°{The new person in town}° •R...

De sammiezloser

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Y/N just got to south park when getting kicked out of your parents house because you dont pay rent. Mais

pt.1 (New to the town)
pt.2 in love-?
pt.3 falling in love quickly.
pt.4 Scared.
pt.5 The date
pt.6 (blacked out)
pt.7 (going badly very fast)
pt.8 (Im sorry)
pt.9 (Jealousy)
pt.10 (Apartment's)
pt.11 (Moving in)
pt.12 (drunk randy)
pt 14 (Cop involved)
(The end) pt.15
Thank you
your question "who's Sam?" 💀

pt.13 (Randy meets the family)

374 1 42
De sammiezloser

(Yea, I really hope you like this part of the story. Sorry I was gone in the last part. I was feeling tired and kinda feeling noshes. AND SORRY OF THERES ANY GRAMMAR IN THIS STORY)

Moms name:  M/N

You wake up at 1:00pm in the afternoon.

"Dont I gotta see my parents with randy today?." You say to yourself.

Y/n then got up and tried to look for randy but he wasn't in your apartment.

"Bruh where did this guy go-" you said in a confused and scared tone.

You then look out of your apartment window and you see randy walking to the apartments.

"I wonder where he came back from-"

In a while randy finally came to your apartment.

"Hey y/n, I went to the store and bought your parents gifts for today!" Randy said proud of himself.

"Oh! Thanks randy" you said while looking in the bag.

"Yea. I hope your parents like them" randy said while getting close to you.

"What are you doing-?" You say to randy while he grabs your waist and pulls you closer to him.

"I love you y/n" randy said while getting ready to kiss you neck.

You feel randy kissing your neck. It makes you feel horney, you then feel Randy's hands go down your pants.

Randy then pulls off your shirt. You look at the clock on the wall behind randy, its 2:46pm and you gotta get going around 3:06pm.

"Shit-" you say cuz you and randy gotta get ready to leave soon.

"Are you ok y/n?"

"Yea.." you said while walking to your room to change into different clothes.

You came out of the room in descent clothing.

Randy also came out of the room in descent clothes.

"Let's head out now shall we?" Randy says while walking out of the door to outside.

"Yea." You say while closing and locking the door on the way out.

You and randy then went into the car and drove off to your parents house.

3 hour later

You and randy finally made it to your parents house.

"Wow, your parents house looks nice, really really nice actually-" randy said while looking on the outside of the house.

"Yea, my mom loves to paint the house and she was a house designer. My dad helped sometimes because she was to short" you laughed.

"Your parents seem cool" randy said while looking at you.

"Yea.." you said in a nervous expression.

Randy noticed that you were nervous.

"Are you ok y/n? Are you nervous?" Randy said in a confused voice.

"No... I mean....yea. I'm so nervous. What if they dont except you because your way older then me... I'm only 22 and your 46..." you say while looking down sadly.

"Hey.. it will be ok y/n I love you.. i love you so much." You feel randy tilt your head towards his face. "I love you no matter what y/n, I wont care if your parents dont except me I'll be by your side anyways and always." Randy said.

Randy then kisses you gently. His soft lips made you get butterflies in your stomach and you felt your face get hotter.

Randy then smiles at you and was happy that you felt a bit better now.

"We should get inside now randy." You say feeling better.

"Yea" randy said while turning off the car.

You and randy then got out of the car and walking into the house.

You then saw your mom cooking food.

"Hey mom!" You say feeling happy to see your mom.

"Oh! Hey sweety!" Your mom says while walking up to you to hug you.

"Oh you must be my daughter's/son's/child's boyfriend!" Your mom said  while shaking Randy's hand.

"Yep! My name is randy, what about you?" Randy said looking at your mom.

"My name is M/N! I'm so happy to finally meet you!" Your mom being the nice person she is.

(2 hours later)


few hours went by and your sitting around the table with your mom, dad and your boyfriend randy. You guys are eating what your mom made and it tasted really good.

"So uh. How old are you?" Your dad said while looking at randy.

You felt so scared at this point.

"I'm 46 sir.." randy said looking at your dad then at you.

"Why are you dating someone so youn-" before your dad can finish his sentence you then changed the subject. "AH ANYWAYS UHHH....THE FOOD WAS GREAT MOM. IMMA TALK TO RANDY OUTSIDE FOR A MOMENT." You said.

You and randy then got up from the table and went outside.

"Are you ok y/n?" Randy said looking at you in a worried expression.

"Y-yea.." you said looking down

"Aw... its will be ok. Are you embarrassed that I'm way older?" Randy said while looking at you

You look at randy too "uh... kinda.. but I love you too much to care about your age..."

Randy smiled. Randy then leans over to kiss you deeply. You then kiss randy back.

"Let's go back inside" you said to randy smiling.

"ok y/n" randy said opening the door for you.

You and randy then sit at the table and your dad turns to randy very quickly. You can tell your dad has alot of question.

"So.. why are you dating someone so young randy?." You dad said to randy kinda weirded out.

"Dad-!? Does it matter?..." you said with a mad and a embarrassed expression on your face.

"Well it kinda does matter-" your dad says while looking at you and randy.

"It doesn't matter dude- love is love." You said looking at your dad and waiting for is response.

"Ugh whatever" you said while getting up and taking Randy's hand.

"We are heading out, that's for the food mom." You said looking at your mom.

"No problem honey" your mom said.

"Bye. Screw you dad.." you said while leaving the house with randy.

Randy then hugs you. Randy's hug made you feel better. It showed that he cares about you alot.

"I love you randy.." you said while hugging randy back

"I love you too y/n.."

(At home)

You and randy are now cuddling on your bed at the apartments. You can feel Randy's hand around your waist. You honestly thought it felt nice.

"Wanna go Christmas shopping randy? I didn't get any decorations yet" you said to randy.

"Sure, wait. What day is it today?" Randy said

"Its December 20" you said surprised that its almost already Christmas, just 5 days left.

"Oh, wow. Already almost Christmas"

You then got a message from you mom.

Mom: "hey darling, your dad is sorry. He was wrong about you dating someone way older, so hes gonna send you 9 thousand dollars to show you that he loves you and that hes so sorry"

"Wow-" you say looking at your phone.

"What is it y/n?" Randy said looking at you.

"Wow, my dad just sent me 9 thousand dollars and I haven't used all of my other money that my mom and dad gave me yet." You said feeling kinda guilty and selfish.

"Oh, it will be okay y/n, I'm sure they did this because they love you. They even said they loved you" randy said while leaning in to kiss your forehead.

You then look at the bags beside you. "Bruh you forgot to give my parents there presents" you said

"Oh yea. Well its almost Christmas. Let's just give them the presents on Christmas eve" randy said.

"Ok. We should go buy some Christmas decorations."

You and randy then go Into the car and drive off to the store.

(At the store)

"Wow, I never been here hah-" you said.

"Yea, so it's your first time. I'll show you where the Christmas decorations are" randy then grabbed your hand and took you to the Christmas decorations store.

"Oo, these decorations look so nice!"

You got red and silver streamers for the sealing and red decorations for the tree.

"Now we just need a tree" you said.

You and randy then went to go find a fake white tree.

"I think we found it" randy the grabbed the white tree what was inside a box.

"Great! Now let's go" you said while going to the counter to pay for your stuff.

When that was done you and randy then went to the car. Then you saw erik. He was kissing some guy that looked around the same age as him.

"Oo, I was wondering where he was, at least hes fine hah" you said to yourself.

(At the apartments)

You and randy then set up the white tree in your apartment.

"Do you think it's nice?" You said looking at the tree then randy.

"Yea, let's put up the decorations for the tree" randy smiled.

It's only been a few hours since you saw Randy's smile but you thought he looked so cute with his cute smile.

"Ok randy" you said while smiling back at randy.

It's been 6 hours and you guys just finished decorating the house full of decorations.

"I think stan should stay with us for Christmas" you said looking at randy.

"Yea. He will use my room and me and you could sleep together, I'll pick him up tomorrow in the afternoon" randy said.

"Yea, heh" you said getting kinda tired

"Do you remember where we left off?" Randy smirked at you.

"Yes...?" You said.

Randy then lifts you up, you wrapped your legs around Randy's waist so you wont fall. You and randy then kiss each other.

"I love you randy, but in to tired to do this-" you say feeling kinda bad.

"Aw it's fine y/n, I'll carry you to bed" he smiled.

Randy the. Carried you to your bed.

"Good night my love. I love you" randy said leaning in for a kiss

You kissed randy.

"I love you too" you said feeling tired.

"I'm sorry you had to meet my dad..." you said feeling bad.

"Nah its ok y/n" randy said while leaving the room

Randy then yelled "I love you no matter what y/n!"

That made you a bit happy for some reason.

You then feel asleep peacefully.


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