Izuku Yagi: The Magician

By Black_Death303

25.6K 519 228

To those who don't know better, Izuku's life seems like a dream come true. Who wouldn't want to be the son of... More

The Beginnings of Magic
The Littlest Exorcist
Moving Out
Meeting the Family
Five Years Time
Exams and Friends, Both Old and New

Demon Slayer

3.1K 67 25
By Black_Death303

Izuku POV

It felt good, knowing I was powerful. A demon is something that can take one even some pro heroes. Even if that one was weak it could still do some damage, and I was the one to kill it. That's the thing about demons, once they die they can't come back. They have no soul to return to Hell with. Sure banishing a demon would have been easier, but I was working on fear and not logic. I'm going to need to rest for a while before I can do any magic more than small telekinesis. It was with those thoughts that I fell asleep, happy with myself.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock blaring in my ear. I got up and turned it off, once I did that I checked the calendar in my room to see that it was friday. "Sh!t. After yesterday I don't know if I have the energy to go to school today. Maybe I can just skip?" I mumbled to myself before going to put on my uniform. "I can't do that, if I do Izumi will definitely notice the absence of her favorite punching bag. If she doesn't, the Bakugou's will."

I packed up my bag with great difficulty. My body was running on fumes and it's likely I'll just be more tired by the time I get back. Even though I knew I was going to be in more pain than usual today because of my demon hunting yesterday I couldn't find it in myself to care. I was proud of what I did yesterday, I just need to get a better schedule if I'm going to continue this.

I started my walk to school, earlier than Izumi usually does, and made my way to school as fast as I could. I knew from experience that being caught trying to escape them only results in me being hurt more. I got to school and unlocked the janitorial closet I usually hide in until school starts.

When school actually started and I was no longer hiding in the janitor closet I got to my classroom and sat down. I noticed the marker-drawn words on my desk. They were all variations of Deku, quirkless, and useless. I tried not to think about it too much as I just took a wipe and started to clean it as well as I could. I didn't want to get detention today, it would just take time out of my library time.

Class went as expected, with me staying quiet unless called on, only to get the answer wrong on purpose. I'd already learned all this online or in the books from the library. I knew that getting the answers wrong was for the best. Although it was embarrassing, it was better than angering Izumi's gang by even suggesting I'm smarter than them.

I got done with the day and quickly packed everything away. I'd gotten good at showing everything in my bag before they got to it because if they go it then it was as good as gone. It's one thing if Izumi tosses it out the window or rips it. It can still be read if that's the case. If it's Katsuki or Katsumi it's likely to end up charred. Due to this I've gotten into the habit of only taking out what I need and immediately putting it away as soon as I don't.

I sat in my seat waiting for what I knew was coming. If I ran Izumi's gang would chase me. Sometimes I can escape them, but if I didn't it'd get worse. Judging by how I'm feeling today I don't think I'll be able to escape them, so there's no point.

"Would you look at that, the defenseless Deku didn't even try to run. Did you finally realize your place Deku?" Izumi said as she moved towards my desk. I didn't respond. "What you got nothing to say? Heh, so useless. You can't even defend yourself!" she said before laughing with the others. I didn't say anything.

She and the others then spent the next few minutes beating on me. I just took it and hid my face as best as I could. When they were done they left. I waited a few minutes to let the soreness of my body go down a bit until I could get up.

I walked home as best I could before passing the library. Should I go home? It's not like anyone would notice I'm gone. I entered the library and began to sit down and let my body rest. I was in a lot of pain, but I was okay with it. Today was friday so that means I can finally rest up from today and the fight I had with the demon. I didn't relax for too long before getting back on the library computer and beginning my research.

My win against the demon was lucky at best. That thing was weak by demon standards. The way I killed it shouldn't have worked. It might have been starving because if it wasn't it'd be snacking on me by now. If I'm going to continue to hunt these things I'm going to have to learn how to kill them myself.

I spent the next few minutes working on finding a way to increase my magic. I found something that can help me increase my magic, all I need to do is try and absorb the magic in the surrounding areas. There's a little problem though. Doing this could cause an overload if I overdo it. I'm going to have to stay at weaker levels and get stronger over time.

I logged out of the computer, grabbed my stuff, and went towards the staircase to the second level. I hid myself under the staircase and prepared. From what I read I need to be calm, but concentrated to control the flow of energy going into me. It took a few minutes, but when I was ready I quietly whispered "Brosba ygrene ni eht aera."

When I finished that I began to feel something. I could feel like I was taking something into myself. I could feel some of my exhaustion leave me. I could still feel the pain of the earlier beating though, so this move can't be used as a way to heal myself. Even if it was, I couldn't use this until after a battle. Simply thinking this much is causing me to have some issues holding onto the spell. From then on I dedicated all my focus to keeping the spell active and regulating the energy input.

It took 10 minutes for me to stop feeling tired, it's after that when it started to hurt. I was taking in more energy than I could hold and it was expanding my energy pool. It was only a small amount, but I could already feel my body aching. It felt like my muscles were being ripped apart. I could only hold it for a few minutes before I let go. The spell dissipated and I almost collapsed.

I took a deep breath and tried to compose myself. It took a few minutes before I was able to stand up. When I could I went back to the computer and began trying to find what I did wrong. It took a while, but I did eventually figure out what I did wrong. I was taking in energy with nowhere for it to go. The more natural way to gain energy is done by silently taking in energy when energy reserves are low. The amount of energy one could take in is determined by their body.

The person who made this was over 20 years old when they recorded this info. It's only natural that a 20 year old who's probably been training for magic their years would have more energy than a 8 year old with arms like noodles. I just needed to make my body stronger to hold all that energy. The only problem is how. How will I make myself stronger?

I could try and go to a gym. No, that wouldn't work. I need money to get a membership at a gym, also what gym would allow a 8 year old without a parent present. Maybe I can just do some minor exercises on my own? That might work, but it would take far too long to get any measure of progress. Not to mention that I'd probably have to do them at home and I don't want to spend any more time there than I need to.

I took a look at the clock and saw that the time was approaching when it would get dark so I decided to start heading home. After a quick walk home I decided against using the front door, I want to see if they noticed I never came home today. Went out to the back of our house towards my room's window and climbed inside. Nothing had been moved. I don't know why I stupidly hoped they'd notice. I decided I'd just go to sleep.

The next day came far too soon. It felt like I only slept a few minutes. I got ready to go to the library again today. When I was about to open my room's door I stopped. Why should I give them any idea of where I'm going?

I opened my window and jumped out. I hit the ground hard. I got back up and dusted myself off and started my journey to the library. On my way I noticed something, there was a beach filled with trash. I thought back to yesterday and how I was wondering how I was going to strengthen myself up. "That might work."

From then on that would be my schedule. Wake up, go to school, avoid Izumi and her friends, go to the beach, clean it up a bit, go to the library, learn as much as I can about magic, go home, go to sleep. I continued this for 6 months till July 15, my and Izumi's birthday.

It was late in the night when I went home with some childish hope that maybe I'd be missed or maybe they'd have a present for me. I got home and took a look through the front window to see them celebrating without me. I felt all the hope drain from my body. With one last look through my tears, I ran. Where I was going I had no clue. I just wanted to be anywhere else but here.

It wasn't until I tripped and fell did I feel my hand on sand. I took a minute to compose myself and saw I was at Dagobah Beach. I just sat there by the trash piles for a while and cried. After I felt like I was okay I got back up and walked to the library, mentaly beating myself up. Come on Izuku, what did you expect? They never tried to invite you into celebrations since you were little. Let go of that stupid fantasy of having a loving family. I pulled up my hoodie and shivered due to the cold. They don't care about you. You're quirkless, weak, useless, defenseless.

That's when I heard a scream. With little hesitation I ran towards the scream. The scream was coming from an alley. Inside I saw a man with an unknown quirk attacking a pink-skinned girl. With only a little time to decide what I would do I raised my hand towards the attacker and said "CIRTCELE MAEB!"

A bolt of electricity shot out from my hand and struck the attacker. I did my best to keep the power of the electric shot down to anything non-lethal. The second it hit the man he spasmed and fell to the ground. Me and the girl were both shocked before she fell to the ground. I thought I hit her with my attack so I rushed over to check on her and saw she was okay physically, but was panicking.

I sat down next to her and began to coach her through the breathing exercises. "It's okay, listen to me. Breath in for four seconds, hold for seven, out for eight. Okay again," and it continued like this until she was calm enough to speak. "Are you okay? I hope I didn't hit you."

"I'm okay," she began. "Thank you for saving me."

"You don't have to thank me. I was just helping someone out," I began as I gave her a quick smile. "We should probably call the police or something."

She laughed a bit before nodding and dialing 911. It wasn't until the police were online that I noticed what I just did. I saved someone! I used magic to save someone! Then a new thought came into my head and I realized if they found me here then the girl will tell them about what I did. They don't know it's magic so they'll think it's a quirk. If they catch me they'll tell my family and my secret will be out.

While the girl was on the phone with the police I quietly moved towards the entrance of the alley. When I was out of sight I ran. I considered running home, but immediately decided against it. Instead I ran to the beach. When I got there I hid between the trash piles and just caught my breath. I actually did it, I saved someone. I saved someone like a hero.

Naomasa POV

It was a relatively quiet night and I was hoping I'd get the chance to go home early. That was until I was called down by police bringing in a young girl who was just attacked for questioning. I walked up to the officer who interviewed her and got the basic information. She was attacked by a mugger on the street. The interesting part is what happened to the mugger. He was taken down by someone else.

Apparently the girl, a 9 year old Mina Ashido, said the vigilante used some lightning quirk to attack the thief. He then stayed a few moments to calm her down before running before the police could get there.

We didn't have much to go on other than the description the girl gave us. He was small, around her size, and judging by his voice he was around her age. We couldn't get much more from her because he was wearing a hoodie and it was dark.

There wasn't much to go on so we made a report and left it at that until we had more information. I was just hoping it was a one time thing. A kid, no older than 9, going around and taking on adult muggers is something that I don't want to think about.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N: Not sure how I feel about this one. I'm also not sure if I intend to make the ship IzuMina or not. It wasn't in the original plan, but I like the ship and kind of want to. Tell me what you think, no character is off limits. 

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