When He First Realized

By MultiPassions

16.2K 307 140

Many people say that Portwell felt rushed from the start but in all reality it was sparked way before Season... More

His First Glance
More Realizations
Reality Kicks In
Bringing Her Home
Something In The Air Pt 1
Authors Note
Something In The Air Pt 2
New Year, New Relationships?
What If?
Weekend Getaway
First Read Through
Payback 2.0
Carlos' Celebration
Not Meant To Be
Many More Tests
Showtime Pt 1
Showtime Pt 2

Valentines Day Fluke

511 11 2
By MultiPassions

Yeah I Know I said I was gonna get off the episodes but this will be nothing like that episode if that makes sense. The drama is just beginning at this point, my heart is breaking cause I already know what's about to go down.

Gina's POV

Today is Valentines Day and for the first time in my 16 years of being alive, I actually have a Valentine that isn't my mother. No offense to her, I've always loved the things she got me, but they could never compare to me getting something from my actual lover ya know. Wow, I'm actually getting a lot of firsts this year and I couldn't be more happy. I wonder what Ej has planned for me. I plan on taking him to our special field again and eating out there. I saw a cute little canopy while Ej was carrying me. I don't think he noticed but that is the perfect spot for us to have the picnic. It's not directly on the ground so bugs won't have easy access to it and it's clean as well. I asked around to see if the land belonged to anyone and it did but they were very nice people. I told them what I wanted to do to see if they were okay with it and they were. Surprisingly they saw me and Ej the first time we came there. They saw him running after me and they heard us laughing so they knew I wasn't in danger. They told me they thought we were really cute. I'm so glad I got their blessing. They even volunteered to decorate it, I told them no but they kept insisting and after awhile I said yes. They showed me some of their ideas and I loved them so this is going to be a great day.

Gina gets out her bed, does some stretches and gets ready for the school day. As always she puts on her "Get Ready" playlist and off to the bathroom she goes. She wanted to dress cute for the occasion but at the same time be able to wear it to school without getting a ton of looks. After a few minutes of searching, she found exactly what she wanted to wear.

Gina's Outfit

Gina's POV

Well red does mean love so this will be perfect for today. I hope Ej likes it.

Gina walks out of her closet and she opens her room door and there was Ej standing behind it with a huge bouquet of roses, a bunch of Gina's favorite chocolates and snacks, a teddy bear with a picture of the two of them on its tummy, and two cards.

Ej: Surprise!! Happy Valentines Day Gina!

Gina: Oh my god Ej I don't even know where t-to start *she tears up*.

Ej: I have an idea.

He places the things down gently then pulls her into a kiss and she happily accepts it.

Gina: *she pulls away* Ej when did you find the time to get all these things?

Ej: Well some of the stuff I already had, trick was hiding them in places you wouldn't look or couldn't reach *he winks*. You got real close to finding the bear one day but I made sure you weren't going to *he laughs*.

Gina: Wait, was the bear on top of that shelf in your closet? The big bulging item I saw on top of it that came out of nowhere one day?

Ej: You guessed it. You being short saved that surprise for me *he laughs*.

Gina: Well played Caswell *she pulls him into another kiss which almost grew heated*.

Ej: *he pulls away* you know we have school right *he smirks*?

Gina: Don't remind me. It's hard to enjoy school like I used to.

Ej: Trust me, I'm the exact same way but you gotta give us some props for lasting this long though. Yeah it's only been a little over a month but it's been one long of a month.

Gina: True point. Thanks for always looking on the brighter side of things. I need to learn from you.

Ej: Hey, we learn from each other and believe me when I say that I learn things from you each and everyday *he kisses her*.

Gina: Really? I'm glad *she smiles then grabs his hand*. Ready to go?

Ej: Yes. Want to bring any of your snacks with you today?

Gina: Of course I do. Now I can think of you whenever I eat these in the future *they both smile*.

Gina grabs the snacks and the rest of her stuff and brings them to her room with Ej's help. She can't help but to stare at the stuff lying on her bed before Ej brings her back.

Ej: You okay? You kinda dazed out for a second.

Gina: I am better than okay Ej and as always *she stares him in the eyes* it's because of you *she tears up*.

Ej: Well I'm glad I'm able to do this for someone who is amazing and beautiful and talented and deserves the world and more *he caresses her face then kisses her forehead*. And may I just say, you look absolutely ravishing today.

Gina*blushes really hard because that was a new word* Thank you babe!

He grabs her hand and then they go to school.

At school.

They go to their usual lunch table to go and meet all their friends before school starts.

Ashlyn: Annnd there is the lovely couple of the hour. Happy Valentines Day to you guys. How does it feel this year Ej?

Ej: Different and it is the best different in the world when it comes to G.

Everyone: AWWWWW

Nini: I can't with you two sometimes. Even though saw it coming it's almost too good to be true cause y'all are just too perfect sometimes.

Kourtney: They are perfect...for each other. No more no less. Now give us the deets for the day. With Ej becoming a hopeless romantic all of a sudden I know he has something big planned.

Ej: Well if I did I wouldn't be admitting it with Gina around so that's gonna have to wait y'all.

Big Red: Well Slices has some pretty good Valentines Day deals so if y'all don't have anything planned, come and take advantage of that. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything for you Ashlyn. I promise to make it up to you.

Ashlyn: Biggie, you're doing something you love and making other people happy in the process. No need to apologize to me when it comes to those things. There are 320 more days left in this year that we can make the most out of and I can't wait for when we do *she kisses him*.

Everyone: Awwwwww!

Ej: Carlos, Sebbie, y'all got anything planned for today?

Carlos: Well I wanted to go to a nice resort for some massages because Sebbie has been working too hard on the farm lately but he told me *he points to him*.

Sebbie: I have two animals expecting and I have to be there for it.

Carlos: Can someone tell these animals to quit breeding PLEASE! These babies are basically stealing my boyfriend before they are even born *he whines*.

Sebbie: They should be here in a day or so if my calculations are correct. After that I am all yours I promise. Thanks for wanting to do this for me *he holds his hand and kisses it*.

Carlos: Of course, you're worth it and more. Just don't want my baby overworking himself. Everyone deserves a break every once in awhile.

Sebbie: And I can't wait to get that massage *he kisses him*.

Kourtney: God y'all got me feeling so alone over here *she whines*.

Big Red: What about you and Howie? I see the way y'all are at work.

Kourtney: Wahhhh th-that's ridi-ridiculous *she laughs nervously and snorts in the process*. Well would you look at the time *she looks at her wrist that has no watch on it by the way*, classes are about to start, got to go bye *she rushes off nervously*.

Gina: Seems like I have some manifesting to do as well. She has is baaddddd *everyone laughs*. What do you and Ricky have planned Nini?

Nini: Um I don't know yet, we kinda just go with the flow on a day like this and whatever happens happens.

Ricky: Yeah, it's always been like this and I like it that way. I do have a trick up my sleeve though.

Nini: Oh really? Ok this should be good then *she smirks*.

The bell rings and everyone goes their own ways. As always Ej walks Gina to her class but todays class got someone new. As they are walking in they heard someone with a French accent talking to Mr. M.

Ej: Looks like someone has a new potential friend. You're great with people G.

Gina: I don't know, I have a weird feeling about him. I can't put my finger on it but something tells me to keep an eye on him.

Ej: Well I say get to him beforeeee...*he sees the new student walk straight over to Lily*...annndd nevermind.

Gina: See? My feelings never lead me wrong. Think they already know each other?

Ej: I don't know, he walked over to her pretty confidently but she doesn't seem to happy to see him at the same time. Guess only time will tell with these two. Be careful though. If they are friends, I don't want them ganging up on you.

Gina: Don't worry, I'll keep you updated.

The school bell rings.

Ej: Shoot I'm late *he rushes out the room*!

Gina pouts since she didn't get her goodbye kiss but at the same time she understands. He then comes rushing back in and gives her the quick kiss she wanted.

Ej: Sorry, didn't mean to leave you hanging *they smile and he heads to class for real this time*.

Mr. M: Alright class, I'd like to start today by introducing our new foreign exchange student. Everyone say hello to Antoine. Antoine would you like to tell us more about yourself?

Antoine: Why yes of course. Uh hello everyone, my names Antoine. I am from France and I am excited to learn the ways of America. Excuse me for any mistakes I make with my words. Y'all have a lovely country *everyone says hi and then he sits down next to Lily*.

Mr. M: Alright everyone find a partner for this assignment. Sheets are up here, Lily do you mind helping Antoine with his first assignment?

Lily: No I don't mind at all *she smiles and grabs the sheets for the both of them*.

Lily: *whispers* great job fooling these suckers. With you by my side, all hell will break loose today.

Antoine: Um yes, so exactly what are we doing?

Lily: You'll see *she smiles evilly*.

45 minutes later the bells rings.

Ej comes in the room and is greeted by Lily.

Lily: Hey partner, ready for today? I've been hearing we are gonna be rehearsing the kiss today.

Gina's ears perks up when she hears this but she still minded her business while packing up the rest of her things.

Ej: No I haven't heard about that from anybody yet. Until I hear it from someone else I won't believe it *he looks at Gina*. Almost ready G?

Gina: *puts the last book in her backpack* yeah I'm ready, let's get out of here *Ej grabs her hand and they quickly walk off*.

Antoine: Are you in a play of some sort?

Lily: Someone hasn't been paying attention *she hits him*. Yes I'm in a play and got the lead. What I said wasn't true though. Just trying to get in their heads. I'm full of many mind games *they walk out the classroom*.

The bell rings, time for lunch.

The gang comes together and Ej is the first to out the question.

Ej: Carlos is it true that we are going over the kiss today during rehearsals?

Carlos: No, mother hasn't told me anything of the sort. We haven't even blocked The Mob Song yet, we have a long ways to go before we can even think about that kiss. If you don't know already, I'm actually trying my hardest to convince mother to take out the kiss. I know Gina can keep her cool for the most part but what about ME?! Last thing I want to see this Lily interfering with our beloved Portwell. Kourtney and Nini didn't manifest y'all into existence just for another pair of lips to kiss Ej's.

Kourtney: You spoke nothing but facts. I will say it has been a pleasure watching Ej be rude to her. He's doing what I've been wanting to do since day one. At least he can actually get away with it without getting in trouble.

Ej: And the facts just keep coming and coming. Yeah I'm not acting when being rude to her, everything y'all see is real anger and wanting her to get as far away from me as possible. The real acting will come in when I start growing a liking to her. That's also when the mouthwash will come in handy. My mouth is already feeling disgusting about having to be...nice to her *he shudders* and it hasn't even happened yet.

Big Red: That's understandable. I'd be the same...way *he notices Antoine looking at Ashlyn*. Hey who's he *he subtly points out Antoine*?

Gina: Oh that's Antoine, he's in my first period class. He's a foreign exchange student from France. First day here and he has already made friends with Lily so make sure y'all stay clear from him. Who knows what things he could be hiding with that very innocent looking face of his.

Big Red: Don't got to tell me twice *he says annoyed*.

Ashlyn: Hey *she grabs his hand*, don't worry about him. The moment I noticed him staring, want to know who I stared at instead?

Big Red: Who?

Ashlyn: You, you dope *she laughs and she gets up and hugs him from behind and kisses the top of his head*. I love you.

Big Red: *looks up at her* I love you too Ashlyn *he smiles big*.

Nini: Man everyone really is feeling the love today and we love to see it *she laughs* see what I did there *she nudges Ricky*?

Ricky: Yes I did and it was adorable *he pinches her cheeks and kisses her*.

Ej: Well thanks for clearing that up, glad to know I still have time to prepare myself in all the aspects of my body and mind because I'm going to need all the time I can get.

Carlos: Don't worry, we still got time to convince her otherwise.

Ej: Thanks for the reassurance. Ok I'll be right back, I gotta go to the bathroom.

Ej gets up and leaves for the bathroom passing Lily and Antoine in the process. He's gotten pretty good at being able to look forward and not acknowledge the people he passes instead of using the classic "pull out your phone and pretend you're doing something on it" trick. What he didn't notice was that they were both following far behind him in the process. The bathrooms were actually pretty far from the lunchrooms which is a very stupid design school wise. He decided to go to the ones upstairs. He knew not many people would be there and he needed to think on some things so the peace and quiet would also be nice. He finishes his business and he walks back out and he bumps into Antoine.

Antoine: Ahhh! Please don't attack me! I'm sorry jock man!

Ej: Woah woah woah, calm down. I'm not going to attack you. Why would I attack someone I don't know? Why would attack you at all actually?

Antoine: In all of the American movies I've seen, there was always a big bad bully who would bully the smaller kids for no reason. Some would even attack them just for looking at them. That is one of the reasons why I was nervous about coming here.

Ej: Well I've been a jock all my life and I just want to let you know that none of the guys here are like that. That is not as common as you might think it is. I have a good amount of friends from all the sports here at this school and they wouldn't allow bullying from any of their players so you're covered. No need to have that mindset okay?

Antoine: Thank you for the words of encouragement. That helped greatly.

Ej: What are you ever doing here? I just saw you downstairs with Lily.

Antoine: She was supposed to be helping me find the ways to more of my classes but along the way I lost her and next thing I know I'm upstairs and bumping into tall people.

Ej: Do you know your way back to the lunchroom?

Antoine: Yes I do.

Ej: Ok let's go back down there together.

Antoine: Why yes of course but first I must do one thing.

Ej: And what's that?

Antoine: This!

Antoine pulls of a small can of pepper spray and sprays it in Ej's eyes and then runs in the opposite direction leaving a very disoriented Ej who can barely see and recognize anything. Then he hears Gina's voice calling his name.

Ej: Gina is that you? I can't see anything *he looks in front of him and he sees what he thinks is Gina*.

What he didn't know was that this was Lily he was talking to. Lily had taken a picture of Gina during throughout the weeks and printed it out just for this moment. She taped it to her face with a clear backdrop so Ej could be fooled to the point where he would think he's talking to Gina. She pulled up her hair so no blonde was showing. Something else they didn't know was that she was eavesdropping and recording each and every one one of their conversations and was saving them up just for this moment. With her editing skills she put together a few lines to make it seem like Gina was checking on Ej?

"Gina": Yes it's me baby? What's wrong?

Ej: Antoine pepper sprayed me. The pain has subsided thank god but my vision is still messed up. I don't know what to do G.

"Gina": Awww my poor baby, anything I can do to help you?

Ej: I don't think so.

"Gina": Would a kiss make you feel better?

Ej: Of course it would!

When Ej leaned in and closed his eyes, Lily took off the picture and accepted the kiss. She notified Antoine to come and record this before her lips touched his. The kiss was really quick but not quick enough before Ej felt something was wrong and by then....it was too late. Ej opened his eyes and Antoine had already gotten the video he needed and was gone like the wind. His version has cleared up and that's when he realized his horrible mistake. Before he got the chance to yell her name, his phone went off with the video of him kissing Lily popping up on the screen. Not only his screen...Lily's screen too.

Ej: WHAT THE FREAK DID YOU MAKE ME DO *he never came so close to hitting a girl but he of course refrained himself*!?

Lily: What? I was just giving you a sneak peak of what's bound to happen in a matter of weeks.


Lily: Oh he did? Well that's very unfortunate. Guess it was just a wrong place wrong time thing *she smirks*.

Ej pushed her aside really hard towards the lockers and ran back to the lunchroom. When he got there everyone was on their phones and was looking at him disgusted because of what they saw. He saw his friends table...but no sign of Gina and he knew at that moment she had seen what happened. The entire table came up to him. Ashlyn had angry tears in her eyes and Carlos was just plain angry.

Ashlyn: Ej...tell me what I just watched isn't true. Tell me I'm missing something because when I tell you the look on Gina's face was the worst thing I've ever seen in awhile, you have no idea. So spill the beans. NOW!!

Ej: Ok guys y'all got it all wrong. I got tr-

Lily: Oh hey guys, what's going on?

Everyone just glared at her.

Sebbie: Of course you'd want to know. Get out of here!

This wasn't the first time Sebbie stood his ground when it came to Lily so people were no longer surprised at this behavior. But it was still something for them to get used to at the same time.

Lily: Okay fine, seems like some people have their panties in a bunch *she walks away*.

Carlos: We're still waiting. You have five seconds. FIVE *he then lunges at Ej but Sebbie and Kourtney hold him back*!

Ej: Guys please just let me explain. Seconds before this video was taken, Antoine had pepper sprayed my eyes okay? My vision was super messed up and I couldn't recognize anyones faces.

Kourtney: But yet you still decided to kiss someone who's face you couldn't recognize. This next part between be good otherwise I'm releasing the Carlos.

Ej: It is. Ok so even though I didn't recognize the face, all of a sudden I had heard Gina's voice and next thing I know there was someone in front of me. It had sounded like Gina and Lily must've done something to make me think she was Gina because the blur I saw matched Gina's hair and skin tone perfectly. We know Lily and Gina look nothing alike in the skin and hair color but Lily did something to make her look like Gina I swear. I know a pale face from a brown one even when disoriented and it was brown. And then the voice was on point. Sounded just like Gina too...you have to believe me. I would never do anything to hurt Gina please believe that. Lily set this up *he breaks down into tears and slowly falls to the ground hurt and scared about what his friends might do to him*.

Ashlyn: I believe you.

Nini: How do we know Ej's telling the truth.

Ashlyn: I basically grew up with this boy. I know his tell forwards and backwards and when he is lying he tends to stutter a lot and his voice cracks more than it usually does. He's telling the truth you guys.

Carlos: Ok, tell us everything that happened before this.

Ej! *wipes his face* so before I got pepper sprayed I had just walked out the bathroom and when I did I bumped into Antoine. He got really scared thinking I was a bully and was gonna attack him for a stupid mistake. I explained to him that he doesn't need to worry about that type of stuff when here. Then after that I asked him if he knew where the lunchroom was. He told me yes and we were both on our way there but then he said that there was something he needed to do. Next thing I know, I'm pepper sprayed and I can't see anything. Guys...I am crazy about Gina and would never do anything to hurt her. Look me in the eyes and try to convince yourself that I'm lying.

Carlos did exactly what he said and he couldn't find it.

Carlos: Ok yeah he's right. And while looking I see where his eyes are super irritated because of the pepper spray so he's being for real.

Ej: Can anyone tell me where Gina went, I have to find her and explain this to her.

Ricky: I don't think that's such a good idea.

Ej: I get that she's mad so what happened?

Ashlyn: She ended up chucking her phone at Big Red and running out the lunchroom. Biggie got a bloody nose the moment it hit him so everyone tended to that first even though I did try to tell everyone to go after Gina while I tended to my boyfriend.

Kourtney: I tried to but that girl is fast, there was no catching up.

Ej: If her phone is here, how am I going to find her? What am I doing to do? She probably n-ne-never gonna forgive me *he falls to the floor again this time crying harder*.

Ashlyn: We are going to help you clear this up *she hugs him*. First thing first, we gotta find our girl. Any of y'all have any classes with her after this?

Sebbie: Yeah me and Carlos do right after this. It's our free period though so we have free range of this place during that time so she could be anywhere. Fingers crossed she will actually be in there. If not we can all text in the group chat and meet up at a certain time to look for her.

The bell rings.

Ashlyn: *stands Ej up* come on, we have to go.

They all walk out the lunchroom together and they passed Lily in the process. Once again Kourtney and Sebbie had to hold back Carlos and cover his mouth before he did or said anything he'd regret. Ej is feeling so weak, he couldn't believe he allowed himself to let this happen even if he was visually impaired at the time. Is she gonna believe him? Are they even gonna find her? Is she still going to love him afterwards...

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