Izuku Yagi - All For You

By Prttygoodnoob

478K 9K 4.2K

Izuku Yagi was once a bright and happy kid. Until he was diagnosed quirkless. There his life fell into darkne... More

Quirkless Loser
What is this Power
What Now
Did I miss Something
You Don't Deserve Quirks
The Gang
The Shadow Kid
Blood Sucking Teen
Himiko Toga
Vigilante Duo
Old Friends
I Understand Now
Crazy Blondes
Birthday Brawl
Facing The Past For The Future
Just Before UA
First Class 1-a
Class 1-b
Problematic Class 1-b
Himiko has fun with 1-a
What Was That
Sports Festival
Undeserved Chance
Nomu Attack
Public Appearance
Still a Child
Fight For Your Life
New Term
Improving Heroes
Quirk Limits
Final Exam - A
Defeating Shigaraki
Thrive to Survive
Burned Ashes
The Rescue Mission
All For One
Dorm Rooms
Answers To Why
What The Past Has Become
The Pressure is on
One For All
Invitation For War
Head In The Game
Children In War
Burning Defeat
All For One Is Gone
The End?

Class 1-a Quirk Assessment

14.1K 221 137
By Prttygoodnoob

Izuku was at school the next day. Himiko was with him as well but currently she was helping with Midnight to do something. Honestly Izuku thinks that she isn't really helping with anything, it's just an excuse for the two to 'hang out.' Izuku still hasn't got to Midnights weird childish side. It is quite similar to Himiko's, but the main difference is that Himiko is 15 while Midnight is 30 years old and commonly makes sexual references towards almost everything.

Izuku was currently in the staff room with a laptop leant to him by Nezu. Currently Izuku was watching over the entrance exam footage. He was watching his two classes students and how they are using their quirks. 

Ibara Shiozaki was using her quirk to hold robots in place. With how young she is, she seems to have excellent control over her quirk which makes Izuku wonder how her parents act towards her. Neither of them are heroes and both work at a church which makes Izuku wonder if it was her choice or theirs. Her vines could stretch at least 150 metres from what Izuku could observe however they don't seem to have a lot of power. She used them to constrict robots in place and stop them from moving, but that took quite a few vines, even from the weaker robots. SHe only properly destroyed two robots but subduing them in place still counts in destroying them.

Shihai Kuroiro has a quirk called black. It's similar to his friend Akito, He has pure black skin and a quirk that only works in darkness. The difference though is that Akito can teleport in darkness while Shihai merges into darkness. From what Izuku read on his file, Shihai can't move in darkness but its likely because he hasn't leaned to do it yet. He subdued the robots by merging into the shadows of the robots and flipping off their switches.

Speaking about flipping switches, the few other student who did that as their main method in destroying the robot was Toru Hagakure. Her quirk makes her permanently invisible which must be annoying for her. Not necessarily a villainous quirk, but definitely one that other kids would blame if something went missing. The fact that she was invisible meant that the robots couldn't track her. They used movement tracking cameras instead of infa-red to not target students through walls. As long as she wasn't hit through crossfire, the robots couldn't actually harm her. 

It's a bypass to the system which can't be fixed unless the hero commission allows it. But Izuku won't complain, its not a physical destruction quirk like most of the others.

Speaking of destruction quirk, Denki Kaminari. It isn't physically destructive, well except electronics. His quirk is called electrification. He spews electricity from the entirety of his body, like a discharge. He has no control on the direction and the amount he produces seems to indicate the power and range. The more powerful he makes it, the larger the range it has. But if he uses to much electricity at once, he goes braindead. Or, very stupid in laymen's terms.

On the surface, an elemental quirk like electricity seems perfect for heroics. But when looking at statistics, only two heroes globally have electric quirks. A Japanese hero who has recently become an independent hero Electro Whip and a British hero Shatter Shock who can make electric burst emit from his body by physical impact by something. Most 'electric' based quirks are actually lightning like Electroplant. 

The reason why it's like this because electric quirks are normally very hard to control. They usually damage the user both physically and mentally and not by small amounts. They also are very hard to control generally. Lightning based quirks have this similar problems but support items and practice usually rectify this. Electricity quirks are harder for support items to be made as usually the lack of control distorts circuits or disrupts nearby circuitry. They really are just are unpredictable.

So when Izuku first saw him activate his quirk, Izuku presumed it was lightning. But after watching the entire video and seeing the boy completely out of it. Drool dripping out of his mouth and his arms moving forward and back with his thumbs up. Meaning he lost his cognitive function. A drawback that electric quirks have, not lightning.

He was worried about the boy's health but after an hour, he was fine. This intrigued Izuku so he read his file on his quirk. Which was worryingly barren, but he'd look at that later. Izuku read the basic description on his quirk and found out that there was a second part to his quirk. He could conduct both electricity and lightning which can rejuvenate him. Although if he takes to much, he'd stupefy again.

This was amazing to Izuku. Normally quirks that produce their element aren't resistant to it. Endeavour is the only hero that Izuku can think of from the top of his head with resistance to their chosen element. But he has heard of other quirks that do have resistances. Like surge which powers up the users strength when hit with electricity or Re-fire, another lightning quirk that powers up when hit with either and then the user can release it like a battery. But having an immunity to an element that you produce, almost unheard of. 

That's probably the reason why Denki doesn't have to wear special clothing or equipment. Most untrained electric quirks shock themselves or others around them, since he is immune to shocking himself he doesn't have to worry about that.

Izuku had written all of his students quirk in his analyses booklets. Noting details and dot pointing strengths, weaknesses, improvements or theories Izuku has on their quirk. It does make Izuku frown that other quirks he has more notes on then others. Like Setsuna, Neito, Denki, Fumikage and Katsuki. He has at least thirty notes on those five compared to others like Rikido, Mashirao, Kojiro and Tetsutetsu who he only has five. 

The bell rings. Izuku quickly grabs all of his things, putting them into a pocket dimension type area. It's a new quirk he received at yesterday's patrol. It was from a villain at a bank who had a gun. He hid the money into a storage compartment that only he could access but once Izuku took him out and took his quirk after not finding any money, it appeared. 

Izuku wasn't originally going to take the quirk but soon he found out that murdered their own son because they were quirkless so there was no way he was going to give their quirk back. 

Izuku's first class was with class 1-a again and today he would be focusing on their quirks. But there was only 19 students out of twenty and Izuku would really like to have one more in that class. Hitoshi Shinso.

His quirk would be incredible for hero work. Being able to make a surrender just stop whatever they were doing and do what you say, whether they were solo or in a group is undeniably powerful. Although if people knew the activation he would become a lot less effective but Izuku reasoned he doesn't care about popularity, just being a hero would be good enough for him. So an underground hero like Eraserhead would work for him.

Now there are two ways for Hitoshi to get into the heroics course. The first way is the sports festival but it is extremely unlikely. UA has been a school for almost three decades now and the sports festival has always been a thing, including that rule. In order for a general course student to get into a heroics class through the festival is to place in the top four in the tournament. How many general ed students do you think have made it to the tournament faze, not winning or getting to the finals. Just into the even itself? The answer is three. From those three only two of them advanced into the heroics course.

The first one ever was Midnight herself. Her quirk didn't work on robots and was administered to General Education. But she got fourth overall in the tournament, only losing because her opponent was a girl, making her pheromones' less effective. The second person was Eraserhead, the only non heroics student to get first place. Even though he had won, the hero teachers at the time were still sceptical whether or not he'd be a good hero, even with his impressive combat skills. 

Izuku believed that Hitoshi could definitely make it to the tournament. But getting past the first round alone would be tough if his opponent had figured out his quirk. Then after that wouldn't be easy either as he would have to get pass a second person who probably has a destructive quirk to make his life difficult. After looking at him in the entrance exam, it is clear that he isn't nearly proficient enough at quirkless combat like Eraserhead was so it is unlikely he'd make it in that way.

The second way doesn't technically count as him getting into the heroics course but he gets the heroics class. After the festival, a teacher at UA could take him under his wing and train them. They would lose one of their classes in gen ed for the heroics class which they'd be fine with. But Izuku isn't allowed to do it as it would be seen as him having a favourite student as he is the heroics teacher. So he's need someone else willing enough to take them as their own student. 

Eraserhead wouldn't mind having another problem child would he?

Izuku walked to the doors of 1-a. Himiko caught up to him while he was there, skipping with a wide smile. Izuku could see there was a mischievous glint on her eyes. Izuku decided to ignore it as it would be more interesting and entertaining to let Himiko play out her plot. He just hopes it isn't anything inappropriate by Midnight. 

"Hi Izu~kun, what are we doing for them today?" she asks, stopping right in front of Izuku with a wide and innocent grin. Izuku smiles back.

"Quirk training, or just figuring out new ways they could apply their quirks," Izuku answered. Himiko liked that answer and nodded. Izuku then opened the door and walked in with her in toe.

The class all looked at the duo as they walked in. Izuku scanned the class. Their overall reaction was better than yesterday. A lot less confused or scared looks. There are still some worried looks they are getting plus one frown from a certain car engine student. None the less Izuku smiled widely, putting his hands together.

"Alright class, for today's second lesson we'll be focusing on your quirks!" Izuku announced. This shocked the class. Izuku noticed Yaoyorozu tentatively raise her hand so he called on her.

"Um, why are we quickly changing to quirk training after yesterday's quirkless combat?" she asked.

"You can't just focus on one thing. I need to prepare you all to become heroes in three years so we need to work on multiple skills at once. These are just the two basics you'll learn but there will be more less physical activities you'll need to learn along the way. Anymore questions before we start?" Izuku asks. The class remain silent with a few of them shaking there heads. Izuku smiles and nods before turning around with Himiko.

"Join me at ground Beta in five minutes in your gym uniforms," Izuku said. 

"Wait sensei, when do we get to wear our hero outfits?" Ashido asked, quickly hopping up at from her chair. Izuku turns around and shrugs.

"When I can trust you all that you won't cause serious damage to each other with your quirks," Izuku responds before leaving the room with Himiko. They walk all the way to one of UA's for battle training grounds.

The first one is ground Alpha which is the most dangerous ground. There were several cliffs and uneven ground. Overall a difficult training ground but good for battle environment training. But for beginners, it isn't something that the junior classes will use. Mainly the second and third years. 

The next ground is Beta, the one that Izuku and class 1-a will be today. It is a the largest ground, flat with little obstacles. Trees are near the perimeter with a small cave that really doesn't count as one, but does at the same time. 

The next one is ground gamma which is mountain side spot. One large mountain with flat spaces in the perimeter that you could jump to if you're at the top. It is indoors unlike the others, for the reason why. Izuku isn't exactly sure.

The last one is ground Delta. It is a nice lush Greenland with a large lake in the middle. It's more of a pond but it seems to large for the generic definition of a pond as well as to deep. 

Izuku arrived with Himiko and proceeded to wait for his class. Himiko had already set up the ground while he took notes on his classes quirks leaving nineteen robots spread all across the ground with a mannequin next to them with a bag of sand at their feet.

Eventually the class walked in. They all looked around and saw the incredibly spaced out materials. Izuku and Himiko waited patiently for them to get out in front of them.

"Hello class, as you already know from before, today we will be working on your quirks. As you probably have noticed, three items are spread around the training ground. A level one robot, a mannequin and a bag of sand. Those are your training materials or 'punching bag,'" Izuku air quotes. "You can use them in whatever way you want to try and practice your quirk but please try not to destroy them, and if you have a particularly destructive quirk try using it for different purposes," Izuku said, his gaze going towards Katsuki specifically. He let's out a tch and moves his gaze off to the side. Izuku then looks at the whole class again. "Any questions?" he asks. 

Fyoki raised her hand.

"Um, will we be sparring with each other?" she asked. Izuku shook his head but Himiko was the one to speak.

"Well we can't have you guys severely injuring each other now can we and if that happens the blame will go onto us," Himiko said.

"Right, but even though we have Recovery Girl which allows us to do more drastic exercises then other hero schools it doesn't mean we should. For example her quirk has a limit and can't prevent death so allowing you students use your relatively untrained quirks to harm each other is just irresponsible. Does that answer your question?" Izuku continues.

"Yes thank you," she responds. Izuku nods and smiles, he then opens his hands out to his side, gesturing to the entire class. 

"Any others?" he asks. No response. "Alright, everyone find a different set of materials. I suggest doing things with your quirk that you have never tried before, remember your quirk is a muscle and you need to keep using it to let it grow stronger," Izuku said. The class all nod before quickly scattering.

Himiko then turns to Izuku, her hair whipping into hair face.

"What do you need me to do Izu~kun?" she asked. Izuku then put a finger onto his chin and thought. What would he need her to do? Today is more of him explaining possible uses and applications that his students could apply their quirks and future improvements. Himiko can't really do much to help assist that. So he'll keep her around before he finds something she could do.

"Just follow me and help when needed," Izuku answers. Himiko smiles and nods her head feverishly. Izuku pats her head which gets a hum out of her. Izuku then looks around for students and heads to the nearest one. Which so happened to be Katsuki.

Izuku walked over to him with Himiko behind him. Katsuki was one of the more destructive students. Easily possessing the most raw power quirk out of the first years. But that doesn't mean it is the strongest. Katsuki also has quite the utility, being able to launch himself as he pleases and create smokescreens as well.

Currently Katsuki was using his quirk to fly. He wasn't great at it, just using his quirk to propel himself upwards while trying to learn how to launch himself horizontally safely. Izuku smiled at that. He walked until he was about bellow him before he moved his hands to cup his mouth to shout.

"Bakugo!" he yells. Katsuki looks beneath him, he sees Izuku and Himiko standing next to each other. Katsuki points his hands to the side slightly as let's out tiny explosions to push him slightly. He then let himself drop to the floor, but just before he landed, he let out a large explosion to halt his fall. A cloud of smoke covered him but soon it settled enough that he could see Izuku and Himiko. He walked over to them. Izuku was smiling at him while Himiko gave him a glare. He ignores it though, knowing she has every right to hate him.

"I see you're practicing flying, that's excellent. Is that the only thing you're working on?" Izuku asked. Katsuki hums, pointing his chin up. He knows that look that Izuku is giving him. He is expecting something, he wants Katsuki to say yes. Katsuki's eyebrows narrow at Izuku as he tries to think of a response to give him. Because he hadn't.

"Well not really because being able to fly is better than learning how to create proper smokescreens right now. If I can master that, I could use my quirk in several different ways before I start using it for utility purposes," Katsuki answers. Izuku nods his head but Katsuki can see slight disappointment making him sneer.

He doesn't like that look but he holds back his mouth. He's not as good as he once thought he was and he knows Izuku knows better at him. He probably knows more about his quirk then Katsuki does himself. But still, seeing disappointment hurts. Maybe because he first saw it from his mother when she found out that Izuku ran away. 

Izuku holds Katsuki at a high standard, and if he wants to stay here, he is going to have to go beyond them. He'll try harder, to be the hero that Izuku wants him to be. To hopefully make amends to his past mistakes, no matter how unobtainable they may be.

"You are correct, knowing how to fly for you is very important but how long will that take? You're a fast learning at physical things so I know it won't take you too long but still. Learning little techniques, like a flash bomb or combat moves that involves you launching yourself in smaller spaces would be useful to learn along the way," Izuku states. Katsuki raises his eyebrow at Izuku oddly.

"What do you mean by flash bomb," he states. Izuku nods and grabs Katsuki's hands, pulling them close together. Their palms facing each other but not connecting right in front of him.

"You can create smoke with your quirk that can range between how much dust or skin you burn off with it. But if you focus the light of your quirk to a certain point, you can create a quick blast of light that blinds enemies," Izuku states.

Katsuki's eyes go wide. He never had thought of that. Well, it's a concept he probably would have thought of eventually but of course Izuku had thought of doing that first. He probably has had that idea some time in elementary school, knowing Izuku. Izuku and Himiko took a step back. Himiko covered her eyes.

"Do you want to try it?" Izuku asks. Katsuki doesn't respond. Instead he turns his head to the side and further distances his face from his hands. He squeezes his eye shut before letting out an explosion in between his palms. A loud bang rings next to Katsuki but he's used to it by now. Even though his eyes are squeezed shut, a flash of bright light still pings in his vision. Katsuki then breaks an eye open, he looks over at his palms that a smoking slightly. There definitely a light sting but nothing he can't handle.

"See that worked wonderfully, now before I move on I got you these," Izuku said. Katsuki's head perked up as he moved his focus away from his steaming palms to Izuku. In the palms of his hands, were two little earbuds?

"Your quirk is loud and creating explosions close to your ear will get you tinnitus. So I got you these to help, they aren't a permanent solution but you can work with the support department to help you in the future," Izuku said.

Katsuki's eyes widen. Slowly Katsuki takes the earbuds from Izuku's hands and gently holds them in his. Funny, Katsuki thinks as a small smile makes it to his face. He remembers a five year old Izuku tell him a similar thing. That his explosions are going to make him deaf in the future. But little old him and already developed a god complex. He blasted Izuku in the face and told stupid Deku to shut up and don't tell him what to do.

Izuku then turned around with Himiko doing the same. "Oh and one more thing. Change up your style. For as long as I've known you, your starting move is a right hook. Do something else," Izuku smiled before walking off, Himiko sending a glare at him before turning away.

Katsuki stares down at the earbuds in his hand. He then places them in his hair, everything just stops. Katsuki looks around and he can't here anything. Katsuki claps his hands and again, no noise. These are incredible. Katsuki smirks, he lowers his hands to the ground and they start to glow.

He then pushes himself up off of the ground but not very far. He flies through the air, spinning until his body is now the wrong way up. He reaches his hand down and grabs the mannequins head. He continues to fly himself over the mannequin. Katsuki then falls to the ground, the mannequin tipping over. Katsuki lands on his feet and slams the back of the mannequins head into the ground. He smirks. Focus on the little things.

Izuku walks over to Mashirao who was the next closest. Himiko was skipping behind him. Mashirao currently had the robot holding the bag of sand while he acrobat around and slamming his tail into the bag of sand, either by flipping or spinning. He stopped when he saw his two sensei's walking over to him. 

"Oh hello Hope and Carmilla Sensei," Mashirao greeted. 

"Good morning Ojiro, what have you been doing?" Izuku asks, looking over to his robot and bag of sand. Ojiro does the same. 

"Oh I was just practicing techniques with my tail, as it's quite powerful," Mashirao answered. Izuku nodded, he looked down to Mashirao's tail and definitely could see that it was muscular. Especially in comparison to the rest of his body which is still muscular but lean. A thought then popped into Izuku's head. 

"Hey Ojiro, can I test something about your quirk?" Izuku asked. Ojiro gave him a strange look but shrugged and nodded.

"Sure what do you want to test?" Mashirao asked. Izuku stood up and stretched his leg out.

"Can you try squeezing my leg with your tail. Don't worry I can heal any damage you do to it," Izuku answered. This made Mashirao's eyes cross and look over to Izuku very confused. Himiko put thumbs up behind him. Mashirao shook his head and took his breath.

"Ah sure," Mashirao answered He bent down and aimed his tail at Izuku's leg. He stretched it out and had it wrap around his leg. Then Mashirao started squeezing it. Izuku bit his lip as he felt his leg convulse. About seven seconds path without anything happening before Izuku felt his leg dent slightly. It wasn't a lot but it told Izuku something. That Mashirao's tail as the ability to bend solid iron and with a bit of work, could probably do it better.

"Alright Ojiro, you can stop," Izuku said. Mashirao huffed as he unwrapped his tail from Izuku's leg. Izuku quickly fixed his leg with his quirk before healing himself. Just to make sure there was no internal damage done around his leg. "Wow, you're quirk is incredibly strong. Do you do exercises to increase the strength of your tail?" Izuku asked. Mashirao looked at Izuku stunned before rubbing the back of his neck.

"Uh no, I don't have a reason too. My tail is naturally this strong," Mashirao responded. Izuku sighed and shook his head. 

"But it can be stronger. You see, my bones are metals and you manage to dent them slightly. With a bit more strength, you'd be able to crush my bones with your pure tail strength," Izuku stated. Mashirao's eyes widened in shock. "Some basic strength routines like pull ups with your tail or curling with your tail. If you chose to do those you could do some other exercises as well at the same time," Izuku told. 

Mashirao was stunned. He had never thought about continuing to boost his tails strength. By itself, he could knockout people or send them flying to the ground with little effort. But just being able to grip stronger or slam others down consistently would be very nice. Even if it wouldn't make a difference most of the time, facing those one or two villains who are tougher than average. 

Izuku could see him thinking and slowly realising making Izuku smile. Good, people normally have a very straight point of view. If it ain't broke don't fix it. It's excusable in kids but adult heroes who don't focus on their quirks strengths and never seek to improve don't deserve to have the job of a hero.

Then another idea popped into Izuku's head. Mashirao is basically quirkless. Even other class members who don't really have a quirk to use in a fight don't exactly fight quirkless. Mezo has multiple arms and can grow them at a large distance.

Toru will fight purely quirkless, but she can hide. She could dance around opponents while they flail around to desperately hit her. She can hide in plain sight or escape without being noticed. She would fight with quirkless moves but wouldn't use quirkless techniques.

Kyoka also acts quirkless. The only add on she has is her earphone jacks. She can extend them outwards for six feet. The only things she could really do were a minor jab that could only affect pressure points affectively and being a weak constrictor. Well, with the base quirk. Kyoka has support items she can use to pump her heartbeat into a speaker that can do several things. 

Fumikage would fight quirkless but Dark shadow wouldn't. Koji would fight quirkless but would have help from several sources. Tsuyu would fight in a quirkless like style but one that incorporates her frog like abilities. Like jumping or her abnormally large tongue. Momo also fights quirkless but being able to suddenly summon a cannon doesn't feel like a regular quirkless ability.

Mashirao has a strong tail, that's it. He would have other techniques that others wouldn't use but the point is that he's the closest. If he could perfect quirkless fighting, he would be amazing. So Izuku turned to Himiko.

"Hey Carmilla, could you spar with Ojiro? His quirk has little improvement without a spar partner and you two did very well against each other before so how about you give him a few pointers," Izuku asked. Himiko smiled widely, barring her fangs at Izuku before standing up quickly.

"Of course? Let's go Oji!" Himiko shouted, punching her fist into the air. Mashirao was amused to say the least. He stood up and got into a fighting stance.

"Alright Carmilla sensei, let's do it," he responded with a smirk. Izuku smiled as the two started to spar. He shook his head and stood up, walking away to help another student.

Izuku went to the next closest student who was Mina Ashido. A student with bright pink skin, bubble gum hair with black eyes with an amber colour along with yellow horns. He expected her to be sliding around, creating holes in the ground to do some tricks from which Izuku could see she had been doing but now it looked like she was dancing. Spinning around on her head and back while whipping her legs in the air.

Izuku chuckled at her antics. It makes sense, she probably got bored from sliding around for a while and since she couldn't melt her materials they weren't very useful to her. So she would do what she liked doing, dancing. He walked over to the girl.

At first she didn't notice him. But while she was spinning, she must have noticed something coming closer to her. She stopped dancing to check out who or what it was and Izuku suddenly saw fear appear in her eyes. She dropped from her ridiculous pose and quickly forced herself up onto her feet. Once she had she looked sheepishly, suddenly becoming interesting in the bag if sand and kicking it. Izuku stopped himself from laughing.

"Ashido, what are you doing?" Izuku asked. Mina jumped and turned around giving a very nervous smile.

"Oh um, just kicking this sand bag," she laughed. Izuku raised his eye at her, not convinced at all. Mina stopped laughing and looked down, rubbing her elbow with her hand. Izuku softly smiled at her, although she couldn't see it.

"Do you like dancing?" Izuku asked her. Mina looked up at Izuku again, her hair still covering most of her face. 

"Um yeah, I've done since I was a kid and love it," she answered. It still seemed like she was expecting some sought of angry response for him which Izuku didn't like. He could still tell she was scared which is somewhat of a good thing as a teacher but he wants them to trust him.

"Well you're very good at it. Normally I'd be disappointed with you wasting time but in your case, I'd suggest it making it a fighting style or selling point," Izuku said enthusiastically. Mina popped up at him, she was shocked at seeing Izuku smile which he could tell by her dinner plate shaped eyes. 

"Wait really, I don't really understand," she answers. 

"Well you're planning to become a limelight hero correct?" he asks to which he receives a nod. "Well what makes a good limelight hero is a positive and infectious attitude, a good style and signature which is something you have. You could be a great hit if you put n the effort," Izuku said. 

To say Mina was shocked was an understatement. Her eyes shined and her stance was frozen stiff. Not to mention her mouth was basically hitting the floor. Making Izuku chuckle. "Is something wrong?" he asked her. That seemed to have snapped Mina out. She shook her head and looked at Izuku.

"Um sorry, just um Eraserhead doesn't like the fun idea of being a hero so I thought you would be the same," Mina admitted which does make sense to Izuku.

"Yeah Eraserhead is the fun police best he does have your best interest at part. He is a bug softie at heart, after he has his coffee," Izuku jokes making Mina laugh. 

"So um, what brought you over here, other then may amazing dance moves?" Mina laughed, striking a pose making Izuku chuckle and roll his eyes.

"Well what have you been doing with your quirk?" Izuku asks. Mina chuckles nervously as she looks around at the couple of large holes in the ground. Izuku could also see some slick trails from where she was sliding across. 

"Um, since I can't melt the materials we were given, I've kind of been just, sliding around?" Mina answers, not sure herself. Izuku nods before looking towards Mina.

"How about you're aim?" Izuku asks. Mina whips her head and smiles at Izuku. 

"Impeccable!" Mina shouts instantly, before adding. "As long as they're close," Izuku nods and chuckles again. Figures, she didn't hit enemy robots until they were right next to her in the exam. "I can't fire my acid like a hose, it acts like sweat so I gather it up before throwing the blob I compile," Mina states.

Izuku was intrigued by this. He knew Mina was immune to her own acid and others from her file and her relative use of it. (Which is rare by the way). But she can't spray it. Izuku believes he can so he's going to try something. 

"Mina, may I try something with you?" Izuku asks. Mina flashes up a finger gun and winks at him.

"Sure thing teach?" she answers. Izuku smiles as he walks towards her. He raises his hand and places it on her forehead. He then reaches into her quirk. It was pink and unlike the other quirks that look like light. Hers was slimy and that swirled around like a wet ball. It looked gross but Izuku took it anyway. 

As soon as he did, it felt extremely different from the other quirks he had taken. Immediately Izuku felt sick but quickly that feeling overrides with a sense of gunk? It is hard to explain. Like snot is covering his entire body. He feels a layer of that gunk cover his eye and a flash of pain covers it with it. Izuku looked at his hands and sees that his hands are still purple but looking further up his arms sees that his skin is in fact, pink. 

"Oh My God!" he hears Mina scream. He looks over to her and almost chokes on oxygen. She looked normal. She had dark skin with bubblegum hair. She kept her small yellow horns but her eyes returned normal again. He watched as Mina pulled out her phone and open her camera.

"Wow this is what I look like! God it has been so long since I've seen myself with my regular skin," Mina says. Izuku then realises that, she didn't always look like this. Mutant quirks, minus a few extremely rare exceptions always appear at birth. Same as minor mutations such as Mina's horns. But some mutations from quirks happen once the quirk develops. Typically quirks like these develop at birth as well but that isn't always the case. Mina must have one day just woke up pink, or melted through the floor now looking pink. 

While Mina was distracted with looking at herself without her quirk, Izuku took this time to learn more about it. Like Mina said, her acid acts like sweat. It isn't exactly like sweat as Izuku can make produce from anywhere on his body. He can also produce huge quantities at once but it seems to give Izuku a headache as well as making him dehydrated. But the latter drawback seems to take a while.

Izuku decided to see if he could mess with the viscosity and consistency of Mina's quirk. He knows he can lower it so it doesn't burn the ground but what about increasing it? Izuku finds out that he in fact can. One drop broke through about 7cm of the ground which is very impressive and dangerous. His next task was looking at the consistency of the acid.

"Izuku knows he can make it slippery. But what about sticky? Izuku focuses on making it sticky in between his hand and finds out that he can! Unfortunately, it is extremely sticky and Izuku couldn't get his hands out. He also seems not able to make a lot of it compared to what else he could make. It's probably because the rest of the acid is sticking onto his body without Izuku realising. 

Luckily Izuku could dissolve it with more acid so he was fine. Izuku then tried making a more accurate and stronger way to apply acid at a distance. Izuku juts his hand forward and splats a few small blobs forward. He frowns and tries something else. Izuku puts his hands together and aims them forward. His palms are touching, one hand facing up while the other faces down. Izuku then produces a huge amount of acid and it sprays like a water gun. Mina notices this and finally sets her phone away.

"Wow, you've already figured out a way to fire my acid like a hose!" she says shocked, also slightly disappointed. Izuku guesses that it's to herself. Izuku smiles and turns over to her.

"Alright I found a few of things you should try and learn. The first thing is learning to dance while producing your quirk. It could be your super move or another thing. The next thing is finding a good balance in the viscosity of your quirk so you don't kill or severely damage someone. Next is then using your hands to spray your acid before finding otherwise to do a similar attack and finally. Make your acid sticky, but not too sticky. You can use it to stick things to your body or climb up walls or stick enemies in place," Izuku states. He then reaches forward and puts his hand on her forehead again before returning her quirk. Izuku felt the wave of gunk lift off of his body with slight pain but otherwise, no problem. 

Mina seemed to ponder over Izuku's words for a seconds. She lifted her head and a finger. She put a second one up and held it down with a second finger. She seemed to mumble something before lifting another finger. She hesitated for a second before putting it down properly. After another second, she lifted a fourth finger before bouncing up with a smile.

"Alright I think I got it, I'll try and do those things. Thank you sensei," Mina says happily, making Izuku smile.

"No problem," he answers.

Izuku walks over to his next student. Eijiro. He was currently punching the robot, before turning to the mannequin with a quick. His foot slammed into the mannequin, causing the head to pop off. It hit the ground and rolled over to Izuku. It hit his feet making Izuku hum. He bent down and picked it up before walking over to Eijiro.

"Kirishima, I said don't destroy the materials you were given," Izuku said. Eijiro turned around and saw Izuku holding the head of his mannequin. He smiled sheepishly and ducked his head.

"Sorry Hope sensei," he responds. Izuku shakes his head but opens back with a smile.

"Ah it isn't to much big of a deal, it can be fixed. Now what have your trying to do with your quirk?" Izuku asks.

"Well there isn't much I can do with my quirk. It's kind of bland. I've just been punching the robot or cutting it with my hand," Eijiro answers. Izuku looks over to the robot and sees that Eijiro is telling the truth. Scraped metal and dented parts of the robot. Izuku shakes his head and looks over to Eijiro.

"No quirk is bland or boring. Every quirk has its spectacular use. I can show you," Izuku says, outstretching his hand. Eijiro looks at him before shrugging. 

"Sure," Eijiro answers, giving Izuku a toothy grin. He puts his hand out and connects it with Izuku's. Izuku dives into Eijiro and finds his grey and beige quirk. Generic colours but that doesn't make a quirk boring. Izuku snatches the quirk and absorbs it into his one empty slot. 

Izuku raises his arm and put them out in front of him. His elbows and hands in a straight line vertically. He activates Eijiro's quirk making him shocked. Izuku frowned and dived back into the quirk, closing his eyes to focus on it. He touched the quirk and tried finding an element on it. Because if Eijiro made his skin like rock, he would have to be weary of weathering and become extremely brittle while wet in the sun. But Izuku found nothing. He just hardens his body into becoming like steel.

Not only that but Izuku also saw full body in the transformation quirk. This shocked Izuku as he presumed it was only skin that his quirk worked on. But it was Eijiro's entire body. Which included blood and bone so he could stop himself from bleeding out which Izuku found so cool!

Izuku came back into the world, focusing back into what he was doing. Izuku hardened his entire body, feeling incredibly stiff. Izuku tried to move but quickly realised he couldn't. The joints were locked shut. So Izuku focused hard to shut off Eijiro's quirk in certain areas which was easier said then done. Eijiro probably was used to it and was second nature to him.

Izuku finally started to move. He took a few steps and did some striking motions with his hand before noticing something. He moved his hand closer to his face and looked at his fist. His fingers had merged together. Izuku's eye's widened. That was surprising. Izuku hasn't heard of a quirk that can do that but he's sure it exists. Just must not be a common or an easy feature to recognise from a quirk so its normally not stated. 

Izuku immediately unhardened himself. Eijiro was focused on what Izuku was doing. He watched him put his hands together. Izuku locked his fingers, the tips digging into the joints. Izuku hardened his hands only to try and fuse them together. He then pulled them apart to find that it didn't work. Izuku tried again and got minor results. His middle fingers joint together but barely.

Izuku sighed and released his quirk. It was hard to do it but he knew he could. But Eijiro could probably do it better than how he could. But Izuku wasn't done, there was one more thing he wanted to try. Izuku raised his hand and focused. He hardened his hand as much as he could. Focusing as hard as he could. After a few seconds, Izuku noticed a few things appearing on his hands, it cracking slightly but the size increasing. Eijiro gasped as he watched Izuku's hand. After a three seconds, Izuku felt a spike of pain at the strain. Izuku gasped for air and dropped his hand.

"Uh Hope sensei are you okay?" Eijiro said in a short panic. He got down to Izuku's level and held his shoulder. Izuku nodded his head, taking a few deep breaths.

"Yeah thanks Kirishima," Izuku said before smirking up at Eijiro. "You know your quirk is not as lame as you want to think," he said. Eijiro looked taken aback. 

"Huh?" Eijiro responded.

"Well first of all, as you saw you can increase the hardening of your quirk. But it hurts a lot and strains your body. However I feel it's harder for me because of one of my quirks," Izuku said, looking down at his purple hand. "Not only that but you can fuse your body together. I couldn't do it but you might. You could make unbreakable holds with your arm or a single hand which can subdue a villain. Lastly you can sharpen your body. Meaning depending on how you form your hand or hair, you create spikes," Izuku told. 

Eijiro was listening. He was nodding with work Izuku was saying. Izuku smiled at him, he put a hand on Eijiro's shoulder and shot his quirk back into him. Eijiro was startled and jumped up, but quickly realised it was his quirk returning to him. Eijiro laughed and gave Izuku a thumbs up.

"Thanks Hope sensei, I'll use your manly tips to improve myself," the boy smiled. Izuku laughed at Eijiro.

Izuku was walking over to his next student. The punk rock girl Kyoka Jiro. She was currently doing some sit ups while listening to music on her phone. Izuku walked up to her undetected. Izuku sat down next to her and tapped her phone, pausing her music. Kyoka stopped and turned her head to glare at Izuku. Only stopping when she realised, it was Izuku.

Kyoka turned part of her body and leant her hands on the ground to stay sitting up. She looked over to Izuku with a emotionless expression and Izuku matched her look.

"You doing some sit ups?" he asks. Kyoka nods, looking away. She lifted up her hand and started twirling her empty earphone jack with her finger.

"Yeah, can't do much," she responded. Izuku nodded.

"Most of you power comes from your support items," Izuku states. Kyoka nods.

"Yeah, other than my hearing, the most I can do is just jab someone's eyes," she answers.

"That's not true, you can also strike pressure points to cause people to miss or seize up allowing for a punch to the face or a kick to the balls," Izuku says. Kyoka scoffs but smiles.

"The balls, you fight dirty don't you?" Kyoka laughs, smirking at Izuku. He chuckles and smirks back at Kyoka. 

"Yeah I am a vigilante. Besides you seem like the type of person to do that to anyone who annoys you. Besides, villains don't fight fair, so you don't have to," Izuku says. Kyoka smiles before her expression becomes neutral again. She nods her head and yawns.

"True," Kyoka speaks. Izuku raises and eyebrow.

"Which part?" he asks. 

"All," Kyoka answers instantly making Izuku snort. They sit there in silence for a few more seconds before Izuku speaks again.

"One thing I can recommend is that you can probably pull things closer to you easier with your earlobes then pushing them. Give it a shot," Izuku says before standing up. He brushed off his pants before turning around.

"Oh and use your phone to look up vital points you could jab with your jacks that won't kill someone," Izuku says before walking away. He got about five steps before he hears a soft.

"Yeah, sure," Izuku scoffed quietly and shakes his head in disbelief.

Next was Yuga. Yuga seemed to be looking at a mirror currently. Izuku wasn't exactly sure if he was slacking or trying not to get a stomach ache from over use as Izuku knows he gets one extremely fast from his quirk. Slightly more than a second of continuous use can cause Yuga to groan in pain. He has seen Yuga activate his quirk from the distance so Izuku suspects that he was taking a short break.

"Hello Aoyama, taking a short break for your quirk?" Izuku asks to confirm. Yuga smiles at Izuku. He lowers his mirror and puts his hand on his cheek.

"Oui, can't risk ruining my magnifique," Yuga answers. Izuku rolls his eyes before looking at his materials and frowns. In the centre of the mannequins chest was a hole slightly smaller then Izuku's head. Yuga seemed to have destroyed his materials. But Izuku wasn't surprised.

Despite being light, Yuga's quirk did work like a laser. It was incredibly powerful to make up for it's short time usage. It had incredible piercing powerful and could go through several solid objects with little issue. It could do major damage even though the laser wasn't to large, creating holes with ease. It could easily incapacitate a person and send them flying a considerable distance away.

But Izuku also 99% sure that Yuga's quirk isn't this naturally powerful. He wears a power belt around his waist that overlaps his belly button with a magnifier. He was allowed to use it for the entrance exam which isn't normally allowed but Yuga is a strange case. According to his quirk file, his quirk is not compatible with his body in particular. If anyone else had this quirk they would be fine, but apparently Yuga will release his quirk at random intervals with no control. The band is for his benefit and others safety.

An incompatible is also not heard of. Izuku has heard of it but only because he's acquainted with Dabi. But Dabi made sense as his body was built for an ice quirk yet what he received was an extremely powerful fire quirk. It was logical for why he couldn't handle his quite.

Yuga however didn't make sense. His quirk doesn't match his parents for one. Which is rare but definitely known that could happen easily. DNA testing confirms they are the parents. But it is just weird how he has this strange body qualm that makes his quirk incompatible. But unless Izuku can find something else about Yuga's story or get a body fixer quirk there isn't something that he can do. So Izuku pushes those thoughts to the back of his mind for a later date and focuses on the present.

"You damaged the materials Aoyama," Izuku states. Yuga huffs and flicks his hair, smiling at Izuku afterwards.

"I was not mon's fault. I could not practice with my fabuleux quirk! I presumed le mannequins were more durable then that," Yuga rambles, flashing sparkles from his hair and eyes which Izuku has no clue where they came from. Izuku tried to focus on what Yuga was saying but the switch to French back to Japanese was hard as Izuku didn't know what a few of those words mean. But judging from his character they were probably all about him.

"Well alright, so how quickly do you get a stomach ache?" Izuku asked. 

"I can fire about eight short lasers before my tummy stars hurting," Yuga answer, without any French this time, thankfully. Izuku thinks for a second before speaking again. 

"You are obviously aware that your quirk can be altered and helped with mirrors but have you thought about moving your own stomach to change the shape of your belly button so you may be able to output a stronger or weaker laser?" Izuku asked. Yuga's face dropped from a smile. He went into thought as gears desperately tried to turn in his head before an imaginary light bulb popped up. 

"Oh that is brilliant simplement brilliant!" Yuga announced. Izuku watched as Yuga stated testing it right away. Making a small thin laser before forming a wide laser that could have destroyed the entire torso of the mannequin. Without nothing else to say to Yuga without support equipment, Izuku carried on.

Rikido was the next closest person to Izuku. He was currently lifting the robot and bench pressing it. Izuku could see that Rikido had buffed up from his work but not as much as he had seen him do. Izuku walked over to inquire.

"Sato!" he called out. Rikido stopped, he pushed the robot up and pushed his head back to look at Izuku. His head was upside down when he spotted Izuku. Rikido put the robot down and stood up. He smiled as he walked over to Izuku.

"Hello Hope? Do you need something?" he asked. Izuku nodded.

"Yes, why aren't you using the full power of your quirk?" Izuku asked.

"Well I have a max that I can reach. When I have, sugar only increases how long my strength stays active. But when I run out, I crash, bad. I lose cognitive function and because of that I commonly won't take more sugar. If I have this amount I'm safe to not pass out from a sugar crash or forget to take more sugar," Rikido explains. Izuku nods.

"Excellent use of training with your quirk, even if you can't go all the way. Second question, I noticed when you run, you don't get faster. You actually get slower the more sugar you consume, do you know why?" Izuku asks. Rikido nods.

"Yes, my quirk only increases my upper body strength, not lower body. So when my muscle mass increases, I become heavier making it harder for my legs to carry my new weight," Rikido states. Izuku's eyes widen. 

He has heard of quirk activation quirks only working in certain areas of the body. But normally if the person has to do something to activate it, the entire body is affected. Perhaps it is because the sugar doesn't go lower to the stomach? So his legs don't receive strength. Izuku puts a hand to his chin.

"Hm, perhaps it is because your sugar intake stops at your stomach, meaning your legs don't get powered up at all. Although it is just a theory, I'm not sure if there is a way to safely get sugar into your leg area," Izuku muttered. Rikido listened and nodded his head before smiling sheepishly.

"Thanks for your thought, it's not the biggest deal," Rikido replies. Izuku shrugs. 

"You're right but that doesn't mean there aren't new things you can do," Izuku states before tapping Rikido's chest. "Your lung capacity would also get stronger, meaning your breaths should create incredibly strong winds. Burps and vomiting would also be affected," Izuku told, muttering the last part although Rikido still heard it.

"So I can exhale a powerful gust of wind?" Rikido required to which Izuku nodded.

"You should be able to. Not only that, your legs restrict your capabilities to chase others on foot but it doesn't mean you can't punch yourself into the air or fling yourself," Izuku said. Rikido blinked before raising his hands in front of him with a nervous smile.

"Maybe I should see if I can blow really hard first?" Rikido asked, silently pleaded. Izuku smiled brightly and nodded his head. 

"Definitely! I'll go get Carmilla to create some more sugar for you," Izuku said before using bolt to spring away.

Izuku walked over to Fyoki who was currently meditating. Izuku paused at the sudden wave of heat that hit his face. He could see it before because of the sheer heat around her basically making it visible for him to see. 

Fyoki was one of the four recommendation students of the first years. Fun fact, apparently there was supposed to be a fifth, a boy with the ability to summon large and powerful winds but rejected there letter. Izuku feels bad for them as they probably moved and he couldn't get to UA. Back on topic.

Fyoki's quirk is heatwave. She make the area of about 30 metres from her increase by about 30 degrees Celsius. (86F) It gets colder the further they are away from Fyoki but it still is pretty dam hot. But that isn't all she can do. She can concentrate her heat into beams. They are orange and become visible, reaching around 250 (482F) degrees for one beam and combined makes them 500 (932). 

These beams can melt items and instantly set flammable things on fire. This includes people. She normally has the strength to nullify cold based quirks but people can over run her by making the area hotter so that she'll pass out from heat stroke. So it can be incredibly dangerous.

Izuku grits his teeth as he was over to Fyoki. He had attempted to call her names a few times but she hadn't responded. He gets in front of her, his body sweating now. He angrily taps her head. She looks up and her eyes widen, instantly the heat dissipates but Izuku still feels hot. 

"Oh sorry sensei I didn't know you wanted me. Am I in trouble?" she asks, suddenly becoming scared. Izuku sighs and lowers his head into a hand. With his index and thumb, he gripped the bridge of his nose and squeezed it. He was very tired of this girl because of her quirk.

"No," Izuku sighed before looking up at her. "I just want you to be training on something instead of sitting and doing nothing," Izuku said with an annoyed tone. He was frowning as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. He didn't mean to come out as rude but his patience has run thin from having to get to her in a stupid amount of heat. 

"Well I was meditating to clear my mind and such," she answered, still scared. Izuku sighed and gave her a deadpan look.

"Do you know how long you were meditating for?" he asks. Sheepishly, Fyoki shook her head. "Alright for future reference. If you want to mediate in my class, put a timer on for two and a half minutes so your not wasting time. Now what have you done with your quirk so far?" Izuku asked. 

"Well I have concentrated it to melt part of the robots metal but it wasn't that affective. I tried a few things but I didn't get very far in fear of burning the other materials which is why I started meditating," Fyoki answered. Izuku nodded his head. He had been taking deep breaths to try and calm him down before he looked back to the girl. 

"Well there are a few things you can do. Condense your heat into a laser but colder then your regular ones. Condense your heat into your immediate surrounding. The push the heat forward before leaving. Have it an orange ish colour and push it like a wall of extreme heat," Izuku recommended. Fyoki nodded and smiled but it was nervously.

"Thank you Sensei!" she smiled happily. Izuku sighs internally before smiling and waving.

"No problem," Izuku said before turning around and walking away.

Izuku reached Momo, who was currently reading a book in her lap. She had a cannon next to her with a spear, katana and a trident resting on the robot with Russian dolls at her feet.  She noticed Izuku walking over to her and closed her book. She smiled and stood up, waving. But Izuku could see slight uncertainty. 

"Hello Yaoyorozu, what were you reading?" Izuku asks. Momo pauses before grabbing her book, handing it over to Izuku. 

"This is what I use to have all the components of an item I would want to make. These are items I would use frequently and I document them in this book," Momo stated.

"Very clever," Izuku praised as he flipped through the book. He looked at all the items Momo had. Special metal that can harden in heat, an electrical retardant blanket, a cannon, a watch/ Izuku kept skimming through the book but frowned. Where were the electronics?

"Excuse me Yaoyorozu but are you restricted in being able to make electronics?" Izuku asked. Momo blinked and her eyes widen.

"Oh no I'm not but that is a good idea. Do you have any recommendations on what I could have?" Momo asked, forming a pencil into her hand.

"Well, a taser, smoke bombs as well as flash, camera's, motion sensors, drones both flying and driving ones. Those are just some examples," Izuku suggested. Momo was smiling happily while she wrote them down, she then closed the book with a pleased smile. 

"Thank you Hope Sensei, those idea's would be very useful for my quirk," she said happily. Izuku smiled and nodded his head. 

"Of course, you have a very special quirk Yaoyorozu. You have the ability to create the weakness of any of your opponents. If they are weak to water, make water, light, have fire or they fire electricity, I can block that. I also find it so cool that you can create all kinds of gasses. I can help you a lot as I have given Carmilla a really similar quirk to yours," Izuku stated happily. Momo blinked at him, she then squeezed her book close to her chest.

"Wow, I hadn't even thought about liquids or gasses. I just thought of solids and basic contraptions," Momo admitted. Izuku stopped and nodded his head slowly, trying to stop the urge to face palm himself. Yaoyorozu is the second recommendation student from class 1-a and according to Nezu had the highest score on his test from any student ever, getting 98%. Yet she hadn't thought about using fire for her quirk.

"Well now you know. Oh I also want to tell you one thing," Izuku says. Momo looks at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What is it?" she asks. 

"There's something wrong in your quirk file. You're not creating quirks from fat cells because if you were, you'd become skinnier but you don't. But not only that if your quirk was based on fat you'd look a lot more like Fatgum. Your quirk takes the calories of foods you have yet to digest so unhealthier foods are better for you not because they fill you up and create more fat, it's because they are filled with a lot more calories," Izuku states. Momo stops and blinks at him. She stops and thinks for a second before leaning forwad.

"Have you taken an intelligence quirk?" she asked carefully. Izuku frowned at her and shook his head.

"No, I have not," he answered.

Izuku made it to Tenya who seemed to be trying to run as fast as he can. Izuku could see smoke puffing out of his exhaust pipes at the back of his legs but he seemed to press on. He bent down into a running stance before charging forward. He zipped forward before abruptly stopping after five seconds. He starts taking deep breaths as he puts hands on his knees. Izuku thinks this is the time to catch up to him. Electricity sparks around him before Izuku flashes forward, turning into a bolt of electricity to make it next to Tenya.

"I see you are working hard Iida, that's good," Izuku says. He hears Tenya yelp in fright and jump to the floor, landing on his but. Izuku suppressed his laugh as he bent down and offered the boy a hand.

"Sorry I didn't mean to frighten you," Izuku said. 'He totally did.'

"It is alright, I should have been paying attention. But how did you get here so fast?" he asked. Izuku smiled as he zapped with electricity before he crackled back a few feet.   

"It's one of my quirks. It is called bolt," Izuku answered. Tenya nodded, now suddnly becoming very anxious.

"If you don't mind me asking, how many quirks do you have?" he asked. Izuku thought for a moment before smiling. 

"Twelve, Thirteen if you include the quirk that let's me take others," Izuku states. Izuku smiles as he watches a chill run down Tenya's spine. Although Izuku likes making Tenya scared because of his ego from his parents, it isn't moral. Even if he deserved it, Izuku can't do that to someone knowing what its like. 

"So getting onto point, what are you doing Iida?" Izuku asks. Tanya straightens up and adjusts his glasses.

"Well, I am working on a super move my family know quite well. Recipro Burst," Tenya said. Izuku was familiar with the name, it is the same basic speed boost move that the other Iida's have used. 

"That's awesome but may I suggest a few things?" Izuku asked.

"Well go ahead," Tenya said, putting his hand forward. 

"Work on turning, the biggest problem your family has had is the fact you need to stop to turn. It allows you to only attack person and you'll waste time if they avoid you because you then have to stop then rev up your engines again. Your the only person in your family that can do this because your engines are on your legs. You can move differently to them, have a wider bounce and run again after stopping because if you keep your engines running while stopping, you will stop faster and allow yourself to start running again," Izuku explained. 

Tenya can only stare at Izuku in shock. What he had just suggested astounded him. Focusing on stopping and movement to traverse better instead of power or just raw speed is just something that his family hasn't suggested and they have very similar quirks to him. So why was he able to make those suggestions that his family had never made before.

"Secondly, grabbing. You are fast enough to push or hold a villain and get them from point a to point b before they even have time to react. Being able to move people around, both villain, civilians or fellow heroes is extremely important. Master that and you can be a real life save to a lot of people," Izuku said. Tenya was at a lost for words. He has always had such a close minded point of view. Going fast = saves people, powerful attacks = defeating villains. It was as simple as that, but if you put that into practice, you could fail. Tenya didn't know how to respond so he did what he always did when he was super thankful.

Tenya bent down, slamming himself at a 90 degree angle. Bowing to Izuku who looked at him, stunned.

"Thank you sensei!" he shouts.

Izuku made it over to Hanta who Izuku could see was whipping his materials around. The mannequin was above Hanta's head as he was throwing it around. Izuku smirked at him as he whipped his tape around. Izuku summoned a tentacle from his arm and shot it up. It wrapped around the mannequin and pulled it to the ground. Hanta looked oddly at Izuku before his eyes widened when he saw Izuku's purple tentacle.

"Woah," was his response.

"Good form Sero, you are pretty good at using your quirk," Izuku complimented. Hanta laughed, rubbing the back of his head with his hand.

"Ah thanks, I try my best," Hanta said. Izuku smiled.

"Your quirk isn't as destructive as other quirks or have a trump card that others don't but you're very good at using it to its full potential. I saw you place your tape down on the ground to get the level one robots wheel jammed. Very creative," Izuku compliments.

"Thank you sensei," Hanta smiles.

"But you have to do better. I've notice that when you retract your tape, it is incredibly powerful when you pull it towards you and you have the ability to just cut the tape off it you feel unsafe. You can use this to make yourself swing around with your tape and pull yourself up. Wrap someone up in tape before pulling yourself closer to them so you can drop kick them. Do you understand?" Izuku asks. Hanta nods his head.

"Yes sensei," he answers, Izuku smiles.

"Good, now try to swing the robot above your head," Izuku smiles before walking away. Hanta jolts up at that, he looks over to the robot and gulps. 'Oh shit,' he thinks.

Izuku walks over to Tsuyu. She was leaping into the air before latching her tongue on the robot. She swung herself around on it before she slammed her legs onto the back of the robot. Sparks flew out as the robot started flailing. It fell into the ground and slumped over.

"Woops, kero," Tsuyu croaked, putting a finger to her chin.

"Woops indeed," Izuku responded. Tsuyu piped up and looked over to Izuku with a neutral expression.

"Oh, sorry Hope Sensei, I got a bit carried away," Tsuyu apologised. Izuku whistled and nodded his head, looking down to the robot she just destroyed. She definitely went over board.

"Yeah you did, but it was cool," Izuku said, smiling at the frog girl. "You definitely know how to use your skills. Do you know how to camouflage yourself with your quirk?" Izuku asked. Tsuyu shrugged and croaked.

"I guess. I can while underwater but on land I struggle in non-green environment, but I know I can, kero," Tsuyu states. Izuku smiles at her answer. 

"Well I'm happy to know that you know what you are capable of," Izuku smiled. "Your tongue is your biggest weapon and utility of your movement. Learn how to latch it onto a target while both you and it are in motion. Practice it by launching the mannequin into the air with your legs," Izuku suggested. Tsuyu nodded her head with her neutral expression.

"Yes and thank you sensei," she said. Tsuyu then hopped over to the mannequin and grabbed it. She got onto her back and placed the mannequin on her legs. She then pushed them up, launching the mannequin into the air. Izuku watched as the mannequin flew about 35 metres into the air. Tsuyu quickly crouched up before jumping into the air. She fires her tongue and it sticks onto the mannequin. 

Tsuyu then stated to spin. Summersaulting in the air, making the mannequin spin around her. She then presses her feet onto the mannequin when it gets close enough to her. She detaches her tongue from them and pushes them downward with her feet to the ground. The mannequin flies down and slams on the ground. Tsuyu lands next to it, maybe receiving little damage from her feet from landing on the ground. 

'She's very skilled for being a first year,' Izuku thinks.

Izuku walks over to Mezo. Arguably the strangest student in his class. The boy is mostly quiet and he wears a mask that obscures the bottom half of his face. Izuku believes it's more so to hide what is underneath it instead of an aesthetic choice. But what stands out to Izuku and others is his quirk. The boy is already large but he also is probably larger to help with his six arms. All of them webbed together like the toes on ducks.

However what interesting thing Izuku notes is his quirk. It isn't multiple arms, it is dupli-arms. What his quirk allows him to do is make any of the five senses and put them on his hand. And eyeball for sight, and ear for hearing, a mouth for taste, a nose of smell and finally a hand for touch. 

Izuku walked over to him. Mezo was currently dodging the attacks of the robot which he was doing very well at despite his large size. Izuku walked over to him.

"Hello Shoji," Izuku greeted. Mezo dodged an attack before looking over to Izuku. He dodged another attack by creating an eye and have it look at the robot. He then uppercutted the robot which shut it off.

"Hello Sensei, is there anything you need?" he asks. Izuku nods.

"Just checking out what you guys are doing. You're strong, why aren't you focusing on that?" Izuku asks. 

"I'm a big target, I need to learn how to dodge other people. Especially the few who are bigger then me," Mezo said. Izuku had to admit, he was right but for Mezo's skills he should focus on his skills first.

"Understandable, but you have the ability to fight at a range Mezo unlike most large muscular guy's," Izuku said. He could tell from Mezo's eyes he was confused. "I noticed that you can stretch your arms out. It does seem to be difficult for you to do it with your hands but as it is a sense, I believe you can achieve the ability to not only punch people from a large distance away but pull yourself up buildings. Work on it. It will be tough but that is what being a hero is all about," Izuku said. Mezo seemed stunned at what Izuku had said.

"Ah, thank you," he responded. Izuku smiles before walking away. 

Minoru was the next closest person but what he saw was disgusting. The grape head had somehow got a pair of binoculars and was hiding behind his materials. He was staring at Ochako as she practiced with her quirk. Izuku felt rage as he looked at the grape headed teen. 

Izuku walked over to the boy, careful to keep his steps silent. Minoru seemed to be to engrossed in what he was doing anyway to pay attention to anything else that was happening. Izuku was now right behind him, staring down the perverted freak. 

Izuku decided to do something first. He grew his horns to make them incredibly large and made some of his bones pop out of his face. For added affect, Izuku made rocks float around him as he stared down the midget. He bent down and snatched the binoculars out of the freaks hands.

"Hey what are yo-," Minoru's words died on his tongue. Izuku glared down at the boy. Without dropping eye contact, Izuku increased the size of his bones in his arms and cracked the binoculars right in half. Minoru squeaked in fright which made Izuku grin. Slowly Izuku bent down so that there face was centimetres away from each other. Izuku's emerald eyes glowed as he grinned manically at the shivering boy.

"If I see you do something like that again, I'd punt your ass over the walls of this school. Understand?" Izuku growled. Minoru could only whimper and desperately nodded. Izuku smiled as he stood back up properly. He allowed some features to go down but didn't get rid of them all.

"Alright, your smart enough to sneak binoculars past me, you should be smart enough to figure things out. Use yourself as a trampoline and create a sticky sword. Figure it out," Izuku said before walking away. He let his attributes shrink and return to normal but that didn't get rid of the wide smile on his face as he left Minoru shivering in his place.

After Izuku's scuffle with Minoru, Izuku moved to the next person. Now Ochako wasn't the next closest but Izuku felt it was fair to go to her next. To see if she noticed anything that Minoru was doing and if she did, is she okay?

Izuku walks over to her. Ochako was currently dancing around with all of her materials in the air.

"Hello Uraraka," Izuku said, announcing his presence. He heard the girl squeak and turn around to Izuku. He could see that the girl looked a bit nervous when she saw him. 

"Um, hi Sensei," she said with slight nerves. Izuku looks up at the objects in the sky before looking back at Ochako.

"You should deactivate your quirk so you don't feel nauseous," Izuku recommended. Ochako hummed and shook her head.

"No, I'm trying to increase the time I can hold my quirk," Ochako admitted. 

"That's great and definitely something you should improve. But making yourself feel sick with no idea other then resilience on improvement. It won't be good for your health or long term," Izuku said. Ochako looked at Izuku and nodded her head as she processed what Izuku said.

"Alright, what should I do then?" she asks. Izuku smiles.

"Well today, I want you to focus on your ability to fly or levitate yourself. There are plenty more things you can improve on but focus on obtaining this skill. And maybe for a bit of homework, learn more about your quirk because I've notice that it doesn't completely remove the gravity of objects. It's close but there are still some which is why they don't just float away. Test that idea and see if you can find anything else interesting," Izuku said. 

Ochako looked like she had just discovered what intercourse was. Her eyes were bright and wide in shock. She then pondered for a moment before looking back at Izuku.

"Alright, you're right. I'll test it out," she responded with a smile. Izuku nods but then turns his head around. He sees Minoru trying to use his balls as a spring pad. He then turns back to Ochako with a serious expression. He points his thumb back at the midget.

"If he does anything let me know," Izuku says. Ochako looks back to see what he is talking about and frowns.

(No one notice that I missed Ochako?)

Koji was talking with animals. He was sitting down communicating with the wildlife. Mainly birds but there were a couple of rodents. Izuku walked over to him. The boy was shy and preferred to talk in sign language. Izuku doesn't know a lot of sign language but he knows a bit because his younger self wanted to prepare to know it so he could help Katsuki. Hopefully he can make Koji feel comfortable.

He walks over to him, trying not to scare the animals the boy had accumulated away. Koji noticed Izuku and he responds with a wave before signing hello. Koji was shocked but signed hello as well. Slowly Izuku walked over and sat next to the shy boy.

Izuku signed, hey Koda what are you doing? he asked. Koji signed back, speaking with the animals. Izuku nodded and smiled. One of the animals that came along was a cat. It purred and nestled up to Izuku's leg which made him giggle. Izuku started petting the cat, letting the cat become comfortable.

Izuku didn't know most of the next words he was going to say in sign language so he just opted to speak this time.

"You know, I watched the entrance exam and noticed you were afraid of insects," Izuku stated. He watched Koji tense beside him, but Izuku continued. "Insects are everywhere and will always be incredibly useful for you. I know phobias are hard to get over. Trust me, I've been terrified in my life and I still don't think I've gotten over it but it is a journey. I will help you and other people in this class will help you. Because we're a team. I'm not asking you to get over your fears immediately, but I'm asking you to slowly give yourself a go and try. Build yourself up small. Is that alright?" Izuku spoke, finishing his speech to Koji. 

"Yes," a soft voice whispered. It made Izuku smile, knowing he got through to him and got Koji to trust him a little bit.

"Also I think it would be a good idea for you to have a dog. One that you can bring anywhere and help you in battle or just be a companion. I think it would be good for you," Izuku says. He looks over to Koji who doesn't look sure. he then signs, maybe. Izuku will take that answer, but hopefully Koji will consider it.

Izuku missed them at first but he spotted the floating clothes. Izuku started walking over to Toru. She seemed to be watching a video on her phone and copying what was on it. Izuku couldn't really tell, because you know. She was invisible. 

"Oh hey sensei!" she shouts. Izuku thinks she is waving so he waves in response.

"Hello Hagakure. What are you doing?" he asks curiously. 

"Well I currently can't practice my quirk here as there isn't anything to practice. So I'm trying to learn more quirkless martial arts!" Toru announces. Izuku smiles widens at this.

"That's awesome, what one are you trying to learn?" Izuku asks. Toru hums, she moves closer to her phone. Probably to inspect the name of the martial arts she is trying to learn.

"Um, Aikijujutsu it is called. It is a traditional martial arts that is focused on unarmed attacks, throws and vital areas," Toru said. Izuku hummed, impressed but still sceptical whether or not this fighting style actually existed or not. He'll have to look it up later.

"Well what you are doing is awesome. Learning martial arts is extremely important for you. However you are missing something special you can do with your quirk," Izuku states. He has no clue what reaction Toru asks but can only assume it is either confusion or intrigued.

"What?" she asks. Izuku smiles and walks over to her.

"Can I have your hand for a second?" Izuku asks. 

"Ooh what a gentlemen of course," Toru teases making Izuku roll his eyes at her.

"If Carmilla heard you, she'd attack you," Izuku says. He grabs Toru's invisible hand when he feels it in his. He raises it up higher so it is in the sun. "As you can see, you are completely transparent, meaning that light goes through you with ease. However, you still have mass meaning the light has to pass through something. You're not reflective but you must have some power of the reflection of light. So if you move your body fast enough, you should be able to make a flash of light," Izuku said as he grabbed two of Toru's fingers and flicked them together creating a small spark of a flash.

"Wow! How did you figure that out?" Toru asked, Izuku shrugged in response.

"I've always been interested in quirks, I just notice the details that people tend to miss," Izuku says. 

The lesson is almost over and Izuku only has two students left. Fumikage and Denki. Izuku just decides to go to Fumikage first as he is dying to not the deal with Dark shadow. Currently he can see Dark Shadow fighting the level one robot with ease while Fumikage seems to be breathing heavily. Unsure on what happened, Izuku decided to investigate. 

"Tokoyami, are you alright?" Izuku asks as he approaches. Dark shadow notices Izuku's arrival and swiftly turns the robot off before zooming back into Fumikage. Fumikage looks up to Izuku and tries to act calm although Izuku can tell he isn't.

"Greetings sensei and yes, thank you for your concerns," Fumikage says. Izuku frowns at his obvious lie.

"Do you think I'll by any if that?" Izuku asks with a hint of disappointment. 

"Whatever do you mean?" he inquires. Izuku shakes his head. 

"Tokoyami, I saw you breathing heavily like you had panicked. I can't help you unless you let me," Izuku says sternly. Fumikage looks over Izuku before sighing, crossing his arm over each other. 

"I-I, I have problems controlling Dark shadow in darkness. He get's overjoyed with the freedom and I can't contain him. I tried to practice by going into the cave to try and keep Dark shadow under control. But, I couldn't," Fumikage admits defeatedly. Izuku's eyes furrow, his quirk gets stronger in darkness but he becomes more wild in darker areas? So it's like a double edge sword. Why does that happen though, is it just because Dark shadow is a pure sentient quirk? 

"Hey Tokoyami, can I test something with you?" Izuku asks. Fumikage looks at him oddly but shrugs. Izuku takes that as a yes and walks over to him, placing his hand on his forehead. Izuku goes into Fumikage to take his quirk. It looks like a black blob with pencil like shading for a deeper black covering the foggy quirk. 

Izuku reaches out to take it but pauses when he sees red eyes. A claw zooms out of the quirk and Izuku narrowly avoids it. Acting quickly, Izuku rushed forward and grabs the quirk before pulling himself back into his body. 

Izuku takes a step back from Fumikage. Wondering what was going to happen. Not to mention, his quirk just attacked him. That isn't something that just happens. Before Izuku could wonder any longer, he hears a voice shriek inside of his head. 

"What did you do to me!" Izuku was confused until a black shadow sprung out of his stomach. Fumikage's eyes widened in shock as he saw his quirk appear out of someone's body. "How did you take me out of Fumikage!" the beast shrieked at Izuku. It's eyes started glowing red but Izuku was to stunned at the revelation. 

Fumikage's quirk was loyal to Fumikage and acts towards him even though Izuku now possess the quirk. It does indeed think on its as well seeing as how the beast telepathically communicated with Izuku before he even knew what was going on. Izuku decided to go deeper into Fumikage's quirk. Izuku shut his eyes and went back to his quirks. He zoomed back to Fumikage's quirk and saw that it was more hazy now. Was it because Dark shadow was active right now, it was the only reason Izuku could think of.

But Izuku dived into Fumikage's quirk. It was mostly darkness, most of it was darkness but there was also intelligence, memory and emotion. But the emotion was different. There was a rid string, connecting it to something outside of Izuku. It must be Fumikage. The emotion connection was strong but not nearly as powerful as the darkness side of the quirk. But the emotion seems to have the ability to grow. How much, Izuku couldn't tell.

Izuku comes out of his quirks and look over to both Dark shadow and Fumikage looking panicked. Izuku quickly stood up and returned Dark shadow to Fumikage. Fumikage sighed as he put a hand over his chest.

"Sorry, I just didn't feel whole without him," Fumikage explains. Izuku nods.

"Understandable and sorry, I was curious about the sentience of your quirk. It truly is one of a kind, I have never seen a quirk that has it's very own thoughts that aren't based around the user. It even has its own personality. The only thing off about it whole conscious is it's connection to your emotion," Izuku states.

Fumikage looks at him, confused. The head of Dark shadow then pops out of Fumikage's chest.

"Huh?" the bird squawks. Izuku sighs but looks at Fumikage seriously, putting his quirk geekiness off to the side. 

"Tokoyami, do you know why you can't control Dark shadow in darkness?" Izuku asks. Fumikage hesitantly shakes his head no. "Well, Dark shadow would get harder to control in dark areas but what stops you from being able to control him is your fear. When Dark shadow becomes hard to control, you panic and get scared letting Dark shadow rive however he wishes," Izuku states.

"Bullshit!" Dark shadow screeches as they pop out of Fumikage. Fumikage growls and forces his quirk to disappear into his chest again. Fumikage sighs before he looks at Izuku.

"Do you know a way to try and help me?" Fumikage asks. Izuku shrugs.

"You two need to collaborate better," Izuku simply states. Fumikage's eyes widen and Izuku already can feel Dark shadow wanting to pounce out of Fumikage to scratch him. "You two need to be better at communicating with each other. Dark shadow is a shadow so they are also malleable. In your case it may not exactly by the case but Dark shadow should be able to extend their claws. Turn their fingers into weapons to drill into the ground or make a shield. Hell I bet Dark shadow could become armour and slip underneath doors with enough practice. I bet your quirk can do several more things I listed but start off with your team work. Tokoyami, I like how you are trying to solve your weakness, light but if you can't put effort into your strengths then you have nothing," Izuku states

Fumikage stares at him shocked. He blinks a few times. Fumikage has his quirk come out of his chest. Dark shadow and Fumikage look at each other for a while. Dark shadow raises his claws and shape them together and form them into a drill. Instantly finding results.

"Alright emo bird, let's go break shit!" Dark shadow squawked, Fumikage sighs ang glares with his quirk.

"What am I going to do with you?" Fumikage asks.

Izuku walks over to his final student. Denki Kaminari. Izuku wouldn't be too surprised if Denki was already stupefied. Izuku walked over to the final spot only to find the level one robot slumped. Denki was in the back of the robot and seemed to be electrocuting the insides.

"Um Kaminari, what are you doing?" Izuku asked. Denki stopped and looked past the robot, he smiled widely and waved at Izuku.

"Heya teach. I fried the robot so now I'm fixing it," Denki answered. Izuku looked taken a back at that.

"You know how to do that?" Izuku asked, shocked. Denki shrugged and nodded.

"I don't really understand too well, but I do know how to wire and stuff," Denki said. Izuku smiled.

"That's great that you know how to do that, knowing how to use your quirks in other situations," Izuku complimented making Denki smile.

"Thanks Hope," he responded. After about another minute, Izuku watched the robot come to life, meaning that Denki was successful. Izuku laughed and pat the boy on the back.

"So what were you here for?" Denki asked.

"Just seeing what you are doing and suggest some ways to improve your quirk," Izuku said.

"Cool," Denki smiled.

"Hey Kaminari, you know my quirk allows me to take quirks from others. So mind if I borrow your quirk so I have a better understanding of it?" Izuku asks. Denki thought for a moment before he smiled brightly again.

"Of course, knock yourself out," Denki said. Izuku laughed and put his hand onto Denki's face. Izuku searched for Denki's quirk which he found was a mix of yellow and white light. Izuku went to take it but struggled. Like it was stuck in Denki. After a few seconds, the quick zoomed into Izuku, sticking incredibly close his Heavy Skeleton quirk. Meaning that it was, also magnetic.

Izuku opened his eyes and started using his quirk. Izuku tested it out for a bit before he tried turning it off. Izuku frowned as he was confused on why it wasn't working.

"Oh my quirk is always active, you can't turn it off. It took me ages to not accidentally shock people," Denki said. Izuku nodded his head. He could feel electricity zipping around his head which is making him feel fuzzy. Is this how Denki feels like? Izuku asks himself. 

Izuku then decides to test the range and output of the quirk. Could he test the current and not just voltage that Denki always yells out? Izuku increased the voltage and noticed that all it did was send the electricity from his body further away. Izuku hummed at the realisation. Izuku then tried to effect the current, where Izuku couldn't really tell a difference. There wasn't really a way for him to properly test it without shocking Denki so he is just going to presume he can.

Because Izuku was struggling to stop the sparking of the electricity coming off of him. Izuku thought it would be better to give it back to Denki. However, he would probably shock him. So Izuku focused on making the current as low as possible in order not to harm him as Izuku placed his hand on Denki's head. 

Denki jolted up a bit. He then shook his head.

"Ooh, is that how being properly electrocuted feels?" he asked. Izuku shrugged. 

"Alright, first couple of things. You are using your quirk wrong," Izuku said. Denki's face went blank, looking at Izuku incredibly confused.

"Huh, um what?" Denki said.

"Well in the entrance exam video, I saw you were trying to attack robots from really far away with your quirk despite that causing you to go braindead," Izuku said. Denki nodded his head.

"Yeah, I know it isn't the best but as a hero wouldn't it be the best to just take down the villain as quick as possible?" Denki said.

"Well yes, your thinking isn't wrong. But what makes your super move different from, let's say Endeavour. Your out, becoming a liability on the field. Endeavour can still move himself out of the way while you can't, more likely getting in the way. So if you fail to take them down, your screwed. Not only that but smart villains can play to your disadvantage and have you near lightning rods to redirect your quirk. Lastly your quick covers a large area meaning it would be difficult to not attack teammates or civilians," Izuku said. Denki was listening intently while Izuku was talking.

"What do you mean by re-directing?" Denki asked. Izuku nodded and took a step back.

"I'll show you," he said. Izuku grew a thin long iron pole from his palm. Izuku then slammed it onto the ground and broke it off from himself. Izuku then took another step back and spread out his hands.

"Try to hit me with your quirk," Izuku said. Denki looked sceptical.

"Are you sure?" he asked worried. Izuku nodded.

"Do it," Izuku commanded. Denki gulped but nodded his head. Electricity started to crackle around him before it launched all around him. However the electricity in front of Izuku started to all converge onto the iron pole he put in the ground. Denki looked at it stunned.

"Wow, that's what you meant," he responded. Izuku nodded and smiled.

"Correct, your electricity to can be re-directed with metal objects but not every metal material will make your attack change course. Actually I think you should ask the support team to make you something like this so you can attack at a range without worry of hitting your teammates," Izuku said. Denki looked stunned but incredibly happy as he nodded his head again.

"Yeah, that's a good idea," Denki said.

"Now back onto the topic of you using your quirk wrong. You keep thinking about range, using your quirk at a safe range when you would better work as a taser," Izuku spoke, again confusing Denki. Izuku sighed and walked past the metal pole he stuck in the ground over to Denki.

"Alright what I want you to do is punch my chest first before using your second hand to punch me wherever, alright?" Izuku asked. Denki nodded his head. Denki got ready and punched Izuku in the chest. Izuku easily caught the punch. He saw the second punch flying into his lower abdomen and swatted his hand away with his other hand.

"Alright that didn't work did it? Now try using your quirk only a little bit on me and do it again," Izuku said. Denki was starting to understand now and nodded his head. Electricity sparked around him as he reeled back a punch. Denki then punched Izuku again, who caught his fist except this time, he seized up. His other hand jolted up and the next thing he knew a fist punched him into the face.

"Ah sorry sensei are you okay?" Denki asked. Izuku nodded his head, using one of his quirks to instantly heal his bleeding nose.

"Yeah, but did you see? I wasn't able to move while you electrocuted me. In close range combat, you can stun people allowing you to get free hits with little effort. So you would be better in close range combat instead of long range like what you have been trying to do," Izuku said. Denki nodded and smiled.

"Yeah thanks Hope," he brightened. Izuku did as well.

"Alright final things as the lesson is basically over. You can shock yourself with your own electricity, which means you can shock your muscles. It won't be by a lot but you could get yourself to move faster by doing that," Izuku stated, Denki nodded his head, trying to follow along.

"And secondly, learn how electricity works. If you learn how it works, you'll better understand your quirk. Because what I've noticed you've been doing is increase your voltage. The only thing that does is make you attack at a larger range. What you actually want is to increase the current as that is what will harm a person. But don't worry about it too much now, the lesson is practically finished," Izuku said.

"Right but thanks for the tips sensei!" Denki said.

The lesson was over, Izuku and Himiko watched as class 1-a filtered out. Both of them with a smile on their face.

"That was a good lesson," Izuku says. Himiko nods her head in agreement.

"Yep! But I doubt the other class will be nearly as cooperative as them," Himiko says. Izuku sighs and nods his head, agreeing. He hopes that he is wrong though.

Izuku's Quirks

Underlined = Combined

Bolt, Heavy Skeleton, Tentacles, Fat Inflammation, Pitch, Horns, Strong Impact, Tooth Missile, Rock Manipulation, Echo, Hacked, Stasis, Storage

Himiko's Quirks

Transformation, Hemomorphy

(Authors Notes)

OH MY GOD THIS TOOK ME FOREVER. Alright I just have to ask, do you want to see this same format for class 1-b or just me going over it in less then 15300 words. Please tell me so I don't waste my time. I know this may seem like a whole lot of nothing but trust me, it will become relevant to the plot. Just wait.

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