Spectrum of Sleep

By Zshaiiinnn

431 109 38

She couldn't remember anything. Woke up in a dark cold place, Elliot Mirage must now find a way out, but if o... More

chapter vi | small
CHAPTER IX | How Does It Feel?
CHAPTER X | What Happened?
CHAPTER XI | New Path.
CHAPTER 12 | Witch? Oh Honey, Look At Me. I Am One.
CHAPTER XIII | What The Hell Was That?
CHAPTER XV | My Old Man.
CHAPTER XVI | Yurian, You Snake!
CHAPTER XVII | Just Keep Moving.
CHAPTER XVIII | Two Sides of The Same Coin (Part 1)
CHAPTER XIX | Two Sides of The Same Coin (Part 2)
CHAPTER XX | An Ending, But A New Beginning With You.


60 12 3
By Zshaiiinnn

Oh, what have you done now Elliot. Why do you always have to get in trouble? Out of all the trouble you could've done, getting bed ridden in the hospital is the worse one.

I sat down on the chair next to the bed where my daughter had lain. I kept staring at her, scared, and in horror. The sight of Elliot having broken bones and a ventilator attached to her, is not a good sight at all. The scars and wounds she has all over her body makes me want to cry out loud. Her face, scarred all over by broken glass.

"Do I have to lose you too?" I said.

"I may not be the best mother in the world, but I tried to be the best mother in your world. You may not see or feel it but I do love you. After everything I have done, it was all for you."

I started to cry while saying those words to my unconscious daughter. Fiercy climbed up the bed and sat down at Elliot's legs.

"I tried everything I could to keep you alive back then, so now, please. Please try everything, to keep yourself alive in there, and wake up. Wake up Elliot, wake up and come back to me." I kept repeating.

"Come Elliot, Wake up."

"Wake up."

She kept repeating it, over and over again. It started to echo inside my head. "Wake up, wake up." Again and again. It's getting louder, she wasn't saying anything anymore but it was still echoing, and each one getting louder than the last. It was like getting shouted now, and I could hear my mom's voice on it.


I opened my eyes. "Mom." I whispered. "You're there."

I regained consciousness but I couldn't remember anything after I passed out. I don't know how much time has passed since then, but the pain in my back was still there. I tried to hold and press my nape but it only resulted to pain.

I looked around me and the I couldn't recognize where I was. It was a bit hard to see, there was no light. It took a while until my eyes fully adjusted, I could now see that I was in some sort of a cave.

"Shit this must be where that owl nests." I whispered. "I need to get out of here before it notices me"

I got up and took a step. I still couldn't move much because of the continuing pain that runs in my spine. I walked slowly, trying hard to keep my balance. My head was spinning so I had a hard time.

I walked through what seems to be a path way out, keeping quite so I won't get any attention. It was still hard to see in this cave, my feet kept bumping into small rocks, this made it even harder for me to keep balance.

After a few minutes of walking bare foot and bumping on small rocks, I realized that I was going nowhere in this path.

Should I keep going forward or should I go back? I couldn't decide on which. If I keep going forward who knows where I'll end up, maybe a dead end, I should just go back and see if there's another path.

Yes, I decided to turn back and walk quietly back to where I came from. The moment I took a step back, a sharp rock pierced the skin of my feet. I let out a painful shriek but I immediately covered my mouth and toned down. I had to keep my voice in or else I might the owl.

I bent down and sat on the ground. I touched my right foot and felt where the rock was. I mustered up my strength to pull it out without having to let out a shriek.

Okay breathe, breathe, you can do this. I kept thinking to be strong. Okay let's do this. One.... Two.... Three!

I pulled it out. I was teary because of the pain; blood came splurging out when the sharp rock was pulled out. I kept groaning in pain as the blood came out.

"Sorry Givenchy, but I need to stop the blood."

Using the sharp rock, I tore a piece of cloth from my dress and wrapped it around my right foot to stop the blood. As I tightened the wrap, I groaned loudly that it echoed through the cave. I got up and looked around to see if I caught any attention. It didn't seem that that I did so I felt at ease.

I was ready to go back from where I came to see if there is another path I could follow to the way out. I turned around and stared at it. It's big glowing eyes looking at me. I didn't see it when I looked around, for it wasn't on the ground, it was hanging in the ceiling of the cave all this time.

"Oh Elliot hi! You're finally Awake!"

"AAAAHHHHHHHH!" I shrieked as the owl greeted me.

"Himiny Jimmy! Elli your scream is loud you're messing up my ears!" The owl said.

It came down from the ceiling and stood in front of me, it was really big and tall. It looked down on me with those big round eyes. I was so scared I didn't know what to do.

"Oh my, what happened to your foot dear? May I see it?"

The owl reached down its wings onto me to grab my foot. I was so frightened that I threw the sharp rock at it.

"Elliot Mirage! It is not nice to throw rocks at people!" It replied.

As soon as I threw the rock at it, I started to running like hell. But of course with an injured foot, I wasn't really fast.

"Hey where are you going!?" The owl shouted and followed me.

"Where do I go, where the hell do I go!?" I was already panicking. "With this injury I won't be able to outrun that owl."

The owl kept hooting and calling my name. I paid no attention to this as my only goal was to get out.

"Wait a minute," I stopped for a moment. "It's... light, I can see it! Finally, a way out!"

I continued running and followed the light. I could see the opening; I was almost there! The owl behind me was having a hard time catching up since it could not fly well inside the cave. I was cheerful that I could finally escape, I was already there by the entrance.


A flaming sword was pointed at me! I lost balance in surprise and fell back on the ground, hitting my elbow really hard. A strange man wearing a mask and wrapped in cloth stood in front of me swaying his flaming sword. It was him! The one that fought off the creature earlier!

"Where do you think you're going?!" The strange man asked.

I tried to crawl backwards to try and get away but I was too weak from the hard fall. Suddenly, I felt something behind me, I turned back to see; the owl was already standing behind me. They had me cornered and I had no more escape routes.

"Please let me go! Please!" I pleaded to them.

"Oh we can't let you go that easy Elliot" The man replied.

"You have to do something first" The owl added, coming closer.

"What do you want me from me!? I replied while hyperventilating.

"Oh we don't want something from you" Said the man.

"What we want," The owl replied while smiling "Is you!"

Elliot hyperventilated even more and eventually passed out, again.

"Well shit, she passed out again." I said.

"Well who wouldn't be scared of the way you look." Eritha replied.

"Wow, you're the one to talk with your big glowing eyes."

"Alright Brandy, enough jokes now, we need to carry Elliot where she could properly rest." Eritha replied while getting Elliot.

We took her back inside the cave and laid her down where she slept for the past two days. I lit up a fire using my flaming sword to light up the darkness. Eritha and I sat down by the fire waiting for Elliot to wake up again and hopefully try to calm her down and talk to her. Hopefully...

I passed out again. Both shock and fear attacked me at the same time so I guess I couldn't control anymore. I could hear her again. Mom. She's talking to me again.

How is this happening? Where is she?

What is going on? Why can I hear her but not see her?

All I could see was black. But somehow I could hear a beeping, I also feel something on my feet. Warm and furry. What is mom doing?

"I bought you your favorite Elliot, I bought you some Lasagna." Mom said.

I could smell it, it's so good.

"I bet you can smell it huh, well too bad you can't eat right now. It's up to me to enjoy it for you" She said chuckling.

Still such bitch after all these years.

"If you were just careful enough on what happened, you could be eating this right now. You wouldn't be stuck in a damn coma if you were just careful enough, tsk."

A coma!? Wait a minute, I'm in a coma!?

What the hell happened to me that I got stuck in a comatose? I tried to remember.

I was shocked to learn the truth. Or is this the truth? Well it does seem like it. I couldn't believe that I am in a coma. Now it all made sense to. Later on, someone else came in and talked with mom. She sounded like a woman.

"Good evening ma'am." The woman said.

"Good evening" Mom coldly replied.

"I'm nurse Ruby, I'm here to feed Miss Elliot."

"Oh sure, go ahead."

I felt something injected to me, somewhere in my wrists, a tube. I felt flowing from it.

"This is how you feed people in comas?" Mom asked.

 "Oh yes, we just inject them with feeding tubes and there will flow liquid nutrients they need so they don't starve or dehydrate." Nurse Ruby explained.

"Oh, I see."

"I'm guessing you must be her mother?" Nurse Ruby asked.

"Oh, yes yes I am."

"You two must be really close huh" Nurse Ruby cheerfully replied.

"Well not really. We don't really get along well either, but well here I am." Mom chuckled. "I'm just a worried old hag."

Their talk went on until the feeding was done. Nurse Ruby left the room and mom sat back down on her chair. Mom started chuckling.

"I'm just a worried old hag, waiting for her little devil to wake up."

There was it again. "Wake up" started echoing loudly. It was becoming a headache; I couldn't hear anything else anymore besides the echoing voice of my mom shouting that.


I woke up gasping. In front of me was a fire, sitting beside it was the owl and the strange man I encountered. It seemed like they were waiting for me to wake up already.

"Elli dear, how are you feeling?" The owl politely asked.

"I'm...fine now"

"Good, because we have a lot to talk about." Replied the man.

"I think I know now." I said.

The two looked at each other for a moment and back to me. Then the owl replied to what I said.

"You do?"

"Yeah... I'm in a coma... right?

"You are correct." The man replied.

I sighed. I looked down and made a loud sigh, after that, long sullen silence took over. The strange man stood up and walked towards me. He kneeled down in front of me and took of his mask. I recognized him, I knew him.


"Brandon. Brandon Hargreens." I butted in before he could finish. "How could I forget you, you saved me back then from Yurian." I stated.

"Elli dear, you must not have recognized me" The owl said. "It's me, it's your grandma Eritha."

My eyes suddenly widened and teared up. It has been a long time since I have heard that name. It all made sense now why she kept calling me "Elli dear" and why Brandon called her "Eritha" when they saved me from the creature back then.


"It's me sweetie, come here and give me a big hug!"

I did not hesitate and rushed towards her. I hugged her as tight as I could like the last time I did.

"I missed you so much, it's been so hard since you were gone." I whimpered. "I missed you every single day, so so much."

I hugged her while tears rolled down my eyes. After a few minutes of silence, I let go of her. I understood now why it was the two of them that had come and saved me from danger.

"You two have always been there for me when I needed help in the real world, especially you, grandma Eritha." I stated. "Brandon saved my life and I couldn't forget it, and grandma Eritha has always been my comfort in the family. It all makes sense now. Thank you for saving me back there when I was in danger."

"Well, don't thank us yet. That's not the real danger that's after you. But don't worry we're here to help you" Brandon replied.

"Wait, real danger?" I asked.

"Well honey, when you woke up, something else woke up with you. Something evil." Said Eritha.

"Something evil? Like, like a demon?" I asked stuttering.

"Well... not really a demon." Replied Brandon.

"Well... what is this evil you speak of?"

"Well Elliot, this evil.... Is you."

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