Miss Romanoff - natasha x fem...

By moonlightmagic25

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Y/N is halfway through college. She hated it there and couldn't wait to get out and live in the world. Englis... More

Chapter 1: Black Stilettos
Chapter 3: Blood Red
Chapter 4: Sweet Melody
Chapter 5: Champagne fantasy [part 1]
Chapter 6: Champagne fantasy [part 2]
Chapter 7: Yes Miss
Chapter 8: City
Chapter 9: coincidences
Chapter 10: Take control
Chapter 11: Layer by layer
Chapter 12: Friend or foe
Chapter 13: Keep your secrets close and your bodies closer
Chapter 14: let them watch

Chapter 2: Distractions

7.2K 188 303
By moonlightmagic25

(Disclaimer: the characters in this are not meant to be exactly like their mcu character. Themes from the films and the characters will of course occur but not everything is the same) 


It had been a week since Miss Romanoff arrived at my college. Everyday she would look at me and then back at the board and then back at me. It was infuriating.

Like offering money to someone and then snatching it away before they have chance to take it.

After sitting down I waited in silence for the lesson to start, and after less than a minute there she was.

"Today we are learning about the use of emotion through text" she announced entering through the door.

She was wearing a tight black dress with heels and a black blazer. The dress hugged her curves a little too perfectly allowing me to study her body in more detail than usual. Normally she wore tapered trousers and a blouse so this was unexpected.

After giving us our task I sat there for a while staring at the paper in-front of me. The words melted together confusing me and I felt myself getting frustrated. I rested my head in my hands giving up.

I heard the click of a heel approach my desk and I looked down through my hands to see black stilettos beside my leg. My body tensed at the distance between me and her. Slowly she moved around the the back of my chair and leant over my shoulder so her mouth was inches away from my ear.

"Having a little trouble" she whispered, making sure only I could hear.

"What do you think" I replied . The touch of her breath on my skin sending shivers through my body.

"I think you need to relax and focus" she breathed, placing her right hand on the edge of my shoulder gently. My heart pounding against my chest as she rubbed her thumb into the muscle of my shoulder slowly so only I could see and feel.

"See me after class and I'll help you". Her face was so close to mine I had to cross my legs in an attempt to regain my conscious.

The rest of the lesson seemed to drag on for eternity as I sat tapping my foot on the floor.

The bell rang and once again a pile of people flooded into the corridor leaving me alone with her.

"Y/N you can't just sit there and do nothing almost every day" Her sudden comment bringing me back to reality.

"I know I don't mean to it's just a little confusing" I admitted, picking at my fingernails.

"Well your 19 not a child as you've made very clear to me..." she paused and smirked to herself at the comment I made only a week ago. "It's not high school anymore, this is real life and sadly you have to work hard to get things you want. Do you understand" she asked leaning on the edge of her desk.

"Yes I do. And Im trying, I apologise if the work is not something I understand" I scoffed. Did she really think she could assume I was sitting there because I felt like it. She has nerve ill give her that.

"Are you free on Wednesday evenings?" She asked twirling a pen through her fingers.

"Yes" I replied.

"Ok meet me in here after class on Wednesday and I'll help you with the work and since I'm giving up my time to help you, ill need something in return." She glared at me from the edge of her desk.

Unconsciously my eyes fell to the small slit in the side of her dress that had risen up the side of her thigh due to the fact that her legs were crossed.

"Something more important than your education?" She asked.

"Uh no sorry, what do you want"

"Excuse me!"

"In return.. what do you want In return" I corrected myself looking back up to her face with hesitation.

"You ought to think about how you word things. Anyway, I know about your knowledge on criminals and psychology and I have something I need to do in New York and I think your information could be useful." She said quietly.

This was the last thing I expected her to say yet it intrigued me.

"Wait how do you know about my knowledge on that" I asked suddenly.

"I read up on all my students before teaching them Y/N, don't think your special. Besides your Dad works for the FBI so I assumed you'd have picked up on stuff. You took psychology at school yes?" She asked getting up of the edge of her desk.


"And you know more about criminals than most people yes?" She asked giving me a certain look. I could feel my heart pounding and my palms sweating. 

'What was she implying, did she know more about me than I thought'

"Yes" I tilted my head upwards to face her before walking over to her desk and sitting in the same spot as her.

"I need you to come to New York with me and help me find someone" her voice was lower now and she walked over to the desk practically trapping me in beside her legs.

"Miss Romanoff this is highly unprofessional, you need me to help you with personal matters" i chocked.

"And you need help with English, it's pretty fair if you ask me." The room fell silent and it was just the two of us staring into each other's eyes.

'Was this how Carol acted around Mr Rogers or was it different?"

"So will you help me?" She asked.

My leg was shaking so she reached her hand out and placed it on my thigh. She moved her thumb up and down gently. Shaking my leg had been a habit I'd had for a while, I don't know why it started but it did and it annoyed me. Surprisingly the touch of her hand on my body seems to cause the shaking to subside.

Although it wasn't strange for teachers to comfort students with physical contact the thoughts rushing through my head were not ones a student should be thinking.

"Fine" I said. Her hand was still on my thigh.

"See you tomorrow miss Y/L/N" She said tucking a piece of red hair behind her ear causing me to get a glimpse at the many silver piercings she had.

I made my way of the desk and over to the door before realising I'd dropped my notes. I made my way over to them and went to pick them up but as I did she reached down and gathered them at the same time causing our fingers to graze each other.

My heart stopped in my chest as goosebumps formed under the sleeves of my jacket.

"You dropped this" she smirked handing me the papers.

"Uh thanks" i stammered.

Before she could say anything I scurried out the door and over to my locker. My head fell back against the cool metal in release of the tension in my shoulders.

"Hey you good?" Carol asked bumping my shoulder.

"Yeah fine" i replied putting my folder away.

"How was your day"

I paused.

"Fine, you?" Me and Carol always made small talk after lectures. It was a way to get into a conversation before actually saying what we wanted to each other.

"Mr Barnes is so hot" she expressed lowering her voice.

"Oh so your over Mr Rogers then" I giggled linking her arm through mine.

"Yeah I had time to move on and now I have a new eye candy"

"Your ridiculous"

"So your telling me you weren't looking Miss Romanoff up and down all lesson" She laughed.

"I can appreciate an attractive person Carol without wanted to get in their pants. You and I both know if Mr Barnes tried to sleep with you, you'd let him"

"Yeah I probably would. But it would never happen that's why it's so fun to think about"

'Like I said I can appreciate beauty. That's it'

The day ended rather quick after that so I headed to work. I only worked at a local restaurant but it paid well enough.

After my shift ended all I wanted to do was go home and sleep.

On my way to the bus stop I couldn't help but think about why on earth Miss Romanoff needed me in New York and how did she know about my history.

The bus was delayed due to traffic so I decided to walk. Which was not a good idea.

10 minutes into walking and the sky rained hell on me. Cold, wet liquid seeped into my clothes and my hair leaving me freezing. The sky was pitch black by now and I had another 30 minutes to go before I was home.

"Shit!" I cursed wrapping my arms around my bag. I starting running in the direction of my apartment with the only think keeping me going, the idea of a hot bath.

A car pulled up slowly beside me on the road and began rolling its window down.

"Cold?" A voice asked sarcastically through the gap in the glass.

'Fucking wonderful'  i thought to myself.


Red hair peeked through the foggy glass as her face stared at me. I was wet and my hair was messy so this was not how I wanted her to see me especially when she looks that good sitting in her Mercedes.

"Obviously it's fucking raining" I yelled beginning to walk away.

"Language Y/N" She teased flicking her locks over her shoulder.

"It's out of college hours so you don't get to tell me what I can and can't say Miss Romanoff" i scoffed running a hand through my wet hair.

"Natasha" she said simply.


"Natasha. It's my name. Since we're out of school hours you don't need to use my last name" Her face curved a smirk as she mimicked my words back to me.

My body shivered in the cold of the rain with only a light jacket to cover me which like everything else, was soaked through.


I watched as Y/N shook in the cold and a sense of sympathy filled me. I'm not a monster I didn't want her to freeze to death. The opposite actually.

"Get in" i said looking at her.

"What, no" she scowled. I could tell she was cold and tired but I found myself wanting to mess with her. It was cute when she was mad.

'Cute in a friendly way obviously'

"Y/N you can't come to New York with me if you've died of hypothermia now can you. So stop being stubborn and get in the car"

"Fine" She huffed running over to my car door.

After a minute of silence she turned to face me slightly. "Thankyou" she said softly putting her bag under my chair.

"It's no problem, I have nothing to do tonight anyway and I saw you looking helpless in the rain and couldn't let your assignments get ruined"

"How generous of you" she laughed clearly starting to loosen up.

"Where do you live" I asked handing her a tissue to dry her face.

"Saint Anne's road in the apartment building" She informed fastening her belt.

"Ok thats not too far from here"


Of all the people who could pull up on the side of the road while I froze in the rain , it had to be her. The universe has it out for me I swear.

I could feel my body warm gradually as the heating from her car turned up. "What are you planning on doing after college?" She asked curiously.

"Travel I think. I'll have my grades and a job can wait for me when I get back but for now I want to see the world" I answered enthusiastically.

"I know a great village in Italy. If you pick the right spot you can see stars stretch out for miles against jet black sky. The town is filled with music and art and culture and when autumn comes around all the trees turn orange, matching with the tiles on the roofs. It's beautiful" She expressed, glancing at me briefly.

Her eyes twinkled in awe of the place she was describing.

It took everything in me not to say 'you're beautiful' in response to her last sentence but I pushed the urge aside.

"Maybe I'll stop off there on my way round... just for you" I teased before leaning my head against the glass to watch the rain.

Suddenly i felt a hand glide up the edge of my thigh, squeezing gently with her hand. My breath hitched in my throat as I fought desperately trying to keep my focus on the droplets gliding down the glass.

"You'd like it there" she whispered rubbing her thumb over my skin the way she had earlier today. "Miss Romanoff ?"

"Mhm" she mumbled addressing me.

"We're here" i said causing her hand to snap back beside her.

"Your welcome" she teased passing me my bag.

"Thanks, for the ride"

"It's fine although I expect you'll have your car next time" her expression returned to neutral as I reached for the door handle.

"I would if I had a car" I rolled my eyes. "Not everyone has money for a car"

She reached for her bag and pulled out one dollar.
"To save up for your car" she smirked handing it to me.

"Funny" I rolled my eyes to cover the hint of a grin forming on my lips. "Goodnight Miss Romanoff" I addressed before shutting her car door behind me.

"Full attention to my lecture tomorrow I hope" she called out through the window giving me a glare.

"Couldn't think of anything more interesting" I mocked before fumbling for my keys. By the time I'd found them her car was gone allowing the hill of air in my lungs to finally release itself.

I slumped up the stairs and through my door. I had a hot bath before going to bed. My dreams that night were... shall we say pleasant.


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