Infinite Blade 無限の刃 (gonna ed...

By anishias1

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This is a story about a young boy, who met a princess in his father's homeland. They fell in love and soon li... More

Prolouge/Chapter 1: The Boy from the Past
Chapter 2: He is real
Chapter 3: The Start of a New Beginning
Chapter 4: 20 Assassins vs 1 Swordsman
Chapter 5: Lost in the Wilderness
Chapter 6: The Village of Soaring Winds
Chapter 7: Twin Dragons
Chapter 8: Alcaida, The Demon Master
Chapter 10: The Boy's Locket
Chapter 11: Does She Like Him?
Chapter 12:(part 1) The Secret
Chapter 13(Part 2): The Fire Mage

Chapter 9: The Power of Pegasus

120 2 6
By anishias1

To where we left off last chapter of Infinite Blade.

Alcaida finally took an end to Itachi's life as he cheats through the whole battle, fright of losing his glory.

Alcaida says,"This would be easier if you'd let go boy".

Itachi looks up to him, angry, knowing he shouldn't let go of the only possession his father had on lending him after he disappeared.

Alcaida continues,"You'll never win, you might as well give up and release the sword from your hands."

Itachi grasps the sword as hard as he could. Itachi then gets his left hand and helps his right hand by holding onto the sword with both of his hands.

Itachi looks down upon Alcaida as he confesses,"The thing is Alcaida,"

Alcaida gasps as his eyes open wide looking at Itachi.

He continues,"I won't let go because", he says in an angry voice as he yells,"I won't be losing to a person who cheats like you!"

Alcaida is furious with anger but later calms down.

Alcaida says to Itachi with calmness as he closes his eyes,"You little brat, if you won't let go", Alcaida opens his eyes, showing pure evil and hatred for Itachi,"I'll let go!"

Alcaida's hands slips from the sword slowly.

Itachi feels the sword slipping off of Alcaida's hands.

Itachi replies with fright and worry,"gasp, Wait, hold on."

Alcaida looks at Itachi as he glares at him with pure hatred for him. He closes his eyes and releases Itachi's sword from his hands.

Itachi fell into the sky's infinite air abyss.

Itachi yells out for dear life as he falls to his death.

Alcaida smiles with pure evil as he looks down,"Heh, heh, heh."

Itachi's voice disappears in the distance, leaving nothing but silence.

Chapter 9: ペガサスの力

Itachi continues to fall, nothing to end the fall below him. He fell in an unchanging current motion. The sky was breezy, a radiant horizon. Itachi fell head first heading into the endless sky. He looks onto the dawn morning sky. His spikey beige hair waves along the smooth current of the warm winds touching his face.

Itachi looks as about to give up. As to think how could he defeat him without wings?

Itachi says with a calm voice in his head as he was disappointed in himself,"Will I die? Is this all my body could do to save Kikyo? Itachi closed his eyes as he later passes out. He dreamt of five years ago.

Five years ago. Itachi was a cute little twelve year old boy. He lived peacefully in his kingdom. He was the prince of Sauria, along with his older brother, Yamato Shinigami. They were the only siblings of the King and Queen of Sauria.

That was the day, the day everything changed in his life.

His father, Tatsuki Shinigami, went missing that day. Itachi's mother, Misura Akamine, disappeared that day as she tried to find Tatsuki. Itachi and Yamato were left with all of the kingdom in their hands.

Yamato, was a little jealous brat to everyone. He was a greedy little punk, he'd steal money from the villagers for no particular reason. He'd steal stuff from his own little brother. He would even blame his own actions on him. Itachi to him, was his scapegoat, the one to blame, a punching bag. Itachi defends himself, he's always told the truth, he'd just lead the angry mob back to Yamato.

The day before the disappearance, Yamato sneaked into Tatsuki's study office. He found his secret files. He opened them. They where the last words of him if he'd ever pass from this world, onto the next. Yamato was a snoop.

He read it, "Dear Misura, Itachi, and Yamato, if you're reading this it must mean that I have passed away from this world and have risen to the infinite haven called Heaven. If I have so, I've given all my belongings, not one to be left out, only to the one son that was my selection from the start, to my beloved son, Itachi Shinigami, youngest of the Shinigami Family. This wasn't hard to think of, I knew Itachi was ready to rule the kingdom from the start, my son who shows Warrior Pride, my most beloved possession passed down from father to son, The Sword of the God Pegasus. Let your heart tell where the sword is hidden. Only a Shinigami could withstand the power of Pegasus and the choice I made to possess this power would be my favorite son."

As Yamato read this, he felt nothing in his heart but hatred of his father. As he held onto that paper of his last will, he grasps onto it furiously, wrinkling it, giving it creases and cracks. Just to think, being the first child he ever had, his younger brother is who he appreciated the most. Yamato felt like a waste of space in this world, a useless piece of trash who doesn't belong in the family.

Tatsuki didn't mean it like that, Itachi was the one with true strength, the one the sword chose of the two sons. The chosen one to withstand all of Pegasus's powers it kept hidden from mortals of this realm.

Itachi never had darkness in him, he was always pure of heart. Itachi was kind-hearted, he'd never give up on his destiny, not even today. He'd make people feel happy when they're having a bad day. The ones who hurt him, he would forgive them and give them big hugs. He knows people hurt others because another person has hurt them which makes them feel like taking out their anger on other people than on them.

Itachi had hope in his eyes, that is until Yamato announced himself as King the day after.

That day, Itachi walks along the path of the Sauria Garden. He steps onto the stone tiles of the path. He wanted to walk along gracefully, enjoying a nice day with the birds twittering as the town folks feed them with their bread and birdseeds.

A wounded kitten came across him. It was trembling, as if it was about to lose its balance and fall.

As the kitten was about to fall, Itachi quickly caught a hold of the kitten. Itachi lifts the kitten off of the ground and onto his arms as he carries him back to his kingdom to treat his wounds. As Itachi carries the kitten, the kitten fell asleep on the way there.

Itachi carries the kitten to the front yard of the kingdom to treat the kitten's major wound on his arm. He came to the patio. Itachi then lays the kitten onto the silk sheeted blanket he laid there for the kitten to rest its weariness away. The kitten awoke from his short nap.

The kitten looks into Itachi's eyes as he groans,"Meouwwwr."

Itachi gets out a wet towel for to wipe all of the blood and germs off of the kitten's wounded left arm. Itachi sets the towel on the kitten's left arm and starts to cleanse its side effects. Itachi then starts to unroll the bandages. Itachi then starts to wrap the bandages around the kitten's left wounded arm continuously.

The kitten leans his head onto his left shoulder as he stares into Itachi as he groans once more to him, revealing his fangs, "Meouwwwwwr!"

As Itachi wraps the bandages, Itachi smiles back at the kitten as he replies with confidence, "Calm down kitty it's okay, you'll be better in a sec just you wait and see!"

Itachi finishes wrapping the kitten's left arm with his bandages. Itachi gets out his scissors and cuts the remaining parts of the bandages that stick out. Itachi later then gets out a sticker and sticks it on the kitten's bandaged arm for the bandage to hold in place.

Itachi lifts the kitten's left arm as he finally says to the kitten as he smiles, "There, now was that so hard?"

Itachi kisses the kitten's bandaged arm. He looks at the kitten as he leans his head onto his right shoulder. Itachi loves to see everyone happy. He then let's go of the kitten's arm. The kitten stood there as if he feels more safe if he stays in his kingdom yard, it's pretty huge.

The kitten lifts up his left hand as he was about to lick it. Itachi looks at the kitten, he stops the kitten before it was too late.

Itachi says to the kitten in a worry for him, "Now you shouldn't be licking your arm that soon, you'll be licking the sticker off."

Itachi got off of his patio chair. He lifts the kitten and sets him down onto the huge grassy plains he owns. The kitten roams freely without a worry to be alerted of. Itachi looks at how the kitten was, he felt happy for him too. Yet Itachi felt that he too didn't need to worry either, that was until a guardian of his kingdom came to him and informs him.

"Prince Itachi", the Guardsman announced behind Itachi's sights.

Itachi looks back facing the guardsman as he alerted, "Yes? What's the matter?"

The guardsman continues on, "I think you should you know this, you are the prince however, Yamato has made some changes to the kingdom, I'm sure you wouldn't be positive of his decisions but he asks for you to come to the kingdom for an important message."

Itachi answers, "Oh uh, okay?"

Itachi follows the guard to the kingdom. Itachi comes into his kingdom only to find out the Yamato was considered the new ruler and commander of Sauria, a replacement of their own father. Without Tatsuki, they needed a new ruler to help guide their country for the better, or the worst.

Itachi's eyes were widened as he sees Yamato sitting upon Tatsuki's throne.

Itachi yells at Yamato with anger, "What the hell's going on Yamato? Why are you sitting amongst Father's throne?"

Yamato answers Itachi's questions, "Why you say you asked? I'm The new king of Sauria, King Yamato."

Itachi says to Yamato with worry, "Where's Mom? Where's Dad?"

Yamato says, "I've gotten rid of them. With them out of the way I could now control this village and make it as how I dreamt it to be, a place without you."

Itachi says to Yamato as his hands ball up into a fist, "How can you plan on getting rid of me?"

Yamato replies, "By killing you it's as easy as that."

Itachi says to Yamato, "It's as easy to say it but there's no way you'll kill me that easily."

Yamato says to Itachi, "I'm not doing this for myself", Yamato brings out the paper of Tatsuki's will, "I'm doing our father's last wish, killing you, ending your existence from this world."

Itachi questions, "Dad wanted this?"

Yamato read it, he lies of what it really says on the paper, "King Tatsuki's last will if he'd ever pass from this life and into the other. I shall give all my beloved possessions to my first son Yamato Shinigami, the first child I laid my eyes on, he shall even possess the throne as King. He's the one I chose to withhold the Sword of the Family. Yamato, greatest son I've ever had, keep these possessions of mine to yourself only, and to the wife you'll soon marry."

Itachi was full of rage and hatred for his brother. Itachi got out his fists, he ran with rage toward Yamato. Itachi had his eyes on Yamato, he gets his right fist out and punches Yamato in the face incredibly hard. Yamato stood there as he was mad at Itachi.

Itachi tries to catch back his breath.

Yamato stood still not doing a thing. He holds his left cheek.

Yamato ordered the guardsman, "Would you please give us a moment in private."

The guardsmen bow down, "Yes your highness."

They leave the room.

Yamato looks into Itachi.

Yamato says to Itachi, "I've always hated you, you worthless peasant!"

Yamato sends a punch aiming at Itachi, it hit Itachi's left cheek of his face.

Itachi held onto his cheek with his left hand as his right hand was ready to strike once more. As Itachi throws out a punch to Yamato once more, Yamato caught a hold of his fist with his right hand. Itachi was shocked as he gasps. Yamato smiles at Itachi.

Yamato says as he smiles at Itachi, "You're too slow."

Yamato twisted Itachi's right hand. It flipped Itachi over making him land on his back onto the floor.

Itachi was hurt, he couldn't get up. He laid there useless. Itachi's eyes glared onto Yamato as he looks mad upon him.

Yamato says to Itachi, "And to think you were about to rule the kingdom. You're nothing but a useless peasant."

Yamato hits Itachi over and over until Itachi could no longer move.

Itachi couldn't lift a finger. As Yamato grabs Itachi and lifts him up, Itachi flinches.

Yamato ordered the guards to return. The guardsman came back.

"You called Sire?" The guardsman said.

Yamato replies, "Get this trash out of my sight, may I never see him again."

Yamato throws Itachi off of his grip. Itachi fell down, wounded and hurt.

The guardsman carried Itachi away from the kingdom. The other guardsmen followed him as they left the kingdom altogether. They felt sorry of Itachi, that day he lost everything, his family, his belongings, and even his own home. As he was banished from the village everyone was there to see him leave, he was so nice to them even the kitten came back to see him.

The guardsman didn't want to see him dead, he'd soon come back and restore the village from Yamato's terror. Itachi never knew he was the chosen one chosen by Pegasus himself.

The guardsman and Itachi came to a place called Kiritsuki, the land of arrows and bows. More than that, it was Tatsuki's hometown.

Itachi awoke from his deep sleep, he got up from the car seat, as he looks around outside there was nothing that seemed familiar to him. Instead of people holding two-handed swords, the people here held onto bows and arrows. The main village color was white with black highlights.

Itachi questions, "Where am I?"

The guardsman replies with sorrow for him, "You're in Kiritsuki, the land of bows and arrows, this is your new home from now on, please hope you make many friends here, you'll never be able to see your old friends ever again."

Itachi questions as he stares at the people, "Why is that?"

The guardsman replies, "It was either you left or be executed by the hands of Yamato."

Itachi left the guardsman as he waves back at Itachi 'goodbye for now.'

The guardsman leaves, only to return back to Sauria. Itachi looks forward looking at this huge village, waiting to be explored. Itachi felt out of place, he soon came across others his age. They seem curious into meeting others.

Itachi greeted them, "Hi."

They wave back, "Hi."

They seemed friendly. Soon they heard the village bell ringing. All the boys were alerted and vigilant after hearing it.

"The Princess is coming, everyone get into positions!!!" Some random boy announced aloud.

Itachi didn't know what was going on.

All the boys bowed down, one of them sees Itachi staying still.

Itachi says aloud, "Uuuhm, what are you guys doing?"

The boy instructed him as he yells, "Hurry and bow down if you want the princess to notice you!"

Itachi confirms his reply, "Right"!

Itachi did what he instructed and bowed down as the others did. All of the boys wanted to be noticed by the most elegant girl of the Village of Bows and Arrows. Itachi stood still in a bowing position as the others as they await for the princess's arrival.

Coming out of the carriage was a beautiful girl. She had long smooth brown hair that reached her lower abdomen. Her face was full of innocence and beauty that it was impossible to look away or ignore.

The princess looks around at all the boys, same as usual seeing them bowing down to Her, trying to make her notice them even if they have nothing in common.

Then it suddenly came to her, there was a different boy from the crowd, unfamiliar to her. She came upon him and poked his shoulder three times.

Itachi felt her poking him, he lifts his head looking into the princess's eyes. She was smiling at him, as if she had a crush on him the moment she laid her eyes on him. She came toward his right ear as she whispers in it for the others to not hear the conversation.

She whispered to him, "Meet me at the restaurant east from this direction tomorrow at 9:00 in the morning."

As she finished, she stood back up and proceeded on walking toward her kingdom.

Itachi reminded of what she said as he whispers it aloud, "Nine o clock."

As she went though the opened doors of her kingdom the guards closed the doors from behind. After she left, all of the boys stood back up and started to talk to Itachi.

"How did you do that?"

"She never noticed me."

"Is it because I farted this one time next to her to make her laugh but before I farted I ate this burrito so it was really smelly and she threw up on my new shoes?"

Itachi smiled, he felt noticeable in the village from that point on.

He met a guy named Kozan, they became best friends and he soon lived with him Since he doesn't have a home. They had so much in common they should be brothers.

The next day came. Kozan owns a lot of roosters for some reason, probably because he's a deep heavy sleeper. A bunch of roosters awoke Itachi at the right time. He got up and he went to look for the place the Princess told him about.

He walks east and finally finds the restaurant. He saw the Princess sitting on the outside restaurant table, she waves at Itachi letting him know she was there.

She yelled aloud to him, "I'm over here!"

Itachi came to where she was sitting on. Itachi came to her. He sat on the chair as it faces her across from the table as a romantic way. Itachi and the princess sat on a restaurant table as the had the most beautiful view of Kiritsuki's ocean. Itachi looks at her as she stares into his eyes, Itachi started to blush uncontrollably.

The princess began the conversation. The princess lays out her elbows onto the table with her chin lying on her hands looking at Itachi's cute face.

The princess introduced herself, "My name is Kikyo, what's yours?"

Itachi shrugged his shoulders as he looks away in embarrassment. Itachi replied nervously, "M-My name is Itachi."

Kikyo looked surprised. Kikyo replies, "Itachi?"

She smiled, as never hearing an elegant name like that before. She tilted her head in delight as her hands clap together in grace.

She says in a cheerful voice, "I love that name."

Itachi hears what she said, he stops blushing for a moment, to later then blush even more.

Itachi replies, "You, love my name?"

Kikyo nodded, "Mhm, Of course I do."

She opens her eyes wide as she continues on, "I've never heard of such a wonderful name like that in my entire life."

Itachi replies, "I love your name too, it fits your personality, your spirit," Itachi glares onto Kikyo smiling, "Your beauty."

Kikyo has never heard anyone say those beautiful things to her ever. Kikyo started to blush.

She replies nervously to Itachi, "No one has ever said those things to me before, you're the only boy I've met who actually is polite to me. Not to mention you're the cutest of them all."

Itachi looks at her as he replies, "Well you see, that's how my dad taught me, you know before he, disappeared."

Kikyo looks concerned as she looks down facing the table, "I see."

Itachi looks down as he looks sad as he replies, "I know, I."

Kikyo held onto his hands and spoke to him as she blushes, "Then we should look for him!"

Itachi looks at her with a surprised look on his face, "W-What?"

Kikyo corrects herself, "Well I mean, when we're older, when we're teenagers, we'd be able to explore the world looking for your dad without us getting hurt or killed."

Itachi says to her as he looks shocked and surprises as his eyes were wide open looking into hers, "You really want to help me?"

Kikyo replies to Itachi as she leans toward Itachi while blushing uncontrollably, "Absolutely!"

Itachi leans to Kikyo and kisses her right cheek.

Kikyo couldn't stop blushing.

From that day on they grew closer together, slowly becoming a couple. Her father soon found out they were dating. Her father allowed it, Itachi seems like a guy he would really trust and bond with.

Their love continued on until a special visitor came to Kiritsuki. It was no other than Yamato, King of Sauria. He came for his Samurai sword repair, it was until he saw a beautiful girl pass by.

He wanted to meet her, that was until she saw Itachi and they roamed around the Village together as one. Yamato was surprised, Itachi was alive and running, to think he'd been messing with his future bride. Kikyo and Itachi were in love, they were finally boyfriend and girlfriend, from that point on they thought that no one would take them apart.

Yamato was jealous. He wanted her all to himself, but there was no way she'd ever love him if she's too busy loving Itachi. Yamato wanted Kikyo to be her lover, her other half. He wanted everything that Itachi had, including her, even if she's the only one he had besides Kozan and his family.

Yamato talks to the blacksmith as he hands him his weapon, "Who's that girl's name?"

The blacksmith answers him, "Oh her? Why that's no other than Princess Kikyo, Princess of Kiritsuki, and to soon become a queen. Why do you ask?"

Yamato replies, "She's very beautiful, enough to be my queen of my kingdom."

The blacksmith scratches his head as he tells Yamato, "Well you see, she's really into Itachi and hopes that she'll marry him when she's sixteen so."

Yamato waves his right hand to the blacksmith forward to back, "Oh I'm just asking, nothing much."

The blacksmith replies, "I don't blame you, they sure look like a perfect cute couple if I say so myself."

Yamato grabs his sword as he turns back replying to the blacksmith, "I'll be on my way, till we meet again Blacksmith."

Yamato walks away a the blacksmith waves back, "Have a safe trip!"

Yamato leaves in disgust, to think Itachi would fall in love with her.

Yamato practices dark Magic. He found a spell in his book of dark spells, he found a spell he'd use to make Kikyo forget all about Itachi and to set her personality into loving Yamato.

The next month he came into her room. He awaited for Kikyo's arrival. Kiky went into her room only to discover that someone has broken into her room.

Kikyo questions, "Who are you? Get out of my kingdom!"

Yamato introduced himself to her, "Pardon me my name is Yamato Shinigami, I'm Itachi's older brother."

Kikyo questions him, "You're Itachi's, brother?"

Yamato closes his eyes, "Yes", he opens his eyes as he glares into Kikyo, "And you'll be my future bride!"

Kikyo yells, "What?"

Yamato casts out his right hand as it was filled with dark magic, it was released and it was aimed at Kikyo. Kikyo was possessed within a dark spell casted into from Yamato.

That day Kikyo changed, but this didn't change Itachi. Itachi knew this wasn't normal, she could never forget about Itachi. From that day on, Kikyo fell in love with Yamato, she knew everything he loves and desires. That year she cutted her long hair till it appeared short above her neck.

Something was wrong and Itachi knew exactly. He always knew Yamato was a jealous little brat who would always hate on his brother from jealousy of his gifted talents.

He knew his goal was to defeat Yamato, find his father, and to save Kikyo from marrying Yamato.

Itachi came across the pathways of Kiritsuki, he heard that Peincess Kikyo will meet King Yamato when she's sixteen meaning in five years she'll be married to him. They wanted a person who could have the responsibility to protect Kikyo on her way there, Itachi joined to train and become the best Bodyguard they would ever have.

That is when they said that he was needed to possess a weapon to start his five year training.

He left the Village only to later return with a weapon of his own.

As Itachi walked he soon felt something as he traveled along the grassy hills. He felt a powerful presence beyond these mountains amongst the grassy hills.

As he followed where his heart told him, his heart lead him into discovering a special sword that lays beyond the mountains, untouched for years, as its blade is stuck deep into the thick mountain stones, only to be possessed by the chosen one who will one day use it as his own power.

Itachi stops there as he looks at the sword. He's never seen anything like it before. This sword was unlike the others, it had a slight opening in the center and two wing symbols on the sword, one on each end.

Itachi stretches out his hands, "Alright!"

Itachi grabs a tight grip on the sword, "I'll be the greatest warrior no one has ever seen," Itachi starts to pull it as he yells out into the mountains, "Just You Wait And See!!!!"

Itachi pulls the sacred sword off of the mountain's grasp. Itachi was relieved that he could actually draw it out of the mountains, it was nothing to think about he was the chosen one to possess Pegasus's power.

As Itachi held the sword, it felt lighter than it looked, it felt easy to land quick slash attacks onto the target and easy to finish them. He swung the sword over and over, as he felt used to the power, it was easy to master it's slight powers. Itachi became a swordsman, the strongest of the strong, the best class to be in the hidden lands.

Itachi was confident in fulfilling his goals and to keep on going to find hope and Destiny.

Itachi has awoken from his dream.

He says as he awoke, "Gasp, Kikyo, Father, Kozan, Junichi, They're counting on me, to find him, to save them, I'm not giving up that easily."

Itachi Grasps as hard as he could onto his blade. He held it tight never to let it go.

Itachi says to Pegasus, "Please everyone is counting on me, you can't be useless now! You're Pegasus right? So Take Flight!!"

Suddenly, the wing symbols on the blade glows radiantly. Itachi's eyes were wide open. Pegasus gave Itachi its power as an immortal God.

Itachi's eyes glow a radiant blue. Itachi soon possesses a power not like from the rest. Itachi felt something coming out of his back.

What appeared from his back where long, elegant, silvery coated colored wings of an immortal God that grew out of his back.

Itachi felt its calm feathers as it surrounded him. Itachi could now possess Pegasus's true strength. Itachi learns how to manage flight on his own without assistance. Itachi could fly as he also unlocked a part of Pegasus's secrets.

To Be Continued

Hey guys, sorry this took long, the day before I published this I wrote like 300 words but when I pressed save and preview it somehow got deleted, twice, so yeah sorry about the long wait.😅😭😅

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