[s]AINT (Jotaro Kujo x reade...

By Nani_is_Nani

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⚜️ --------------- ⚜️ "God! Lend me your strength!" Y/n is religious girl who believes in god and prays to h... More

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825 35 39
By Nani_is_Nani

He then gave you a deadly glance that sent a chill down your spine, you knew he wanted to argue but he seemed to bite his tongue this time.

Soon the group packed up and continued on foot.

The group was very tired, you've stopped at a little shop for a quick brake.

As Polnareff cracked open a glass coke bottle. He opened yours as well as you both drank a nice cold drink.

"Ah! That hits the spot!" You said as you enjoyed the bubbles on your tongue.

"Seriously! All that walking.. this is great" said polnareff.

You noticed Jotaro standing over looking the city as if standing watch. You've noticed that he's been very on edge, though you didn't blame him.

You got up from your seat and offered him a sip of your drink.

"I'm alright.." he said.

"Are you sure?" Reassuring him.

He stood silent for a minute, to then take the glass from your hand and chugged half of the drink you just opened.

"Jeez... I offered a sip not half.." you said softly.

"We could make it to cairo in two days, but we are all exhausted" said Avdol
"Why don't we take tonight and tomorrow in Luxor to recover" suggested Avdol.

"Sounds good to me, ever since we got to Egypt the enemy stands have been getting stronger" said Polnareff.

"But two days? Can we really spare so much time?" You asked.

"We'll need it.. besides, I think you deserve a break" said Avdol.

"I'm fine to keep going if everyone else wants too" you said.

"We'll stay for two days, then we make our way to Dio" said Joseph as he was intensely focused on his prosthetic hand.

"Is something wrong Mr.Joestar?" Asked Polnareff.

"My hand keeps acting up, I probably just need to oil the joints" He said. As you left the group, you went to fill in Jotaro on the nexts steps.

"How are you holding up?" You asked Jotaro.

"Fine.." he said.

Though he said he was fine, you felt like there was more.

"Are you worried? For your mom?" You asked.

You got no answer.
You got the hint and changed the subject.

"Well, it looks like we are staying here for two days... hopefully get a chance to recover and get some rest before we make it to Dio" You said.

You didn't get much of an answer, though you didn't really expect one.

"Alright, let's go find a hotel.. but don't let your guard down" said Joseph. As everyone got up. You and Jotaro quickly followed behind.

After finally finding a hotel. Joseph rented out 3 rooms.

Joseph and Avdol shared a room, Polnareff really wanted a room to himself, leaving you and Jotaro together.

As the sun was starting to set and everyone was settled in. You wanted to protect the rooms.
Knocking on Polnareff's door, he answered.

"Hey y/n.." he said tiredly.

"I'm sorry, I know your exhausted but.. may I come in and bring in gods light?" You asked.

"Jeez you sounds like those religious people that go knocking on others door.." he then lowered him self closer to your ear and whispered.
"I usually ignore them.. buuttt! I'll let you in" he said.

Walking in his room, you pulled out your gold cross and put your hands together in a praying manner.

As one hand glowed, you walked around the room with one hand up and another holding, mumbling the Bible's protection spell.

As Polnareff lies on his bed, letting you do you, he simply watched as if admiring your work.

"Alright, you should be safe in Gods light now" you said closing the Bible and taking the gold cross with you.

"Thank you y/n, I now feel more at ease with your light" he said just before falling asleep snoring.

"Rest well.." you said softly as you closed the door behind you.

Walking out you then knocked on Joseph's and Avdol's door.

Joseph was the one to open.

"May I welcome in the lord and savior Jesus Christ-"

Joseph slammed the door on you.
"Go to bed! I don't need that crap!"

You stood there stunned for a second. Though what did you expect? It wasn't a surprise that he did.

As you then walked to your room, you saw that Jotaro saw the whole thing.

"Oh.. you saw that?" You asked.

He nodded.

"Ugh.. sometimes I wish he would just understand.. you don't mind do you?" You asked him.

"No, only because your light works" he said

"Thank you" you smiled softly.

As you both entered the room, he sat at the edge of the bed. You got to work.
Walking around the room with a glowing hand and a bible in the other.

After finishing you sat your gold cross at the table in front of both of your beds. You sat in front of the cross while sitting on your knees and prayed for the night.

"Lord hear my plea and protect us all..." you said softly.
"Amen" You said finally getting in bed to rest.

"Do you have to pray?" Asked Jotaro.

"Yes, I do.. I let my guard down once with the two pilots.. you saw how they turned out" you said.
"And I'm not letting that happen again so when they come for you.. I will shield your name.." you said seriously.

There was a moment of silence in the room.

Then Jotaro broke it.
"Why do you pray?" Jotaro asked.

"Why? Oh well.. simple really, God helped me in my darkest times and helped me to see the light.. I wasn't always the God's child that you see today and for that I thank him" you said.

"Darkest times huh? It's kinda hard to imagine you anything but a nun.." he said.

You chuckled.
"I would say the same for you, you where such a sweet boy before you hit your teens" You said.

"What?" He asked very confused.

"Oh, right.. in a way this is our first time meeting huh? Well I've always known about you.. we were just never allowed to meet then" you said.

"Why?" He asked.

"I don't know.. ask Joseph that" you said.

Clearly Jotaro was still confused.
"O-ok.. let me start from the beginning I guess.."


Standing on the edge of one of New York City's bridges you looked down at the ocean beneath you. A 600ft drop. You took your time to jump. Soon you heard a mans voice.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you.."

You looked over your shoulder to see a very well built old man with white hair, teal eyes and wore a khaki coat.

"If you were me, you would do the same" you said.
"You don't know what I've been through.."

"Well.. you're not wrong, but I've been through some stuff myself" he said walking closer to you.

"Step any closer and I'll jump!" You said as you closed your eyes tightly ready to leave.

"Hey, just... let's talk about it yeah?" He asked.

"Why... who even are you?" You asked him.

"Joseph Joestar and I know that you are special" he said.

"Look old man, I don't know what the hell you're talking about but if you don't step away right now I'll either jump or hurt you! Please just leave" you warned him.

He didn't listen and got closer.
You then let yourself fall.

"Hermit purple!"

You felt something wrap around your ankle, you looked to see some kind of purple vines coming from the old man's hands.

"You see it don't you?" He asked.

"What the hell is that?" You asked.
"Let me go! Why do I matter to you?!" You yelled.

"I can help you kid.. just come with me" he said.

"Why should I?" You asked.

"Tell you what.. if I can help you tonight, you'll stay with me.. if I don't help you.. I'll drop you off back at this bridge tomorrow night.." he said.

You thought about it. Looking down at the purple vine around your ankle and down at the sea beneath you, you thought one more day wouldn't hurt.

"Alright..." you said.


You sat a table of a open 24 hour dinner.

The old man bought you 5 plates full of food. Your eyes glittered at the sight of so much food.

"I didn't know what you liked so I ordered my top 5" he said.

You grabbed the small fork and started to eat slowly, but the taste was so good you began to devour the plates.

"What's your name?" Asked the man.

"Y/n" you said muffled due to a mouth full of food.

"How old are you? Where are your family?" He asked.

"Uuuh.. 9? And I don't have a family, I live on my own " you said continuing to eat.

"That's impossible, you're bound you have someone... you got a aunt? Grandma? Grandpa?" He asked.

You shook your head in no.

"Well where are your mom and dad? We can pay them a visit.." he said.

"I'm not sure about that" you said.

" why not? Come on, let's go see them" he said.

After finishing the food, he was surprised that you finished all 5 plates and left nothing behind.

Getting in the car, you never gave the old man a proper address. Mainly because you didn't know, you just told him to take turns.

"A left on this light" you told him.
He listened, headed straight for another mile.
"Take a right and it's just up head" you said.

Joseph looked around, as if very skeptical. But due it being very late it was hard to see through the tinted windows.

"Stop here.." you said.
Joseph then pulled over. You got out of the car and opened the tall iron gates.

"Hey!" Called you the old man.
"Kid are you sure this is the right place??" He asked.

You ignored him as you walked through the gates. The sound of dead fallen leaves crunch underneath your feet.

Soon you walked up to Two stones on the ground with carvings on them.

"Kid do you even know where we are? We are at a cemetery-"
He stopped talking once he saw you crouched over two grave stones.
"Oh.. I'm so sorry" Joseph whispered.

"They are removing their graves tomorrow... this was the last thing I had of them" you said.

Joseph simply sat besides you as you shed one last tear for the death of your parents.

"What happened?" He asked.

"A year ago, my family and I where on our way for family fun trip, but a heavy rainstorm showed up out of no where and well... we crashed" you said softly as you looked down at your cross-like scared palms.

Joseph simply listened.

"I was the only one that survived" you said.

"That's why you where on that bridge.." said Joseph. The both of you stayed silent for a long minute.

Soon Joseph got up and pulled out something from his coat along with a pen. You heard him scribbling.

"Here.." he said as he ripped the page out of his small book.
You soon realized it was a check of 6 thousand dollars.

Your heart dropped at the sight of it.

"What is this for?" You asked. But before you took it he had a strong grip on the paper.

"If you take this check, you must come with me.. let me help you.. if you don't want my help then I'll just take back the check" said Joseph.
"I'll drop you off back at the bridge as well if you'd like"

You thought about it for a minute. With this money it can help you, and this man, though you didn't know why he was putting so much effort to help a random child. He seemed like your ticket out of this.

You looked at your family's grave one last time. And back at the old man.
"Alright.. Joseph Joestar" you said and took the check.


Few days passed and you found yourself in Texas at the Speedwagon foundation working with them.

They helped you understand this stand of your's she had nothing but a black dress and long black fingers.

You learned how to use her and noticed she wasn't much of a fighter but support. Creating gray color shields but later broke quickly.

After spending your time with them, you learn more about Joseph. He had a wife, daughter and a grandson that you where never allowed to meet.

Joseph would randomly spend time with you, he would give you gifts for birthday's and Christmas and other holidays.

You read comic books that Joseph would bring you of super hero's. And you enjoyed them. One day, you picked up a bible. Though Joseph never really liked the idea, you found comfort in the religion and found it too much a coincidence to have cross like scars on the palm of your hands making you believe it even more. 

The more you practiced the religion, you've noticed a change in your stand, she became stronger, no longer where you afraid of the night because you looked to the light, and it felt like all this time god has helped you, it was as if god brought both you and Joseph to that bridge that night.

The more you became God's child, you've noticed that Joseph hated it but you never payed too much attention eventually you were able to move on with your new life under the light and became the person you are now.

Next morning.

You woke up well rested. You sat up and stretched your arms out as far as they could go. You felt a good crack on your body making you releas a satisfied sigh.

Getting out of bed you never changed out of your normal clothes. Not like you had extra with you anyways.

Looking over at Jotaro's side, you noticed he was still sound asleep.
Getting up out of bed, you wanted to go check on the rest.

You tried to open the door quietly but failed miserably.  The door hinges creaked loudly by you slightly opening it.

Jotaro quickly got out of bed with Star platinum out and ready to attack.

You put your hands up.
"Hey hey! I'm sorry! It's just me" you said.

Once Jotaro noticed it was you, he tiredly sat back down as his head hung low.

You noticed his lack of sleep has made him very paranoid.

"Hey.. are you alright?" You asked softly as you slowly walked up to him.
Now sitting besides him, he seemed to be ignoring you.

You could tell he's struggling on this trip as well, but the difference between you and him was that he was better at hiding it.

You gently patted his shoulder.
"Hey.. you can tell me anything, you know that right?" You asked him.
"I won't judge, I won't even tell anyone about this if that's what you'd like?" You said trying your best to get him to open up.

Though he didn't say a word. He weakly rested his head on your shoulder.

You were surprised by his actions, but you didn't say anything but to hold him in your arms.

He didn't hug back, he kept his hands to himself.

You softly patted his head as your hands glowed gold to calm his paranoia.

Soon someone knocked on the door.

Jotaro quickly got up at the sound of the knock.

As he opened the door, you saw Polnareff on the other side.

"Come on, I want to get breakfast" he said before leaving.

"Mmh" was all Jotaro said before annoying walking out of the room.
"You coming?" He asked in his tired voice.

"Y-yeah.. let me get my stuff" you said as you grabbed your cross and bible getting ready for the day.

⚜️ ————————————— ⚜️

This was cut very short im sorry 😖😖😭

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