The Five Dimensions Part 1: S...

By daphneck

316 54 5

Hailey Fell didn't fit in at Pinemarsh High, but if she'd known what was about to happen, she would've taken... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29: Ash
Chapter 30: Ash
Chapter 31: Ash
Chapter 32: Ash
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46: Ash
Chapter 48: Ash
Chapter 49: Ash
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65: Epilogue: Ash

Chapter 47: Ash

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By daphneck

"Would you just shut up about it?" Ash said, irritated.

"Wow, clearly that is a sore topic," Nix chuckled. Ash rolled his eyes. She was being absolutely unreasonable, so he decided ignoring her would be a better strategy.

They were walking around slowly – for their standards at least, a human couldn't have kept up with them. They were equipped with full gear, giving them a bit more weight to carry with them, but it was nearly insignificant.

If only they had a Locator like Brid or Max with them, they could move much quicker. They could perfectly track a target even at full speed. Unfortunately, there were so many reports of dimensional breaches now that every Team was spread thin. Everyone was being called in. Even inactive Team members and those that were retired. The Order was preparing for something big. And the currently active Team members were all constantly being sent out to respond to this disturbance or that. The fact they were under strict orders that the extent of the problem was to be contained made it all the more complicated.

"Oh, come on," Nix complained but Ash didn't give in. He stayed focused on the task at hand, pretending like he needed all his concentration, even if Nix knew perfectly well that he could multitask. Nevertheless, the quicker they could get to this demon the better. They still had to get back to the party tonight and pretend like nothing was going on.

Ugh, the party. He was not looking forward to that obnoxious parade.

"You know, just because I am telling you the truth, does not mean you have to get so offended." Nix wasn't looking at him, but he knew her well enough to know the exact look of exasperation that would be on her face. They had known each other for a long time, and she was about the closest friend that he ever had. But sometimes he just wished she would stay out of his business, especially this particular business.

"You want to talk so bad? Fine, let's talk," Ash snapped. He stopped in front of a tree, punched it for good measure, and then turned around to face Nix. "Let's talk about the things that I have been trying to get out of my mind since the moment I started thinking about them, that I am working very hard to avoid."

Nix didn't interrupt him. She stood and waited. Which just made him even more frustrated, because she knew him well enough to know that his anger wasn't for her and that he really, really needed to get it out.

"Let's talk about how I have been running around doing double the missions just so that I can be out of that house. And then the moment I see that she is hurt, all of my defenses are gone." Ash ran his fingers through his hair. He didn't like talking about this, not when he was trying so hard to forget it all. But now he felt like he was very close to spilling every little thing that had gone through his mind the last few weeks.

"Ash, you and I both know all the reasons why this is bad, and what it will lead to. But forget all that for a bit and just talk to me. I can see what this is doing to you, and I..." she stopped, searching for the words. "I do not like it."

Ash took a deep breath. Nix could be a pain in the ass, but rarely did she get this compassionate. It was more like Nix to be her sarcastic self, handing out unsubtle insults and making fun of Ash whenever he got too serious. He sighed and continued on their path; they were still on duty.

"I am not sure what to say," he started. "All I know is that I cannot allow myself to feel what I feel, but I have not found a way to convince myself of that."

"I understand, but I have not seen you like this since, you know, her." Nix rolled her eyes to show her disgust for the person she refused to mention, which Ash was absolutely fine with.

"I am aware," Ash said in an attempt at a strong voice, but he feared Nix could hear the strain nonetheless.

They stayed silent for quite a while. Nix gave Ash a last look of concern, but, mercifully, she decided that there was no use trying to talk about it more. They both understood the gravity of the situation and while he did feel some relief at having someone he could talk to without being judged, neither of them knew what to do about it. And they weren't the kind of people to endlessly talk about deep emotion problems. They couldn't have been such close friends otherwise.

They tracked through the woods, occasionally stopping to inspect a sign of a trail left by whatever they were following. Ash was becoming aware of how relatively close they were getting to inhabited areas and was about to mention this to Nix when he spotted a grin on her face.

Oh no, what is it now?

"At least you will have plenty of distractions tonight, courtesy of your mother," she sniggered.

"Do not even get me started on that." Ash let out an exasperated sigh of impatience. This was exactly the part of the party that he was least looking forward to. He also dreaded having to see Hailey again, especially after what happened with his sister, but he was sure he could easily avoid her. Unfortunately, the same could not be said of his mother.

"I have heard you will have quite a lot to choose from this year." Nix was still grinning. As much as Ash hated this whole annual ordeal, Nix always enjoyed it thoroughly. "Do you remember Katya?"

"Who?" Ash didn't think too hard about it, although the name did ring a bell. Honestly, with his mother being a highly ranked Order official, so many people visited their house, he couldn't hope to remember everyone.

"Our Team was paired with hers on some large-scale training day," Nix replied, waiting for Ash to give a sign of acknowledgement. When he didn't, she went on to say, "The red-head. Although her hair is much less impressive than mine, even on a bad day. Actually, it is no surprise you do not recall her. She was not all that memorable."

"Oh, yes, now I remember her. You kept complaining about her." Ash laughed at Nix rolling her eyes.

"Well," she went on, the grin back on her face, "I have heard she plans to win you over properly."

Ash's laugh disappeared from his face. "Red-heads are not my type," was all he had to say. He was never interested in any of the girls that his mother tried to set him up with, even if he wasn't in the complicated situation he was in now. Although, he had to admit that an actual Team member was at least a step up from the usual candidates.

"Clearly. Otherwise, how could you have resisted this." Nix gestured at her own body, and Ash couldn't stop himself from laughing loudly.

"Clearly," he replied, not actually looking at her.

"Maybe having some fun can get your mind off of it. When was the last time you—" Nix started to ask, but Ash didn't feel like having this conversation anymore.

"Like I said before, Nix. Just shut up."

"Right, I sense no frustration at all. It was only a suggestion. It works for me," Nix went on anyway. Only when Ash turned to her and gave her one of his patented death stares, did she hold up her hands in defeat.

At last, she did actually stop talking. And it was not a moment too soon, because Ash heard a sound that could only be coming from one source.

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