Perpetual Infatuation

By xoxomarbil

234K 16.8K 1.7K

A Clumsy girl, crushing over a guy since 4 years yet never talked to him. Now, when finally she has his atten... More

Character Sketch
1: Embarassment
2: Nan-dii-Niiii
3: Stare
4: Chocolate
5: Giving a Try
6: 41 Minutes 33 seconds
Character Info.
7: Mother of Dragon
8: Talks
9: Not so Fav
10: Bus
11: Best or Worst?
12: Butterflies Died
13: Texts
14: No One Important
15: Meeting Again
16: Tag Along
17: Train
18- Loser?
19: Engaged
20: Fever
21: Go Home
22: Dinner
23- Mehendi
24: Blank
25- First Night or First Kick?
26- Manik's pov
27- Biryani
29: Paparazzi
30: Back to square one?
31- Regret
32: Love, Like or Leave?
33- Back to Palace
34- A new to way to apologise
35- Emotions
36- Embarassment
37- If and what
38- Punishment??
39- Study
40- Moonlight
41- His Monkey
42- Result
43: Perpetual Infatuation

28: Club

4.4K 409 65
By xoxomarbil

Sorry for the mistakes.

Manik's pov

" Alya, Alya where is my Manik? " I saw Nandini poking Alya with her fingers making me realise she's drunk heavily

20 minutes in the club and she's drunk to the next level. I knew taking her here is going to be a bad idea but my friends were so persistent as I already postponed this plan for about 12 days, henceforth, I got no other option but to come

Glaring at my friends, I spoke gritting teeth" I went out for 10 minutes. 10 fuckin' minutes "

" Not our fault, Manik. You were flirting with some girl, she saw that, and before we could do anything she drank the whole vodkaaa" Cabir sang finding the situation funny

I closed my eyes taking deep breath controlling my anger and then hissed at him " I wasn't flirting, you know this, the girl came and started seducing, FYI I jerked her off "

" We know but your wife don't" Dhruv shrugged his shoulder looking at Nandini who was in some other world.

I remember the last time she drank on her building terrace. God, she gave me huge bite all over my neck murmuring ' I'm very bad, manipulator and what not'

I was still standing reminiscing the past while rubbing my forehead in worry thinking how will I handle her , without drinking she always run and yell, now I don't know.

" Alya, where is my Manik? Did he left me for that model girl? " I heard her asking Alya once again like a kid who lost her favourite toy

I cleared my throat to gain her attention, but she was too busy to notice

" No, Nandini. He didn't left you. Turn around and look " Alya answered sweetly

Frowning her eyebrows, She turned and saw me standing, her frown turned into a full teeth smile and without any ado she stood on the couch nearby

" Manik Manik Manik " she sang happily jumping and I thank God that she is wearing Jeans otherwise it'd have been a huge disaster

When she feels happy, She have a habit of saying everything atleast 3 times.

Childish, I know!
Do I love this habit of hers?

I was busy noticing her antiques when she frowned " but why there are five-five Manik? "

I literally face palmed myself, my friends were laughing like we are in a theatre and some rom com is going on.

" Nandi-" before I could complete, I heard her murmuring to herself " which one is my Manik? All are looking same"

Her tone and face was laced in confusion and worry, looking beside me like analysing the other Maniks to find which one is Me, she finally yelled a minute or two later " yes, this one is my Manik"

Announcing, she was about to jump in the vacant space just beside me when I stopped her by her arms.

Not having any other option, I spoke or more like whispered so that my friends couldn't hear " I-uh I am yo-your M-Manik "

She didn't said for a while, kept staring my face for few seconds and then spoke innocently " but you're not scowling or glaring or ordering me, you're not mine. Even though, You're looking cute and kind but I want my arrogant Manik only "

My friends started laughing like never before making me scowl. I glared at her hard

What does she think of me?

" That glare, yes yes yes. You're my Manik. Look Alya I found my Love. See, he is glaring means he's mine " she said happily jumping on the couch explaining Alya.

Her eyes shining bright like she has won some jackpot while Alya was laughing holding her stomach

Listening her description about me, I scowled more, if possible.

And the next second she jumped on me, hugging me tightly. Her legs on either side of my waist, hands wrapping all over me and she was holding me like a monkey. My monkey.

I was startled with her actions but again she had neat vodka, what can I even expect?

" Ok guys, We are leaving " I told my friends still carrying her

Listening this, she immediately jumped out saying " what? No, I won't go. Its nice here "

" Nandini, don't be stubborn. I don't have any energy left " I said strictly with a dead serious voice which I always use when I need something to be done at the very instant but my wife loves testing my patience

" You liar. The other day you said don't provoke me, otherwise you have so much energy that I can't walk for 7 days " she hissed pouting in the end


I went blank hearing her, the other day I told her this in the context of having sex but she just blurted out everything inter-relating with today. Not to forget, she spoke everything in front of my friends.

"That much stamina huh? " Cabir asked giving one of his ugly smirk

I saw my friends, they all were teasingly looking at me, I rolled my eyes ignoring them and get my attention back to the storm infront of me

" Nandini, don't try to act smart. Lets go " I stated pulling her arms

" No, I won't go. Today I'll sleep here only. You always order me " she complaint jerking my hands off from her arms

I closed my eyes for few seconds to control myself and then spoke " fine, you won't go, right? "

" Yes " she said with a straight loud and clear voice which holds determination

" Then don't blame me " I uttered holding her arms to pick her up but the little minx jerk her hands off so quickly that I didn't even realise. Immediately sprinting to Mukti, she held her arms tightly

What the fuck?

I was still processing what happened, when I saw her trying to make Mukti come forward from her seat, everyone was confused what is she upto?

" Nandini, what are you doing? " Mukti asked confused

After pulling her somewhat forward, she wrapped both hands around Mukti's stomach tightly and looked dead straight in my eyes " I won't go "

My mouth was wide open in shock, so was my friends.

What is this girl?

Finally after a few seconds, when everybody realised what she has done, the VIP room filled with laugh, hysterical laugh!

My anger rose to another level, no one, I repeat no one ever have the audacity to behave like this to me and then there is this tiny 5 feet girl

" Nandini, Don't test my patience " I said rudely, she ignored only focused on her hold on Mukti

I tried to pull her, but the minx has held Mukti in such a way that if I pull her, Mukti will also come along.

I tried again but failed again

She looked at Mukti innocently, who has an amusing smile on her face " Mukti, Please tell your friend I dont want to go. Please "

Hearing her innocent voice almost, almost made me smile

Before Mukti could speak , I stated" Don't Mukti "

" Manik, just let her be, for once " rolling her eyes Mukti argued

I rolled my eyes knowing there is no point of arguing because this little wife of mine won't leave Mukti until she herself doesn't want to.

So, I sat on the other end of the same couch

A few moments later she slowly turned back and saw I was sitting casually.

I felt her eyes on me but decided not to look up, as I was curious to know what she will do.

Leaving one hand off Mukti, she held the table infront of us and did something then, turned to my side. slowly very slowly, I feel her laying on the couch

What the?

I looked up to see what is she upto when I felt her legs on my lap. I knew she is feeling sleepy but her stubbornness is not letting her sleep.

" Manik, I'm sleeping here ok? " She said making me look her

I nodded a little

It would be easy, if she'd just sleep here then, I can carry her.

" I have made space for you also, come sleep, sleep here" she pointed the little, about 15 cm distance beside her

" Hmm " I said giving a sigh

Smiling she closed her eyes, only to open once again " dont try to take me anywhere, I have tied my wrist with the table "

I looked at her unbelievably, is she really an engineer?

All my friends were laughing all this while and enjoying the scene.

I didn't said anything, only gave her an unbelievable look. After few seconds, she opened her eyes again whining " Manik, come. I'm sleepy"

" Nandini, this is Club. See. People come here for fun not to sleep on the couch " I said as softly as I could

" I know, but what if someone is having fun while sleeping, then? " She asked innocently and I face palmed myself

" Manik, sleep here please " she whined again making me annoyed

I was getting irritated by her non stop tantrums as I was already in a bad mood due to work

She nudged me with her legs for the
sixth time telling me to sleep, when all my patience broke.

" Nandini, how many time I told you don't test my patience. You're making me irritated by your constant bickering, so just shut up, stop whining and give me some peace " I shouted on her

Cabir was about to speak, but my one glare made him stop. Nandini didn't said a word after that which in a weird way doesn't liked by my heart.

Few minutes later, I looked at her, she was curled up on the couch sobbing silently.

The room atmosphere have changed from happy to depressed.

My friends decided to go on dance floor for sometime leaving us alone

Taking a deep breath, I slowly adjusted myself beside her in that little space and hugged her from behind.

She slowly turned back and look at me, her eyes were full with tears which somehow made me guilty, so I tried to lighten up her mood by saying " see, I'm here beside you "

" I'm not talking to you " she said grumpily trying to sit, when I pulled her and she landed on my chest

" I'm sleeping, see " I said closing my eyes

" No, you always shout on me, I'm not talking to you " she complaint pouting

" Me and shout? When? " I asked acting innocent

" All the time " she answered putting her head on my chest, snuggling closer to me

" Tomorrow, tell me when ok? Now sleep " I said wrapping my hands around her

" I'm still angry, don't forget that " she muttered snuggling closer holding my neck.

While I stared at my little, clumsy yet smart wifey.


Picking her in my arms, I took her near the car when she murmured " Manik? "

" Hmm "

" I won't go. I'll sleep in the club " she whispered sleepily putting her head on my shoulder

Shaking my head, I open the door and tried to put her in the car but she was just not ready to leave me.

" Nandini, leave me. I need to drive " I requested

" No, I won't go and I won't let you go " she snuggled closer to me

I tried for few more times but she was adamant.

Sighing, I called my friends who were still in the club trying to get really drunk

" Who is not drinking? " I asked as soon as Dhruv picked the phone

" Me " he replied confused

" I need you to drop me and Nandini, she is just not leaving me " I answered and being the good friend he came immediately but not alone, all my friends came.

They all decided to leave as there is no fun left since Nandini is asleep.

Is my wife some comedian that they aren't having fun without her?

We all adjusted in my car, with Dhruv on driving seat, Cabir took the passenger, while Alya, Mukti and me at the back and Nandini on my lap.

" She's so adorable " Alya spoke pinching her cheeks

I rolled my eyes thinking about her crazy theories and competitive mind.

Her legs were on either side of my waist, with her head on my chest while I wrapped both my hands around her.

Finally the car started and we hit the road, one speed breaker broke Nandini's sleep and she woke up groaning.


Adjusting to the view, she looked around to find herself in car, Immediately she turned back to me angrily " Manik, I told you I will sleep in the Club. Why did you take me out?"

I sighed rubbing my head and spoke as softly as I can " Nandini, the manager said Club is not the place to sleep. He asked us to leave"

" That Manager, how can he said that to Manik Malhotra, how? I'll not leave him now" She said angrily with a determined face


A small smile formed on my face hearing the way she said but I controlled myself and told her" its okay, Nandini. I'll see him tomorrow"

" No no no, its not okay. Dhruv take us back to the Club. I'll talk with the Manager. How can he said that to my Manik, huh? Manik is drunk that's why he didn't do anything but I'm not going to leave that manager " she ordered Dhruv turning towards him

The 'My Manik' took my heart away!

Dhruv who was smiling all this while, stops the car at the side for laughing.

Everyone was laughing, I tried not to but ended up smiling.

" Nandini, its enough. Now come and sleep " I said strictly, biting my lips to control my smile

" But I wanted to sleep on the Club Couch " she pouted sadly

Not knowing what to say or do, I uttered " Looke there, there are so many Airplanes in the sky "

Hearing aeroplane her eyes always lights up, she immediately look at the sky but couldn't find any planes

" Where Manik? " She asked curiously trying to find plane

" There, first sit properly then you'll see " I said softly

She took one of her leg from my waist and put both the legs together, resting her head on my chest she gazed the sky

" Manik, I can't see " She whispered

Luckily at that time, one aeroplane flew over the sky. Immediately, I pointed my fingers towards that.

She looked at the sky smiling widely and yelled " Aeroplane Aeroplane, Mukti see aeroplane "

" Yes, nice " Mukti replied smiling

I smiled looking at her, and Involuntarily, put my lips on her hair

She continued gazing the sky trying to find a new plane, a satisfied smile adored her lips, slowly she closed her eyes hugging me.

I made her more closer to me, wrapped both my arms around her tightly and looked at the sleeping beauty who would turn into a storm as soon as she will wake up


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