So Little Time: Dean Winchest...

By justsochelsea

20.6K 191 24

Dean Winchester always wanted a family but he never admits it. After finally discovering the family business... More

Meet the Winchesters!
Ava Age Throughout the Seasons.
Chapter 1: Secrets
Chapter 2: The Truth
Chapter 3: The Family Business
Chapter 4: Ava's Birthday Surprise
Chapter 5: Dean's Back from Hell
Chapter 6: Teenage Hunters
Chapter 7: Together, A Family
Chapter 8: You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home
Chapter 9: It's In My Blood
Chapter 10: Hunting Solo
Chapter 11: The Outsiders
Chapter 12: Let's Talk About Racism
Chapter 13: Family Doesn't End In Blood
Chapter 14: A Normal Apple Pie Life
Chapter 15: Slumber Party Over
Chapter 16: Being a Hunter's Daughter
Chapter 17: My Special Valentine
Chapter 18: Trust
Chapter 19: First Day of Senior Year
Chapter 20: Ava Ran Away from Home
Chapter 21: Back To The Future
Chapter 22: I'm Pregnant
Chapter 23: Patience
Chapter 24: Babysitting Chuck
Chapter 25: Wayward Sisters
Chapter 26: College Secrets
Chapter 27: Ava Scoobynatural Adventure
Chapter 28: Cassie's Journal
Chapter 29: Grandpa Switch
Chapter 30: Sneaking Out Is Hard To Do
Chapter 31: Uncle Sam Saved My Life
Chapter 33: Switching Places
Chapter 34: Ava Meets Charlie for the First Time
Chapter 35: Ava Meets Kevin
Chapter 36: Supernatural Book
Chapter 37: Supernatural Convention
Chapter 38: Ava Meets Her Cousin
Chapter 39: Ava's Sick Days
Chapter 40: Ava's First Date
Chapter 41: Mama Knows Best
Chapter 42: Dean's Past Mistake
Chapter 43: Because I stole shoes???
Chapter 44: Dress Code
Chapter 45: Token?
Chapter 46: Juneteeth
Chapter 47: Do It With A Sore Butt
Chapter 48: Hide and Seek Trouble
Finale 49: {Part 1}
Finale 49: {Part 2}
Finale 49: {Part 3}
Finale 49: {Part 4}
Finale 49: {Part 5 }
To Be Continued... (For Sequel to A Change In Time)

Chapter 32: The Terrible Twos

237 3 2
By justsochelsea

Chapter 32: The Terrible Twos

Ava is 2 years old.

Ava was crying screaming being lifted up by Cassie after she made a mess.

Cassie: Ava Mary you're going to sit in the corner and think about what you did!
Ava: no!
Cassie: *smack butt* don't tell me no young lady
Ava: *crying* no pow pow mama no!
Cassie: then sit in the corner like a good girl and then you will apologize to mommy or their is going to be a pow pow
Ava: *pouts* I want daddy not you!
Cassie: *sighs* I'm sorry you feel that way, but daddy will be home soon

Just then the phone rang and Ava frowns and turned away from her mother as she went to go picked up the phone.

Cassie: oh thank goodness its you. Your daughter is getting on my nerves
Dean: nice talking to you too Cassie
Cassie: when are you coming home? I miss you so much
Dean: actually today, dad and I are on our way back from a case
Cassie: oh good maybe you can help me deal with Ava's terrible twos
Dean: oh no, I might have to stay far away then
Cassie: Dean...
Dean: I'm kidding, I'm kidding. You tell her to behave herself or else I'm giving her a pow pow when I gets home
Cassie: I tried that already, none of the threats been working. She thinks you're never coming home
Dean: where is she?
Cassie: she's in time out right now
Dean: put her on speaker
Cassie: Ava your dad wants to speak with you
Ava: *takes the phone and smiles* daddy! I miss you!
Dean: I miss you too pumpkin
Ava: when are you coming home?
Dean: soon baby soon. Grandpa John also coming he miss you too
Ava: yay!!! I miss grandpa John
Dean: Grandpa John said he misses you too
Ava: is he here their with you! I want to say hi
Dean: sure sweetheart *puts it on speaker*
John: hey baby girl!
Ava: grandpa John!
John: are you being good to mommy?
Ava: um... *plays with her hair* not really, I'm currently in time out
John: that's not good, what did you do?
Ava: um... I made a mess and mama told me to clean it up and I told her no
John: that's being a bad girl Ava, if I was their right now you would be getting a smack on the butt
Ava: noooo.... *hides her henie* No pow pow grandpa
John: then listen to your mother and their will be no pow pow. Okay I'm going to let your dad talk to your mother see you soon kiddo
Ava: okay, I love you gramps
John: I love you too baby
Cassie: thanks John
John: no problem Cassie, here's Dean
Cassie: honey get home soon
Dean: I will be home soon, don't you worry
Cassie: I love you
Dean: love you too

Cassie smiled and hangs up, it was so good to hear his voice. Although they're not married she still worries about him occasionally when he's goes on hunts with his dad. She most certainly don't want Ava to grow up without a father. But with the work Dean does she knew that was highly impossible but she knows Dean is a great hunter but she worries when he will ever get home. She also hope that work doesn't follow him here because not only does she need to protect herself but she needs to protect her baby too.

Cassie was getting frustrated getting this kid to take a bath.

Ava: No! NO! NO! mommy I don't want a bath!
Cassie: Ava Mary please, mommy is tired and just want some sleep, can you behave for mommy for me just this one
Ava: NO!

Cassie sigh, Ava is it that age where she loves saying the word no, and she knows that saying no all the time is not a good thing.

Cassie: *pops her on the butt* don't you scream at me, why don't you want bath?
Ava: I'm scared!
Cassie: no need to be scared pudding
Ava: I want daddy!!! You're mean!
Cassie: *sighs* so do I sweetheart, so do I

Later John and Dean finally reached Dean's home, they walked in to find an upset Cassie and Dean said.

Dean: *sees look* what did I do?
Cassie: *glares at him and goes up to him* you know what you did, you left me home alone with that demon child of yours
Dean: is she possessed, *gets smack by Cassie* ow I'm kidding!
Cassie: you know what I mean. You left me here alone knowing our daughter has the terrible twos. She's been misbehaving all day, I couldn't deal with it on my own
Ava: daddy!!!! *runs to him*
Dean: *picks her up* hi baby, I miss you
Ava: I miss you too, mommy being mean
Dean: hey that not nice Ava
Ava: she is! She wouldn't let me have fun like you do
Cassie: see Dean, this is all your fault. You don't send boundaries with her like I do, you let her get away with everything. She wont put her things away after I told her to clean up, she wont stay in time out when I tell her to. And when I try to put her in bath and to bed she wouldn't listen
Dean: Ava...
Ava: *squirms* I just miss you
Dean: I know baby, but remember what I told you when I'm away with grandpa?
Ava: listen to mommy
Dean: and did you listen to mommy?
Ava: *shakes head in his shoulder* nu uh
John: Ava, talk like a big girl
Ava: no daddy I didn't listen
Dean: you know what happens when you don't listen to mommy when daddy's away
Ava: but daddy... mommy already swatted me
Cassie: that was only one time Ava and it was to get you to listen
Ava: I listen this time, please daddyyyy
Dean: no, you had your chance. Now let's go up the stairs for your real spanking
Ava: puleaseee
Dean: Ava... are you listening to me now?
Ava: *bites bottom lip* no...
Dean: then go do as your told

Dean puts her down and Ava pouts at him and points upstairs but she went to hug her grandfather.

Grandpa John: Ava, no. You heard what your dad said. You go do as you're told or I'm going to spank you too
Ava: no grandpa John no spanking
Grandpa John: then go to your bedroom and wait for your father
Ava: *pouts* you guys are meanie, ow
Grandpa John: *stern voice* upstairs now! You need to learn to obey orders when an adult tells you to do something you do it

Tears welled up in her face knowing she made her parents and grandpa angry and she hurried up the steps with her tiny little feet. Cassie sighs and wraps arm around Dean.

Cassie: I don't know what I'm going to do with that girl
Dean: don't worry I will deal with it. You doing anything tomorrow?
Cassie: I have work but first I have to drop Ava at day care
Dean: let me take care of Ava tomorrow
Cassie: really? No monster business
Dean: no monster business, just me and Ava. I want you to take the day off when you come home from work
Cassie: thank you Dean, you're really the greatest
Dean: I know, now if you excuse me I'm going to take care of the terrible twos and make sure she never misbehave ever again

Ava was waiting in the room when Dean came out and Ava ran to him and said

Ava: Im sworry I was bad daddy *hugs him*
Dean: *lift her up* honey you're not bad, you just make bad choices sometimes
Ava: no spanking, I learned my lwsson
Dean: say les-son
Ava: lwsson
Dean: close enough. I tell mommy to work on your s sound with you later. But sorry kiddo, I can't let go of this. Needs to be dealth with now
Ava: dadddddyyy
Dean: nope, no point of stopping me young lady

Dean carries her to the bed as she kicked and scream crying. Dean went to put her over his lapped and she kicked him in the balls and that's when he father went down in pain.

Ava: um... I'm sorry daddy *backs away into the door*
Dean: *gives look* when I get up you're in so much trouble!

Ava eyes widen and she quickly ran out of her bedroom and went to go run and hide but she ran into her grandfather.

Ava: let me go grandpa! Let me go!

She said being carried back into her room and her grandpa said.

John: did you hit your father?
Ava: *gulps with wide eye* no grandpa John!

John sigh and pulls Ava over his one knee as she dangle from them. John pulls down her pants with his other hands and started swatting her butt.

John: you do not kick your father or any adult *smack* you keep your hand to yourself *smack* you're going to take this spanking like a big girl I know you're *smack
Ava: ow! No more grandpa John! No more!
John: another thing young lady *pulls panties down and smack butt* don't *smack* tell *smack* adults *smack* no, when someone tell you to do something you do it *smack* no back talk, and you need to respond with a yes sir or no sir. I don't want to hear any no from you like that anymore capeesh?
Ava: *sniffles* yes sir grandpa John
John: good *smack butt* now you go over to your father and take your spanking like a good girl and apologize to him for kicking *smack*

John pulls her panties back in place bet kept her pants off knowing Dean was going to deal with her afterwards. He lifts her up and gives her a hug and she buries in it crying.

Ava: I'm sorry grandpa
John: it's alright pudding, but I'm not the one you need to apologize too
Ava: *turns to him* I'm sorry daddy, I didn't mean to kick you
Dean: *sighs* it's alright kiddo
John: I'll leave you two alone *leaves*
Dean: now are you ready to start your real punishment. I promise to leave your underwear on

Ava nods shyly and Dean kissed her forehead and tipped her over his knees and gives her a dozen swat to her backside to make her remember for next time.

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