?"

Robin: "When I cook for you I suppose." I say facing forward again.

Grace: "So you'll do it?" She asks excitedly.

Robin: "I can't disobey you now can I." I say flatly.

Grace: "Then you won't be having fun!" She whines. "I will have you decide when you want to cook for me. That way you do it on your own accord." She says looking proud at herself for coming up with the idea.

I really can't get a proper read on her.

Robin: "Yes milady." Is all I say and she stands a bit straighter.

She keeps her proud look all the away until we reach the crowd. There is a lot of clamouring as people push each other to see the board.

Grace: "Ahem!" She clears her throat loudly.

The clamouring quickly dies down as everyone starts pushing each other to make way for us. Grace flashes me a wink and we walk up to the board.

There are multiple boards with long pieces of paper pinned onto them. At the top of each one shows which class it represents and names of students beneath it.

I find the B-Class list and begin searching for my name. I get more and more nervous the longer it takes for me to find my name. My heart drops when I reach the last name without seeing my name.

I start going through the list again and again until Grace taps my shoulder.

Grace: "It looks like I won't be needing to pull any strings." She grins.

I feel my body tense at her words and my eyes drag themselves towards the single page with S-Class written in gilded letters. There only seems to be around twenty or so names on the list but only one catches my eye.

Robin Cross written in cursive is all I can see. How did this happen?

I know I beat Robert but my other exams should have dragged my grades down enough to at least place me in A-Class.

S-Class would mean I almost aced the test and had extremely strong mana. I made sure I got just over seventy on the test and I used a simple mana spell. There's no way anything I did was S grade worthy.

Grace: "Congratulations Robin, as expected of my servant." She smiles proudly.

Robin: "Yeah." I say in a daze.

Maybe this can be a good thing. I could use thi-

Grace: "Nuh-uh, you're not allowed to overthink about this." She says grabbing my wrist. "Let's go and celebrate." She says beginning to drag me along.

I think I'm seeing things but I swear the amount of sympathetic looks had increased.

As I get pulled away from the crowd one student catches my eye. He has short black hair and gentle blue eyes, he seems plain but I knew that he was anything but that.

He is the one who will end up with one if not all of the female leads, or also known as the male protagonist.

It's best I listen to Grace's advice here, I won't overthink about that prospect. Or about why the thought makes me feel strange.

He smiles confidently as he moves to the boards and Grace continues to pull me away. I thought about talking with him now but I don't think that would accomplish anything.

All I can do is wait and see what class he winds up in. In the game the female leads would end up in whatever class the protagonist is in. But again, I'm not sure how much of this world is scripted anymore.

And so Grace continues to pull me away.

Robin: "You can let go of me now milady." I state flatly.

Grace: "What if I don't wanna?" She grins mischievously.

I stop in place stopping Grace in the process and swiftly flick my hand causing her to let go.

Robin: "Then I'll act first." I say massaging my wrist.

Her grin turns into a sly smile of amusement.

Grace: "Not afraid to fight back hmm? That's good to know."

Didn't she realize that earlier?

Suddenly I realize where we are. We stand on a stone path with not many students around after the results are posted. Meaning an event is about to happen.

???: "Hey Robin!" The cheery and upbeat voice of the female protagonist sounds from behind.

Both me and Grace turn to see Clarissa jogging towards us still holding her massive backpack grinning from ear to ear. She must have done good on her exam.

???: "Robin? What are you doing here?" A different and familiar voice says causing me and Grace to turn around again.

There we see the second prince walking towards us with the air of a king. His head held eye and his movements determined.

Both characters arrive at the same time, Clarissa next to me and Lucas next to Grace. When Clarissa and Lucas's eyes meet they both smile.

Clarissa: "Hi Lucas!" She waves cheerfully.

Lucas: "Hello Clarissa." He chuckles probably at her enthusiasm.

Grace: "Do you all already know each other?" She asks with an intrigued smile beginning to form as she eyes Clarissa.

Clarissa: "Yeah, these two helped me get to the academy on time. Robin helped me with my bag and Lucas gave us a ride." She says throwing an appreciative grin our ways.

Lucas: "They made for some good carriage partners." He chuckles.

Grace: "It is good to know that you have already met my fiancé, Robin." She continues to smile.

Clarissa: "You're his fiancé?! That's amazing." She gushes to which Grace's eyes widen in surprise.

Lucas: "Robin? Are you there?" He chuckles.

I stiffly turn my head to him.

Robin: "Of course, do not mind me." I say more robotically than normal, trying my best to go invisible.

Lucas's face suddenly turns serious when he turns to Grace. Clarissa notices this and quickly gets nervous.

Lucas: "May I ask you what you have been doing to my friend?" He asks coldly to Grace.

Grace: "Hmm? Why, absolutely nothing my dear. Why would you think I did anything to him?" She asks sweetly without being phased by the prince's glare.

Clarissa: "L-Let's all calm down guys." She says trying to fix the situation.

Absolutely nothing went as the game did in this event. Because why would it. Might as well try to fix the situation.

Robin: "She's right, Lucas." I say addressing him directly with my regular flat voice. "She hasn't done a thing to me."

Lucas looks at me in surprise then Grace skeptically.

Lucas: "Are you sure?" He asks me.

Robin: "Yes, but to have the second prince worry for me is a great honour." I say bowing my head.

Lucas becomes flustered for a moment and Grace begins to giggle. While Clarissa breaths a sigh of relief now that the situation has deescalated.

Lucas: "D-Don't bow your head, isn't it normal for friends to worry for each other?" He asks with a smile.

I raise my head back up still wearing my blank face and turn to him. He thinks we're friends? Now I really wish I didn't go into that carriage. He should be thinking more about the female protagonist, not me.

Robin: "That's very kind of you to think of me that way." I say giving him a nod.

Grace: "Well I'm impressed Robin, I didn't think you had any friends." She giggles. "What's your name then?"

Clarissa: "Clarissa Noelle ma'am." She says brightly with a salute. Then smiles jokingly afterwards.

Grace: "Ah! I saw your name on the S-Class list. You have good choice in friends Robin, and way to go you." She smiles at Clarissa making her blushes shyly.

Clarissa got into S-Class? That's impressive but will the game's difficulty rule apply here?

Lucas: "I had a feeling you were special." He smiles to Clarissa.

Robin: "Good job Clarissa." I say partially in thought.

Clarissa: "Hehe, t-thanks Robin, but this is kind of embarrassing." She says blushing a bit harder.

It's then I realized that I subconsciously started rubbing her head. An old habit I used to do to praise Natalie.

Robin: "Oh, sorry." I say removing my hand from her head.

Grace: "Hey, I got into S-Class too, where's my head pat." She complains.

Robin: "I'm your servant, there are boundaries we need to keep remember milady?" I say sighing in my head. How many times will I have to say this to her.

Lucas: "Wait, milady? You made him your servant?" His face showing clear surprise. "Did you force him?" He asks glaring at Grace.

Clarissa begins to look worried again and Grace smile as usual. He shouldn't be hating Grace this much, not yet anyways.

Robin: "Don't worry Lucas, we made a deal, and the terms are mostly in my favour." I explain flatly while walking to his side. "Compared to before, this is much more different this time, just trust me." I say putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

From the corner of my eye I see Grace watching me in amusement and Clarissa in confusion. Lucas looks at me with several emotions swirling in his eyes, why does he care about me this much?

Lucas: "If you say so Robin." He concedes.

Robin: "Thank you, friend." His face lights up and I let go of him. "I'm guessing you got into the S-Class?" I ask shifting the topics.

Lucas: "You betcha, what about you?" He says easing up.

Robin: "Yes." Unfortunately, but I hold my tongue.

Clarissa: "Really?! Then we'll all be classmates!" She claps.

Lucas: "Two commoners entering the S-Class, that's sure to shake the system." He grins.

Grace: "We still have an hour to kill so me and Robin here will take our leave." She says skipping to my side.

Clarissa: "Aww, but we just got here." She pouts.

Lucas: "And must you take Robin with you?" He asks a little annoyed.

Grace: "Are you jealous, darling~" She teases.

Lucas: "Shouldn't Robin get a choice here?" He asks, a tick mark appearing on his forehead.

Robin: "Then I choose to leave, we had already made a plan. Milady was going to tell me what I need to do for her as a servant while giving me a tour." I explain looking at Lucas.

He sighs before turning to Grace.

Lucas: "You better not overwork him." He warns.

Grace: "Have no worries Lucas, I promise I'll take goooood care of Robin." She giggles.

He turns to me with a doubtful look.

Robin: "I can explain the terms between our arrangement later, but for now we really must get going. Trust me, if not milady, Lucas, I'll be fine, don't be too hard on her." I tell him as kindly as my flat voice can allow.

Lucas: "Alright fine, I'll trust you then." He sighs. "I'll see you in class."

Clarissa: "U-Uh, m-me too! I'll see you later Robin and Grace." She says looking relieved at finally being able to say something.

She was holding back during most of the interaction looking very unsure of what to say or do.

Grace: "It was nice meeting you Clarissa, let's get along." She smiles sweetly.

Clarissa begins to smile brightly.

Clarissa: "Yeah!" She nods quickly.

Grace giggles then turns to Lucas.

Grace: "You're friends right? You should show her around." She says to Lucas.

Robin: "It would be a good chance for you two to get to know each other." I add.

Clarissa: "Could you? I'm pretty bad at directions." She chuckles while scratching her head.

Lucas sighs again when he sees he's outmatched.

Lucas: "Yeah sure, just be safe Robin." He says putting a hand on my shoulder.

Pay attention to Clarissa! Not me!

Robin: "Thanks." I nod.

With that, the first in game event is complete and Grace and I leave the scene. From here Clarissa should be seen with the second prince by random students and all sorts of rumours will sprout.

Grace will find it interesting and escalate the situation. Then Clarissa meets the other male leads and it continues to play out. It all sounds so simple in my head.

Grace: "So what is this plan we made?" She asks with a knowing smile. "You're such a trickster Robin, is it okay for you to lie to the second prince like that?" She says in faux worry.

Robin: "I never lied to him though." I point out.

Grace: "Then what is this so called 'plan' we made?" She asks, her smile filled with anticipation.

Robin: "I'm going to cook for you." I state flatly.

Grace: "Oh." She says clearly surprised. "Really?"

Robin: "Yes, isn't this what we agreed on? I choose when to cook for you?" I ask glancing at her.

Grace: "Where do you plan on cooking then?" She says and I stop in my tracks.

I was so focused on leaving Lucas and Clarissa alone that I didn't plan this out.

Grace begins to giggle.

Grace: "Let's go back to my room, there should be enough things for you there." She says leading the way.

Robin: "Is your fridge stocked?"

Grace: "It's an S-Class room, it should be."

We normally would be assigned room during the first class where they do introductions and rules. Grace is the villainess I suppose, she can get almost anything she wants, so I'm not surprised she already has a decorated room.

Grace: "Earlier when you were reassuring Lucas, you said that this wouldn't be the same before, are you sure you don't know about me?" She asks glancing at me with lowered eye lids.

I had a feeling she would ask me this.

Robin: "No." I say simply.

Grace: "Then how do you explain saying all of the right things?" She smirks.

Robin: "From what little I've seen from you and Lucas, it was easy to guess that I'm not your first servant. Considering how hostile he reacted to the reveal that I was your servant, I assume he was worried about my safety. All I did was deduce what the correct words needed to be for him to let me go." I shrug.

Grace: "Hmm, you might be better at this game than me, with your permanent poker face advantage." She smiles like normal.

Robin: "Yet you seem to be able to read me just fine milady."

Grace: "That's because of my incredible intuition." She says proudly. "And for a different reason that I can't quite pin down." She says looking serious.

I still don't know what to make of this. Is Robin related to her story some way?

Robin: "It's best not to overthink about it milady, nothing good will come out of it." I comment, breaking her out of her thoughts.

Grace: "Taking my advice it seems, good." She smiles.

Soon we make it back to her room and she instantly plops onto her bed as I move to the kitchen.

Grace: "So what are you making me? Actually, don't tell me, I want it to be a surprise." She says flipping into her back.

Robin: "It won't be anything special." I say as I look inside the fridge.

It's rather barren but I do see a bunch of eggs. I can't go wrong with the classics so I pull out a pan and spatula.

Grace: "I have to ask you something about Clarissa." She suddenly says making me twitch and almost drop the egg whites from the egg shell.

Robin: "What about her?" I ask flatly while cleaning the small mess. Is she going to ask what I think she's going to ask?

Grace: "What's up with her bag?" She asks making me twitch and almost spill my bowl of whisked egg yolk.

Robin: "She has a lot of stuff I guess." I say carefully making sure I won't drop a bowl.

Grace: "It's like three times bigger than her yet she carries it like it's nothing. Must be her experience in carrying those breasts." She says making me twitch and almost splash some of the egg yolk and whites out of the bowl with my whisk.

Robin: "She probably trained hard." I say satisfied with the egg mixture.

Grace: "But she seems nice." She says casually making me twitch and almost drop the pan.

Robin: "Energetic and childish, like a certain someone I know." I say placing the pan on the stove and setting it to low before pouring the egg in then putting a lid on top.

Grace: "It can't be me so you must be talking about your little sister." She jokes making me almost drop the salt shaker on the pan.

Robin: "No." I say colder than normal. "That would be impossible because I am talking about you." I state fixing my tone and grabbing the pepper shaker.

Grace: "I agree, I can't be your little sister because I am a proper lady and not at all childish." She jokes making me twitch at the S word and almost dropping the cooked omelette.

Robin: "I'm done your meal." I state folding the omelette on the plate and adding the finishing touches.

I hear her bed squeak and her feet land on the floor walking towards the kitchen table.

Grace: "I was getting impatient with only being able to smell whatever it is you're cooking. It smells great by the way." She says with a wide smile.

Robin: "Thank you." I say grabbing her some cutleries.

I place them on the table as Grace takes a seat. The omelette wobbles as it place it in front of Grace and her eyes begin to widen.

Grace: "How is it so fluffy?!" She says poking it with her fork and making it wobble.

Robin: "Because I made it that way." I say not wanting to have to explain all the steps. "Go ahead and dig in, I'm not sure we have much time left." I say leaning on the kitchen counter as I wait for her to take the first bite.

She hesitates then stares at me. Jiiiii~

Robin: "Is there something wrong?" I ask breaking the silent stare.

Grace: "Did you have fun cooking?" She asks me curiously without a smile.

I blink a few times, did I?

Robin: "I...I'm not sure." I finally say.

Grace: "Do you even taste the food you make?" She asks in the same way as the last question.

Robin: "Well...I eat it." I say with a shrug.

The taste of food never concerned me in my past life, nothing did. But what about here? Have I changed?

Grace: "Stop it, no overthinking." She says snapping her fingers. "Grab another set of cutleries and eat this with me." She commands.

Robin: "There was only one set." I tell her flatly.

Grace: "Then take a seat across from me." She says simply.

It's small square table and I pull out the chair across from Grace and take a seat as per command. Shortly after Grace finally begins cutting a piece of the omelette.

She plucks the piece with her fork and turns to me with a sweet smile.

Grace: "Ahhhh~" She says holding out the fork to me.

I simply stare at her.

Robin: "You told me to make this for you." I say flatly.

Grace: "Now I'm telling you to open your mouth. So do as I say." She continues to smile.

I sigh internally and do as she says. My mouth opens and Grace gently places the forked omelette into my mouth. She brings the fork back to her plate with a wider smile than earlier as I chew.

Grace: "How does it taste?" She asks as I swallow.

Robin: "Good." I say trying to figure out her angle.

Grace: "Now it's my turn." She says eagerly.

She cuts another piece and swiftly begins to chew with a face of pure delight.

Grace: "It just melts in your mouth, this is great!" She says in a way that even I know is earnest.

Robin: "Good to hear." I say flatly but genuinely.

Grace's eyes light up.

Grace: "Is it just me or are you also getting a strange feeling?" She asks leaning forward with a shine in her eyes.

Robin: "Depends on the feeling." I say to humour her.

Grace: "Eating with someone else like this, does this feel familiar to you? Because it does for me." She says with a head tilt and a thinking look.

Several memories begin to flash in my mind. Rachel's attempt to imitate my omelette rolls, enjoying freshly baked bread with Yukio, the omelette rolls I made and fed to Lisa, the Salisbury steaks made the day I truly started to live with Melissa.

But the memory that stood out to me the most was the times I ate with Natalie.

Grace: "It makes you happy doesn't it." She says teasingly. "Eating with people."

Those days I distinctly remembering asking myself why the food tasted different.

Robin: "It does." I confirm to myself.

Grace: "Eh? Really?! That was a joke. I didn't think you had things you like." She giggles, but quickly becomes a bit more serious. "I have to admit though, so do I."

Robin: "What?"

Grace: "I'm getting a happy feeling inside of me right now, and it feels so familiar. I've never been like this before when I ate with other people. Do we know each other from our past lives?" She jokes.

I don't remember anyone from my past life except Natalie, so I most likely wouldn't be able to remember her if we do.

Robin: "I doubt that, that would be way to big of a coincidence." I say brushing off the thought.

Besides, I doubt there are any other people who have woken up in a body that isn't theirs in this game world.

Grace: "Well I am glad to have found something you enjoy. Though I do find it quite interesting to know you have such strange likes." She smiles.

Robin: "Is that why you wanted to do all of this? To figure out more things about me?"

Grace: "Well yes, but I also wanted you to stop doing that overthinking thing. I assumed you probably had a lot of friends so I thought that this would bring you some good memories." She shrugs taking another mouthful of egg.

Robin: "Hmm, thanks them." I say rather suspicious of her."

Grace: "For some reason I feel like I'm remembering some lost days." She says with a soft smile that is very different than before. "But they really are lost if I've forgotten them." She laughs softly.

Maybe she did this to learn about me, but it seems that I'm learning more about her. Her untold story is being unfolded before my very eyes.

It's clear that even the villainess is still a good person. Is it the game's fault for making her the villain? For giving her corrupt personality.

Grace: "You look like you're overthinking again, but you don't look so gloomy this time." She smiles. "Maybe the solution is you need to be able to focus on something good, instead of overthinking every little thing." She suggests.

Robin: "Maybe...maybe you're right." I sigh.

Grace: "Then you better choose something to focus on." She says suggestively.

If I have to choose, then I'll focus on...

My purpose.

It all makes sense. The only reason why I keep having these bad thoughts is because of the mistakes I've made. Every time I strayed away from my goal I interacted with the characters. Which lead to all of the changes and problems.

I have one sole purpose, and it's to live through and after my scripted death. It frustrates me that I keep having to reinforce this though but today will be the last.

Grace: "Looks like you found something." She grins. "Is it me?" She smiles sweetly.

Robin: "In a way."

Grace: "Really?!" She says clearly surprised.

Robin: "What else do you think of Clarissa?" I ask looking straight at her.

Grace: "You know it's rude to talk about a different when I ask you about myself." She pouts, but when she sees I'm serious she answers the question. "She seems fine, Lucas seems to like her." She says nonchalantly.

Robin: "Is that really it?"

Grace: "She's energetic, and a bit strange, why are you so interested?"

Tch, I already knew that this would be the result. Earlier when I was cooking she said all the wrong things about the female protagonist and it ticked me off.

But this means...shut it. Focus on your goal and think of simple solutions. Enough overthinking.

Robin: "I just thought she was a bit interesting is all." I say nonchalantly.

Grace's ears perk up.

Grace: "You have a crush do you?" She grins.

Robin: "No, but think about it, she's a lot like me don't you think?"

Grace: "You and her?!" She laughs almost spitting out a mouthful of egg. "You two are polar opposites!" She exclaims.

Robin: "Not in terms of skill." I say refusing to be deterred from my plan. "Her swordsmanship could possibly rival a fully trained knight and her magic is extremely unique. Further more she's a commoner from some unnamed village, isn't that interesting?"

Grace: "While I do agree, I already have you, I don't need another servant." She says resting her elbow on the table and her chin on her palm as she smirks at me.

She doesn't seem to have enough interested in the female protagonist to do anything about her. Grace wasn't going to do anything to the female protagonist.

Robin: "Then would you allow me to show you something interesting?"

And if the villainess refuses to play her role...

Grace: "Whenever you please." She grins.

Then I'll have to do it myself.

Robin: "Good." I say hearing myself speak in my coldest voice.

This is my resolve.

Grace's smile widens and I see an interested glint in her eye. Just you watch then milady, watch me play your role.

Grace: "I must say your omelette was delicious though I do wish there were some side dishes or something to go with the egg." She says dabbing her mouth with a napkin.

Robin: "I can't do much with only eggs." I point out sounding normal again.

Grace: "Then I look forward to what you can do with more ingredients." She smiles sweetly.

Robin: "We should get going, we still have a class to attend." I say standing up and walking over to Grace.

Grace: "But we still have so much time." She says checking her phone.

Robin: "I want to get there early." I say holding my hand out for her.

Grace looks at my hand up to me, then smiles.

Grace: "Why thank you." She says taking my hand.

Robin: "I'll clean the plate when I come here again later, so let's go." I say pulling her up.

Grace: "Making plans all by yourself are you?" She smiles amusedly.

Robin: "More than you know." I say opening the door for her.

With my resolve made in this very room I take to Grace's side and we walk to our very first class. I'm going to do things differently from now on.

Time skip brought to you by chibi Robin walking down a dark path

Grace: "Are you ready for class?" She asks with a smile.

Robin: "Yes." But I'm not so sure about the rest of what's to come.

We've arrived in front of our classroom door and it seemed intimidating to me. I can't start getting the shakes now, I made my plan and I'm going to stick to it.

Robin: "Shall we go milady?" I ask gesturing to the door in front of us.

Grace: "First, I want to know when you will show me something entertaining." She says smiling curiously.

Robin: "Very soon." I say flatly.

Her smile widens and she gains a bit of energy.

Grace: "Then I can't wait, now we shall go." She says seemingly satisfied.

As I begin to push the door open I feel a pressure push against me. I realize I'm hesitating.

Am I really going to do this? What about- quit overthinking! Do it! Just do it!

Yelling at myself seems to do the trick and the door opens smoothly as I steel my nerves.

The classroom is exactly how it looked like in the game.

(A/N: Cover page at top is the classroom.)

And so are the characters. From the NPC's to the leads and protagonist that sit at their seats. There aren't many people here yet but the important ones are.

The whole room begins to stare at us and I feel some gazes strongly pointed to em. I ignore them all.

Grace: "There's Lucas and Clarissa." She says pointing to a table with Lucas seated on the left side and the female protagonist in the center seat. "But there's only one seat left." She frowns.

Robin: "It'll be fine, there's a table next to the open spot so I'll sit there."

Since the table is against the wall it only has two seats and there was a girl with glasses on the wall side reading a book. Luckily the side next to the steps was open.

Grace: "But I want to sit next to you and Lucas." She pouts.

Robin: "This will be as close as we can get." I state already moving up the steps.

Grace: "Wait for me!" She says walking quickly to catch up.

Female protagonist: "Hi Robin! Hi Grace!" She says as we get close.

Lucas: "Hey Robin." He says giving me a nod. "Darling." He says without much warmth to Grace.

Grace: "Hello to you too dear." She smiles.

Grace takes her seat next to the female protagonist and I turn to the girl who sits at the table next to them.

Robin: "Is this seat taken?" I ask the glasses girl startling her away from her book.

Glasses: "O-Oh! It's you." She says in recognition.

If she knows me from the combat exam then this will be a problem.

Robin: "You know me?" I ask a bit coldly.

Glasses: "Y-Yes, I sat next to you d-during the writing exam." She says nervously hiding herself behind her book.

Robin: "Oh, I'm sorry for not recognizing you then." I say more kindly.

She peeks over her book and blinks a few times before adjusting her glasses and lowering her book.

Glasses: "D-Don't worry, I'm pretty forgettable." She laughs softly.

She's a mob, it makes sense that she's easily forgettable. I wish I was just like her.

If only I was more like this glasses girl.

Glasses: "S-Sorry?" She blushes.

Did I voice my thoughts out loud.

Glasses: "W-W-Why would you want to be like me?" She asks very flustered.

Robin: "Being forgettable could be very useful, I envy you." I might as well just go with it.

Glasses: "Th-Thanks?" She asks looking a bit confused. "Well your scarf is pretty hard to forget." She says with a nervous laugh.

Robin. "It's a memorial of my late parents." I say because I knew what her next line would be.

She instantly looks down to her lap, she looks like she was wishing to disappear.

Glasses: "I-I'm sorry." She says softly.

Robin: "Everyone asks so don't worry about it. So could you answer my question?" I ask looping all the way back to the beginning.

Glasses: "Sorry?"

Robin: "I already said don't worry so you can just answer my question." I try to joke to lighten the mood.

Glasses: "N-No I meant..."

Robin: "Yeah I know what you meant." I sigh at my failed attempt. "Is this seat taken?" I ask again.

The girl's eyes widen.

Glasses: "You want to sit with m-me?!" She says surprised and confused.

Robin: "Yes." I say flatly.

Glasses: "A-Are you sure?!"

Do I really have to spell it out for her?

Robin: "Yes, out of all the spots in the room I especially want to sit next to you." I say flatly.

I swear I hear a *Poof* noise and the glasses girl sticks her nose very far into her book.

Glasses: "G-Go ahead." She says slightly muffled by the book.

I place my bag down next to the chair and reach for Robert's sword. Then I realize I left it in Grace's room on purpose because weapons are forbidden on the campus if not in an arena. I've already gotten used to having Robert's sword by my side huh, just like my scarf.

I should move on with my plan now.

Glasses: "Where are you going?" I hear her asks.

Robin: "To talk to a few strangers." I respond.

Well the people I'm going to talk to aren't strangers. But they will be soon.

All four of the female leads are here in this classroom and they are all sitting a fair distance from each other. Once I do this there's no turning back, so let's stop looking at the past already and start anew.

Pink haired Lead: "R-Robin?" She asks hopefully as I stand before her.

I don't know why she says my name like that but I wasn't going to ask her. After this, I wasn't going to talk to this lead anymore, or any of them, in the future anyways.

I am a mob, I should be in the background never interacting with the story. I went ahead and broke that rule, several times.

It's because of that I've made irreversible changes to the female protagonist and even changed the villainess's priorities.

Instead of messing with the female protagonist she is far more interested in me for whatever reason.

I'm just a mob, I should be living the mob life.

So in order to do so, I should stick to one side of the story and blend into it. Since I've screwed up the female protagonist's story line the most, I should only focus on making it all work from the background.

I don't think I've made any meaningful impacts on the female leads so their story should be fine if I don't interact with them.

But because I have already made some connections.

Robin: "I really hate you, you know that?"

It is my job to sever them.

How's that for a dramatic ending! Thank you @FanOfAll002, @Bit_Extra, @Metal_Dragon_117, and @sirDIABLO for choosing the title of the chapter. When asked to choose between the titles 'Not Just The Servant' or 'The Mob Life' they chose the latter. This decided the path of this chapter so I hope you four enjoy the fruits of your choice. When I ask for random suggestions from you guys I really do take what you say into account. So hey, if you want a chance to influence the story then feel free to answer a question whenever I make one in my conversations. I'll see you next chapter!

Potato: "You know, I really expected them to choose 'Not Just The Servant'. I'm surprised that the spin-off of the title didn't peak their interest."

Razer: "I for one was hoping they picked the latter so I'm happy."

Potato: "I mean, I don't really mind them not choosing what I hoped for, in fact I bet I have them wondering what would have happened if I picked the other chapter title."

Razer: "What would you have done?"

Potato: "Who knows?"

Razer: "You do." He says deadpan.

Potato: "Welp, you got me there."

Date of chapter completion: October 24

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