Trapped but Together

By Zals46

42.3K 766 863

An Umbreon and Sylveon are both trapped on an Island with no way off while at the same time trying to deal wi... More

Realization Pt.1
Realization Pt. 2
Realization Pt.3
What's a Kiss
Would you Snuggle or Cuddle?
A Great Night
Pin to the Wall
In the Waterfall Pt. 1
In the Waterfall Pt. 2

To the Waterfall

1.5K 21 26
By Zals46

She moves one of her ribbon feelers around Umbre neck and yanks him away from the cavern wall and leans backwards pulling Umbreon with her.

She didn't let go of the kiss since she doesn't want it to end anytime soon. Once she fell into the grass her hind legs wrap around Umbre hips while the kiss got very deeper even as Umbre whine a little to pull away.

Her paws are still wrap around his neck and struggles to keep him where he is.


As his struggle got weaker he dug his hind paws in the grass and tried to pull away for air, oxygen is that important but it seems Sylvia has strong lungs.

"Sylvia mmmmph I need air mmmph" he said moving his head for a brief moment before his lips are kiss on again.

Hearing that he needs air she pull away to breath air into her lungs too but didn't let go of Umbre keeping her body wrapped around him tightly.


He looks at Sylvia whose looking at him and looks away blushing very red but feels her paw on his cheek as they make eye contact again.

Quietness surround the two Eeveelutions even though the waterfall roaring the only sound nearby.

The fairy Eeveelution leans up and gave him a sweet kiss on the lips as he returns it.

"I love you Umbre"

"I love you too Sylvia"

"So, you ready to go over to the waterfall?"

"Waterfall?" He replied tilting his head wondering what she meant.

She move her body up a little giving him another kiss on the lips as she points to the waterfall nearby.

"That waterfall"

He looks over at the waterfall for a moment before looking back at Sylvia.

"What about the waterfall"

She gives him another kiss on the lips.

"I wanna go over behind the waterfall with you"


"You'll see Umbre plus I still gotta give you your punishment"

He starts to get off of her but her body is kept tight around him and she even wraps two of her ribbon feelers.

"Are you gonna give it to me right now?"

"Not until we get behind the waterfall" she chirp happily and rolls her body over with him to another pile of bushes as she's on top of him staying wrap around Umbreon as she begins to kiss him deeply on the lips again.

He struggles to get free from Sylvia while returning the deep kiss as he moans feeling her body move along his again but he does return it.

"Well mmmmph mmmmm when can we go mmmmph to the waterfall mmmmm"

She ignores him and continues kissing him deeper and deeper on the lips as she rub her body along his a little more even as she press their faces together in the kissing.

"Sylvia" he whined before letting out a moan otblushing very red from the rubbing.

He struggle a little to get free but she kept him pinned while moan very happily and purring too.

"Why mmmmm can't we mmmmm go now mmmmmph mmmm mmmmm"

The rough vigorous kissing kept going as she lets a moan never separating since her mind is full of so many ideas of what Umbreon and herself could do together behind the loud waterfall.

She had so many to choose from, this definitely is going to be an exciting moment between the two of them.

"Sylvia mmmmph can't we mmmmph go mmmmph over to mmmmmph mmmmph mmmmm"

After some long minutes or maybe hours of their makeout session she wrap her ribbon feelers around Umbreon body fully and begins to drag him over to the large loud waterfall up ahead.

She left one free ribbon feeler to do as it please on Umbreon body earning some muffle approve which in reality he try batting it away.

The time has come to give Umbre his punishment and have their alone time together behind the waterfall.

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