
By 1-800-suck-my-P

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When a guy is forced into finding the next heir to his mafia by his dad, he impregnates a random girl he met... More



175 7 4
By 1-800-suck-my-P

"Alright, guys we've been planning this for months" I smirk, finally able to see my daughter for the first time. "It's time"

I took the names so Matteo can give her the name I want but I ended up loving all of them. The family photo was to get a vision of what my daughter will look like.

We exit the house with our guns some with blades and knives as a backup. It's mom, dad, Vince, Carlo, Matteo, Alessandro, Mariah, Dominic, Romano, and Adriana, about to go with me to the hospital Alana's in right now.

We're running a little late though so we might miss some parts of it but I guarantee my Bambina won't come out until I'm there.

The girls go in the elevator while we take the stairs so it doesn't get overweighted or crowded.

"How far up do we have to go?" Ro asks while looking down and smiling at his phone.

"About five floors" I reply and he groans. "Then after we need to crawl into a vent that'll lead us to a room so we can watch her through double-sided glass"

"That sounds creepy as fuck" Dom states and we chuckle. "Yeah" V agrees.

We all rush upstairs and when we finally get there, Matteo parts from us to go to her assigned room while we travel through the already opened vent down the hall.

The girls probably already got here.

"Taking off her skirt let her wear my shirt" Carlo raps as we crawl through the tight space.

"Before she leaves, imma need my shirt back" V continues. "Guys quiet down, anyone can hear us" Al whispers.

"Wimp" Dad states and Al scoffs, arguing. "I am not a wimp"

"You are" I roll my eyes.

"What's going to happen to us Angie literally owns the hospital" Romano jokes.

I swear if they call me Ang or Angie one more fucking time I'm actually going to kill them.

You can't kill them

Shut up, I can.

You love 'em too much to kill 'em

You're right. Fine, I'll just torture them until they learn their lesson.


I start to see the end of the vent leading to an opening where I'm guessing the room is. I fall in and land on my back letting out a groan. "Shit"

Before I can get up, V falls on me. Then Carlo and Al. I push them off and try to get away in time but my dad lands right on top of me.

Mariah snorts and Ana smiles amusingly at me. Mom rolls her eyes and drags dad away with a smile threatening her lips. "Oh my bad, Angelo" V apologizes with humor in his voice.

I get up and push him out of the way inspecting the room. It's not anything fancy, just a small room with comfy couches and a door leading to what I suppose is a washroom.

In front of the couches, there's glass. Through it, you can see Alana getting ready to pop a baby out and Matteo's hand being killed in her tight grip. Off to the side is Lori dying of laughter at Matteo's pain.

"It's starting, gather round" Ana informs us.

We all sit cuddled up on the couch and watch Alana give birth, even while popping a baby out she looks gorgeous.

She probably feels so happy.

I feel like dying.

I thought the pregnancy was bad but giving birth is painful. I've never been this much in pain. My fucking pussy hurts like a bitch. I've been here for four hours.

"Alright, I can see the head, you ready?" My nurse asks me and I nod. "1-2-3 push!"

I grunt, squeezing the life out of Matteo's hand while Lori laughs to the right of me. I'm so out of breath right now, this is tiring.

"Good, you're doing great! A few more" I smile and get ready for her to count. "1-2-3, push!"

"Agh!" I cry, pushing as hard as I can. It's been hours and I'm still suffering. This baby is a bitch, Lori's going to be so happy.

"Last one, it's almost out!" She grins, she's a kind nurse. "1-2-3, push!"

I do and clench my teeth together, shutting my eyes. Soon I start to hear cries and look to see my gorgeous bebita in the hands of a nurse. "We'll get her cleaned and weigh her, ma'am" I nod with the biggest smile ever as Matteo sighs in relief when I let go of his hand. I turn my head to Lori and find her looking at me with a proud smile.

I have the perfect name, I came across it yesterday and instantly fell in love.

"8 pounds and 20 inches!" The nurse hands me her and I look at the pretty bebita in my arms.

"She's beautiful" I mumble in a quiet voice. her eyes open and she stares at me with a loving look.

Lori walks over and bends down looking at the child. "Hello Bambina" She smiles. "I'm your Zia"

The nurses leave to give us a little more privacy, one telling me she'll be back for a name. "It was worth it," I tell Lori without taking my eyes off the girl. "I promise to never hurt you in any way and I will always be there for you my lovely" I whisper to her.

I see the baby starting to fall asleep so I place her down in the crib beside me, still smiling. "I'll get you some water" Matteo speaks.

"Okay, get Nairobi on your way back," I tell him and he nods before leaving the room. They only allowed two people in here.

"What is her name ma'am" The nurse walks in, passing Matteo.

I grin looking at Lori. "Seriyah Alana Johnson"

"Beautiful name," She writes it down then leaves after asking me the spelling.

"Seri for short?" She asks me.


I'm so happy right now, nothing can ruin my mood. Lori looks like she wants to tell me something but doesn't say anything.

I start off a conversation, not liking the rare awkward silence. "This room is odd"

It is, we're at the end of the hall so there's not a window next to our door like the other rooms. In the place where there should be a window, there's a mirror instead. I felt like I was being watched through it.

She moves her eyes from the floor and to the mirror. "I feel like that's double-sided glass"

"How do you check again?" I ask and she replies. "I forget"

We saw a video on how to know once on social media but our dumbasses forgot it. "I'll search it up"

I reach over to the table next to me for my phone and search up how to know if a mirror is double-sided. "Okay, put your fingernail on the glass" She puts her whole ass fucking finger on the glass, what a dumbass. "No, your fingernail finger-nail, nail!"

"Oh," She drags scoffing. "Be more specific next time"

I roll my eyes. "Is there a gap?"

"Yes, what does that mean" My eyes widen and I dart them off the screen, to the glass. "We're being watched"

"What if it's just Wonder Dick's stalker ass again?" She questions turning around.

"What if it's not?" How is she so chill about this?

"Look I've got other worries on my plate" She muttered while huffing and taking a seat. "Especially with this pregnancy"

Huh? "Lori I'm not pregos anymore, I just gave birth"

Her eyes widen. "Oh yeah"

"What are you hiding from me?" I ask. I know everything about this bitch so I know that there's a double meaning.

"It's nothing" She smiles.

"Yeah, and I suck ass on the daily" I roll my eyes. "Tell me"

She waits a couple of seconds then blurts. "I'm seven months pregnant and Matteo doesn't know and I'm kind of sorta scared to tell him because I don't want him leaving me but I also chose the name Maria because you didn't and I love that name" She rants, nervously.

I blink.

She's been hiding this for seven months? That explains the baggy clothes. The last time I saw her in something tight was two months ago at that party where V, Carlo, Al, Ri, and I's friendship ended. Even then I saw she was growing a belly but I didn't want to comment on it because it would've been rude.

How did I not notice that?

"My belly doesn't grow like others, I'm a bit worried about that" I see tears cloud her eyes. "But the doctors say it's fine so..."

Before I can say anything, Matteo walks back in with Nairobi and my water, passing it to me. "Why is the air so tense?"

"She called my daughter ugly" I state.

She wipes at her eyes, the action being unnoticed, and goes along with it, just like old times. "All newborns are ugly. Seriyah isn't an exception"

"Tell me that when you have a child and I'll be saying the exact same thing" I roll my eyes and Nairobi starts laughing.

Lori and I used to make fun of newborn babies because they looked like aliens from Jupiter but now I understand the beauty of it all and my daughter is definitely not ugly.

She smiles and walks over to my left, looking at Seri and inspecting her "What are you doing?"

"Trying to find the prettiness you're seeing" She snorts.

"Dumbass, the beauty's on the inside" I state.

Matteo struggles to hold in his laugh while Lori lets it out. "I mustn't be seeing it then"

"Oh my gosh leave me and my bebita alone" I glare at the three of them when Matteo joins in on the laughing.

Lori finally notices Nairobi and greets her. "Hello, I'm Lori"

"I'm Nairobi" She smiles as they shake hands. "But please, call me Nai"

"You can call me Lor," She tells her.

"Can y'all leave now?" I grunt.

"Come on amore mio, let's go" Matteo pulls out his hand, motioning for her to take it and give me some fucking privacy.

Nai follows them out the door as they leave the room and I watch my girl sleep, I thought I'd have much more people here.

At first, I imagined dad, mom, Athena, Mari, Kara, auntie Ariana, Marcus, Aiden, Lori, and uncle Carter who would've surprisingly made it last second. We'd all be huddled around, watching Seriyah and talking about the struggles of raising a child. Making jokes about being the cool grandma or grandpa and the cool aunt or uncle. But I lost hope in that when I got kicked out.

Next, I imagined V, Al, Carlo, and Matteo all waiting outside the room patiently while I squeezed the life out of Ri's hand and Lori... well she laughed in the corner, and all of us had a fun time together after Seri was born. But I lost hope in that when they left me two months ago.

Now I'm sitting in a hospital bed wearing a hospital gown. I ended up having three people with me today and God knows how many were watching me through the glass. I don't trust one, barely trust another one, and love the last one too much to bear.

Nai and I exchanged numbers and I'm forcing her to talk to me or else. I also gave Carlo's number to her because I feel like they'd be great friends, maybe even more.

She thinks the number is my sister who I said would be an amazing friend to her. Look at me doing Cupid's work.

I might as well take a nap, I'm tired as shit. Before I go to sleep I should think positive, I don't know what the benefits of that are but maybe it'll clear my headspace for a good night's rest.

Alright, think positive


When I recover, Lori could probably hook me up as a stripper.


Leave me alone, that was the best I could do.

It's sort of positive I guess

I know right!

I lay down and get comfortable, closing my eyes, and resting my body after all the work I had just done.

Soon after, I finally fall asleep.

I hop out of the vent and see very few people down the hall. I go towards Alana's room and leave my sleeping family. We all heard about Lori being seven months pregnant and everything, I'm surprised she hid it for that long.

Matteo hasn't been hitting

They all fell asleep after that though, Carlo left and hasn't been back. I stayed up so I could meet Seri in person. Alana's finally asleep so that's what I'm doing right now.

I get to the room and slowly twist the door handle open, stepping inside once the gap is wide enough. I look to my right and see the crib sitting there with my child in it. Seri is awake, she's quiet but awake, looking at me questionably.

I thought she'd cry when she woke up but she's a very peaceful baby. I gently pick her up and she falls into my arms, laying there comfortably. As if she already knew who I was,

"Sarò sempre con te, Seriyah. Ti amo e sarai sempre perfetta ai miei occhi" I whisper, looking down at her adoringly.
(I will always be with you, Seriyah. I love you and you will always be perfect in my eyes)

I know in the future she will rule hopefully better than my father and I did, and maybe make friends along the way. No matter what she'll have Maria so I guess friends aren't that important.

I start to hear Alana stir and quickly put Seri down and leave the room. On my way back to the vent I have the biggest smile spread across my face.

Falling into the room again, I look to see everyone is still safe and sound asleep. Everyone but my father.

"Come sit" He smiles at me. He fucking smiles. "Ever hurt that child in any way and you're getting shanked"

I slowly nod. "Have you gotten any info on the other subject?"

His smile drops and he looks down, annoyed. "No, Thomas is still alive. That girl is still unknown, all we got is her name being Ava but that's such a popular name. And we are still far behind on smartness, her attacks are coming more often" He meets my eyes again. "You need to think of something, get Vince, Carlo, and Alessandro to watch the girls. You need to focus on this now"

He dismisses me and I walk back to the couch I've been on, laying there and sleeping. Before I close my eyes I think of the beauty that I met for the first time.

Seriyah Alana Johnson, October 29th.

The start of something new




How are y'all?


short chappy chap


Now I will go back n edit then start period 2

Y'all ain't ready for that 🌚

I hope I'm scaring y'all rn

...K nvm period 3's the worst, like so sad


Word count: 2550

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