Fix You (DabixOC)

Door nikkidijock

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Yui Homura was born with a quirk that people saw as a blessing though in her own view, she saw it as more of... Meer

Author's Note & OC Information
Chapter I: Routine
Chapter II: What am I?
Chapter III: Traitors
Chapter IV: Debut
Chapter V: Mixed Messages
Chapter VI: You're Not Weak
Chapter VII: A Promise
Chapter VIII: Eri's Hero
Chapter IX: Villains Can Be Nice Too
Chapter X: Sweet Revenge
Chapter XI: Just a Hookup?
Chapter XIII: Why?
Chapter XIV: Addiction
Chapter XV: Things Are Not Looking Up
Chapter XVI: Empty Threats
Chapter XVII: Mind Your Business
Chapter XVIII: Not So Different After All
Chapter XIX: Drunken Thoughts
Chapter XX: Whiskey and Wings
Chapter XXI: Desire
Chapter XXII: Only You
Chapter XXIII: An Unexpected Secret
Chapter XXIV: Regrets
Chapter XXV: More Similar Than I Thought
Chapter XXVI: Time for Some Fun
Chapter XXVII: Tetsuya vs Yui, Clashing Swords
Chapter XXVIII: Old Scars
Chapter XXIX: Memories
Chapter XXX: Yui Homura

Chapter XII: Fuck Me, Right?

215 9 0
Door nikkidijock

"It seems the devil himself is intent on making my life hell..."

   (Yui Homura)

"Does anyone have any questions about their assignments?"

"Yeah, why the fuck do I have to be paired with her?"

I rolled my eyes in annoyance from my spot in the corner of the room at Dabi's question, acting as if I wasn't even in the room.

After barely getting any sleep last night after everything that happened, I was drug out the door by Toga bright and early because Shigaraki had apparently called for another meeting.

After taking down Overhaul, Shigaraki plans to grow his forces, first by showing a display of strength that will persuade villains to want to join our side.

And who is involved in the main part of this plan you ask? 

Why of course it's your three favorite amigos, Dabi, Hawks, and I!

Fuck me, right?

"Don't act like I'm not even here you burnt fuck. I'm just as pissed off as you, as if I want to spend my afternoon with your broody ass and a narcissistic chicken."

I could see Shigaraki's annoyance rising as his gaze turned from Dabi to me, his hand scratching at his neck harshly.

"Yui your quirk will be useful in this mission just in case the nomu or Dabi gets hurt, also you will be good backup just in case Hawks decides to do something fishy. I don't trust him yet and I know you don't like him either, so if he acts out I'm giving you permission to do with him as you will."

Shigaraki addressing me head on caused me to straighten up, nodding in agreement to his reasoning which seemed to cause him to calm down as he slowly stopped scratching at his neck.

"I appreciate you thinking I'd be useful for this job, Tomura. Even if I'm annoyed with that burnt asshole, you can trust I'll get the job done."

Shigaraki ignored Dabi's scoff of annoyance at my response, a smile etching onto his face as he looked at me with trust.

"Great. Kurogiri will teleport you to where our new high-end nomu is and then he'll teleport you once more all together to the location. Go show those heros who they should be afraid of."

Nodding my head I waved goodbye to Toga, checking myself once to make sure I had all my daggers strapped in their holders around my body. I heard Dabi's sluggish footsteps follow me from behind as I stepped into the darkness of Kurogiri's portal. Dabi was the last to speak, his words barely audible as he stepped into the portal behind me.

"I don't get paid enough for this shit."


I wasn't sure what to expect when Shigaraki mentioned a high-end nomu, but the huge mass in front of me was definitely not what I was expecting. 

"Ready-- fight, hero?"

I was surprised even more when the huge monster talked, his head cocking to the side in excitement as he looked at Dabi and I.

"Great, this one can talk? How annoying."

Rolling my eyes at Dabi's complaint, I moved closer to the nomu, nodding my head to his question.

"Yeah we're ready! Thanks for helping us...uh... nomu-san?"

"Hood-- name Hood."

I was surprised when the nomu corrected me, even giving me a name to call him by. From what I've learned so far, nomus are normally just fighting machines with no free will or intelligence, but this one seems different.

I wonder how powerful it is?

"Oh, alright! Well it's nice to meet you Hood-san. Ready to go?"

Without answering Hood walked into Kurogiri's portal, causing Dabi and I to stare in silence as the giant monster disappeared into the darkness.

Dabi's smug chuckle was what broke the silence, his feet also taking him towards the portal to begin our mission.

"You're so annoying even monsters ignore you huh? I think I may like this one after all."

Rolling my eyes at his jab I followed Dabi into the portal, my hands on my dagger in anticipation for what was about to happen next.

"Oh shut up will you?"


Even though I was assigned to this mission, I can't say I actually know the full details. All I was told was that we'd be releasing the high-end nomu on some heros to strike fear into society.

What I wasn't told was that our target is the number one hero, Endeavor along with the number two hero Hawks by his side.

"Get to it monster. You know what to do."

Slapping Hood in the back, Dabi smirked as he watched the high-end nomu spring into action, practically flying through the air towards the restaurant Endeavor and Hawks were eating at.

I watched through squinted eyes, just barely seeing Hawks and Endeavor jump up from their seats in surprise before a giant wave of fire blasted through the restaurant's window straight towards Hood.

"Let's see how strong you really are, Endeavor."

Dabi's words were barely a whisper next to me, but still loud enough for me to hear. Looking towards him his eyes were wide in excitement, his smirk causing his skin to stretch against his staples. He started chuckling to himself as he watched the flame hero struggle to fight against Hood, his gaze carefully trained on the air-fight above us.

It seems Dabi truly did forget about my presence as he watched the battle, his laughter unhinged.

Does he have a vendetta against Endeavor or something?  

I mean he is a villain so it would only be natural to hate the number one hero, but I couldn't help but think there was something different about his hate towards Endeavor.

It feels personal... I wonder if they fought in the past?

"Hey idiot, you ready to go or what?"

Dabi's voice brought me back to the present, making me realize I must have been staring at him pretty intensely.

I really know nothing about him-- I can't help but be intrigued by the mysterious presence that is Dabi.  

"Sorry, I just spaced out a bit."

"Spacing out while there's a full-on battle over our heads? I guess I know you enough by now that I shouldn't be surprised. Come on, let's go introduce ourselves to the number one. No better time than when he's on death's door right?"

My eyes widened in surprise, but Dabi didn't seem to care as he walked past me, straight towards the center of the battle that was coming to a climax above our heads.

Did he just say we're going to introduce ourselves to Endeavor?

He's gotta be joking right? Right???

"If you're too chicken then I'll see you at the factory we agreed to meet Hawks at. I don't care if you're with me or not."

Seeing he was serious I quickly caught up to Dabi, following after him into the chaos.

"You're not serious right? There's no way the two of us can fight the number one and number two heros-- and Hawks is supposed to be our ally right?"

"Like I give a shit about that flying fuck. Again you don't have to follow me, go to the meeting spot if you're scared."

"Scared? I'm not scared--"


My words immediately turned into a lie as a huge wave of fire exploded above our heads, the air around us becoming incredibly hot despite the distance.

Looking up, I watched as the high-end nomu was burnt to ashes, Endeavor's huge wave of fire consuming it's body.

Well, it was nice knowing you for those few minutes Hood-san. I can't heal you when you're nothing but a pile of ashes.

"If you're coming then hurry the fuck up."

Dabi didn't even stop his walk at Endeavor's finishing blow, his figure already a few feet ahead of me as he moved towards where the number one hero was with a pep in his step.

Apparently deciding I didn't care about my life, I ran to catch up with Dabi, my heart racing as we neared the spot where Endeavor had fallen, Hawks figure by his side barely visible due to the smoke that had engulfed the area.

Dabi didn't seem to care about anything however, his feet bringing him through the smoke and out into the clearing, his deep voice causing both of the heros to turn their attention towards us.

"Wait a minute, there was a lot I didn't expect. But anyway, it's our first time meeting right? Endeavor."

Having no clue why I even decided to follow this suicidal maniac I stood behind Dabi, staying silent as I pulled two daggers out just in case things got out of hand.

And with Dabi-- there's no doubt that they will.

"The League of Villains-- Dabi. And you're that new member, Yui Homura?"

Wow, the number one hero knows my name? I guess Chisaki and Eri really spilled the beans on that one huh?

"Come on number one, let's talk a little since we have the chance."

Before I had time to process, Dabi used his flames to make a circle around us, officially trapping us with the number one and two heros. 

He's fucking nuts, but I do see that he has a point now the more I look at Hawks and Endeavor. Endeavor moved to fight us, but his body couldn't keep up, forcing him back to the ground. Meanwhile Hawks turned towards us with nothing but his smallest feathers left. 

This is a fight we could actually win.

"Don't worry Endeavor. I'll take care of these two."

Hawks faced us, his eyes mainly trained on me with a look of betrayal that would normally make me feel bad. Hawks doesn't seem to be a bad guy and he might actually support our cause-- but this felt like payback for him selling me out and I couldn't help but meet his eyes back cockily, a smirk on my face.

"Karma's a bitch isn't it?"

Dabi finally seemed to approve of me today as he smiled, his laughter filling the air.

"You're right about that one. Now come on number one-- show me what you got!"

Following his lead, I jumped forward, prepared to fight alongside Dabi. That was until a giant gush of wind separated us from the injured heros, the bunny hero Mirko standing in between us with her fists raised.

"I hopped on over as soon as I saw the news! You're part of The League right? I'll kick your butts!"

Seeming to not want to deal with the bunny hero, Dabi stood back, his eyes rolling in annoyance at the situation.

"Damn, and it was just getting good too. Ujiko."

At the mention of the doctor's name, I felt my stomach turn as I knew what was about to happen, still feeling myself gag as a dark substance burst from my throat.

Dabi didn't seem to be bothered by it as he talked to Endeavor, his cerulean eyes lighting up in hatred.

"See you later, Number One. I'm sure we'll have time to talk someday. Until then, do your best. Don't die, Enji Todoroki!!!"

Enji Todoroki? 

Calling him by his real name instead of his hero name-- that also seems personal to me. But I guess that's information I'll have to think about later, my mind turning to mush as the black liquid slowly engulfed my body until the scenery around me disappeared.


"Can you stop being annoying? That chicken shit should be here any minute."

I rolled my eyes at Dabi as I attempted to get the bad taste out of my mouth. Ujiko had teleported us where we're supposed to meet with Hawks so now all we had to do was wait. So, what else was there to do except try and get the taste of shit out of my mouth?

Like honestly, it's a useful quirk, but can't he make it taste better?

"I'm sorry my taste buds aren't burnt off like yours probably are."

"They aren't burnt, I'm just not a wimpy bitch like you."

"Wanna say that again you burnt piece of tra--"

"Trouble in paradise you two?"

That familiar cocky voice immediately halted my words, my body jumping into action as I drew out a dagger and stood in front of Dabi. 

My instincts proved to be on point as Hawk's large feather blade came in contact with my dagger, his eyes burning holes into both Dabi and I.

"A lot was different from what you told me. I thought we could get along better than this Dabi. You too, Yui." 

I didn't move from my spot as Dabi spoke from behind me, his body lax as he stood with his hands in his pockets. 

"I thought you only had small feathers left."

Pressing the blade slightly further against mine, Hawks spoke, his avian eyes trained on my free hand just in case I were to make a move.

"I can't meet with liars unharmed. The plan was for it to happen tomorrow near a warehouse on the coast. For that to turn into the middle of the city and with that nomu... that was obviously on a different level than the ones we've seen before. I wish you'd tell me things like this in advance."

His words struck a chord with me, causing me to speak out. Was I willing to fight against him? 


But I never lied to him. I honestly had no clue what the fuck was going on the whole time.

"Liar-- singular. I never lied to you so don't rope me in with this burnt fuck. I just tagged along for the ride."

Ignoring my words Dabi spoke from behind me, acting as if I wasn't even there.

"I changed my mind. Didn't I tell you in advance that it'd be a nomu performance test? And the same goes for you-- you said you'd bring a good hero for the test, not the number one hero."

"Huge damage was dealt to the number one hero, I thought that'd make you happy. I didn't break my promise-- you did."

"It's unreasonable for me to trust the number two hero out of nowhere. How come no one died today? It's hard to believe that you sympathize with our cause after seeing your actions today."

"I can't lose the people's trust in me as a hero either. The more people trust me, the more information I'll receive. Can't you think about this in the long-term?"

Feeling the tense air starting to rise between idiot number one and idiot number two, I lowered my dagger, walking past Hawks as I left Dabi to deal with the mess he created.

"I don't even know why I stepped in to protect you. Deal with this shit on your own Dabi. I'm not going to stand here and be ignored by two idiots. Everything worked out in the end right? Why don't you just leave it at that and move on? Or don't-- I don't really give a fuck."

Walking away I ignored whatever it was Dabi and Hawks were trying to say, already beyond done with the situation at hand.

They are enough to deal with on their own. Together they're like bickering children and I am in no mood to deal with that after the past two days. 

Instead I let myself get lost in my thoughts from before, letting my feet carry me out of the abandoned warehouse and into the outskirts of the city. That was, until I heard a pair of footsteps behind me only a few minutes later.

I didn't even have to turn around to know it was Dabi behind me, the smell of his cigarette giving him away.

"Go away."


Turning around I faced a smug Dabi, a smirk on his face as he blew smoke in my face. 

"Earlier you couldn't give a fuck about me and now you're following me? Just leave me alone."

"I'm not following you dipshit. This is the quickest way back and I don't feel like tasting that disgusting shit again."

I cocked an eye towards Dabi, a smirk etching onto my face as he indirectly admitted he was lying earlier.

"So now it's disgusting shit? What happened to me being the wimpy bitch?"

"Oh shut up."

Laughing at catching him in his lie, I turned around, continuing my trek as I attempted to get lost in my thoughts once more. Dabi didn't seem opposed to the silence either as he followed quietly a few steps behind me.

Knowing he was behind me I couldn't think about him and his specific hatred towards Endeavor, so I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind for later, enjoying the scenery as we walked back home.

The oddly familiar scenery...

Wait, what town are we in right now?

It seems the devil himself is intent on making my life hell, my eyes widening in shock as I looked at the street sign we were walking past, making me stop in my tracks.

"What the hell are you doing? We got a long way to go so keep walki--"

"We gotta get out of here. Ask Ujiko to teleport us right now."

Cocking his head to the side in confusion Dabi looked at me, an annoyed scoff leaving his mouth as he made his own assumptions. 

"What is the walk becoming too long for you princess? Ujiko is probably asleep by now and Kurogiri is busy so you better keep movi--"

"I'm not kidding Dabi. We need to go now."

I felt myself start to hyperventilate as I began walking again, my pace speeding up as I began to walk through the all too familiar streets.

How did I not notice sooner? 

It's been fifteen years but I still should've realized as soon as we entered--

"Yui? Oh my god, Yui sweetie? Is that you?"

The devil isn't just intent on making my life hell, he really is trying to kill me isn't he?

Stopping in my tracks I attempted to steady my breathing, lifting my head to meet the eyes of someone I thought I'd never seen again. 

The woman who started it all by giving me away-- by selling me to the Hero's Commission. 

My grey eyes met ones that looked just like my own, my heart rate rising again as I faced the woman I've grown to hate for the past fifteen years.

"I'm not your sweetie anymore. You lost that privilege when you sold my life away fifteen years ago. Isn't that right, mom?"

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