The Orphan in the TARDIS

By theatregirlsmp

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The story begins with a girl of a mere five years. She's saved from aliens by the Oncoming Saviour... I mean... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Nine

212 5 6
By theatregirlsmp

After dropping past Sophie off at her house, the three Gallifreyan's return to London. The three end up underneath the National Gallery. Opening the doors to the TARDIS, the three Time Lords, and the teacher see a figure in the doorway.

"So," Sophie starts, stepping into the room, "How'd it go?" she has a small smile on her face, as her best friends walk into the room.

"Pretty sure you know, Soph."

"Yeah," she shrugs.

The Time Lord doesn't stop walking forward, pulling her tightly into a hug, picking her up and spinning slightly. "You're an amazing friend, and probably my favourite human," he whispers in her ear.

"Oi," Chinny says, walking up beside his younger self, "Save some of that love for me, eh?"

The pinstriped Doctor releases her, only for the Bow tie Time Lord to wrap her up in his arms. She holds him back, pushing her face into his shoulder. "You know, your other jacket smelled better. This one smells like straw, and animals."

The Gallifreyan pulls back, a yappy smile on his face, "Yeah?" he asks, raising his nonexistent eyebrows, "I wonder why?"

She smiles up at him, as the final Time Lord walks toward her. "I suppose it's my turn now?" the youngest Doctor asks.

The girl smiles, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. "How did you know to trigger the Moment?" he asks her quietly.

"Hey, that's what friends do. They help each other."

He smiles at her. She turns back to the door, walking just through it. Quietly, she grabs a large tray off the table, bringing it back in. "You know what everyone needs after a difficult day?" she asks, setting the tray on the bench in the room. She sets the five teacups off the tray, quickly filling them with the hot water. She looks back up, as tea begins to steep. "Tea."

"And the negotiations?" Bow tie asks.

"Zygon's and humans together in perfect harmony. Best treaty ever made. Course, I had to give 'em back their memories, but the negotiations went great. They're leaving an ambassador on earth."

"Oh, really?" Pinstripes asks, leaning against the wall, "Who? Who is willingly allowing themself to be copied?"


Four blank stares greet her, "Sorry," Chinny says, "Who?"

"Petronella," she states again, their blank looks still greeting her. She rolls her eyes, "Petronella Osgood."

"Ooh," all four say.

She shakes her head, thrusting a tea cup into Clara's hands. Once all the tea is successfully passed out, the Warrior and Clara taking the bench. Sandshoes and Chinny stand in front of Gallifrey Falls, inspecting the painting. Sophie leans against the Warrior's TARDIS, her eyes on the wall opposite her, which is covered in roundels, which happen to remind her the TARDIS.

"I don't suppose we'll know if we actually succeeded. But at worst, we failed doing the right thing, as opposed to succeeding in doing the wrong," the War Doctor comments after a while.

"Life and soul, you are," Clara comments, before taking a sip of her tea. Sophie snorts, trying to hold in her laughter by sipping her tea.

"What is it actually called?" Pinstripes asks, taking his glasses off his face and tucking them into his pocket.

"Well, there's some debate," the eldest Time Lord says, "Either No More or Gallifrey Falls."

"Not very encouraging," the youngest Doctor comments.

"How did it get here?" Spikey hair Doctor questions his older self.

"I had UNIT bring it back here after you lot left the Tower."

"I meant how it got on earth, Soph."

"Oh. I've got no idea."

"Me either," Bow tie adds.

"There's always something we don't know, isn't there?"

"One should certainly hope so," the Warrior responds. "Well, gentlemen, it has been an honour and a privilege."

"Likewise," Sandshoes agrees.

"Doctor," Chinny finishes. He grabs his younger self's hand, shaking it vigorously.

The Warrior smiles at Sandshoes. "And if I grow to be half the man that you are," he turns from himself, to look at his future companion, "Clara Oswald, I shall be happy indeed."

"That's right," the teacher smiles. She sets her cup down, standing up, "Aim high." Clara walks up, kissing the Time Lord's cheek, to receive a smile from him.

"I won't remember this, will I?" he asks.

"The time streams are out of sync. You can't retain it, no."

Sophie smiles, stepping up to the young Gallifreyan. "So I won't remember that I tried to save Gallifrey rather than burn it. I'll have to live with that. But for now, for this moment, I am the Doctor again."

"Hey now, careful, mate. You've always been the Doctor to me, you know that. Same man, different face."

She steps up, grabbing his hand. She leans over, kissing his cheek. As she pulls away, the Gallifreyan quickly places a kiss on her cheek as well. "Thank you." Letting go of her hand, he turns around to look at the three blue boxes all sitting side by side. "Which one is mine?" The other two Time Lord's look at the boxes, as if they're wondering about that themselves. The War Doctor grins, "Ha!" he walks right into the shabbiest of the three TARDIS', quickly vanishing, along with the box, from sight.

"I won't remember either," Sandshoes says, sounding sad.

"What's with your sad eyes, Doc?" Sophie asks, pushing herself off the wall she was leaning against.

"It seems impossible to only have one more lifetime till my death."

"Lyn didn't lie. I saw it, Trenzalore is where we die, buried amongst thousands. No way around it."

"Oh, never say nothing," he sniffs, turning on his heel. "Who you riding with, Soph? Me, or me?"

"It'd probably be smarter to ride with you. You brought me here. Without your memory, you might think you abandoned me. I gotta grab some of my clothes out of Chinny's TARDIS though. I'll be back before you can say Tickity Boo."

She dashes into the least shabbiest TARDIS, leaving the two Gallifreyan's and Clara standing in the Under Gallery. Sandshoes looks at his older self and future companion, "When have I ever said Tickity Boo?"

His older self shrugs, "Never, as far as I can remember. Except you just did."

He points a finger at him, "You, just, shush."

Sophie comes dashing back out, a clump of fabric in her hands, "Alright let's get a wiggle on."

"No, wait. Just, just hold on a minute. Wiggle on? Tickity Boo? Are you alright?"

"Course I'm alright. I just want to get back. Important things happening at home."

"Anyway, good to know my future is in safe hands." He holds his hand out, taking Clara's in his own, "Keep a tight hold on it, Clara."

He leans down, kissing her hand sweetly.

Sophie skips over, kissing the eldest Doctor on the cheek. He grabs her wrist before she can run away again. He kisses her temple, "Take care. Stay safe."

"No chance on Gallifrey. See ya around, Doc." She winks at him, walking into the TARDIS.

Sandshoes stops before stepping into his ship, "Trenzalore," he says, leaning on the door, "We need a new destination, because I don't want to go."

He pulls his head back into the TARDIS.

"Do you always have to be so dramatic?" Sophie asks.

The Doctor turns around, to find her with her feet up on the console, her upper body balanced on the jump seat.

"What in Rassilon's name are you doing?"


He chuckles, rushing up the stairs of the ship. "Was that a question, or a statement?"

She slowly slides forward, her head moving toward the end of the seat, "Yes."

He moves around, pulling her up onto the seat, her feet slowly sliding off the console. "Why do I put up with you?"

She looks up at his face, looking slightly pitying at him, "It's because you love me."

He grins down at her, "Yeah. Can't imagine why though."

"Oi!" she protests.

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