With Child - - **EDITED Aug 2...

By Jimjams79

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Newly weds Luke and Claire move into No. 6 Beech Close, the house has been empty for many year, the garden is... More

With Child
part two "The wardrobe"
Part 3 The Hospital
Part 4 The Relative's room
First day at work
Good News / Bad News


326 3 5
By Jimjams79

Part 5

***Dedicated to my good friend Kas or as I call her Kasmacdoo as we go on paranormal investigations together and we call them Scooby Doo nights x x x***

How did I get here, I was stood in the living room of our new house, but look at the furniture. It well it looked like I had walked into one of them houses they do up as a museum piece. I saw a newspaper on the table. I picked it up and read the date 5th October 1936, the headline read "The Jarrow Crusade". I read on. "A group 200 men from the north-eastern town of Jarrow marched 300 miles to London. They wanted Parliament, and the people in the south, to understand that they were orderly, responsible citizens, but were living in a region where there were many difficulties, and where there was 70 per cent unemployment". Whoa I remember doing something about it in history, what the hells going on, 1936? Wow that means this house had only been built a couple of years, I don't get this its freaking me out.

I know its some kind of joke isn't it "oh very good you got me. Where are the cameras". I head the front door open and thought hear they coming with the film crew, but it was a man and woman and they where dressed in well period clothing. They walked in laughing, he was hugging her holding her tummy as he did, she was pregnant, just like me. I looked down at my tummy, what! Wait am not pregnant? How? Why? The man walked up to the fireplace and lit his pipe. He then walked over to the coffee table picked up the newspaper I had just been read and picked it up and sat down. I could smell the pipe, the smoke made me cough, but he never looked up. The woman had walked into the kitchen. I followed her in, she was busy making what looked like dinner. "Hello". I said, but nothing. "Hello excuse me". She just carried on, I was about to call again, but I eyes where drawn to the back garden. It was like looking at an allotment. There were rows of cauliflower and sprouts and a line of canes all crossed at the top with runner beans growing up them. I tried again I coughed and cleared my throat. "Excuse me. I would like to talk to you".Iit was like I wasn't there? I didn't understand?

After standing there for a few minutes watching her. As I didn't know what else to do. She washed her hands, dried them and walked out of the kitchen. I followed her. She walked upstairs and in to the bathroom, I was half way up the stairs and froze. No no no it couldn't possible be, no way, there's no way it could be. The wardrobe wasn't there, but in it place, oh in its place was, I held my hand up to my mouth in disbelieve.

End of Claires POV


Luke POV

I glance back at Mary and Terry and we followed Tammy into a very quiet ward, well quiet of voices but not beeps and buzzers. The nurses sit at the nurses station in the middle of the ward followed us with their eyes. Tammy stopped at the foot of one of the beds and look at us, we walked closers so we could see. Mary gasped and held her hand to her mouth when she saw Claire, she paused and then ran over to Claire and grabbed her hand and fell to her knees holding it and sobbing. I looked at Terry and he stood there staring looking paler then ever. I wanted to take a step closer, but my feet wouldn't move. I just stared, I had wanted to see Claire for so long and now I could I just couldn't walk up to her. I felt a gentle hand on my back, it was Terry, he looked at me. "Your wife needs you". He whispered and encouraged me to step forward, I walked to the other side of Claire from her mum, and took hold of her hand, I immediately let go, she was so cold it was as if she was dead. Her mum looked at me puzzled, I took Claire hand again and rubbed it was both hands to try and warm her up. She had a pipe in her mouth, wires stuck to her body, drips attached to her arms and bandages and dressing all over the place, her face was all swollen. I just sat there and silently cried, praying, wishing I could turn back time.

The nurses let us sit with Claire for over three quarter of an hour. In that time they had checked obs twice and told us she was comfortable and stable. I glanced over at the clock it was nearly three I the morning, I let out a yawn and Terry noticed. "You look tired". He said, I nodded. "Lucky you don't have to work tomorrow". Oh shit, work! Oh no! Terry must have seen my face change. "Oh Luke, should you be at work tomorrow?" I took my right hand from Claire and rubbed the back of my neck and then looked up at Terry. "I should be" I sighed "They called me this, well, yesterday morning, saying they had a major problem and needed me to sort it before the weekend. I will have to call them and tell them I cant make it". Terry looked even more concerned if that where possible. "Well how does that leave you on the job front? If you don't go in on your first day?" I looked at Terry. "To be honest Terry, right at this moment I couldn't give a damn" and closed my eyes.

Tammy came over. "Am sorry ma lovelies, but am going to have to ask you to leave, now as its very late, and we need people to have their rest, you included". She gave me a little smile, in which I returned. We all said our good byes to Claire telling her we will see her tomorrow, I kissed her on her forehead, her mum kissed her hand and her dad did the same. We thanked Tammy again for all her help, and walked out of the ward. I turned and took one last look at Claire and walked out on to the corridor and screwed up my eyes, I had not releasing how dimly lit the ward was compared to the corridor. As we followed the signs saying way out I turned to Mary and Terry.

"You will come back to ours wont you?"     

"Oh love, we cant impose on you, we will find a hotel"

"Mary its 3 in the morning, it make sense, come back to ours and sleep in our bed"

"Oh we cant take your bed. Where are you going to sleep?"

I half laughed. "Don't worry about me. I don't think I will get much sleep, I will settle on the sofa and doze there".

"Are you sure."

I nodded

"Very well then" Terry said. "That's very kind of you."

We walked out to the cars and the cold cut through me, I began to shake uncontrollable and I flashed back to the last time I felt like this. I was in handcuffs. I had arranged to meet Terry and Mary at the exit of the car park as we where parked in opposite directions. I started the car and headed home.

I kept checking my rear view mirror to make sure they where still behind me. It wasn't difficult to follow me as there were very few cars on the road and most of them where taxis. I turned into our cul-de-sac and pulled up outside our house. The street was in darkness, just the orange glow of the four street lights. I waited for them to pull up behind me before I got out of the car, I didn't want to go into the house on my own.

We walked silently to the front door, I put the key in to the key, and paused I didn't want to turn the key. I didn't want to go in to the house, not without Claire, not knowing Claire was laid in a hospital bed unaware of what was happening. "Come on son, it cold out here" Terry whispered leaning a hand on my shoulder. I turned the key and the door opened. I switch the light on and the first thing to greet me was the blood stained carpet and walls, the broken banister spindle and the empty dressing packs the ambulance staff had left behind.

Mary gasped again and Terry shook his head. "Am sorry you have to see our house like this." I said. "Oh my dear it okay, don't you worry. I will have it all tidied up in the morning." Mary said. Terry looked upstairs. "Is that what caused all this then." He nodded toward the wardrobe, the door stayed open. "Yeah that's it." I sighed.

"Come on there nothing more that can do done tonight, it's a new day tomorrow lets start it with fresh eyes"

That was easier said then done, but bless her, Mary was trying.

"I will show you where we will be sleeping, do you want a drink or anything?"

"No you're ok dear."

"Okay then its just up there."

I walked up the stairs, my knees felt weaker with every step. Once again my mind flashed back, to the night events, I made it to the top and gentle closed the wardrobe door to, allowing easier passage for Terry and Mary.

"Well this is where you will be sleeping, sorry about all the boxes and the bathroom is just there." I pointed where the bathroom is. "And am just going to grab a blanket" I walked into the bedroom and looked through a few boxes, until I found the one with the blanket and sheets in. "Well night." They said. "Good night" I said back and Mary gave me a kiss on the cheek. "We will get though this Luke, Claire will get better." I smiled and left them to get ready.

I walked on to the landing, my eyes fixed on the wardrobe and made way downstairs. I walked into the room and sat in the armchair. I rubbed the back of my neck and closed my eyes, but I could sleep. My mind was to busy, so I got up and went in to the kitchen, picked up the bucket and placed it in the sink. I filled it with hot water and cleaning liquid, I found a cloth and sponge, once the bucket was full I took it in to the hall and started cleaning it.

***only a short chapter but I wanted to upload something : ) please vote comment and share***

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