Bitterly, Sweetly

By minifantasy

791 10 14

Love overcomes all is what Kim Namjoo lives by, but maybe not this time. For one thing, it's not her boyfrien... More

The Big Thing
The Bad Guy
Guilty Pleasures
Jealousy Bites
A Line
Left to Right
Phase One
It's Bitter
Sweet Love
Illusion vs Reality
The Maybes
Sour & Sweet
Without Words
Cant Be Choosy
It Is What It Is
Epilogue: Sweet Now


23 2 3
By minifantasy

Namjoo didn't really confirm, but she had covered his hand and shared the bed with him that night.

His mom was up first the following morning. If she knew he hadn't slept in his room the previous night she didn't say when she saw him walk into the kitchen. Her tall boots were placed parallel by the door that morning, meaning she'd gone to check on the chickens, and just returned.

Making no comment Sehun strode right over to make himself coffee.

"Is she still asleep?" his mother asked, head inside the fridge.

"She's not used to being up this early." Sehun told. Didn't need to look at the clock displaying 5:30AM on the stove.

"Are you usually up this early?" she inquired shutting the fridge door, a bundle of greens in her arms and a package of eggs in her hands.

"I just happen to be."

"She seems a nice girl." Setting the ingredients on the island she swiveled to grab a bowl as the coffee machine hummed.

"I'm going to marry her." Sehun announced. Didn't turn to confirm his mom was looking at him, see if she was wide-eyed or near tears. "I'm going to relocate to Jeju. Will you lend me money?"

Striding right over she put her arms around him. Stroking the back of his head with one hand, the other around him.

Placing her head on his shoulder, her voice trembled joyously, "Yes, yes. Anything my son."


"What? Did something happen?" Namjoo whispered in a hushed voice after breakfast when his sniffing mother shooed them away from the kitchen. Her eyes had been red the entire breakfast Namjoo had feared speaking, sharing concern. Didn't want to push into Sehun's mother's problems, so she'd not offered any word. Strange, because the entire time Sehun had been calm as a bull.

Gripping her hand, Sehun dragged her toward the driveway.

"You're just going to leave your mother?" she called out incredulous.

"She's fine." Sehun muttered unlocking the rented car. Pulling her toward the open passenger door, he gestured with his head for her to get in.

Clicking her tongue, Namjoo stared at the beautiful home doubting Sehun the entire time. Getting into the car she waited.

"What are you doing?" She interrogated when he jumped behind the wheel.

Cunningly grinning, all he offered was, "I'm taking you to the pond."

As the engine revved, he rolled down the windows and drove down a straight winding road that ran for miles. They passed sparse hills fluttering with swaying tree branches tinted greener than they were by the flash of the sun. The heat poured through the windows sweeping past her face and then away.

After about five minutes, gravel crunched as Sehun pulled over to the side of tall green grass. Getting out she followed him through the maze of wild green recognizing the guzzle of water up ahead. There was no shade here so she was started to sweat under an open sky.

"You could have warned me," Namjoo muttered folding an arm up to block the sun from her eyes.

"You'll be cooler by the water." Sehun comforted.

Scowling she continued staying on his tail. True to this word there was a good breeze surrounding the giant blue pond, ripples sparkling beneath the light. Nothing but grass on the wayside. No sign warning of drowning or dangerous underwater species.

"Is it safe here?" Namjoo fearfully asked staying back in the grass.

"Just fish, but I don't think they've evolved to meat eating yet." Sehun informed.

Namjoo hit his arm. "That's not funny."

"Just fish." He assured.

"Then it's boring." Namjoo commented. "I've sight seed, can we go back? I'm worried about your mother."

He tugged her back when she started spinning around in the direction of the car. "Don't go."

Curiously eyeing him, Namjoo inhaled.

"I'm going to move out of the hotel room." Sehun announced snagging her full attention.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to relocate to Jeju."

"Is it your job?" Namjoo wondered.

"No. I'm going to quit."

"You're quitting?"

"I'm going to start over." Sehun let go of her hand, stared off into the far scenery of nothingness. "It's better for me to leave here. I want to go somewhere no one knows me, make new friends, begin anew."

"What about your family?" Namjoo felt her eyes widening, her heart racing over many possibilities; concern what his leaving actually meant.

"I don't really have family." Sehun answered.

"What are you talking about? You're just going to leave your dad," she hesitated to add Chanyeol then thought better not to, "and your mom?"

"Mom has her business. She won't leave. She's rooted to the land and is determined to be buried on this land, where her parents and her grandparents, and ancestors are." Sehun explained. "I don't even know my dad. He's just a man to me, forced to acknowledge me because I'm not a daughter, but a son."

Namjoo's heart went out to him. Touching his hand, "Sehun..."

"You said you'd grant me a wish." Sehun reminded. Facing her he continued, "My wish is to hear your answer."

The landscape wasn't even that impressive, but the sunlight shone strongest here. Where the water calmly traveled nowhere farther than the circle it was created in, Namjoo felt like she'd gone no farther than beyond Sehun's presence. As the ripples flowed so did the slight breeze. Namjoo watched it ruffle through Sehun's hair combing it backwards. Saw the distinct light in his eyes and thought he was the most handsome person she'd laid eyes on.

If they'd bonded in college, would they have gotten married by now? As Sehun reminisced before on the beachside, they shouldn't have wasted time. She wouldn't have met Chanyeol. She would have gone straight into Sehun's arms.

Even though they weren't far apart, she bumped into him forcing him a step back. Tightly embracing him, she buried her face into his shoulder. "I'll come with you."

Sehun squeezed her in his arms then withdrew. "Are you sure? What about your job? Your parents?"

Namjoo shook her head. "I like my job, I do, but it doesn't mean leaving here won't give me opportunities there. I also want to try new things; maybe join a school, teach children music and dance, write plays for them. But more than that, Sehun, I want to have a future with you. I know it's a rash decision, but I've never felt this way before. I want to be with you. If you want to start over over there, I'll come with you, because I believe in you."

His lips quivered a bit and she thought she saw tears swell in his eyes before he hugged her again, cackling as he spun her in a fast circle.

When her feet landed on even ground again, she heard, "I love you," before he ultimately kissed her.

Her eyes rounded taken by surprise. Cupping his face her eyes trickled with wetness. "I love you, too."


His mother was enthralled when they returned. As if sensing what had gone down, she smirked his way.

That evening as he prepared for bed, she knocked on his door. Sehun had always thought his mother was a woman to look after herself, and she was, but looking closely she'd aged in the past few years. Streaks of gray were marring her once silky black hair. Exhaustive lines had made her cheeks saggy, the corner of her eyes weary.

It was the greatest shame she'd never wanted to remarry. Any man would have been lucky to have her, if she just opened her heart. Why she had to give birth to a wealthy man's son was beyond Sehun's understanding. Without him she could have always fared better, and for that he would always be sorry for the way she'd become, the lifestyle she'd chosen.

"I have something for you." Entering his room with short but fast strides, she sat at the edge of his bed. His gaze landed on the old-fashioned flowery blouse she was wearing, recalling days when younger he'd burrow his head there for comfort.

"What is it?"

Passing over a bank book, she explained, "I've been saving it since you were a young boy. I know you feel you've never been like other boys, but I hope you can stop feeling that way."

Accepting the book, he flipped the cover over feeling his eyes inch wider when he saw all the zeroes following a single digit.

Touching his hand ever so gently, her voice trembled, "Mom is so sorry, Sehun. This is all I can do for you."

Sniffing, he reached a hand up to wipe his eyes. Blinking quickly to withhold any coming tears his head jerked as emotions flooded him.

From a young boy to an adult, he'd always held anger inside him. Blaming his mom in the process for bringing him into this kind of complex life when he never asked to be born. And he was so sorry having felt the way he did.

When night finally fell in and the moon had made it high into the sky, he left his room. This time, Namjoo's door was unlocked. She was sleeping on her side facing the door, as if waiting for him. When he crept into bed her eyes opened.

Sliding lower he hugged her burying his face into the high of her chest inhaling the scent of her. Namjoo naturally wrapped an arm around him, her palm landing on his back just right.

"Hmm?" she asked.

"Nothing." He told.

They basked in the quiet. He thought she'd fallen back asleep until she spoke again.

"I'm going to talk to Chanyeol when we get back," Namjoo shared. "I told him, there are things I need to say. He's going to be angry. He's going to blame you. He'll probably hate us for hurting him."

"I know."

"I don't want to hurt him, Sehun." Namjoo's voice dropped. "He's such a good person, I hate to put him through this."

"I'm sorry." Sehun apologized. "You have to."

Drawing her arms around him some more, she pulled him closer.


"Call me?" Sehun asked.

On the drive into the city their hearts had been filled with dread and at the same time, cheeriness, because they'd a future to look forward to. Together. The whole way Namjoo's nerves had frayed.

Sehun had brought her suitcase to her place refusing to let her come back alone even if she had refused his assistance. He was probably exhausted from all the driving. She wanted him to quickly rest before returning to work, but here he was. In her apartment with her.

"I will." She promised feeling so loved and cared for wrapped in his secure arm.

"I hate to leave you." Giving her an eskimo kiss he lovingly stared into her eyes.

Breathing a laugh Namjoo grinned. "You should get back before you get a fine for returning the car late."

"Fine." Backing away he released her. Giving her a peck, he fingered her hand, "Call me, remember."

Namjoo waved and finally closed the door. She spent the hour unpacking placing her toiletries to their designated places. When she came across the yellow toothbrush in her bathroom she smiled. Someday she and Sehun's toothbrushes could sit together in a cup. They'd wash up together in the mornings and go to bed every night.

The imagery was so sweet her hear fluttered maddeningly.

Reality-wise, she showered and went back out because she needed food. The convenience store nearby was lively when she entered. Taking her time, she browsed the aisles for her general pick of available choices. Namjoo also dumped some junk food into her basket. Right on the other side she spotted pregnancy tests arranged by brand. Her eyes hovered over them to the assortment of various stationary beneath then back up.

A question mark floated above the roof of her head. She may not need it. Her period had arrived on time last month, had ended faster than normal. And it was late this month.

Her eyes bounced back to the stationary back up to the tests.

Did she need it?

On impulse she dumped one into her basket and rushed to check out. On the trek back to the apartment her heart hammered behind her ribs. Some kind of foreboding was following her. She was being foolish. All this time she'd been careful and not a single accident.

She was going overboard. No need to worry.

Tossing the bag onto her kitchen table she paced the room uneasily. She had always trusted Sehun. She had always trusted herself. Namjoo laughed out loud to reverse her freak out session, but honestly, she was getting psyched.

She was such a twat!

Reaching for her phone she dialed Sehun's number, held it to her ear, and chewed her nail while waiting for him to pick up.

"Are you so anxious you couldn't wait for me to call first?" Sehun jeered jokingly.

Palming her face, Namjoo sucked in a breath. "Nothing...just..." the emotion of panic overrode her, "what took you so long to pick up?"

"I was in the shower." Well, that justified it. "Did you miss my voice? Should I come over?"

"No, no." Shutting her eyes Namjoo leaned against the counter. "Don't come. You should be resting."



"Then," he paused, "did you call because you couldn't wait for me?"

Namjoo scoffed, shooting, "No."

"I see." He coolly replied. "Then, goodbye."

"No, Sehun, wait!" she called out despite being aware he was pulling her leg.


Anxiety walloped through her. "Sehun."

"What is it?"

"I miss you." She blurted and wanted to whack herself. It wasn't what she wanted to say.

He chuckled. "I miss you, too."

"Actually...actually, there's something else I need to tell you." She trailed on.

"Is it the same thing you need to tell him?" He was back to being playful.


"What is it?"

Namjoo's focus drifted over to the bag on the table. Her mouth opened to answer, but her attention jumped to the corner where on the other side the doorbell was chiming.

"What was that?" Sehun sounded alarmed.

Namjoo waited. Listened to the bell ring again. Only one person came to mind.

"I have to go." She lowered her voice.

"Is someone at the door?" Sehun asked.

"It's Chanyeol." Namjoo told. "Look, I'll call you back, ok?"

"You better. I'll be waiting." Sehun tersely added.

After hanging up her phone burst back to life. It was Chanyeol calling. Impatient to see her, talk to her. Setting the mobile onto the kitchen table as she passed, she went to deal with reality on the other side.

Today, it had to be today.

"I saw your car downstairs. I thought you might not be home." Chanyeol started.

"This is a surprise." She remarked letting him in.

"Why's it a surprise when it's your boyfriend?" Slipping out of his shoes he walked in. "I'm not the first person you want to see on your day back?"

"Of course, that's not what I meant." Namjoo grappled her hands together nervous. "You want something to drink?"

Skidding right over to the cupboard she reached for a glass. Also, hearing Chanyeol rummage through the convenience bag on the table to sort her purchases.

"So, you were out," he murmured. "What kind of stuff did you buy?"

"Just junk, you know. I was tired. Didn't want to drive anywhere," Namjoo rambled as she pulled the fridge open. "Have you eaten?"

When there was no reply she closed the fridge, turned, and saw the man she'd been dating holding the pregnancy test she'd bought. Her mentality went into haywire mode. Namjoo's throat went dry as his eyes swam up to her, inquiring for answers.

"What is this?"


Darkness glazed over his eyes. "Why do you have this?"

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