
By 1-800-suck-my-P

8.8K 186 643

When a guy is forced into finding the next heir to his mafia by his dad, he impregnates a random girl he met... More



176 6 23
By 1-800-suck-my-P


Today is the fucking day!

I'll find out if the bitch in my tummy is a girl or not.

It's obvi a girl

V volunteered to host the party at his house which I am extremely thankful for.

I decided on inviting Matteo, Mariah, Al, Carlo, V.. duh, and Lori of course.

Lor wasn't too keen on inviting Riyah. Almost a month ago after my hangout with V, she came over the next day and we hung out. Lori and Mariah got along well... that was until Lor found out she liked Matty B after a round of confessions.

She was cold to her and Ri had no clue what was going on so she thought it was her. I told her it wasn't, and that Lori was just having mood swings.

I don't know what's going to happen today, you know what I mean? Matt, Lor, and Ri all in the same room.

I'm a Lotteo shipper though

Gotta support my girl.

"Okay if you don't get your bloated behind, into V's car right now" Lori walks in, ready for the party.

"Yeah hold on"

She was wearing a silk neutral-colored dress because she already knows the gender. She wore a tight dress that hugged her figure, the sleeves were spaghetti-strapped, the dress was a short one with her breasts almost falling out. Oh to have my body again...

I was finishing up my makeup, and when I was finally done, I got up and walked downstairs with her.

I was wearing a pink tight dress that showed my baby bump well, it had two slits going down from the top of my thighs and a V- neck.

Exiting the building, we get inside V's car, he starts it then drives off. I was sitting in the front next to him while Lor chilled out in the back. She looked worried as shit, what does she have to worry about?

"Who's coming?" V asked. "Oh?" Lori smirked, hiding her nerves.

He rolls his eyes and doesn't bother arguing, last time he did, and let's just say a finger was broken and Lori came out perfectly fine.

V wore a blue suit, it was pretty plain if you ask me.

"Team blue?" I scoff. "Ever heard of mothers always guessing right?"

"I have, I'm going with my... what's the word? I don't fucking know, but I'm going with my first thought"

Lori and I laugh at him.

"Alright, the guest list is... drum roll please" I request and they pat their thighs.. V did it with one hand 'cause he's driving but you catch my drift. "Matteo, Mariah, Alessandro, and Carlo"

I realize that that's barely any people. I always thought I'd have a big celebration with my family and friends if I made any, we'd be betting on who's right about the gender and whoever's wrong would face consequences.

Whenever my sisters and I, didn't know what to talk about on a late-night, we'd plan our weddings, gender reveals, and funerals... that one's a bit dark.

I never knew that I'd be at my gender reveal party with only six people.

Five of them I'm not even sure I can trust

Just think about it, four guys break into my house and magically end up being everywhere. One girl is associated with them, I can't let Riyah off the hook just 'cause she wasn't there from the start.

I should just ask him

It's eating me alive.

I'm pretty sure Lori has forgotten about what I told her on the beach that day, she's been getting close with Matteo thinking he's all fine and safe.


Do I miss my family? Yes. Do I wish I'd never met Angelo? Yes. Do I regret having a child? Never. I always wanted to have a baby young, I never knew it was possible because well.. you know, my family and everything about the tradition.


I don't even know why I consider them family anymore, they practically betrayed me. Yet, I'd still die for them.


I'm embarrassed to admit I still love them, it's not like I can forget something that quickly.

"Alana?" V yells, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" I ask confusedly.

"Are you alright, you spaced out" Lori questioned, concerned.

I'll confront him when the time is right.

As for this celebration, I won't be doing much partying for one reason.

I can't fucking drink

"Yes," I reply, convincingly. "Perfectly fine"

The ride goes by long, I wasn't really a part of the conversation going around. Not because I was excluded but because I wasn't interested.

I can't wait to find out the gender and officially plan out the girl names.

We made it to V's house and instantly something felt off.

I know I've only been here once but I felt as if I was being watched.

Okay, I have to sneak into a gender reveal.

I hope it's a boy, I'd love to have a little me

I was in my office waiting for Vince and the others to show up.

Suddenly Mariah, Alessandro, Carlo, Vince, and Matteo walked into my office. "You're all invited?" I questioned, surprised.

"We've become friends over time" Matteo shrugged.

"Sure, friends" Vince grins at him and Matteo nudges his shoulder, loudly whispering "shut up"

His grin widens. "Okay Angie, how are we sneaking you in?"

"I have it all figured out, you guys will be at Vince's house for the party," I started. "Adrianna, dad, mom, Dom, Ro, and I will sneak into the house using the underground tunnels"

"Once we're in the house, we'll watch from the balcony in the guest room. It has a perfect view and hearing of what's going on" I finish my explanation.

"Good idea" Vince nods, processing my words.

"I try" I smirk, getting up.

"Who's going to plan the party?" Matteo asks.

"I'm glad you've asked, it'll be you and Lori," I tell him. "Lori already knows the gender and is planning it, you just have to get close to her and lend her my ideas so I can be included from afar"

"Now that, that's settled" I sigh. "Place your bets"

I click record on voice memos then Carlo speaks first. "Girl" next was Vince. "Boy" then came Matteo. "Boy" then came Mariah. "Girl" lastly, Alessandro placed his bet. "Boy"

"And I'll go with boy" I was about to end the recording when mom came in and opened the door. "I'm voting girl" dad follows after her. "Boy"

"Don't forget us" Dominic, Romano, and Adriana rushed in to put their votes.

Adriana starts. "Girl" Dom's goes next. "Girl" Lastly, Romano finishes. "Boy"

Alright, in two weeks.


"Why do these tunnels smell so bad?"

"Angie, they're underground secret tunnels, he doesn't have time to clean it every week" Adriana rolls her eyes.

"Are those my drugs?" dad grunts.

"Yeah he had to hide them when Alana visited, he also hid guns and other suspicious shit" Al chuckles lightly. "I didn't know he hid it here though" Carlo adds.

I start to see the end of the tunnel and grow relieved. "Fina-fucking-ly" mom groans.

We exit the tunnel and find ourselves inside of a closet, we walk out and into the guest room we'll be watching from.

The shit already started but we didn't miss much. I text Vince and let him know we're in.

I take a seat on a balcony chair. "Maybe- never mind" Adriana stops herself from saying something.

"What?" I ask.

"I thought I could try to be her friend but it's too late for that, these seats are great I guess" she shrugs.

A while ago, when Mariah decided to not stay in the closet with us- that sounds weird... anyways, when she went to play ball and meet Alana instead of staying with us, I asked Adriana and Dom if they wanted to go too.

Ro and I couldn't go because she would've recognized us.

Ana said no so that's her problem

The venue is actually pretty nice. I don't think I've ever been in Vince's backyard, to be honest, I'm barely there, just chilling on the balcony.

It's held at night time for some reason, nobody told me why though.

They have yellow balloons everywhere and the food table has sambosa, sushi, chicken, salad, cupcakes, cake, cookies, brownies, pizza, and soup.

That doesn't match at all

There's one large long table with seven seats, one at the end of the table which I would guess is Alana's, the other end of the table doesn't have a seat and there are three on each side.

There's a dance floor and a huge lever a little farther back.

I'm guessing that's how you find out the gender

'Your Love' by Nicki Minaj starts playing. I see Alana start to dance to the beat as Vince joins her, laughing alongside each other.

Why are they so close

I roll my eyes at them and move on to try and find the others.

Matteo was sitting with Lori at a table while they talked, Carlo and Alessandro were at the food bar, and Mariah was staring in Matteo's direction with glossy eyes.

I look towards them to find them kissing.


Mariah turns around and starts walking towards the door that leads inside the house, with tears streaming down her face.

"Adriana, go see how Riyah's doing" I look towards her, finding her staring at where Ri once was, with sadness on her face. "You knew didn't you" I furrow my eyebrows.

She knew Ri liked Matt this whole time

She nods then shrugs, leaving the room.

Lori grabs a microphone and looks at everyone. "Okay we're missing Mariah but when she comes back we can find out the gender, Alana do you mind coming with me to find her" Alana gets up and nods at Lori, they both make their way into the house.

I walk back into the house with Lori.

She has a fluttered expression so I just know she did something. "What happened to you?"

She tries to direct the conversation in a different direction by complementing me. "You've been so pretty lately, that pregnancy glow perhaps? And your boobs. They grey." I give her a pointed stare but she's right. My boobs are huge. After some time of staring, she looks at me embarrassed. "I kissed Matteo"

"You kissed him or he kissed you," I ask. She turns to face me and glares, her lovey-dovey expression now gone. "What? it matters"

She rolls her eyes and we stop near the living room when we hear an unknown voice talking to Mariah. "It's okay Ri"

"No, it's not, I had so many chances but then that girl comes into his life and he's forgotten all about me" Ri sniffs. "I mean look at her, she's prettier, funnier, and everything he wants in a woman, I mean she can actually cook and clean" She sighs dramatically. "And what can I do? I still live with my fucking parents"

"It's not your fault, you live a different lifestyle than any other" the voice comforts her. "Just because he doesn't have feelings for you, doesn't mean every guy won't, there are people out there that would drop on their knees for you, yet you're chasing after some guy who clearly is interested in someone else"

Ri chuckles. "You're right I guess, I love you sis"


She said something about a girl named Adrianna... what's she doing here?

"I love you too Ri" I can tell she has a smile on her face by the tone in her voice. "Now come on, I'm sure they're waiting for you"

Shit they're co- never mind

I grab Lori's hand and drag her to a different hallway, then we start walking back to where Mariah is. "Mariah? Mariah?" I start shouting.

I know I won't be able to make it out in time without her seeing me, so I have to act like I was looking for her... I mean I was so it's not really a lie.

Lori has confusion written on her face until she realizes what I'm doing then gasps. "Smart" she whispers.

We turn the corner and Lori bumps into Ri. "Sorry" Lor apologizes. Ri smiles and nods, getting up.

We all walk back to the backyard but I glance back and try to see if her sister is there, she isn't, but footsteps are being heard upstairs.


"Lana, you coming?" Mariah asks.

"That's what she said" Lor grins.

I roll my eyes and we head back outside. We take our seats and Lori starts to explain how we do this.

"Okay so that lever over there, is what you have to pull. You have to use all your strength though and you can't get any help from anyone else. When you've finally pulled it... well that's all I can tell you"

I clap my hands getting up and running over to the lever excitedly. I turn around and look at everyone. V, Al, Lor, Carl, Matty B Raps, and Mariah.

I grin at them then look back at the lever starting to pull.

It barely moves

My grin slightly falters and I awkwardly chuckle. "Just a moment guys" I grunt and jump, putting all my weight on the lever.

It slightly moves

I take my hands off, turning around and placing myself on it.

It moves a little more

I don't know if I should be happy or— I ignore it and decide to jump while sitting on it.

It goes down further

That's what she said

Damn I'm heavy

"You got this Alana" V cheers me on.

"Thanks, V" I get off the lever and use all my strength to pull it down. "Damn what did you put in this? Gorilla glue?" I say out of breath.

It takes a while but finally, the lever drops. I hear a fizzy sound and Lori tells me to back up, I stand in between her and V.

After a couple of seconds, something shoots into the air coming from the lever. I look into the sky and see a white firework. Another shoots into the air after a couple of seconds and it's yellow.

After that, they start shooting at the same time, yellow and white, until they finally stop after a couple of minutes.

A final one springs into the air and the firework showed the gender.

It was pink

Everyone claps and jumps and I'm overjoyed. "HA, I FUCKING KNEW IT BITCHES" I scream and start to dance.

Mariah and Carlo join me because they all knew it was a girl while V, Matt, and Al just stand there. Lori just smiles, happy to see me happy. She already knew the gender since she was planning it.

"Okay, now for your consequences" Lori grins at the guys. "Follow me"

We follow her into the forest and find ropes. Lori motions for Matteo, Alessandro, and Vince to go there and we tie them— Carlo ties them up.

Lori smirks, walking away to get something. When she comes back, she hands Carlo, Riyah, and me a paintball gun. "I made sure they were extra hard- that's what she said... but I made sure it would hurt" She bites her bottom lip with a stupid grin, eager to shoot people.

Radical dude

I aim for V first. "Hey, you're going to target me?" He whines.

"Please, don't you work out every day? you've got those muscles to save you" I shoot after saying that and he groans in pain loudly.

"Leave Matteo for me" Lor whispers to us, not letting the guys tied up hear.

I move on to Alessandro and leave Matteo for Lor, alternating from Al and V.

Once we finished, we head inside to watch a movie.

I don't need my old family when I have this family


I have completed chapter nine bitches!!!!

I made wattpad friends and I'm so happy!

How are you my lovelies?

I think that's all I have to say, peace out whores.


Word count: suck my cock


Word count: suck my tits

Kidding again 🤟🙄

Word count: 2668


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