When He First Realized

By MultiPassions

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Many people say that Portwell felt rushed from the start but in all reality it was sparked way before Season... More

His First Glance
More Realizations
Reality Kicks In
Bringing Her Home
Something In The Air Pt 1
Authors Note
Something In The Air Pt 2
New Year, New Relationships?
What If?
Weekend Getaway
First Read Through
Valentines Day Fluke
Payback 2.0
Carlos' Celebration
Not Meant To Be
Many More Tests
Showtime Pt 1
Showtime Pt 2


470 11 0
By MultiPassions

This is happening right after the bell rung for the next class. Everyone has gone to their classes and as expected, Gina did not show up to her free period class with Carlos and Sebbie leaving everyone to look for her in the halls.

From Carlos: To Everyone
Guys Gina is not in here, I'm starting to get so worried. What time do y'all want to meet in the hallways to look for her and where?

From Sebbie: To Everyone
Well for most teachers you have to wait like 15 minutes after class starts before you can leave. How does 1:20 sound for you guys? Me and Carlos are about to head out now so if you're able to get out sooner let us know. We will be meeting in the hallway that has the pretty bulletin board of the calendar on it.

From Nini: To Everyone
Yeah that's perfect. Today is a review day and my teacher really isn't teaching right now so I'm heading out right now to find y'all.

From Big Red: To Everyone
I'm coming too, I already finished all this craft work yesterday so I'm free to do what I want.

From Ashlyn: To Everyone
I have a test but nothing to worry about, I'll be done way before 1:20 because this stuff is way too easy. Ej are you still with us and breathing?

From Kourtney: To Everyone
He's with me right now and as forth breathing...not so much. He's holding his breath a lot and for long periods of times. I keep telling him to breath but he won't release until he feels like he's about to pass out. He will listen to me every now and then though. We gotta find this girl ASAP!

From Ricky: To Everyone
Give him a pat on the back for me and tell him we're gonna get through this and help him find his girl.

From Kourtney: To Everyone
Aww that's sweet, will do Ricky.

Everyone gets off their phones and put their plan into action. Carlos and Sebbie head out to go and find Nini and Big Red. Once together they decided to split up to cover more grounds. It would look real suspicious if they stayed in a group so this was their next best option.

Carlos: Ok guys, we need to split up. Look in any place you can think of and listen as well. I know her crying was how Ej found her after Lily got under her skin that day. Make sure to also be checking y'all's phones just in case someone needs to meet up and continue the search with us.

Nini: Ok got it, anyone want to take certain areas or are we just going to keep it random around the school just in case she comes to those areas after someone has already looked?

Big Red: I think we should keep it random, that's what I hear from other people when it comes to things like this.

Sebbie: Ok everyone. Ready Break! *everyone rushes off in their own directions*.

Carlos' POV

My poor poor Gina, this is the last thing she deserves in this world. The only good outcome I can think of that will come from this is how mad mother is going to be at Lily for hurting Gina like this. You're not supposed to hurt your cast mates, they are your family. Do I consider Lily family? F no but you don't see me going around kissing important people in her life. At least I can actually keep my cool when needed. I could easily stoop to her level and say she's gonna pay for this but I'm better than her. Karma will bite her in the ass someday.

Big Red's POV

Ok not gonna lie, that hit to the face with Gina's phone hurt a lot but I know it's nothing compared to the heartbreak Gina felt when she saw that video. I would've done the same thing if I were her so I'm not even mad. I know Lily has done some messed up things but even this is a new low for her. What did Gina even do to her besides that slap to the face? Last time I checked, a slap and a kiss doesn't really correlate with each other. I'll never understand the minds of evil people.

His phone beeps and it's a text from Ashlyn.

My Soulmate❤️
Hey I'm done with my test, where are you so we can meet up?

Big Red texts her back and heads to her classroom but while he was walking he heard faint sounds of crying but he couldn't pinpoint where they were coming from. He tried to follow it but then he heard nothing after awhile of trying so he gave up and found Ashlyn.

Big Red: Hey so while I was walking here, I heard faint crying coming from somewhere but I couldn't keep up with it. They sounded like Gina's.

Ashlyn: Ok this is good. Text the group chat so we can meet up in the area where you heard it because that is all we got so far.

Big Red: Ok got it.

From Big Red: To Everyone
Hey guys, I heard a faint sign of crying in one of the hallways. It was the hallway with the huge trophy case in the middle of it. Meet us there.

From Sebbie: To Everyone
Ok got it. We just met up with Ricky so he is ready as well.

Everyone goes to where Big Red told them to and for a second the cries are heard again.

Nini: *she whispers* hey guys listen.

Ricky: I hear it, seems like it's coming from *he looks around* a vent of some sort cause it's faint and quiet. If she was physically near, it wouldn't sound this echoey and that's a fact. What I'm getting from this is that she is still very far from us right now.

The cries stop.

Carlos: Ok well go and listen to each vent and see if y'all hear anything, and be quiet. If she's actually near one, we don't want to startle her to the point where she moves to an even harder hiding spot cause clearly she doesn't want to be found.

Everyone nods and takes a look at their surroundings. They still don't want to get in trouble by their teachers because to some of them, it can be considered skipping. Once they look and see that the coast is still clear, they all choose a vent and sit there. Big Red even tried to look through his since it was on the ground but no luck. That went up immediately. After five minutes of listening Sebbie hears it again.

Sebbie: *he motions everyone away from the vent before he says something* guys I definitely heard it in that vent but I have absolutely no idea where it leads to. You think the others might know?

Nini: Someone take a pic of it and send it to Ej, I know he did a lot of sneaking around whenever he was late for things and even though it didn't involve going through vents like a spy in the movies, he did learn a good bit about this school in the process of it all.

Carlos: On it *takes a pic and sends it to the group chat*.

From Carlos: To Everyone
Does this vent look familiar Ej? I'm taking an educated guess here by saying that I think it leads to maybe the auditorium...idk.

Few minutes later just Carlos's phone goes off.

Carlos: Hm that's weird, wonder why he didn't text in the group chat.

From Ej💪🏼
I know exactly what vent that is and where it leads to...

Carlos: Where does it lead to?

Ej: It leads to area around the special spot where I snuck and hid Gina on the day of our opening night in the gym. I remember because when we passed the vent a bunch of air blew on us and messed up Gina's hair a bit and we laughed about it. Also if y'all didn't notice, each vent gate has a different design on it. No two vents are alike. If you see two vents with the same cover in different areas then it is because they lead to each other and that's the vent I saw in that area on that important night.

Carlos: Wow, your attention to details at this school is absolutely crazy.

Ej: Well that's what happens when you've been here for almost four years. But besides the point, thank you for finding my girl. Now this is up to me to fix this.

Carlos: Are you sure you don't want us there? We will gladly back you up if needed.

Ej: I appreciate it but the space is pretty cramped with a bunch of stuff around it and no offense to Big Red but he can be kinda clumsy sometimes and I don't want her to hear something fall over then darts from the area never to be seen again. It already took y'all this long to find her, don't need to lose her again.

Carlos: Ok well at least let us stand guard just in case she bolts. Then we can catch her and you can continue explaining. Please Ej.

Ej: Ok I'll allow that. I'm about to head that way, go on and get everyone into positions. Two of y'all in front, two in the back, two of you on guard on both side doors, one on each side of the gym and the quietest one (Nini) will actually come with me and guard the exit from where I came from to get to the area. Sound like a plan?

Carlos: You got it!

Carlos updated everyone on the plan and now that Ej was actually able to pull himself together, Kourtney was able to get in on the plan too. She spent the entire time trying to calm him down and Ej appreciated that greatly. They all met up at the front doors of the gym and talked about who guarded what.

Ej: Ok to the gym has four entrances total. You can never tell which one she could possibly run to if I get caught so that's why it's important that we block all of them. Kourtney and Ashlyn, y'all block the two side doors. Ricky and Big Red, y'all block the back door. Sebbie and Carlos, y'all block the front. Nini you're coming with me to block the other door I go through to get to that area. Everyone know what to do?

Everyone: Yes.

Ej: Ok perfect. Thanks again you guys. For everything. I'm sorry I wasn't much help during the process of trying to find her.

Kourtney: Ej please, I've never seen a guy break down the way you did. I know from that episode I saw that you really care for Gina. And honestly with the way you were breathing, you probably would've accidentally given us up by breathing so loud *everyone laughs*. But for real though, you did what was best for you and now you're here about to do this hardest part of this entire plan. And we are here for you.

Ej: Thank you for the words Kourt. Well I'm about to head in, get into position and wish me luck *he crosses his fingers and walks in*.

Gina's POV

I've been crying for the last hour...I thought today was going to be one of the happiest days of my life. A day where I thought I could've finally enjoyed the holiday I started dreading the most since I started getting into boys. But what did I get instead...CHEATED ON! This makes no sense, literally moments before he left he was talking about how much he hated the idea of the kiss and now there he was kissing her. Did he ever love me to begin with? Was this just a facade the entire time? Just a set up to break my heart even more? Was he just pitying me because of my life story? So many questions that I don't want the answer to but I know I need them...

Back To Ej

Ej slowly opens the door to the area and luckily the door didn't creak this time. He motions to Nini to stay put and he goes inside. The area starts out big and gets smaller the further you go in. On the smaller side of the room is the entrance where he announced her in, he remembers it like it was yesterday. He creeped further into the room making sure he didn't step on anything that could crack because this room isn't exactly the cleanest. By the time he got to the middle of the room he was able to hear Gina crying and it absolutely shattered his heart. As he closed in on the area and slowly peeked around the corner, there she was. She was lying in a fetal position sobbing. Her face was not far from the vent as well. Her back was turned away from where Ej was standing so she couldn't notice him. He slowly walked up to her, kneeled down and caressed her side which then sent Gina in a quick spiral out of fear and shock. When she noticed it was him she tried to get away but Ej was already one step ahead of her and had already grabbed her fully around the waist.

Gina: LET ME GO!! *she shouts angrily while shaking violently trying to get out of his grasp*. WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU CH-.

Ej: GINA PLEASE IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK! LET ME EXPLAIN PLEASE *she's still shaking but grows tired after awhile of trying*!

Gina: *breaks down crying even more* why Ej..what did I do to you....do you even still love me? WAS THIS ALL PITY *she shakes again but doesn't do this for long before she went back into the fetal position but in Ej's grasp this time crying even harder*.

Ej: NO NOT AT ALL! I can explain everything please just let me *now he's crying*.

Gina turns to him and sees that he's crying as well so she actually gives him a chance.

Gina: Explain *she says cold heartedly while still crying*.

Ej: So after I left the lunchroom, just as I said, I was going to the bathroom. On the way out I bumped into Antoine and he freaked out cause he thought I was gonna bully him over that dumb reason. After I explained to him that nobody here does things like that I asked him if he knew where the lunchroom. He told me yes he did so we both started walking down. I kept my distance from him of course just like you said but that didn't stop him from telling me he had to do something first.

Gina: And what was that *she asked annoyed*?

Ej: He pepper sprayed me in the eyes and ran off...

Gina: *her eyes grew wide with the assumptions of where this could possibly be going* Then what?

Ej: Well even though this pepper spray didn't pack a huge punch pain wise, it really messed up my vision. All I could see was blurs of colors. Next thing I know, I thought I heard your voice. Like it sounded so clear. You or well Lily had called out to me. I answered and explained how I couldn't see anything then she was in front of me. She had done something to her face because it was the same shade as you along with your voice as well. It didn't help that she was wearing a shirt similar to yours and the same color...Gina please believe me when I say that I had no intention of this going down today. When my vision came to after the kiss and I saw that it was Lily in front of me...I never wanted to hit a girl more but I knew that wouldn't help my situation so I did the only thing I could do which was yell. But before I had the chance to yell that's when I got the notification on my phone. It was the video. It wasn't just sent to me, I appeared on Lily's phone at the same time. Thats when I was finally able to yell at her. She tried to pull it off by saying that the kiss was just a preview of what was supposed to happen in a matter of weeks but that didn't help. That's when I pushed her hard into the lockers and ran back to the lunchroom and considering the look on everybody's faces when I got there, that's when I knew the video got blasted to everyone in the school and I felt awful. Gina look me in the eyes right now and please tell me you believe me...I didn't want to kiss Lily...I went into that kiss thinking it was my amazing girl not a hideous she demon with a horrible kissing ability *Gina laughs*. See...that's what I love to hear. Gina I love you so so so much, the entire time while our friends were trying to find you I was having a mental break down with Kourtney by my side. I was forgetting how to breathe sometimes because I felt so awful about how today went down, especially on a day that is meant for love. She tricked me Gina...I'm so sorry about hurting you today...I know there is nothing I can do to take back that kiss but I'm hoping you can forgive me at least. I'm so sorry...

Gina: Honestly...that totally sounds like something Lily would do and as you're explaining this, things are starting to come together.

Ej: What do you mean?

Gina: So for the past few days whenever I've been chilling by myself whether it be in the library or even lunchroom with you guys, I would sometimes see flashes in the corner of my eyes. When I would look, I could never tell where it came from. But this had been happening ever so often and once it even happened directly in front of me and I still managed to miss what it was or who was taking the picture. Then two days ago I went to go check out this book and the librarian told me that I apparently had a secret admirer that loved looking at pictures of me. Our librarian is super old so I just took it as her brain telling her something crazy. But as you're telling me this, it's starting to make more sense. Lily must've taken pictures of me and did some type of editing to make my face look perfect and then printed it out. As forth my voice, I don't know if you've noticed but she always lingered close to us during rehearsals and when she was, she always had her phone up...she must've been recording me and put my voice together in ways that sounded like I was talking to you...she really has been planning this for weeks *she looks at Ej and sees that he's still crying and she pulls him into a hug*. Before you found me, I was thinking all of these awful thoughts about us and about me. I really thought you didn't love me but I should've known...that was absolutely crazy.

Ej: That is absolutely crazy because I could never not love you Gina Porter. Even when you're hurting you're still the smartest person I know. Look at you putting two and two together. How could I want to hurt someone as outstanding as you? I'm still so sorry about today. I hope you still want to be my Valentine...

Gina: *she pulls away from the hug* of course I do Caswell...I'm sorry I almost called you a cheater. I should've known you'd never do something like that to me on purpose. I was just so scared Ej. I've never had anyone like you in my life and I don't want to lose you.

Ej: *kisses her and it lasts for five minutes* I've been wanting to do that all day, your lips are always so warm when I kiss them. So full of love and life that is given to me every second my lips are on yours. Nobody could ever replace that feeling I get when I have you on me. That's how I figured out it wasn't you I was kissing. Hers were cold and hard but by the time I realized...it was already too late...*he looks down*.

Gina: *she lifts his head back up with her hand and looks him in the eyes* At the end of the day, I now know you never wanted to kiss her, at least that's what's I'm hoping *they laugh*.

Ej: Trust me I didn't, where is the mouthwash when you need it *they laugh again and Ej starts tickling Gina but they sadly get interrupted by the bell*. Ready to go to our friends?

Gina: Are they close?

Ej: Yeah, I uh had them guarding the gym doors just in case you saw me before I could talk to you and bolted out of here.

Gina: Well played Caswell. It's the fact that this has never happened before and you somehow still know my every move.

Ej: Just instincts *he smiles, grabs her hands and leads her to the door that Nini was guarding*.

Nini: Gina! *she runs up and hugs her* you guys she's back!

Everyone comes from their perspective doors and runs up to Gina.

Carlos: Girl don't ever scare me like that again! Legit thought you just disappeared into thin air. A performance like that belongs onnnn...

Gina: *she does jazz hands* Broadway!!

Carlos: That's right my sister *he hugs her again*.

Kourtney: Girl your man is something else during a breakdown, make sure you tell him to breathe the next time he has one because I swear he would've been dead if I didn't say breathe *everyone laughs*.

Gina: I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for looking after him while I was away.

Kourtney: Anytime G, we all gotta look out for each other. I'm just so glad this nightmare is over with. Now to real business...what to do with Little Miss Imposter. Yeah....that's right, she got a new name.

Ashlyn: I still want to know how exactly she fooled Ej.

Gina: It's a long story but to keep it short, she printed photos of me and put recordings of my voice together to trick Ej into thinking he was talking to me. Imposter is definitely the right word to describe what she is.

Nini: Ok she's sounding...like a damn sociopath!

Everyone agreed with this but sadly the day isn't over with yet. Yeah it's Valentines Day but that doesn't stop rehearsals from happening. The bell has rung, it is the end of the day and now everyone has to go and face the sociopath herself at rehearsals. Are they gonna expose her? Are they gonna keep it a secret? Or pretend the planned even worked...

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