RWBY||Rising Phoenix

By DragonLord39

29.9K 581 629

|Slight RWBY AU | Fanfiction| Everyone knows that mercenaries fight for treasure. However, not all treasure i... More

Phoenix Character Bio
Chapter 1: Dust and Robberies
Chapter 2: The Shining Beacon
Chapter 3: The First Step
Chapter 4: Initiation
Chapter 5: The Badge and the Burden
Chapter 6: Jaunedice
Chapter 7: Forever Fall
Chapter 8: The Stray
Chapter 9: Black and White
Chapter 10: Best Day Ever
Chapter 11: Welcome to Beacon
Chapter 13: Extracurricular
Chapter 14: Burning Ice
Chapter 15: Mythical
Chapter 16: Phoenix
Halloween Thriller Special
Chapter 17: Dance Dance Infiltration
Chapter 18: Hunting Shadows
Chapter 19: Mountain Glenn
Chapter 20: No Brakes
Chapter 21: Breach
Chapter 22: Round One
Chapter 23: New Challengers
Chapter 24: A Brawl in the Family
Chapter 25: Lessons Learned
Chapter 26: Never Miss a Beat
Chapter 27: Maiden
Chapter 28: Broken Truths
Chapter 29: A Deal with the Devil
Chapter 30: The Battle of Beacon: Part 1
Chapter 31: The Battle of Beacon: Part 2
Chapter 32: Aftermath
Epilogue: 10 Years Later

Chapter 12: A Minor Hiccup

771 14 14
By DragonLord39


3rd Person POV

"Is this class ever gonna not bore me to death?" Phoenix groaned from where he was sitting between Pyrrha and Weiss in Port's class.

"Probably not," Pyrrha replied with a small smile.

"That's just great."

"So, Weiss," Jaune said, sliding over next to her. "You know, uhh, I was thinking, after this, maybe we could go grab a bite to eat?"

Weiss remained silent, staring at her scroll's clock.

"And... uh... you know, well, I've got two tickets to that new Spruce Willis movie if you want to make the trip to Vale," Jaune went on. "I hear it's awesome!"

A small flame flickered around Phoenix's wrist, and the mercenary shot a glare at Jaune, although he wasn't sure why.

"Aaaaaand... then maybe after that we could study together?" Jaune offered. "I mean you're smart, and I'm, uh... you know..."

"This is almost too sad to watch," Phoenix commented to Pyrrha. "Key word: Almost."

Just then the bell rang, and Weiss stood up.

"And then I..." Port trailed off. "Oh, uh... timed that one wrong, I guess. Well, the stunning conclusion to this story will have to wait! Until next time."

"Meaning, I have one day to retain my sanity," Phoenix commented. "Great, right?"

Pyrrha laughed.

"Weiss? Did you hear me?" Jaune asked as the heiress got up.

"No. No. No. Yes," Weiss replied, walking off.

"Nice one," Phoenix said, giving her a high five. "Hey, Jaune, need some Weiss for that burn?"

Jaune just groaned.

Timeskip brought to you by Weiss's Snow Castle

"I thought that class would never end," Blake complained as she, Ruby, Weiss, and Yang finished their final touches on their new outfits for going into town. Phoenix just strapped on his usual gear.

"Alright, guys, today's the day," Ruby cheered, jumping down. "The investigation begins!"

"I'm glad to see we're taking this so seriously," Weiss deadpanned.

"Hey, we've got a plan," Yang protested. "That's... moderately serious."

"More like half a plan," Phoenix corrected. "Me, I just follow four simple rules when it comes to plans."

"Meaning?" Weiss asked.

"Make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails... throw away the plan," Phoenix listed, counting off his fingers.

"And how often does that work out for you?" Blake asked.

"Often enough," Phoenix replied.

"Anyway," Ruby said, jumping in. "Everyone remember their roles?"

"You, me, and Phoenix will head to the CCT to check the Schnee records for any other Dust robberies or inconsistencies," Weiss said. "Seeing as I'm in the family, it shouldn't be a problem."

"I Schnee this'll be easy," Phoenix said, earning a laugh from Yang and a groan from everyone else.

"The White Fang has regular faction meetings to hand out orders and recruit new members," Blake said, getting everyone's attention. "If I can get in, I can hopefully find out what they're planning."

"I have an old friend on the shady side of town that typically knows everything going on in Vale," Yang said, stretching. "Getting information out of him shouldn't be too hard."

"Great!" Ruby said cheerfully. "We'll meet up tonight near Yang's position to go over what we found. Let's do this!"


Everyone whipped around to find a familiar monkey Faunus hanging upside down from the windowsill.

"Sun?!" Blake exclaimed.

"How did you get up there?" Yang asked.

"Aw, it's easy; I do it all the time," Sun replied.

"You do what?!" Phoenix and Weiss demanded.

"I climb trees all the time!" Sun corrected hastily.

Weiss's eyes narrowed.

"So, are we finally getting back at that Torchwick guy?" Sun asked, flipping himself into the room and landing on his feet.

"Can you seal the windows at night?" Weiss whispered to Phoenix.

"Already planned to," the mercenary whispered back.

"We... are going to investigate the situation," Blake replied in answer to Sun's question. "As a team."

"Sorry, Sun," Ruby apologized. "We don't want to get friends involved if we don't have to."

"Pfft, that's dumb," Sun replied, waving a hand dismissively. "You should always get friends involved. That's why I brought Neptune."

"You what?"

The four girls and Phoenix peeked out the window and saw Neptune balancing precariously on the ledge outside. "Sup."

"How did you even get up here?" Ruby asked.

"And without slipping," Phoenix added.

"I have my ways," Neptune replied, trying to be cool. "Seriously, though, can I come in? We're like... really high up right now."

Timeskip brought to you by Phoenix setting Neptune on Fire

"Alright," Ruby said. "I'll go with Weiss and Phoenix. Sun, you can go with Blake. And Neptune, you can go with Yang since she doesn't have a partner," Ruby said, pushing Neptune toward the blond girl. As he passed Weiss, Neptune winked at her.

Phoenix's eyes narrowed, and he felt what he could only describe as a stab of cold fire in his chest. He wasn't sure why though.

"Alright," Ruby said. "Everyone good?"

"More like Chaotic Neutral, but yeah, we're good," Phoenix said.

Timeskip brought to you by Phoenix 'accidentally' aiming a water cannon at Neptune

"Wowwww!" Ruby marveled as she, Weiss, and Phoenix walked down the streets of Vale toward the CCT building. "I forgot how big the transmit tower looks up close!"

"You should see the one in Atlas," Weiss replied.

"Wasn't that the first one?" Phoenix asked.

"Correct," Weiss answered. "Atlas developed the Cross Continental Transmit system to allow the four kingdoms to communicate with one another. It was their gift to the world after the great war."

"Pretty sure it was just their way of keeping tabs on the other kingdom's info," Phoenix deadpanned.

Weiss huffed at him. "Like you know anything."

"I know things, which are a part of anything," Phoenix countered.

"Ooo, look at me," Ruby said, adopting a posh accent. "My name is Weiss. I know facts. I'm rich."

"And don't forget cold, deceptively beautiful, and a royal pain in the aft," Phoenix added.

Weiss smacked him. "Don't be a pest. Besides, the only reason we're here is because Ruby likes the tower so much. We could have just as easily made a call from the library."

"I know, but it's so cooool!" Ruby whined.

"Not as cool as Weiss," Phoenix said, completely straight faced,

"Why do I even put up with you?" Weiss sighed.

"It's because you love me, isn't it?" Phoenix asked knowingly.

Weiss's face reddened, and she swatted him. "Baka!"

"I got her to say it!" Phoenix cheered, and, if possible, Weiss's face reddened even further.

"Anyway, I'm gonna take a picture," Ruby said, pulling out her scroll, only to fumble it, sending it bouncing across the ground to land at someone's feet.

"Oh, you dropped this," a familiar orange-haired girl said.

"Penny?" Ruby asked in surprise.

"Uh, oh," Phoenix muttered.

"Uh..." Penny hesitated.

"Where have you been?" Ruby asked. "We haven't seen you since the night at the docks."

"S-sorry," Penny apologized. "I think you're confused." She tossed the scroll back to Ruby. "Uh... I've got to go!" With that, she dashed off.

"What was that about?" Weiss asked.

"I don't know," Ruby replied, putting her scroll away. "But I'm going to find out. You go make your call; I'm going to meet up with you later!" With that, she ran off after Penny.

"Wait, you're going to just leave me here with him?!" Weiss complained, gesturing to Phoenix beside her.

"Gee, thanks," Phoenix complained before jerking a thumb toward the CCT tower. "We should probably get that call over with. Lead the way, Ice Queen."

"Don't call me that."

"Snow Princess?"

"Or that."


"Just stop!"



Grinning victoriously, Phoenix followed Weiss into the CCT building.

Walking past several people on monitors, the two of them crossed to an elevator and hopped inside. Closing the doors, Phoenix turned to Weiss. "Which floor?"

"Communications Room," she replied.


"It's the fifth button."

"Alright. You wanna press it?"

"You're so childish."

"Not as much as Ruby."


Sighing, Weiss reached over to press the button, only for Phoenix to do it first. "Sike!"

Weiss rolled her eyes, but a small smile played across her lips.

"Hello, welcome to the CCT," a voice said. "Please place your scroll on the terminal to verify your identity."

With a sigh, Weiss did so and held it up to the scanner.

"Perfect. Thank you, Miss Schnee."

"See?" Weiss asked, putting away her scroll and turning to Phoenix. "Why can't you be nice like that?"


"Because of what?"


Weiss rolled her eyes again but decided that arguing wasn't worth the time.

As the elevator went up, Weiss glanced over at Phoenix, who was standing silently beside her. "How are you and your sister?" she asked.

"Good," he replied. "We did some catching up a couple days ago. Not much else."

"Oh... that's cool, I guess."

"Guess so."

An awkward silence filled the elevator car.

"So... this call that you're making...." Phoenix said. "It has something to do with family, doesn't it?"

"Unfortunately," Weiss replied.

"Why unfortunately?"

Weiss hesitated. "I'll explain later."

Right on cue, the door opened, and the two walked over to an empty desk. As they neared, a hologram of a young woman in black flickered to life. "Welcome to the Beacon Cross Continental Transmit Center," the woman greeted. "How may I help you?"

"I need to make a call to Schnee Company World Headquarters in Atlas," Weiss replied, adopting a business-like tone.

Phoenix straightened, trying to mimic her stance, but ultimately failed.

Weiss rolled her eyes.

"Absolutely," the hologram replied. "If you could head over to terminal three, I'll patch you through."

"Thank you." Giving a slight bow of her head, Weiss walked off to one of the nearest terminals, Phoenix at her side.

Stepping ahead, Phoenix pulled the chair out for her. "Your chair, madam," he said, attempting a posh accent.

"Leave that to the professionals, please," Weiss said, accepting the chair.

"I am a professional."

"At what? Being annoying?"

"At being a professional," Phoenix replied.

"Sure." Shaking her head, Weiss steeled herself and sighed before pressing the button, and a picture of a woman with brown hair appeared.

"Thank you for calling the Atlas—Oh! Miss Schnee!" she said in surprise. "Good afternoon! Would you like me to patch you through to your father?" she asked as Phoenix edged away just enough so that he was behind Weiss, but out of camera sight. "I think your sister Winter might be here as well."

"No thank you," Weiss replied politely. "I was actually wondering if you could find some files for me. I've compiled a short list." Pulling out her scroll, she plugged it into the port.

"I see..." the woman mused. "If you don't mind... What may I ask is this for?"

"Use study project," Phoenix whispered quietly. "It works every time."

"Fine," Weiss sighed before turning back to the woman. "Study Project."

"Um... There are some sensitive documents on this list, ma'am," the woman said hesitantly.

"Well then, I'll be sure to treat them with care," Weiss replied.

"Right... very well. The data is being transferred to your scroll now," the woman said.

"Wonderful," Weiss said, pulling the scroll out. "That will be all then."

"Are you sure you wouldn't like me to patch you through to your father before you go?" the woman asked.

"Yes... I'm sure," Weiss replied hurriedly.

"Well then, have a nice day," the woman said, and the call was disconnected.

"Told you it'd work," Phoenix said smugly.

"Yeah... I guess it did," Weiss said, looking down.

"You alright?" Phoenix asked.

"I'm fine," Weiss replied and started toward the elevator.

Getting in behind her, Phoenix watched the doors close silently. "It's your father, isn't it?" he guessed, leaning against the wall of the elevator.

"What makes you say that?" Weiss asked evasively.

"The fact that you tried your best to avoid talking to him during the call, that you didn't seem so excited beforehand, and how you're acting evasive right now?" Phoenix asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Oh..." Weiss was silent for a long moment. "My father and I... we don't necessarily have the best of relationships."

"Go on."

"He... wasn't exactly supportive of my decision to come to Beacon," Weiss admitted. "He wanted me to take control of the company and be his perfect little heiress to parade around all day."

"What do you know? Looks like you've got a bit of a rebellious side, Weiss," Phoenix said with a smile before placing his hand on her shoulder. "Relationships can be tough. Trust me."

Weiss nodded and looked down.

"What about your sister?" Phoenix asked after a long moment.

"She's... she's supportive in her own way," Weiss replied after a bit. "She's strict, but I believe she cares...."

"Tough love?"


The two were silent for a long moment.

"Phoenix," Weiss said as the doors opened, and the two walked out the elevator, through the doors of the CCT building, and to the streets of Vale beyond. "Can I ask you something?"

"You just did," Phoenix pointed out with a smile.

"You know what I mean," Weiss sighed. "Why do you keep on flirting with me? You know it doesn't work with Jaune, so why do you keep on doing it?"

"Cause it's fun?"

"Answer me truthfully, please," Weiss requested with a sigh.

"Alright..." Phoenix was silent for a long moment. "Cause it's fun."

"That's it?"

"That's it."

Weiss just shook her head. "You're impossible."

"I know," Phoenix replied, cheerfully.

The two walked in silence for several seconds. "Why are you so intent on being around me?" Weiss asked. "Most people would have given up trying to be friends with me, yet you haven't. Why is that?"

"Because you and I aren't that different," Phoenix said.


"You heard me," Phoenix replied as they walked down a smooth stone sidewalk toward the main part of Vale. "You and I both have a bit of a rebellious streak. For example, you've got the off center-ponytail, and you seem to want to prove people's view of your family wrong. And you've already been taking steps for that. You could say I admire you, in a way."

"Really?" Weiss asked in surprise.

"More or less," Phoenix replied. "Even after your... argument with Blake, you were willing to step up and admit you were wrong, and you've been taking steps to change. That's something I've rarely seen people do."

Weiss blinked at him, surprised. "Forgive me, but... it's strange seeing you like this."

"How so?"

"Most of the time you act like everything's alright, that nothing can touch you," Weiss said. "It's like you never take anything seriously, yet when you do, you find things where no one else cares to look. How?"

"I like challenges," Phoenix replied, shrugging.

The two walked in silence for several moments.

"You know, my father used to have a saying," Phoenix said. "Semblances can often relate to an element. Like mine. It embodies fire, passion, and it's always changing."


"Yours is similar to ice," Phoenix explained. "Sharp, cold, and precise, yet flexible." Turning, he faced Weiss, taking her hands in his. "Look. Who your father is doesn't matter. What matters is who you are. You can stay his perfect little doll... or you can be who you are now."

"And who would that be?"

"That's for you to decide," Phoenix replied.

Weiss gave a small smile. "I... I think I understand. Thank you, Phoenix."

He smiled at her, his amber eyes flashing. "Anytime."

There was a small moment of silence, and both were acutely aware of how close they were standing to the other. Before either could say anything, Weiss's scroll rang, and she pulled it out.

(A/N) If you were waiting for the opportune moment... that was it.


"Everyone!" It was Blake. "If you can hear me, we need back—"

"Heeeeeeelp!" Sun shouted in the background.

"It looks like they need our assistance," Weiss said, putting away her scroll and turning to Phoenix. "Let's go."

"Right behind you," he replied and dashed after her.

Timeskip brought to you by Phoenix missing the Moment

Dashing up to the side of the highway, Weiss and Phoenix looked around. "Where are they?" Weiss asked.

Eyes surveying the area, Phoenix pointed. "There!"

Weiss followed his arm to where Roman, in a massive Atlesian paladin mech, was chasing after Blake, Sun, and Neptune.

"Let's go." Drawing Myrtenaster, Weiss flipped over the edge and to the ground below, landing delicately.

Spinning, Weiss raised her sword and plunged it into the street, causing a film of ice to form over its surface.

As Roman's mech skidded, Phoenix vaulted off the railing of the bridge. Aiming his sword, he changed Dauntless into its whip form and lashed out, the tip of the blade impaling itself in the bottom of the bridge.

Holding onto the hilt with both hands, Phoenix swung toward Roman's mech and slammed into it, sending it careening off the bridge and to the ground below where Ruby was waiting, scythe in hand.

Jumping down, Weiss, Yang, Phoenix, and Blake landed beside her, weapons at the ready.

"Bring it on, huntresses!" Roman taunted through the mech's speakers as he advanced toward them. "And huntsman."

"At least someone didn't forget about me," Phoenix said with a grin.

"Freezer Burn!" Ruby shouted and jumped backward, followed by Blake as Weiss raised her sword and stabbed it into the ground, causing ice to spread in all directions.

Jumping up, Phoenix and Yang raised their weapons and brought them down, breaking the ice apart in a massive explosion of shards and mist, creating a fog.

"Oh, so that's how you want to play, huh?" Roman challenged. Activating his mech's sensors, multiple lasers lighting up the surrounding area, he trudged forward, senses alert.

Seeing several shapes flitting through the fog, Roman aimed one of the mech's blasters and fired, knocking Yang and Blake off their feet.

Dashing through the smoke of the explosion, Ruby slammed her scythe into the mech, sending it staggering backward as she landed on her feet.

"Checkmate!" she shouted.

Rushing past her, Weiss and Blake dashed forward and attacked, delivering a barrage of blows to the mech's leg joints.

Weiss impaled one of the sensors with her rapier, jumped back, and activated a glyph underneath Blake, launching her backward as the mech slammed its foot down where she had been.

Growling, Roman aimed his mech toward Weiss and Blake and launched a wild barrage of missiles from its shoulders.

Flipping backward and dodging the blasts, Weiss looked up just in time to see Roman train his guns on them and fire. Raising her sword, Weiss barely deflected a blast that sent her flying backward. As she flipped through the air, she sent a glyph toward Blake that flashed gold.

Before she could hit the ground, she felt the sensation of familiar arms around her and looked up to see Phoenix as the mercenary gently set her down.

"You alright, Ice Queen?" he asked.

"Fine," she replied and looked up just as Roman unleashed another barrage of missiles at Blake.

Spinning, her body glowing with golden energy from Weiss's glyph, Blake blurred through the air, cutting the missiles down with ease.

"Flame Rope!" Ruby shouted.

Nodding, Phoenix and Blake charged forward as Roman's mech aimed at them.

Exchanging nods with Blake, Phoenix dashed to Roman's side, Blake following his lead, and lashed out with his sword in chain mode as Blake did the same.

Their weapons locked around the mech's ankles, and they tugged, sending the large mech to the ground.

As it staggered to its feet, Ruby shouted, "Ladybug!" and dashed forward with Blake at her side.

Delivering a sequence of blows to the mech's leg joints as it staggered to its feet, Ruby and Blake jumped into the air, dodging a blast from Roman's mech.

Looking up, Roman's eyes widened as Ruby and Blake fell toward him. Their weapons flashed, and with a loud metallic crash, the mech's left arm dropped to the ground.

Jumping up behind the mech, Yang landed on its back and delivered a barrage of powerful blows to its back plating.

Roman grit his teeth and launched the mech backward and into a pillar, shattering it and sending Yang dropping toward the ground.

Changing the robot's gun into a fist, Roman lashed out, punching a still airborne Yang out of the air and to the ground.

"Yang!" Phoenix shouted.

"Don't worry," Ruby assured, watching as Yang staggered to her feet. "With each hit she gets stronger, and she uses that energy to fight back. That's what makes her special."

Looking up at the mech and clenching her fist, her hair glowing ever so slightly, Yang met the mech's punch with her own, intercepting it as a shockwave rang around her.

Her eyes turning red, Yang drew back her fist and slammed it into the mech's arm, shattering it.

Phoenix whistled. "Damn."

Lashing out with the mech's foot, Roman kicked Yang backward.

"Bumblebee!" Ruby shouted.

Nodding, Blake launched her weapon after Yang, and the blond-haired girl grabbed onto it.

Tugging the roped weapon taut, Blake tugged and sent Yang arcing through the air and toward Roman's paladin, kicking it backward.

"We have to slow it down!" Ruby shouted.

"And how do you propose we do that?" Weiss asked.

"Midnight Ice Flower!" Ruby shouted.

Aiming her gun in sniper mode as Weiss created several frosty glyphs in front of it, Ruby fired, sending a blast of icy energy to slam into Roman's mech and freezing its arm joint. Ruby fired again and again, targeting its joints and slowing it down while Phoenix raised his hand to the sky above.

Black embers swirled around him, and with a flash of fire, four large spears of obsidian appeared above him. Bringing his arm down, Phoenix sent the spears flying toward Roman's mech, immobilizing it as Blake swung Yang around once more.

Propelling herself with a gauntlet blast, Yang drew back her fist and, with a yell, sent Roman's mech crashing to the ground, shattered into pieces.

"Just got this thing cleaned!" Roman complained, dusting off his outfit as he got to his feet and turned to face Team RWBY.

Drawing back her fist, Yang sent a dust round flying toward Roman, only for a short woman with brown and pink hair to land in front, blocking the blast with an umbrella.

"Ladies, Phoenix... Ice Queen," Roman said.

"Hey!" Weiss complained.

"Always a pleasure," Roman said, tipping his hat at them. "Neo, if you would?"

Neo nodded and stuck a bowing pose.

Popping another round into her gauntlet, Yang shot toward them and lashed out, shattering Neo and Roman to pieces.


Looking up as the illusion disintegrated, everyone saw a Bullhead taking off, Neo and Roman barely visible as it flew off into the skies.

"So, I guess he got a new henchman," Yang said.

"Yeah, I guess she really made our plans... fall apart?" Weiss tried.

"No... just, no," Yang said, shaking her head.

"What? But you and Phoenix do it!" Weiss complained.

"There's a time and a place for jokes," Yang explained.

"Was this not it?" Weiss asked.

"No, it just wasn't very good," Yang replied, following Blake as the young cat Faunus made her way back to Beacon.

"Well, at least I'm trying," Weiss complained.

Phoenix patted Weiss on the shoulder. "Don't worry about it, Ice Queen. You'll shatter our expectations someday."


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