𝖤𝗑𝗉𝖾𝖽𝗂𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 (𝖣𝗈𝗇�...

By xxwinwin

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"𝘞𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘮, 𝘐'𝘮 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘦𝘹𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘭... More



21 3 0
By xxwinwin

Rijin POV:

"Sometimes, I wonder where all you get those positive vibes you have" Jaehyun smiles at me. I look away staring at the window. "So when are you two getting married two?" He asks. I turn to him confuse. "Marry? With who?" I asks. "Win. He likes you" He chuckles deeply. "It was all a play, besides, I like someone else" I sighs. "Does he know? You look sad mentioning someone you like"

"He don't know and so what if I confess? He won't like me back" Is he really numb? Or he never really notice it? Even Sicheng said my adoration of Jaehyun was so obvious. How come Jaehyun, himself never felt i? "Why not? Only stupid guys won't like you" He shrugs. That's right. You're stupid. You're hurting me now and yet, you don't know. And I wish you won't know.

This is much better. Watching you find your happiness. It's better than being far away from you. I wanted to witness you find your happiness. Even if it's hard. "Jaehyun, after your marriage, did Huan agreed to have child already?" I ask out of curiosity. "We never really talk about it but if it ever happen, that would be good and besides, if it happen, we can't do anything about it" He smiles. Jaehyun as a father. It's a good view. He would be a good father.

"But I think, Huan is the type to not want to have a baby" He let out a deep sigh. I really don't want to admit it but Huan takes extra good care of her body. She probably won't like to carry a baby and walk around with a huge tummy. "She takes care of herself so much. She won't even touch anything without cleansing it. I find it annoying sometimes but it's one of her flaws that I like"

"I really don't know what to say" I admits. I should be careful of my words. "I should go to-" Oh. Sicheng is sleeping in my room. "You're sleeping here? I'll go now" He smiles standing up. I watch his back fade before breathing out. I didn't know I was holding in my breath.

I fold the blanket I used carrying it back to my room. I quietly open the door getting in. Sicheng was fast asleep so I hurriedly put the blanket on the chair next to the bed before leaving the room.

Today is the start of the photoshoot. I grab the paper bag that I left at the living room getting the white top and the jeans. I go to the bathroom at the kitchen taking a shower. Afterwards, I put on the clothes going back up to the room.

I spray my perfume all over my figure grabbing the comb. "What time is it?" Sicheng blabbers. "Almost 8. You should get ready" I answers. He nods grabbing his phone. I continue to comb my hair going to the cabinet. I get my knitted jacket putting it on. "Where did you shower? You should've woken me up" He sat up. Now that he's sitting, I did not notice that he's half naked. "Downstairs. The bathroom down there is probably pack so use this bathroom here"

"Can you get me my clothes?" He asks. "Alright" I stand up. I leave the room going to his which is just across mine. I slowly open the door, peaking. "Excuse me" I calls. "Come in" Taeil said. I walk in closing the door behind me. "I just came to get Sicheng's clothes" I go straight to Sicheng's walk in closet.

I remove the hanger of his button down. I get the pants and the blazer. I also did not forget to get his neck tie and watch. I grab one bag of his undergarments exiting the room.

I jump down the stairs going to the kitchen. "Morning" Jaehyun and Yuta greets. "Morning" I open the fridge getting a bottle of water. "Jaehyun, has the equipment arrive?" I ask. "Oh. Right. Yeah, they're getting it down from the truck" He smiles. "Is Rijin really the photographer?" Yuta points at me. "Surprise?" I reply. "Not really" He smiles at me.

"Rijin, this is Taejun. He would help you today" I bow at the guy which he returns. "Hello, I'm Han Taejun. I'm 25" He introduces himself properly. "I'm Kang Rijin, 23" I respond. "Then, should we start fixing everything?" He asks. "Oh yeah, that would be good"

I put all the flowers at the flower as design while Taejun fix the background. The designing of the set did not took long so once we're done we starts right away. "Mr. Jung, we need to have the bride on stand by" Taejun approach Jaehyun. "Ah right, I'll go call Huan. One second"

The photoshoot last for whole two hours before we call it a day. I slide through the photos I took, Jaehyun and Huan look so good together. No one could deny it. Even I. The rest of them look good also.

"Rijin, come here please" Huan calls. I put down the camera on the couch following Huan inside the kitchen. "I wanted to cook for Jaehyun, can you teach me?" She smiles. "Sure, is there any specific dish you want to cook for Jaehyun?" i asks. "Yeah, feta pasta" She name an unfamiliar dish. "I...I don't know that. I'm sorry" I apologize. "Oh"

In the end, Huan did it herself since I don't know what she's talking about. I get back up in my room, Sicheng is still inside. "Go back to your room now" I said. "No, they're still there. Besides, don't you think it's time for us to have our very own time?" He wiggle his brows watching every move I make. "Why would we need our own time?" I rest my hand on my waist. He stood up approaching me until he's just a step closer.

"Rijin, we're old enough, let's do it"

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