Brave New World: Legends

By Lauriver1fanboy

3.7K 187 23

My name is Sara Lance. After helping to reboot the universe, I found myself thrust into a strange new world a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Up for adoption

Chapter 23

95 9 0
By Lauriver1fanboy

"Sara, I'm sorry, but the answer is no." Barry said after Sara had finished explaining the situation to him.

"Barry, I get that you don't want to see Thawne again." Sara said.

"It's not just that. You want to ask Thawne about how to find an artifact that can alter reality? He's caused enough trouble by messing with time. The cell he's locked up in won't keep him contained forever and I don't want to give him any ideas." Barry said.

"Where is he locked up anyways? Gideon couldn't find any location." Sara said.

"That's because it's not in any records in any computer file on the planet for this exact reason." Barry said.

"Barry, I need to find the spear of destiny and since Rip erased the location of the fragments from his memory, Thawne is the only person who knows how to find it. Or at least find the device that will allow us to find it." Sara said.

"Barry, we might as well let her talk to Thawne, otherwise, she'll just end up doing something crazy that ends with Thawne breaking out." Cisco said and right as Sara was about to argue with that, she thought about it and agreed.

"Fine, on one condition, I go too." Barry said and Sara nodded, since she'd expected this.

"So, where exactly are we going? I thought Thawne was being held in Iron Heights?" Sara asked.

"That was only temporary until we could figure out something a little more secure." Barry aid.

"And we did. As of two months ago, Thawne is now being held here." Cisco said as he pulled up schematics for some kind of facility.

"What is that?" Sara asked.

"That is Tartarus. It's a specially designed prison built underneath a mountain in Alaska. It's one of the most secure prisons ever built and it was built to only hold one criminal." Barry said.

"All of that security for Thawne?" Sara asked, since from what she could see, this place made Argus look like a kindergarten class in terms of security. Power dampeners on every floor, laser guided security systems, literally every kind of defense system she could imagine was there.

"Lyla agreed that Thawne was the only meta who was deemed dangerous enough to put there. He's kept in solitary confinement in this cell on the lowest level." Barry said.

"Are there any human personnel?" Sara asked.

"Completely automated thanks to some alien tech Lyla got from the DEO. The only people that know about it are in this room, along with Lyla, since it's technically an Argus facility." Barry said.

"I'm guessing that there aren't any controls in the facility?" Sara asked.

"It's all operated from here. We're not taking any chances." Barry said.

"So, how do we get there, since I'm guessing that running won't work." Sara said.

"It won't and Cisco can't breach us there either. The whole facility has an anti breach field on it." Barry said.

"Some technology I created based off tech from the collectors of Earth 19 of the old multiverse." Cisco said.

"And I'm guessing that someone can't just drive up there." Sara asked.

"Sara, I'm not going into all the security about the base, because it honestly sounds like you want to break him out and if you do that, well, let's just say you won't like where you end up." Barry said.

"You'll throw me in his cell if that happens, won't you?" Sara asked.

"No, because Oliver will kill me if I did. I'd strand you somewhere in the timeline and prevent the waverider from ever finding you." Barry said.

"Noted. But Barry, you'll let me see him?" Sara asked.

"Sara, the only way he'll agree to tell you what you want is if it benefits him and the only thing that benefits him is his freedom." Barry said.

"I'm not going to let him out, but you're saying that his powers are dampened right?" Sara asked.

"Yeah. He's completely powerless." Barry said.

"Then I think that drugs should make him more eager to talk." Sara said.

"We can try it. But I'll make no guarantees." Barry said.

"Thank you for letting me try." Sara said.

"I'm only doing it because I know you were only asking as a courtesy since you didn't know where Thawne was." Barry said.

"Fair enough." Sara said.

"Well, this is a surprise." Thawne said in his tiny prison cell as Barry and Sara approached him from the other side of the glass.

"Well, you're looking terrible." Sara said as she took in Thawne. His blonde hair had grown out to his shoulders and he'd grown a beard and a mustache.

"I thought I wasn't getting any visitors?" Thawne asked.

"You're lucky that Sara has some questions for you, otherwise I'd be leaving you here to rot." Barry said.

"And what could the captain of the Waverider possibly have to ask me." Thawne asked.

"You're the only person in history who figured out how to locate the pieces of the longinus medallion." Sara said.

"Why would you need the medallion? After all, Hunter should know the location of the spear fragments. Unless he doesn't." Thawne said with a grin.

"Rip erased the location of the spear fragments from his memory, which leaves the medallion as the only way to find them." Sara said.

"And why would I tell you how to find it? I know you're not gonna let me out of this hell." Thawne said.

"Because all three of us know that you'll find a way out eventually, you always do." Sara said.

"True." Thawne said.

"Sara, what are you doing?" Barry asked.

"Just trust me Barry. And when you do break out, you'll need a way to keep Barry off your case. You'll go after the spear again and this time, if you tell me where to find the medallion, you won't have to waste time looking for it." Sara said.

"That is a good point." Thawne said, considering it and Sara smirked, knowing that she had him hooked.

"So?" Sara asked.

"Fine." Thawne said.

"What's the catch?" Barry asked his nemesis.

"Maybe in exchange for that info, since I know early release isn't on the table, maybe I could get some big belly burger. As I said before Barry, the only perk of living in this time period is the burgers, since we're out of cows where I come from." Thawne said.

"Well Barry?" Sara asked.

"Fine. But not until Sara confirms that she has both pieces of the medallion." Barry said.

"Smart. I see you've figured out how to negotiate." Thawne said.

"Are you gonna talk or not." Sara asked.

"Of course. I am a man of my word, especially when it benefits me and even if it doesn't benefit me much, a real big belly burger is better than the slop I'm fed here." Thawne said.

"At least we're feeding you at all. We could be letting you starve." Barry said.

"Can you please give me what I came for?" Sara asked.

"Fine. If only because I want that burger." Thawne said.

"So?" Sara asked.

"While the spear is next to impossible to find without the medallion, the medallion itself isn't that hard to find if you know what to look for. Have your historian look into ancient artifact collectors throughout history. Particularly artifacts that date back to the time of Christ." Thawne said.

"You believe him?" Barry asked Sara.

"It's a place to start. I'll let you know if it pans out into something." Sara said as they left Thawne's cell, not seeing him smile.

"See you soon." Thawne said with a smirk as he watched them leave, but despite the smile on his face, he could feel his anger and hatred course through him and that gave him a small jolt of negative speed force energy. Not enough to get past the dampeners and use his powers. But enough to build on. He would be free again. And soon.

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