Collection Of Short Stories A...

By iceheartgoldsmile

361 21 38

Just a collection of fun short stories, from war to friendship! More

He asked for war
Just one night
Drowning lover
She is
Daddy's girl
Being helpful
Two random fun shorts
Possessive royalty side story 2
Safe Haven
Freezer burn
Death over capture
Gone master
Appropriate reactions to common tropes
The Vronto, A rare treasure
Spared by the beast
Heidi the slave
The tragedy of the Yoro clan
Good and evil
Under threat
alpha cheese and the mouse shifter
Mouse girl
Captive test subject
Fox mistakes

Possessive royalty side story

16 0 0
By iceheartgoldsmile

The beginning

The wind was cold and I was all alone, wishing for warmth or comfort of any kind at this point. I had gotten lost, I don't how I managed to, but I was messing around and having fun, sneaking past the guards, then I saw some Sheep shifters playing and then a pretty butterfly... Now the sun has set, and I don't even recognise which direction I came from.

After a few days of walking and crying out for someone to help me, I collapsed. Whimpering quietly, shifting into my cat form and curling up into the grass, the cold wind icy against me, I struggled to stand back up, to exhausted to keep going. 

"You poor dear" came a new voice, somebody stood nearby, looking down at me, they must have been shifted. I closed my eyes and mewled pitifully. I was picked up in a warm mouth and carried off, I couldn't even be scared of them.

I was dropped in front of a fireplace and cuddled close to it, shivering terribly. The person vanished and returned with someone else, both looking at me. I wanted to shift back and thank him, but my bodies to exhausted to even do that. I whimpered and enjoyed the heat of the fireplace.

Day one

I awoke between two warm arms, I looked around in confusion, the room is dark, though I can still see easily, so it must be night. I glanced around, realizing that I was cuddled between the two people, technically the bigger person was cuddling the person cuddling me.

I yawned and looked around, it smelt weird, like wet dog, I sighed and buried myself against the bigger one, where the smaller moved closer, keeping me safely tucked away between them. I'm ever so grateful they helped me and kept me warm. I purred and enjoyed the warmth. I buried my kitten nose into the side of the bigger person and yawned, falling asleep once more.

"morning little on, do you want something to eat" cooed a soft voice waking me up. I sat up and stretched purring loudly as a beautiful lady scratched at the top of my head, a goofy smile on her face.

The larger figure walked into the room, a tall man, he has fluffy orange hair. He lifted me up and I mewled at him, he smiled and glanced at the woman beside him. "I guess it can stay. What's another mouth to feed" he laughed, his voice loud but soft to my ears.

Keep me? If I were shifted I think I'd be blushing, keep me! Noone wanted to keep me, I was orphaned when my mum died in childbirth. 12 years of my life and people are sure to keep reminding me of that.

He set me on the bed and I sat, staring up at his tall figure, letting out a hungry mew. I shifted and stared up at them, they smiled at me and the lady grabbed my hand. She led me from the room as I stared in wonder at them, I've seen tall herbivores and tall carnivores who guard the town, but never one so close nor holding my hand.

She sat me on the floor and placed a bowl in front of me, I glanced up at her in confusion, I've never eaten from the floor before. I don't want to ask to have a chair, they've been so nice to me, I can't be rude.

"Thank you" I mumbled, eating what I was given, they ate at a table with two children, teenagers by the look of them. After I finished the two ran out quickly.

"They grow up so quick" sighed the woman, she smiled at me and patted my head, giving me another piece of bacon.

"They're working now Maisy darling, soon enough they'll be in the city training to be knights or have a farm" laughed the father proudly.

"Thank you" I said again as I finished my bacon, the lady smiled and put me on her lap.

"At least we'll have a darling pet to keep us company" giggled the woman. I looked up at her and smiled. She kissed my nose and cuddled me close before getting up and leading me outside. 

"You can hang with us while we work the fields" exclaimed the man, he tossed me into The air and I gasped and he caught me laughing loudly, making me laugh with him. Is this what family is like?

I watched them scrape and dig up ground, busy and distracted. I frowned and looked around, watching a grasshopper bounce around.

I grinned and shifted bounding clumsily after it, it easily stayed ahead, but I was having fun sticking close. I watched it bounce high and I tried to as well, not going very high at all.

"Oh you cute sweetheart. Be careful" cooed the woman, I simply mewed, having alot of fun. I grew bored of looking for the cricket and moved to the two, working hard. I sniffed the holes in the ground and eyed them curiously.

I pawed at the man and he looked down at me, I lifted my front paws off the ground and mewed to be picked up. He laughed and sat me on his hat, I looked around, never having been so high. I curled up and enjoyed the sun, purring on his head.

"come on, bed time everyone" called the woman, I yawned into my hand and watched them usher their children to bed. I moved to the couch, not knowing where else to sleep.

"Where are you off ta? Come on bud, let's get some rest" exclaimed the man, hoisting me up and cuddling me close. He wore his boxers and yawned.

He lay on his side of the bed, stroking his fingers down my back, the gentle sensation nice, I shifted, wanting to get as close as possible, the feeling of closeness so nice. I could hear the lady climbing into bed, patting me gently and cuddling up around me, a warm, tight mass of bodies ready to sleep.

It makes me feel special. I purred and licked him once before burying my head against him. He laughed and cupped me gently as the lady leant against us. I like being apart of a family. I purred and enjoyed the warmth of his arms. Happy for the first time in bed, happy and loved.

Week one

I sat with the oldest of the boys, his name is Gunther, this is the first time he's been home long enough to be around me. He was examining me, brushing back my hair, and lifting my arms.

"So you're a cat, that's pretty cool" he said, finally finished and now playing with my hair gently. "Cute one" he commented, he picked me up with ease making me squeak in surprise. He carried me to the horse paddock and set me down besides the fence, whistling over a pony, the other horses looked up and lazily returned to eating. The pony was brown with a black mane and tail. 

"This is star, the pony we all learnt on and outgrew, you'll fit her forever, she's a bit of a messy bay, but that's fine" his words made no sense, and still I nodded eagerly. "You're both mum's favourite pets, try not to fight for her affection" he teased. I giggled and stared at the pony in wonder, it sniffed at me and blew in my face, I gently stroked it.

"Gunther! You ready!" Called a stranger, a new boy ran into the paddock. 

"Yea, give me a minute" grumbled Gunther, the friend looked down at me in confusion. I hugged Gunther's legs and hid behind him. "Don't be shy" he softly said I glanced up at him, shifting and giving him my biggest eyes to convince him to pick me up. He laughed and did so. 

"What is that!" Asked the stranger in shock, Gunther rolled his eyes as I purred happily in his arms. 

"It's a cat, it was in our textbook" scoffed Gunther.

"Oh, I haven't read that yet" mumbled the stranger, Gunther laughed and moved me to his pocket, I sat up and watched the world pass by, looking up at Gunther happily. We soon came up to a group, already in their animal forms, waiting. 

"Hurry and shift we have a race to win!" Exclaimed the stranger, Gunther huffed and stripped before shifting, his animal to big and awkward for clothes. He looked like a fox crossed with a deer. I wriggled out of the pocket and watched them all get in a line, I hurried under Gunther, ready to run with him.

He made a strange noise, and suddenly everyone was off, I tried to run but tripped over my feet, he picked me up in his mouth and charged after everyone else. It's so cool being so fast, I pawed at the air and made running motions to try and cheer him on.

"is that a cat? Can I pick it up?" Asks one, I shrink against Gunther, worried somehow I'll lose my family.

"No, don't" defends Gunther, I nuzzle my head into the crook of his neck and relax, still thrilled after the long run.

"Come on, it's just a cat. I just want to pat it" commented another, Gunther shook his head and patted me. I purred happily and enjoyed my time. Suddenly I'm flying and I mewl out terrified, someone had snatched me away!

I mewl and cry out for Gunther as the teenagers run around with me, crying for Gunther. They look and touch and poke, talking excitedly. I'm frozen, terrified of all of the attention.

Gunther pulls me back into his arms and walks away, grumbling furiously, I purr against him and groom him nervously he chuckles and pats me making it home. He sits at a desk with books and places me in his lap. I snuggle up and purr against him.

Week Two

"Let's go out for some fun" encouraged Maisy, I wriggled in excitement and pounced at her feet. I like being in my kitten form, they pick me up and cuddle me and I can sit in my favourite place, Brandon's Hat!

The boys were quick to shift, stretching out their long limbs. I bounded over to them and stood on my hind legs, pressing my front legs against his long ones. He licked my face and nudged me, I mewled happily and licked his nose.

Maisy and Brandon shifted next, rubbing their heads together affectionately. Brandon picked me up easily, moving out the door and running down the paddocks. I eagerly made running movements, feeling the wind brush up against me.

We ran into the bush, animal walking paths flashing by under their steps. We made it to a large lake, Brandon put me down as the boys vanished into the bushes. I followed Maisy as best I could, her long legs much faster then mine. Brandon nudged me, making me roll over. I sat up and glared at him. He lay down with me between his front paws and gently began nibbling my fur, I purred into his grooming and relaxed in the grass.

Brandon left me not long after, joining Maisy to run into the trees. Gunther ran back into the clearing and drank from the lake. He sniffed over at me and sat besides me. I sat up and mewed, running to the water and running back to him. He pushed me down with a paw before standing up and picking me up.

I mewled happily and looked at the birds flutter around. He sat me on a log, I sniffed at the moss and looked around curiously, some birds looked at me and Gunther wandered off. I looked at the birds and stalked closer. A bigger bird examined me, I meowed at it.

It pecked my paws and I recoiled, offended and nervous. So I ran to the other side of the log, the bird following. It pecked at me again and I jumped onto the soft grass. I meowed for Gunther, not wanting to shift yet.

Gunther trotted over, watching as the bird grabbed my tail, I yowled in surprise and he moved up to us, snapping at the bird who flew away. I ran under his legs and peaked around. He lifted me again and trotted to the original spot. I purred and pawed his belly as he lay beside me.

A Month

"Hey lookie! It's the cat!" Exclaimed a voice, I tilted my head and paused, Star looking back at me before continuing her trip for greener grass on the other side of the paddock. I looked to the dirt road and shook my head in confusion. Am I going crazy?

I raced after Star, I liked playing with star while everyone's out in town, mum and dad say it's fine. I've been here for a month and I'm so happy to be here, so much love surrounds me. 

"Hey! Cat! Cat!" Called the voice again, I looked around again and climbed the fence, and on the road stood some familiar teens, they must be either Gunther's friends or Hayden's friends. I jumped down and shyly joined up with star who ignored me for grass. They climbed the fence and tried to call me over, I shook my head and kept my distance.

"Oh come on, I wanna see a cat! Shift! Shift cat!" Excitedly demanded one of the kids, I shook my head and moved away, heading back towards the house. I picked up speed as they continued following, now running with them running after me. I'm not as fast as a bunch of taller teenagers. The horses, startled by the scene, ran off to the other side of the paddock.

"Go away! Leave me alone" I shouted, seeing the paddock gate up ahead. I'm not scared enough to shift, they won't hurt me, I hope. I just don't want strangers touching me or possibly taking me away from home. I stopped at the gate, looking back at them, they now surrounded me. I lowered my head and began to cry, I hate this, I want to be left alone.

"Come on! Shift!" Exclaimed one of them, I shook my head and went to open the gate, sure I could slide through the fence, but the gate was more polite when there is guests. I squeaked as one picked me up, holding me with one arm around my gut. I wriggled and tried to get down, hating being touched by anyone but my family.

"Quit moving, come on! Shift" encouraged the one holding me, I don't want to shift. I only listen to mummy and daddy. I struggled against the excited teen. The others chanting for me to shift. 

"Go away!" I whined, frustrated now. "I wanna see a cat" said one of them, I began to cry again, this time louder. Upset and frustrated at the way they are treating me. They walked from the paddock and set me down next to the water tank, waiting in a circle for me to shift.

"Go away! I'm not shifting!" I whined, trying to push past them, they didn't budge.

"Hey!" Came a shout, I looked up to Gunther who ran over, he pushed past and examined me closely. "You ok bub?" He asked gently, wiping my eyes with his jumper sleeve, his horse snorting as it wanted to eat. Gunther stood back up and glared at them. "Get lost!" He demanded loudly, I clung to his leg.

The teens tried to argue about wanting to see a cat, but Gunther was looking mad and they hurried off. He sighed and patted my head before swinging me into his arms and onto his horse as he led it into the stable. I hugged his pretty grey horse and hummed happily. Staying on even when he removed the saddle and saddle blanket.

The horse didn't care, now that it had been cooled down, it just drank water and ate its food. Gunther smiled at me and pulled me down. He ran his fingers through my hair and I shifted quickly wanting pats. He laughed and rested me in his riding helmet. I sat inside it and watched him wash down his horse and then take it out. Soon everyone else slowly returned one by one, not noticing me. That's ok, I'm happy.

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