A Broken Stone Heart

By MeganHarcombe

262 24 0

The life of a young mother that struggled with juggling between raising a child and doing her studies. But wi... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 1

63 2 0
By MeganHarcombe

I stand on the stage with a big smile, looking at my parents, daughter and best friend with tears in my eyes, they were smiling, whistling and screaming my name, expressions beeming with pride, i finally did it, after years of hardwork, sweat and tears. i can finally say I'm a doctor. I was never one of the lucky ones, like my cousins that got everything on a silver plater, i was always told by my parents family, that i will never get this degree, because I'm not smart enough or cut out for it.

So with two jobs, a scholarship and the help of my parents and bestie... i pushed through. Needless to say, now years later i made it and lets just say the family is sour about it because the black sheep is now out shining their childrens spotlight of beauticians and art schools, wanna be artists. I never cared for their affection, atleast i have my parents, best friend and 10 year old daughter Lilly. I know what you thinking.... how can a 30 year old unmarried girl have a daughter... Well that was a dumb mistake from my side thinking he was the one only to find out that he wasn't sane enough to be a man... Causing me to move back home with my parents and its actually a good thing i did because of that i decided to stop putting my life on hold and go for my dreams, making sure my daughter has a good future.

When i was accepted to Harvard my parents sold all our assets meaning ranch, businesses etc and moved to Boston. We wanted to buy in Cambridge but the properties there cost a fortune, so half an hours drive isn't that bad when you can live on a beautiful small ranch with a view of the beautiful countryside every morning, my daughter Lilly and i ride horses, so we needed a place to stable our 6 horses.

I've been Skipping out on horse riding for the past few years, but Lilly was happy to help keeping my horses fit and in training, taking them to shows to keep them in the circuit, now that my studies are over... I plan on competing again. I've never competed in this area, so this will be a new start for me. I walk off stage with degree in hand, went back to my seat, once the ceremony ended, we all throw our caps in the air in celebration, then stood up shaking each others hands, the lovers kiss each other, and my family comes running towards me, hugging the life out of me, mom bursting in to tears. "Mom stop crying i don't want to ruin my make up before we can go eat... You will be making me look like Dracula's dead but funky bride!!!" I tell her and she giggled. I can't help it... My baby has finally graduated and did it all on her own... Dad nods while throwing he's arm around mom. We all are so proud of you peaches....

I was Suddenly lifted in the air, twirled around midair, making me squeal and laugh at the tactics of my bestie Luke. Hey Doc will you be my savour, and patch me up when i need it? You know its a jungle out there and i need my sidechick to always keep me safe and patched up... He's question takes me back to a incident a few years ago... making me laugh. You know you deserved that woman's heel in your leg right Luke... Serves you right for doing the wham, bam thank you mam and leave in the middle of the deed... This happened 4 years ago, as usual he meets woman at the club does the deed, but in stead of finishing the job he ran out half-way through, he just ran for the hills, which is very odd for him, a few days after the incident she tracks him down, then attacks him with her brand new pair of stilettos... Needless to say he arrived at the hospital with a shoe stuck in his leg and the woman still screaming at him in Spanish... He gives me an confused look... Until like a light came on in his mind, his eyebrows scrounge together as he takes offense. Hey that chick was crazy she wanted me to do al kinds of kinky funny shit, i was all for it but when it comes to some shit... i draw the line... He shivers like it was creepy... So i had to get out of there... but unfortunately the next time i saw her she was so crazy she attacked me out of nowhere...

I laugh and shake my head. Now give your super handsome, greek god of a bestfriend and godfather to our pumpkin a hug will you!! He shouts. I laugh and hug him. Congratulations Pandaboo... Thanks Oogleybear. So what do you say you me naked bottle of champagne, chocolate strawberries, cherry flavored body paint and a night you will never forget? This makes me laugh and swat his chest. You know you can't handle this... I gesture to myself. He laughs and hugs me again. Damn... how i missed that smart mouth of yours no one gets me like you do boo... I smile at him and nods, missed you too, so hows the move going?? He sighs. Before pinching his nose. Don't ever let me move again will you...this sucks ass, all the packing and shit is ruining my vibe, you never realize how much shit you have collected all the years till you have to pack it away... but atleast its all done and I'll be moving in on monday. He smirks and holds my shoulders, so I'm all yours this weekend, then next week your mine...

I hear a gasp behind me, we look at a wide eyed Lilly. Momma are you two dating?? We all laugh. I turn around and kneel to her level smiling. No honey were are not, its just how uncle Kyle and i talk... we joke around, like you know already we have been friends since we were about your age... so thats 20 years of friendship... Kyle groans, and I look at him questionably. He shakes his head. That just makes me feel old man... has it really been twenty years already? Fuck i feel like a old man!! He comments. Language!! Lilly shouts at him making us laugh. We all were having a great time and soon dad pulls us to their car. My parents and Lilly came in moms car and Kyle and i drove with our motorbikes. At the restaurant we were talking and joking around just enjoy family bonding time...

Hey!! Janet its our ten year reunion next month you going? He asks cautiously. I sigh and shake my head. Why not? i know high school for you was shit! But won't it feel good to show those fuckers what you did with your life showing them you're better than them, i want to go but i wont go without my sassy sidechick please Jay... I need you... But lulu you know i hate those fuckers after what they did and treated me...

Lilly slams her hand on the table shocking us we all stare at her shocked. Momma thats not what you've been telling me to do... You said to never run or hide from my fears but to stand up for what you believe is right, but now you do the opposite... where's your morals now... You are... strong, beautiful, and a very good equestrian, and the best mother in the world... And officially a doctor now... So if you don't go then, i will and i will tell them all what a beautiful person you have become!!! She was shouting by the end. I grab her cheeks and kiss her all over. God i raised a smart beautiful sassy child. I love you baby, i whisper in her ear, making her giggle and wrap her arms around me.

The next morning i took a shower and went downstairs, everyone was fast asleep still, the downside of being use to waking up at the Crack of dawn going to work at 6am and then going to college at noon for 4 hours then going to my second job at 6 till 10. Now i feel so lost... I quit both my jobs, my studies were finished so i had no need for them anymore... Now i can relax and decide if i want to apply for a real well paid job or open my own practice... Good thing about having the two jobs was that i have no student loans so i am in no rush to get a job, first get my life back on track again.

I was busy with making the last 2 pancakes, when Luke comes strolling into the kitchen with a sleepy Lilly in his arms, once they realised its my famous blueberry shortbread choc chip pancakes, Lilly jumps down, making him stumble, and ran to my parents room. Nanna!!! Pops!!! Get up quick!! Mom made my favorite pancakes!! She screams down the hall while running inside their room, knowing we won't eat till everyone's at the table. While i finish up, Luke sets the table, singing along some tunes. Lilly comes back about to grab a pancake when i slap her hand away. Ah uh wash your hands first little lady. She sighs and runs to the bathroom almost running my parents over. Hey hedgehog apologize to your grandparents or no pancakes for you!! i shout after her. I hear a sorry from the bathroom making them nod and walk to the table.

Dad kissed me on the head while i hug him and i hug and kiss mom on the cheek. Good morning, did you guys sleep well?? They nod and said thank you as i set their coffees in front of them on the table. I set two plates stacked with pancakes on the table. Lilly comes barging in jumps on her chair grabs 5 of them and start to decorate them with everything on the table from syrup, to honey, jam and ice-cream etc. I've given up on lecturing her on too much sugar, she usually eats more healthier... So i allow it once in a while. I shake my head at her and she gives me a sheepish grin, knowing how i feel about her habit of her unhealthiest choice of breakfast. So what's your plans for today jay? Dad asks. I dunno... was thinking on checking the fenches real quick... Lil said she spotted a few places where it needs some fixing, then exercise the horses and clean all the tack and tackroom and go from there why you asking?

He smiles and looks at Lilly well since its the school holidays... We took some much needed time off work to go on a rode trip for a week or so to take Lilly and her friends to Disneyland... She's been asking us for months to go.... so we thought this could be the perfect time to do so. This gets a gasp and squeal from her, she choked a little and i slapped her back. Once recovered she looks at me pleading... Can i momma please can i?? I smile and nod. She squeals and jumps up, breakfast long forgotten, runs up the stairs, most likely going for her laptop to video call her two best friends we hear her shout then three screams comes from her room and mom and dad smiling proudly. If you guys need extra cash... i can help you with some cash... They shake their heads no. We are fine honey we both got our bonuses and our bonds paid out last month along with our savings... We have enough money to keep us going for along time... I nod and smile. Well I'm just saying if you need help.. mom shakes her head. No honey that is your hard earned savings, save it for your future plans... I nod and hug them.

But when we come back... dad and i want to sit and have a talk with you about something... I nod and get up to put the dishes away. But silvy mom's housekeeper stops me and sends me out saying she will clean up. I thank her and walk up the stairs to my room, got dressed in some comfy jeans a long sleeve shirt to prevent myself from burning to a crisp from the sun, grabbing my cowboy boots i ran downstairs, I put them on before grabbing my hat and walk out the door. Luke was waiting for me outside in front of the stables. i breathed in some of the fresh morning breeze. This always makes me smile... this is how i want to feel every day for the rest of my life... i whisper while walking to the stables.

When the horses were all tacked up, we head out, chatting along the way, joking and laughing sometimes racing each other till we find a spot to fix and we were off again after a few hours and more than a third finished, we stopped at the lake under a big old Willow tree for lunch. So Jay.... whats your plans now that your finnished?? I explained to him how I'm still deciding on private practice or apply for job. He asked me a few other questions and i do the same to him. we spoke about what happened in our lives in the few months that we were apart. Let me clear this up he still lives in California my old town, he's moving here on Monday. He applied for a job here and got it so now we will be seeing each other a lot more. Oh... I saw Jody the other day... he didn't look so good... looks like drugs or alcohol again... And the girl he was with... He shakes he's head. Looked just as bad and she was pregnant too. How can you use drugs when you're pregnant? he growls out angrily. I shake my head. Well I'm especially glad that part is done and i got full custody of Lilly.. I speak up. He does not deserve seeing you nor her after what he did to you Jay... i avoid his gaze, ashamed and nod. I get up... Lets get on with it again.... He nods and gets up, we walk to the horses.We finish the fences and head back home.

When we get back home and moved on to wash and oil the tack and clean out the tackroom. My parents and Lilly comes walking in. Soon Lilly's friends arrive with their parents, the 3 has been friends since they were babies, so there's nothing new on the knowing each other part. We dived in on the conversations about plans for this summer holiday. The vacations were arranged in a way that all the girls can come on each others vacations, first it was the two weeks to Disney land then a few weeks camping with the other. And the last 3 weeks of summer, They will be spending it, on the beach. I'm glad she has friends like these... Girls that love riding horse and doing the same sports at school. Never leaving each others side. It's like the three musketeers when you see the one the other two is never far behind. Basically sisters, and the fun part is, we are neighbors... They each live on either side of us... meaning one on the right, one on the left so every morning they meet up in our yard and wait for the bus to pick them up.

Soon they were off leaving me and Luke behind. We say our goodbyes to the parents... then we head back to the stables finishing up with what we started. When done... We help the two grooms with stabling the horses. Once the horses are all fed and set for the night, I ordered us two pizzas and i made some dessert. While Luke made some hot chocolate. While we ate, Luke begged me to take him to the closest bar for some beer and dancing. After some convincing i agreed, soon we got dressed and after some bantering on who's driving, I lost the fight and we headed to the closest bar. Your driving back Jay I'm planning on enjoying myself tonight... Yeah yeah I'll drive back but don't think i will be carrying you out the bar I'll leave you there... He groans. That was just the one time Jay and i still stand by my assumption that... they spiked my drink!!! I laugh at his embarrassed face. Just admit it lulu... you can't hold your liquor... just come clean and say it... He groans and and we start bickering again.

My parents used to laugh at our bickering when we were younger we were told we fight like actual siblings... technically we were, we grew up together, he was my neighbor so we were always together. When he got to high school he use to look after me like a brother keeping the boys away aggravating me, keeping me from experiencing the life of a teenager. Which didn't help what happened to me anyway with someone we least expected. My parents used to think we would end up together, but we never did because he's my best friend and its like kissing a brother to me, and him being Lillys godfather i never want to loose that. He was never the same after what Jody did to me he somehow blames himself for it of which i don't know why... yes he was one of his best friends... Somehow he blamed himself for not seeing the true man behind the mask. Hell no one did... So it's not he's fault... But try telling him that...

We arrive at the bar, the music is so loud telling me that theres a live band playing tonight. When we walk in, i notice the place was packed mostly of young girls. Looking to the stage. There's a band playing, all the guys in it were handsome but the lead singer looked like a model with muscles so fine. Luke leads us to the bar and orders two beers. We find a table in the far corner and sat there drinking and listening to the music. awhile later a slimy flimsy blond with barely anything on, comes over talking to Luke and few minutes later she was sitting on his lap, as they were flirting, giggling about something he said, i rolled my eyes and looked back towards the stage, the lead singer's eyes meets mine and he smiles and winks at me, making the room look at me in question. I blush and turn towards Luke to start a conversation, trying to avoid the awkward situation. One thing about him, even if he has a girl he always puts me first never leaves me hanging.

Soon the band takes a break and the normal everyday music is back on. We played a few rounds of pool and Luke danced with the flimsy girl whose name i learned was Rebecca. When a slow song comes on they headed to the dance floor again and i checked my emails, and replied to the messages my parents and Lilly send me. I felt a tap on my shoulder. when i look up... Mr lead singer standing there with his hand stretched out to me. Care for a dance? Uhm uh no I'm alright but thank you anyway.. I smile politely at him. Oh come on... give a cowboy a chance will ya?? This made me laugh. He smiles and lifts he's arm up again pleading me. Come on... its just a dance... I nod and take his hand, we walk to the dance floor. he twirls me around first unexpectedly making me giggle and then pulls me close to his body, we move around the dance floor with him twisting, twirling and lifting me up, doing all the swing dance moves he could with me... while Luke Bryan plays in the background. Making me smile all the way. This man can dance and i love it...

So tell me... where are you from? I shrug. Well i moved from California about 10 years ago, to Boston we live just outside of town not too far away from here... how about you cowboy? With that accent your definitely not from around here, he chuckles and shakes his head. No I'm from Canada, just moved here two weeks ago. Mmhmm that explains the accent of yours... i smile up at him. we kept conversation going and danced for a while, he's very funny and charming if i have to say so myself. Just when one romantic song ends he dips me and tells me he needs to head back on stage, i smile at him nodding, he moves his head closer to mine and my heart rate Picks up, just before our lips touch we hear shouting, stuff being thrown and breaking. Lukes loud shouting makes me look in that direction and cowboy here kisses my cheek, he pulls back with confusion clear on his face i look at him and then at Luke.

I'm sorry i need to go... i say jumping upright and out of his arms, towards Luke he was attacking some guy the whole bar was up an arms attacking each other by now, i shake my head, walking to where Luke was, i grab his ear and pulled him off the guy. He whined Like a baby saying he started it while in between shouting ow ow, as i was pulling him out the door, at the corner of my eye i see the guy luke was fighting with. come from behind Luke. i quickly turn around to block him when i stood right Infront of him i move up close to his face, the whole bar went quite watching us. Janet you better get the fuck out of my way... What that fucker did was wrong going after my girl like that, i will kill h... I hold up a finger to him telling him to be quiet. Fist of all Rebecca came onto him, second don't you dare tell me what to do... thats my bestfriend and brother your talking about and third talk to me like that again and i will Castrate you myself with a butter knife to make it slow and painful... I growl out.

I hear hisses around us, obviously listening in on our conversation. He growls and grabs my arms tossing me aside i fall backwards and someone catches me. i thank them without looking who it was and stormed to the guy and grabbed a fist full of his hair, pulling him back making him scream, he turns around and i kick him in the nuts and he falls grabbed then. I then gave him one hard punch in the face, he looses he's balance and fall backwards. He was lying there clutching his nose and nuts staring at me stunned. I bend over towards him till we are face to face. That outta teach you some manners... Respect girls or you'll be done for little man, you're use to getting your way, but you messed with the wrong girl tonight next time i see you i want to see respect or I'll end you... i whisper the last part in his ear making him go pale and shiver out of fear. I smirked at him. Atta boy... i pat his cheek and stand up straight, Luke was standing by the bar with a knowing smile and pride.

My jaw twitched and i squint my eyes at him in warning, he's smile falls then gulps and nods, he turns around and walks out the door... i sigh and pay our bill. I Apologized to the owner, gave him my email making him promise to send the bill of all damages. So him and mister shover over there... will pay 50/50 on. he nods, thanks me. i walk out the door. When i reached the truck i hear someone call after me i turn around, Mr lead singer was standing there looking nervous. I would like to see you again... I sigh. Look cowboy i had a great night tonight with you, but you just met me at a wrong time in my life with big decisions i have to make, i can't bring a relationship into the mix... then all hell will break loose, so maybe next time when my life is on track, but for now i will say goodnight and see you around.. I turn around and hop in the truck and drove off Luke was about to say something when i lifted my hand to him. Not one word from you Luke, i expected better from you, what the fuck was that...You promised me you would never do that again, you know it's one of my triggers... and please don't tell me, thats what you been doing the past few years since I left, with you being at bars, fighting etc?? Then you had to bring me in the mix and don't tell me i brought myself into this mix because you know... since him... i never like seeing fights, nor fucking be in one!! i shouted. He has a guilty look on his face. We were quiet until we arrived home, i parked the truck, walked up to the house and opened the door, i turn around and grabbed his jaw making him hiss, which i couldn't care less.... he wanted to fight so there it is, i dont feel sorry, once making sure hes fine and has no concussion, i turn to walk away. Luke grabs my wrist gently stopping me from going further. He wraps his arms around me and pulling me in for a hug, with his chin on my head. I'm sorry Jay... i will never do that again, just talk to me.. He pleads. I try pulling away from him but he keeps me in place. i try turning around to fight him. Begging him to let me go. but he does not budge. After a few minutes of me trying to escape he's grasp i snap... i start crying loudly and banging against his chest, hating him for bringing back the memories. He caught my arms and tried to calm me down, my legs give in, and i collapse and fell on my knees still crying, he follows suit still holding me in his embrace, kissing me on the head. repeating the words; I'm sorry, I'm soo sorry constantly. After awhile i could finally stop crying, Luke the jokester had to comment something to make me laugh again. I'm sorry but i Have to say this... You had every person in there shitting themselves tonight, reminds me of the times you had a temper and punch everyone insight... I will be calling you miss feisty pants again. Or should i call you the butter knife castrator? Making me laugh.

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