By Purplelove1998

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"Fading memories and a broken heart is what I'm getting for loving you. For trusting you when I was not even... More

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By Purplelove1998

He leaned on the wall looking at the sky. The atmosphere seemed calm and peaceful. But why does his heart seem to be the exact opposite?

" I'm messing up again!", he mumbled, frowning. " This is not supposed to happen".

He was all alone on the rooftop. He has somehow managed to get away from the girl who has been irritating him too much these few days.

He ran his fingers through his already messed up hair. He really didn't want to talk like that with Yura. But everything has a limit. Even his tolerance.

Tae has nothing against Yura. He is not avoiding her just because she is annoying.

She is not poisonous or disgusting in his eyes just as other people say. That girl is just madly in pursuit of popularity.

He knew she had no feelings for him. She always acts normal when they are alone or when there are no spectators.

But once she knows they are being watched, it won't take two seconds for her to change her demeanor. She would become cocky and would start acting lovey dovey with him. That sure irritates Tae a lot.

Yura is not the type to love someone, at least not in this young stage. She had a few crushes in the past. Most of them were even ready to reciprocate those feelings.

But she put the full stop. Because she is not interested in relationships which include feelings.

Yura never felt herself as someone who is ready to care for someone else and make compromises.

And once you are in a relationship you are bound to change and compromise at one point or another. And she is not ready for that yet.

That is the chief reason for her obsession with Jungkook. Because he would never feel anything for her. She just needed the attention that she could get once she entered into a relationship with the boy.

But unfortunately the other doesn't share the same mindset.

These are not Tae's assumptions or conclusions he derived from their interactions. But these are the things which the girl herself told him.

According to Tae, if this is the reason why she chose to get humiliated multiple times by Jungkook, then she is dumb.

After all, what's the use of getting everyone's attention by suffering like this?

That's why she has changed her track right now. She is tired of being humiliated and bullied. So using Tae she could easily get popular without trying too much or getting humiliated.

She has already told him that she is just acting for others to see. In fact that is okay with him.

He never corrected the rumours spread by Yura about their relationship. At Least that keeps others away from him. He knew about Yura threatening other students.

But he ignored it. He knew that it is crystal clear between both of them that they are nothing more than acquaintances.

He knew it's wrong. But there's nothing wrong from his side. He had never once misled her. She is the one that approached him. So in fact Yura was never a threat to him.

But he avoided her at all costs. Because she is dangerous. She is not a threat to him. But she is a threat to his plan.

Once she found him, she wouldn't leave him. She would keep on blabbering about anything and everything. She was annoying. But he somehow managed to tolerate her. Because once- or still - he was like her.

Extreme social. But he hates her company. Because there were a lot of occasions in which he had let his guards down.

And she keeps on reminding him the things he wants to forget. So how on earth would he love her company? That is the only offence he had against her.

If she would just sit and chat and mind her own business, he would have never found her annoying.

In fact if he had met her in a different circumstance, maybe he would have sat and chatted with her for hours. But sadly that's not the case. So he tried to avoid her.

He knew she had a bad reputation in the school. She herself had told him the reason. Everyone used to hate her because of her obsession over Jeon Jungkook, the school basketball captain.

Tae already heard a lot about that arrogant brat. First from Hyunjin and then from Yura.

The guy had lashed out at Yura countless times. It's not surprising that Jungkook finds Yura annoying. But to treat her as if she is a pest or the most hateful creature in the whole world, it's a bit too much.

According to Tae, the guy had crossed his lines. How could he humiliate a girl like that in front of the entire school.

In fact, according to Yura, Jungkook had never missed a chance to make fun of his obsessive fangirl. His attitude to her, had given a chance for everyone to treat her the same way.

Tae was not a fool to believe everything she said. So he asked Hyunjin. Both of his cousins had confirmed everything she said.

Jungkook was not someone both of his cousins adorned. So if knew not know better, there were chances for him to assume that his cousins were lying.

But he knew they wouldn't lie to him. And they have no reasons to lie. So everything he heard was true. He was not happy about the things he heard. Yura may be annoying.

But there is no need to make a fuse over that. Tae too had found her annoying. But it was because of his own insecurities. But one thing he knew for sure was that he was not gonna hurt her.

Neither by words nor action. Reason may be a little silly. So he's not gonna tell anyone that he found himself in her.

He used to be the same with Jae. Always being clingy. But that was because they were in a relationship. He used to think that the other loved him. But if he had got a faintest hint that Jae found him clingy, he would have stopped.

But unfortunately he never noticed. He never knew his boyfriend used to hate him because of his behaviour.

If he hadn't heard that conversation, he would never have known that not all people appreciate his extreme social approach.

He really wants to tell Yura about this. But he doesn't want to hurt her. Jae had never said any hurtful words to him. But he used to listen with utmost interest.

That's the reason Tae finds it very difficult to believe that Jae was pretending to love him.

Tae considers Jungkook a rude and arrogant guy. If Jae can tolerate him, then Jungkook could have tolerated Yura.

He needn't accept her, but at least he shouldn't have hurt her like he did. So instead of hurting her Tae decided to avoid her. It's a better decision for both of them.

He heard the door opening.

Now who is it?


Jimin looked around. Soon he met with those deep eyes. Jimin felt some kind of relief. He doesn't know why he is feeling like this with this guy.

Tae doesn't seem mad at his arrival. He doesn't even seem surprised. Jimin looked at him trying to find any signs of annoyance or displeasure.

But when he saw none of the expected emotions but a kind of amusement, he was surprised.

" Are you not surprised to see me here?", he asked looking at the other trying not to sound too excited.

But he is kind of excited right now. He doesn't know whether it is because of the fact that the most sought after guy in the school was expecting him to be here or if it is something else.

Jimin felt like a stupid teenage girl meeting her crush right now. But in fact it's not true. Because Jimin himself could be categorised into the most popular guys in Bangtan.

But still Tae is a different case. This guy avoids interactions at any cost. But the fact that he is expecting an interaction with Jimin made it more appealing and satisfactory for the blonde.

He knew most of the redhead's crazy fans would envy him if they got to know about this. If they ever got a chance to know.

Tae frowned upon hearing the question from the other. He looked at him confused. " Why would I be surprised?"

" So you expected me to come here?", Jimin asked, testing the waters.

He was internally squealing. Because Jimin has always found the redhead interesting. And a chance like this is not something you could just any time.

Tae nodded. " Kind of", the boy replied, confusing the other even more.

C'mon!! Why would Tae even expect Jimin to come here?

" May I know why?", the blonde asked amused seeing the boy not showing any signs of annoyance.

Tae chuckled." I don't know", he said honestly. "I think that depressed souls have a thing for this place".

Jimin looked at him puzzled. He is not able to comprehend what the other meant by the remark.

Depressed souls?

How does he know that I'm depressed? Is it too clear?

Omg!!! I'm doomed!

His mind was going frenzy. But he doesn't want to assume without having the confirmation.

" How do you know I am depressed?"he asked while his heart was beating wildly against the rib cage.

The other leaned on the wall looking forward. " I can tell".

" Is that obvious?", Jimin asked, his voice cracking. He was getting nervous now.

But the other looked at him probably from hearing the change of tone.

" No", he said. "You are good at hiding your emotions".

Jimin couldn't understand what the other was saying at this point.

" Then how did you know?"

" Maybe we are in the same boat?" That came more as a question. As if he was asking Jimin to confirm.

But what is Jimin supposed to say when they know nothing of each other.

" Sorry?"Jimin tried, truly confused.

But the other didn't reply. He just leaned on the wall and closed his eyes.

Just when Jimin thought that he angered the other and he was contemplating whether he should stay or leave, the other started again.

" You didn't come here to talk", Tae started. "Did you?"

Jimin shook his head affirming the other is saying the truth.

" No", he confirmed. "I came to relax a bit".

The reply was too quick.

" Then do that", the redhead said nonchalantly.

Jimin scoffed looking at the other now sitting with his eyes closed.

Wow ! Two faced. You are trying to push me away. Right?

So he sat down.

Of course! He came here to relax. But he needs to talk to someone. Tae seemed the only option. But he doesn't want to talk to me. He doesn't hate me. Right?

Jimin frowned at his own thoughts. Why would Tae hate him? He didn't hurt him. Or did he?

Again. Jimin didn't want to make false assumptions.

So he decided to ask. " Do you hate me?"

Tae turned his head to face him seemingly amused by the question. He cocked his brow questioning. "And why would I hate you?"

" You didn't want to talk to me", Jimin said, voicing his point honestly. But the other seemed surprised by the remark.

But the next moment it was Jimin's turn to be surprised. Because the other smiled widely at him.

Jimin didn't know what to do. He didn't understand what was actually happening between them.

He knows that he is somehow always intimidated by the redhead.

Heck!! Jimin is actually scared whether his actions or words would upset or offend the other. But he didn't know why the other boy was acting so friendly with him when he was nothing but cold to the rest of those in Bangtan.

He doesn't know whether the other's friendly attitude to him is something he should be happy about.

Tae chuckled softly. " But you seemed tired and sad. I thought it was better for me to give you some privacy".

Jimin blinked his eyes even more surprised. He knew that the other was not playing with him or something because the boy, he knew, is not only harmless but also a good one.

He knew it from the experience. But being so friendly around him? It's so weird.

Moreover this is Hyunjin's cousin. Of course! He doesn't hate or even have any grudge against the boy. It's all settled.

Okay. He has already explained his own part of the story.

But still.....

How could this guy be like this with him?

But actually Jimin felt happy. If you ask whether he wants to be friends with Kim Taehyung, he would say yes. So he decided to give it a try.

Jimin smiled. " What if I want to talk?"

Tae looked at him amused. " Why would you talk to me?", he asked. "You have a lot of friends".

Jimin scoffed involuntarily. " I don't want to talk to them", he said bluntly. "I don't even want to see them".

Tae looked at him surprised. But then he shakes his head smiling.

" And I trust you", Jimin added, making the other smile softly.

Few minutes passed. Jimin started to get tense. He wonders whether the other is annoyed by him already.

But the silence was broken by the redhead. " Okay. What is it?"

Jimin knows that.. it is risky to share his secret with the other. But he wants to take this risk.

Jimin took a deep breath. " You remember that friend I am in love with. Don't you?"

Tae nodes.

Jimin continued. " Well that friend is Yoongi. And that day we met here for the first time, I came to know that he has been secretly dating one of my other friends, Hobi. They have been dating for one year. I have been in love with Yoongi for five years. He was my childhood best friend. We had grown up together. He used to be my best friend. He was always there for me. And I started having feelings for him. But I didn't want to risk our friendship. But I was sure that he too had feelings for me. So I was waiting for the confession. But it never came. But I was waiting.

Then we came here. And met the rest of our friends here", he paused, sighing.

Jimin glanced at the other boy and saw him looking at him so attentively.

He let out a sigh again. " At first it was alright. Yoongi still treated me the same way he used to treat me. We still stick together. But as time passed everything changed. Yoongi got into the basketball team. He used to hang out with his teammates more. He no longer has time for me. The only time we met was during the lunch break. But I still hoped that I was the one he loves. So I didn't mind his busy schedules. But now I am just one of his friends. I am not special to him anymore.

But then he started behaving weird. And I got a lot of hints that he is dating someone. And I was stupid because I came to the conclusion that it was Hyunjin. It's not really entirely my fault. Yoongi didn't want anyone to know about them. So he did everything to hide it".

" You know, to enjoy the fun of secret dating!!", he scowled his face displaying a disdainful scorn. "Then he often showed an interest in Hyunjin. There were a lot of incidents that led me to the conclusion that.... Yoongi liked Hyunjin. That's the reason I hated Hyunjin. I used to fight with him a lot. Everyone used to think that it was just silly fights for popularity. But it was not...... I really wanted to hurt him because I thought he stole my happiness", he said, as he looked at the other.

"But then that day, I found out the truth", he chuckled dryly.

"The following days, I avoided Yoongi hoping I can move on. But nothing worked. After the exams were over, I couldn't avoid them anymore. But I used to get irritated when I saw those two together...... acting like friends and teasing each other. They were even dragging you into their mess. They were really disappointed when I said that I don't want to fight with Hyunjin anymore. They seemed to enjoy the drama a lot, I think. You don't know how much I wanted to expose them. But I don't want to make Yoongi angry", he paused before starting again.

"But last Friday morning, I had a clash with Hoseok. Then at the lunch break he came with a terrible headache. God knows whether his headache was real or not. I think the latter. Well then Yoongi started worrying, Followed by others. They were making a fuse over a little headache. I was getting irritated seeing all that. Then Yoongi took Hobi to the infirmary. I was already upset about it when Jin asked me something. So I behaved a little rudely with him. But it leads to a fight with all others. Then I walked out. Nobody stopped me. Now I am avoiding them. Can you believe it? They are really partial".

" I saw the fight,''Tae admitted.

Jimin nodded. " And I was worried if Hobi would tell Yoongi about our fight. So I went to the infirmary only to see them acting so lovey dovey. I don't have any hope left..", he trailed off his voice cracking at the end.

" I can understand your fight with Hoseok,'' Tae started. "But others?"

Jimin sighed softly looking at his lap.

" You have no idea what's going on in our group. Even if a fight broke out between me and Hobi they would support only him. And they were acting all lovey dovey like a couple in front of us. How could they not see that? But they were okay with it!! Now I really doubt if they knew of the relationship between Yoongi and Hobi. That's when I lost it".

" I think you are making a mistake", Tae remarked, suddenly making the other frown.

" What?", Jimin was really confused.

Tae sighed heavily. "Are you planning to move on?", he asked looking straight at the other.

Jimin hummed, nodding his head.

" Yeah. I don't have any chance with him.... They seemed to be quite serious. I'll somehow manage to hold everything in till the end of school. Then after that I will not see him again", he said, not really trusting his own words. His voice was filled with pain.

Taehyung looked at him surprised. But soon the surprise seemed to be replaced by a worried expression.

" Then you are making a mistake now", he started. "You shouldn't avoid your friends now. Try to act normal with them...... Try to act around your rival..... Try to forgive them.

Otherwise they will surely doubt you. And may find out about your crush..... I know that you don't want that. So try to be normal. Try to avoid fights..... You can avoid them! But don't make it obvious! Make them believe everything is okay with you. And if you want to talk about your real feelings, you know where you should go".

Jimin was in fact taken aback by the other's words and actions.

But he was also surprised by the last sentence.

" Are you saying that I can come to you?", he asked, trying hard not to smile.

Tae shrugged. " Isn't it clear?" he smiled.

" You are a lifesaver", Jimin blurted out squealing. He didn't hold back his excitement. He didn't want to.

Tae chuckled, shaking his head surprised by the way the other is acting now.

" Don't suppress your feelings too much. You need to let them out at least occasionally", he said as Jimin nodded enthusiastically.

" So are we friends?", the blonde asked, his smile not leaving his face.

Tae bit back a smile. " Do you want to?"

" Of course!!" The answer came quickly.

" Okay then", the redhead nodded.

" Thank you", the blonde said, grinning widely.

Tae shook his head. " Don't thank me. Since I am your friend it's my duty to help you".

" I don't know what to say" Jimin let out a chuckle.

" You are going to be fine", the other assured.

They sat there. Both of them didn't say anything. Jimin suddenly remembered something.

" Taehyung, can I ask you something?", he asked.

" Call me 'Tae'", the redhead said, making the other surprise. "That's what my friends call me".

" Really?", Jimin grinned. "Okay fine!!".

" Can I call you chim?"

Jimin was puzzled by the question.

" What?"

The other scratched his neck.

" You know... ", he dragged on. "In the past I used to give nicknames to my friends. So I just came up with something for you as well".

Jimin doesn't know how to respond. The other is really keep on amusing him more and more, with each passing moment.

This is the first time someone is giving him a nickname. Are they moving too fast? This is just their second meeting. But the redhead seemed extremely comfortable around him.

This boy is surely not anti-social.

But did Jimin feel uncomfortable with this?

Of course not!! Why should he?

Because he too feels comfortable with the redhead. He strangely feels closer to the boy than he ever felt with any of his friends.

Jimin nodded. " Okay. I liked it too. Well then can I call you TaeTae?", he asked.

Jimin didn't want to hold back anymore. If the other is ready to be friends with him, why should he feel reluctant about it?

But he doesn't know how the other would react to his question. He had heard Hyunjin calling him by that name. But he only remembered it after asking the question.

He felt a little bit nervous.

But the other didn't seem to be offended as Jimin expected.

Instead he replied with another question.

" Then can I call you chimchim?"

Jimin looked at him surprised.

They burst into laughter.

" Seriously?", Jimin beamed. "What are we?? Five year olds?"

They kept on laughing.

" Why do I feel everyone is hiding something?"Jin asked as he glanced at his cousin who was scrolling through his phone boredly.

The rest of their friends are already gone. Both of them have Maths along with Namjoon and Jackson this hour.

But the professor is on leave. So they are left with no class for the hour. But Namjoon has something to do with the council. And Jackson has gone, God knows where.

So that left the two cousins alone in the cafeteria. With one to be consumed in his own world and the other to sulk on being ignored.

" I always have this feeling these days", Jin added as he found no response from the younger one.

But as usual he got ignored again.

" Yaah!! Kookie. Pay attention to me", he half yelled while smacking the other's hands.

Jungkook winced at the pain his cousin just caused. " Do something else and stop bothering me. If you hit me once more, I am sure I won't hold back again. It's the sixth or seventh time you have in just ten minutes".

" It's just the sixth. I beated you because you ignored me".

" Whatever!!"

" So your parents?", Jin asked.

" Nothing new! Still the same. I'm planning to move out. It's tiring already", the other replied, still not looking up from his phone.

" You could stay with me or in the dorm", Jin suggested.

Jungkook looked up from his phone and glanced at his cousin.

" No thanks. I'll figure it out by myself. Otherwise you would make a mess out of it for me to clear", he said.

Jin scoffed. " I'm still your elder. You know that. Right?

" Does it look like I care?", the younger snorted.

" Brat!!", Jin slapped the other again.

" Jin!!!! I swear!!"

Hobi and Yoongi were walking towards the Arts block. Yoongi looked at the other who seemed to be lost in his own world. He nudged the other's shoulder trying to get him out of the thoughts.

Hobi looked at him alarmed, looking around for any spectators." Someone would see us!!", he said glaring at the other.

Yoongi looked at him puzzled. " What is going on with you? You have been spacing out a lot these days. Is there something bothering you? You know that I am here to listen", he said softly.

Hobi shook his head. " There's nothing! I'm worried about the results", he lied.

Yoongi nodded his head agreeing. " I'm also worried. I can't let my grades down.....",he trailed off. " Don't worry! It's going to be okay! Just try your best!"

Hobi sighed again, actually now being upset that he lied to Yoongi. But what can he do? He can't just reveal everything to Yoongi now. What if he is just overthinking too much. There's nothing between Kim Taehyung and Jimin.

After all there is no way Jimin wants to be friends with his sworn enemy's dearest cousin.

Jimin couldn't understand how he turned so lucky to find someone who actually cares for him and made him feel wanted.

After they calmed down from all the laughter, he turned to the other. " Okay. Okay. Now my question. You need not answer if you are not comfortable. What is going on between you and Yura?"

Tae thought for a while before answering.

" She proposed to me and I rejected it. But she won't stay away. She kept on bugging me", he said.

Jimin was again surprised. He didn't actually expect the other would really answer.

But the answer worried him. " You should make her back away from you. She used to do the same with Kookie", he informed.

"Kookie?" Tae asked, confused.

" Jungkook,'' Jimin said.

" Jeon Jungkook?"

" You know him?", Jimin questioned, surprised to hear that the other person actually knew the boy.

Tae shrugged before answering. " Of course! Hyunjin told me about you all".

Jimin nodded. Jimin didn't know how much Tae knew. He has already told him about the rivalry between him and Hyunjin.

But thankfully the redhead has accepted him despite knowing what he has done to his cousin because of the stupid misunderstanding.

But does he know about many other things that he should know? He decided to clear his doubts. There's no use in keeping them to himself. He has already committed a lot of blunders because he has made his own theories.

It's better to learn from his mistakes and make sure not to repeat them.

" So you know about Yura and Jungkook?"he asked carefully.

" Yes", Tae replied.

Jimin scoffed, remembering everything about Yura. " You are okay with it? Yura has no feelings for you. She is just using you".

Tae smiled. But it didn't reach his eyes.

" Don't worry I know everything", he assured. "And I am okay with it. I just had to tolerate her. It's actually okay with me".

" Then why are you avoiding her?" Jimin was really curious.

" I always avoid her. But I just keep up with her if there is no choice left", the redhead answered, confusing the other even more.

Jimin felt something strange. He somehow felt an urge to protect the younger. He didn't like the idea of Tae being used by Yura.

" You can do something to make her stop", he suggested.

But for the first time since their meeting Tae seemed offended by something he said.

He frowned, making the other startle by the way the other changed so suddenly.

Tae scoffed. " I know what your friend had done to her", he started.

"But I am not him. I don't want to hurt her. Sometimes I feel like I am okay with her. It's just that sometimes she becomes too nosey. She sometimes makes me remember the things that I want to forget. Other than that she is okay. I am fine as long as she doesn't meddle in my business".

" But Yura is really very annoying,'' Jimin sneered.

Tae shakes his head disapprovingly. "That's according to you guys. I don't find her annoying. If we had met in a different place I am sure that we would be friends", he said in a soft voice.

Jimin looked at the other sceptically not getting any idea about what the other just said.

Tae likes to be friends with Yura?

But.... different circumstances? What is the problem with the current situation?

Jimin scratched his neck contemplating whether he should voice out his confusion.

" You know Tae...... ", he started. "It's not making any sense. What do you mean by different situation?"

But the redhead seemed reluctant to answer the question.

" I'll tell you some other time. I don't want to remember everything again. I am trying to forget everything".

Jimin didn't understand why the other was hesitant. But they just met. Maybe he needs some more time. He must be sensitive about this topic.

But Kim Taehyung never seemed to be a sensitive type to Jimin. So he was surprised, to say the least. But he didn't show it outside. He is ready to stop if the other is asking him to.

" Okay", he started. " If you want to talk about it, I am always here for you".

" You won't tell anyone.Right?" Tae asked, making Jimin surprised. " About this awkward situation with Yura?"

" Of course not", he promised. He has never intended to. "But do you need any help regarding your so-called girlfriend?"he asked, smirking.

Tae huffed hearing the other. But nonetheless replied. " Just help me to avoid her".

Jimin laughed, nodding. " Okay. But it's lunch break. Aren't you hungry?",he asked.

The other shakes his head. " No. I am used to it. Moreover I will go to the cafeteria during class hours. So there won't be anyone to disturb me", he said not really wanting to go.

But the other boy was not really used to skipping lunch.

" But I am hungry", the blonde said standing up. "How about we skip school and go out somewhere nice to eat? You know, to celebrate our friendship?"

But Tae remained in his position not really giving into the other's suggestion.

" Nice idea. But I don't go out that often", he admitted.

Jimin took his bag, put it on one shoulder and held out his hand for the other.

" But I know a nice place", Jimin said, grinning cheekily. "Now c'mon!!!".

Tae was reluctant. But Jimin was not ready to stop. He took the younger's hand and pulled him up.

Tae chuckled . He let the blonde to drag him to the other door, the one that leads to the parking lot. They can't use the other one because it is risky.

" Okay! Don't drag me. I am coming".

Hyunjin and Baekhyun were busy with the preparation of supper when their cousin who rarely visits that area of the home suddenly decided to join them.

But still he is not here to help them with cooking or anything. He sat on the chair at the counter and kept his hands folded on the countertop.

Hyunjin looked up at him while still kept on chopping the vegetables.

" What are you doing here? Decided to help?"

Tae smirked. " You really want me to?"

Hyunjin scoffed. " Just don't. Go back to the living. Or wherever you want. But I don't really like the idea of you being here".

Tae pouted. " But there is something I need to tell you guys!", he said while looking at his fingers.

Both of the two boys snapped their heads to the redhead instantly.

" What is it?"

Tae looked up to see both of his cousins looking at him expectantly.

" But you guys seem busy!"

Baekhyun sighed. " Do one thing. Go back to the living room and we will call you once it is ready. We could talk while eating".

" Okay...", Tae trailed off as he stretched his hand to get a piece of cookies that was kept on the jar at the table.

After getting one he skipped out of the room.

" Guys. I am really sorry", Tae blurted out.

Both of his cousins looked at him puzzled, not really sure of what was happening.

They were all sitting in the living room after supper. They have decided to watch a movie after supper. And they were looking through the various options. But that is when Tae had decided to shock his cousins with the sudden apology.

They were puzzled. Moreover they had no idea why their cousin is now apologising out of the blue.

While Baekhyun was trying to understand the situation, Hyunjin was tense. He was terrified of the situation. He was growing anxious. The situation is not something normal.

It is Tae who is apologising to them. Sincerity was evident in his eyes. So they knew he meant what he said. Hyunjin started mentally analysing various possibilities.

Is Tae in some kind of trouble or is he the one who has caused the trouble? Or did he team up with one of the rival teams? Or did he do something serious?

His thoughts ran wildly. He wanted to get an explanation. But his cousin kept staring at the floor and Baekhyun was patiently waiting for the youngest to speak up.

But patience is one of the few qualities that Hyunjin lacked. So he stepped in.

" Why are you apologising?"Hyunjin jumped in. "You are not in some kind of trouble right? Or did someone do something to you? Say the name, the rest I will take care. Or is it you who caused the trouble? Don't worry I will deal-"

But he was cut off.

" No no no. Hyun, you are just overthinking. My apology had nothing to do with the school", Tae stated sternly trying to stop Hyunjin from getting worked up.

" Then?" It was Baekhyun who decided to interject.

" I said sorry, because I was being a total jerk to you guys",Tae said apologetically.

" What are you implying?", Baekhyun asked.

Now the trio has totally discarded the plan to watch a movie. Tae is now fiddling with his fingers and the other two who were sitting at either side of him on the couch are waiting for him to start again.

After a few minutes finally the redhead decided to go for it.

" You know that I have changed a lot. Right?", Tae asked looking at the other two who nodded their heads hearing the question.

Of course. That's true. Earlier the younger was quite close with his two cousins. Moreover he is not someone who pushes people away from him or tries to isolate himself from others.

But Tae was the opposite. As far as both the older boys know Tae was the very social type.

Someone who likes to be among people and hates to be lonely. But ever since the younger has stepped into the school, he was anything but social.

It's as if his behaviour has taken a one eighty degree turn. Something that confuses both of his cousins equally.

And Tae keeping a distance from them as well was making the other two quite upset.

" Of course you do", Hyunjin started. "You no more is that Tae I know. You were being so cold to me. You are always avoiding me. You don't talk that much now. You are not eating with us. You are always pushing us away. So of course you changed. There is no doubt about it. But the thing I can't understand is why you are doing this? Did we do something bad to you that you are being like this? Just tell us, we are ready to correct our mistake".

By the end of it Hyunjin's voice was cracking.

Tae became more sad seeing how his usually cheerful cousin is feeling down because of him.

" Sorry guys for making you feel this way. But my change has nothing to do with you guys. It's not at all your fault. I made a mistake in the past. And I am just trying to rectify my mistake", Tae said looking down.

" But what does that have to do with this cold aura? You know you are acting really scary.", Hyunjin asked curiously.

Tae sighed. " I don't want to be a nuisance to anybody. I am trying to be more mature", he said nonchalantly. But his voice was wavering, making the other two puzzled.

Hyunjin snorted. " Is this your way of being mature? By avoiding people? Tae....... are you crazy? Who gave you these stupid ideas?"

Hyunjin was really angry. He couldn't understand why the younger one was doing this. Why is he trying to change himself? And is it even possible?

" No. No. Don't get it all mixed", Tae said, waving his hands in defence.

"First of all I am just trying to avoid unwanted friendships. I am just trying to be a little bit selective. That is the reason why I am being cold to strangers. And with you guys, I am just trying to be less clingy".

Hyunjin sighed. He took the bowl of chips that were placed on the side table beside the couch and started munching them. He was already done with the boy.

Baekhyun shakes his head, scoffing.

" You are not clingy. I won't say you are not at all clingy but-"

" Yaah!!"

He chuckled loudly. " Okay fine. You are a little bit mature. But who told you these things?"Baekhyun really wanted to know who he needed to beat up for messing up with his cousin.

Tae sneered. " Everybody knows that I am clingy".

Hyunjin shakes his head disapprovingly and carries on with his chips.

Baekhyun looked at him scowling before turning to the other again.

" Avoid those kinds of people. You don't have to change just for them. Keep those people who accept you the way you are", he said. His tone was serious.

Tae shakes his head vigorously. He doesn't know where this is even going. He should be telling everything to them. But now the conversation is going elsewhere.

" No no. I am not being forced by anyone", he said. " It was a little shocking to me. But now that I ended up on the receiving end I know how irritating it can get. So I am not changing for anyone but myself. It's okay. I didn't tell you guys earlier, because I was a little confused. But I should tell you right. I am completely okay. Now I am just being a little bit reserved".

" Are you okay with it?"Hyunjin asked, worried evident in his voice.

Tae looked at him nodding. " Yeah. I am getting used to it. Don't worry if anything happens I'll tell you guys. But you guys can tell me if I am being too annoying", he said trying to force a smile.

But the other two could easily see through his attempts.

"You were never annoying to us", Baekhyun said, seeing the way the younger one is acting.

" I know", it was a mere whisper.

But the two boys heard it.

Hyunjin frowned. " Then whom were you talking about?"

Tae sighed. This is the part he wanted to hide from them. It's not like he wants to keep them in the dark. But he didn't want anyone to know about how his first relationship ended.

He knew they wouldn't judge him or anything. But he was always reluctant to share this with others.

He doesn't want anyone to know about how he was just an idiot to accept a proposal because he didn't know how to reject it.

It's really pathetic. That is why he kept it to himself all these while. But after talking to Dale he became a little more confident. After all, he didn't do anything wrong. Even if he wasn't clingy Jae would have surely broken up with him.


He took a deep breath. " I was in a relationship. And he used to say that I am clingy", he said as he glanced at the other two to see how they were going to comprehend the situation.

" You are into guys?", Hyunjin asked bluntly, dropping all the chips in his hands.

Tae sighed. This is what they got from what I just said?

Hyunjin looked at him, still surprised. " I thought you like girls. I still remember your crush on that girl whom we met when we went to Grandma's house. You were only seven or eight then", he said trying to recall the incident.

" Seven. And she was like nine or ten", Baekhyun clarified. "Now you dated a guy. Or are you still dating him?"

At Least one of them is sensible....

Tae shakes his head. " We broke up. And I may be bi".

Hyunjin scoffed. But Baekhyun cut him off before he could say anything. " When did this happen and why did you break up?"

Tae was hesitant to open up. But he knew that he had to do it. " I don't know what to say.....", he trailed off. "We dated for eight months. And two months ago I overheard a conversation. He dated me for a dare and he was planning to break up with me because his girlfriend was coming back. So I gave him the chance to break up with me. And being a coward, I took a sick leave for one and half months and even after such a long break I had no courage to see those two together so I transferred here", he finished off.

" Sorry for dragging you guys into the mess I caused", he added a little bit, getting no reactions from his cousins.

Hyunjin sneered. " Where is your fault in this case?"

" I fell for his acting", Tae said nonchalantly.

" You had no idea that you were being played", Hyunjin tried to reason.

Tae let out a chuckle. " But there were times when he started fights so that I will leave him. But I, being too lost in my infatuation with him, missed all the hints. And kept on forgiving him. It was my fault. I even fought with my best friend for him. I ignored everyone else. I just wanted him. Only him".

Hyunjin shakes his head with concern plastered on his face. "It's not your mistake Tae", he said. "People tend to do the most foolish things when they are in love. Love makes people go crazy".

None of them said anything after that.

The silence was thickening. But no one wants to break it.

Baekhyun got up from the couch and selected a random movie before tapping the play button. But he lowered the volume.

Hyunjin smiled cheekily trying to change the mood. " But I can't believe that you were in a serious relationship. Was he handsome?"

Tae smiled softly. " If you ask, honestly yes".

" From Scarlet High?", Baekhyun asked.

Tae nodded. " Yes. But don't ask me the name".

Hyunjin huffed. " C'mon Tae. Just tell me the details. Can't believe it. You are the youngest among us. But you were the first one to be in a relationship. It's not fair", he said, frowning.

Baekhyun looked at Hyunjin warningly.

" Hyunjin. Stop it", he said before turning to the other.

"So you said his girlfriend was coming back. What does that mean? Was he cheating on you?"

Tae chuckled dryly. " Actually he was two timing. She was in America. They were in a relationship for three years. And he then got that dare. He at first befriended me. Then proposed to me in front of the whole school. I was such an idiot, got pressured and accepted. And then I heard that conversation. After accepting the break up I went to Daegu. After that I never went back. I didn't even say goodbye to any of my friends there. I cut off all contacts. I changed my phone number so that no-one can reach me and interrogate me. I know I am a coward for running away instead of confronting him. But I can't do that. I was planning to go back after the break up. I don't want to see him with someone else. So I am here".

" So you still love him", Hyunjin queried up his lips disbelievingly.

Tae sighed. " I don't know".

" Don't worry Baby. I am not gonna scold you. You should have confronted him", Hyunjin said, trying to assure Tae.

But the younger one was not fond of the idea. He is never going to do that.

" Then for what?", he scoffed, startling the other two. " To hear from him that he never loved me? To make him say that I was an annoying pest? To hear him say that it was just a dare? No. Never. I loved him with all my heart. It really took a lot of effort for me to stay away from him. But I don't want him to look at me with hatred. I love him so much that I decided to let him go. I prefer hating myself over him hating me".

Hyunjin sighed, giving him a wary glance.

" Why do you hate yourself?"

Because even after everything, Even after him breaking my heart, I am still in love with him..... Isn't it pathetic? He wants to say that aloud.

But he didn't. He knew it was not a good idea. He doesn't want to make them worry again because of his pathetic love for the boy who hurt him so much.

Hyunjin looked at him waiting for the reply. But he was sure that the boy was not going to answer. He changed the question.

" So you ended everything with him? And decided to forgive him?", He asked hoping to get the answer.

And Tae didn't disappoint him this time.

" Yeah", he said. "And he will never know the reason why I left. He will never know that I know everything".

Hyunjin nodded understanding the situation. Suddenly he turned to the younger.

" But what will others think? I mean you disappeared right after the break up?", he asked, voicing out his confusion.

Won't people get suspicious when something like this happens? That's what Hyunjin was thinking.

Tae sighed remembering the conversation he had with Dale. " I honestly don't know. They were all worried. But that bitch had already made her entry. And my ex-boyfriend doesn't care anymore".

" You said you had no contact with anyone back there", Hyunjin pointed out.

Tae nodded realising they had no idea about Dale's visit. " Until last week. Last week my best friend came to see me. Remember that visitor?", he asked and Hyunjin nodded.

Tae continued. "He told me everything. He already made some stupid excuses. And he said most of them were convinced. And if they are still bothered, let them doubt. I don't care. After all it's because of them I accepted that proposal. They were all chanting say yes like maniacs. Now it's not like I owe them something".

Hyunjin gasped. " You accepted the proposal just because of the pressure?"

Tae gulped, but he immediately forced a smile on his face.

" C'mon Hyun,"he started. " That guy prepared such a big event and confessed to me and earlier he was so nice to me. I thought he loved me so I said yes. Just because I didn't want to be the bad one who rejects someone without caring about the efforts they put into that. If I hadn't accepted that then I wouldn't be in such a position now. I got hurt in the end. At Least he should have told me about the dare after the proposal. But since his girlfriend was away, he took me for a substitute. Moreover he could easily become popular if he would date me. And that he did".

" He was not popular before?", Hyunjin scoffed.

Tae shakes his head. "No. But now there is not a single soul who doesn't know him. He got into the basketball team just because I recommended him to the coach. Ungrateful brat".

" You don't really love him anymore?

I never stopped loving him.

But he decided to lie. That seems to be the easiest way.

" I really hate him"

I love him more than anything else in this world. You know 'first love'? It really hurts!

Tae sighed softly.

Baekhyun moved closer to the younger and wrapped his arms around the boy.

" Don't overthink. But come to think of it, where were your best friends all this time?"

Tae smiled at the mention of his best friend. " He was in Singapore. He just came back. He was already worried when he couldn't call me. And he was shocked when he heard of my transfer. So he went to my mom. Thus he reached here".

They nodded before Baekhyun started again. " He told you to talk to us. Right?"

Tae nodded looking at the others. " I was scared. You know? Even mom doesn't know about this. She agreed to all my insane requests. But I didn't give her any reasons. I didn't want to worry her. But Dale told me that I would make you guys even more worried if I keep on hiding all these away from your guys".

Hyunjin sighed. " He is right. You don't know how worried we were".

" You should talk with your mom. She deserves to know", Baekhyun said suddenly.

" I'll do that", Tae said.

" So no more secrets", Hyunjin declared. The other two nodded, smiling.

I'm sorry. But I'm still keeping things from you guys...

" I think so", Tae Muttered under his breath.

But both of them missed it.

" No, there's still something you haven't clarified,'' Hyunjin said, scratching his chin.

" What?", Tae asked, tensing up.

" Earlier you said that now you are at the receiving end. What does that mean?", Hyunjin asked.

Tae hummed remembering it. " Yura. She's giving me a hard time".

Hyunjin instantly sprang up from the couch. " I knew it. She's really shameless", he screeched, frowning.

" And hopeless", Hyunjin added right after.

But the younger one remained silent. Tae looked at Hyunjin wondering if his cousin is going to be mad if he found out the rest of the story.

Baekhyun turned to the redhead without minding the other who was too angry right now.

" What's going on between you two?", Baekhyun asked calmly.

He frowned seeing the way the younger's face turned pale. But he decided to let it go. After all, the boy knows how to protect himself. He has already proved that.

" She confessed and I, of course, rejected. But she won't go away", Tae confessed calmly.

But Hyunjin seems to be not in the mood to remain calm after his cousin has been bombarding them with terrifying surprises.

" What did she say to you?", Hyunjin half yelled. Not really impressed with the information.

" That she wants to be my girlfriend. Why? What's wrong?", Tae said, making the other two gasp.

" Do you have feelings for her?", Hyunjin asked.

Tae shakes his head immediately. " Of course no. I don't know if I am still over jae. And even if I am, I am not ready to risk my hard earned peace that I have right now".

" Good", Hyunjin smiled. "Don't you dare fall in her trap. Yura doesn't love you. She just wants to be your girlfriend so that she can be popular even though she is already popular because of her obsession with Jungkook. You may have rejected her. But she won't go away. She's gonna cling to you like a leech. She really has thick skin",he said, his tone clearly indicating that he is not joking around but is serious about the whole thing.

Tae smiled nodding. He is happy that Hyunjin is not actually against his friendship with Yura.

But as he thinks again, they are not really friends. Maybe acquaintances. Whatever it is he is okay with the girl being around him, as long as she doesn't cross the boundaries.

But Tae actually didn't understand why everyone was against the girl. Because in Tae's opinion, Yura is not that bad. She has done something which Jae had not done and Tae always wishes he did.

Yura was honest. She clearly asserted that she is not actually interested in him but she is simply trying to be around him to become popular.

But Jae hides the truth from Tae. If his ex-boyfriend was honest with him about the dare in the first place, he could have avoided the heartbreak.

That's the reason why Tae admires Yura. Because everything is clear between them. There is the much needed transparency. Even if Yura was going to do something she would clearly inform him beforehand to avoid confusion.

But he is not going to reveal everything to other people around him. It's not bad to have a few secrets. Right?

So he decided to act a bit.

" How are you so sure about it? In fact it's true. She is always clinging to me. She keeps on blabbering even when she knows that I am not even listening", Tae said even though he didn't agree with his own words.

" How are you dealing with her?" Baekhyun asked.

" It's not that hard. I mean I can tolerate her chirping. In fact I was also like that. It's just I don't want her near me for too much time", Tae said now, not sure of what he is even saying.

" You are just trying to bear with her instead of chasing her away?", Hyunjin asked, not really impressed by the information he just received.

Tae sighed, not really happy with the fact that his cousins are not letting the matter go. " She's a girl. I can't be hard on her. She may be annoying. But I don't want to hurt her".

Hyunjin scoffed. He turned to the screen trying to focus on whatever movie that is playing on the screen. Tae also didn't try to resume the conversation.

Now when the two are somehow focused on the movie, Baekhyun decides to resume the conversation again.

" You are not like Jungkook", he said simply.

Tae looked at him surprised. While Hyunjin glared at his cousin.

" Why are you comparing Tae with that jerk?" he scoffed. "Of course my baby is not the least like that asshole!! He can hurt people without even thinking. He brings hell to those whom he hates".

Tae really hates the situation now. He just wants to drop the topic and avert his attention to something else. And the movie was a good distraction. But his stupid Hyung has to ruin it.

Now he has to calm down the bickering duo. " Why are you guys arguing now?", he asked, not knowing how he was going to make them stop.

But Hyunjin saw it as an opportunity to fill in more details for him. " I told you about Jungkook. Right?", he asked.

Tae nodes.

" Well, Yura was after Jungkook at first"

" I know".

Both Hyunjin and Baek looked at Tae.

" What? You knew about Yura's obsession with Jungkook? Who told you?"

" Yura".

Both his cousins gasped." She told you that she was in love with Jungkook?"

" Yeah. But she said she is over him now. Now she no longer wants to see him. Now she loves only me", Tae said as if it is not a big deal.

Hyunjin frowned. " So what did you understand from all this?"

He now turned to face his cousin who sighed heavily before starting. " Yura was after Jungkook. But now she just changed her target. And that's me. In conclusion she doesn't love anyone. She just needs a popular boyfriend".

Hyunjin nodded. " And you are okay with it?"

" Do I have a choice?", Tae asked. He actually said it thinking about the reasons why he let her stay by his side.

But Hyunjin doesn't know the whole scenario. So his answer was quick.

" Of course!! Tell her to stay away".

Tae sighed not knowing how to deal with this anymore.

But Baekhyun, who was watching the two, understood the younger's distress. Even though he couldn't understand why Tae seemed to be hesitant about the issue, he could tell that he doesn't want to continue the conversation right now.

So he intervened. " C'mon Hyunjin", Baekhyun started. "There's no use. If he can tolerate her, Just let them be. You know how she is. She doesn't care even if she gets insulted or hurt. She will keep up with it. Jungkook was doing everything possible to make her back away. But she won't stay away. She was stubborn. I think Jungkook is the one who has benefited more from Tae's entry. After all, the curse was lifted from him".

Hyunjin looked at him sulking, not understanding why the elder is suddenly trying to interrupt him.

" Whatever!! Anyway I am not letting her come near my baby. You shouldn't let her have her way".

" You know Tae can't hurt anyone", Baekhyun said.

" But I can!!", Hyunjin said. "I used to enjoy the drama between Jungkook and Yura in the past. But now she has decided to annoy my cousin. I'll let her know the consequences".

" Hyunjin. It's okay. I'll deal with her myself. If it's too much, I'll let you know", Tae said, trying to get the other to stop the discussion.

" Are you sure?", Hyunjin asked, not sure if he should agree with the boy.

Tae nodded his head. " All she does is stay by my side and chatter non-stop. And it's okay with me. Unless she tries to dig up my personal information".

" She does that?"

" She tried. But I warned her. Now she stays in her limits. So we are getting along well.... I guess", Tae said.

But Hyunjin seems not really impressed.

" You are not using her as a distraction. Right?"

Tae sighed.

Not again!!!

He scoffed at the comment. " I really don't like to play with others' feelings. But it's kind of an agreement between us. She will soon get tired of me. I don't think she's gonna get popular by sticking next to me".

But Hyunjin shakes his head disapprovingly. " You are an idiot! People are kind of obsessed with you. So be careful".

Baekhyun, who has been watching the movie, suddenly turned to the younger one with a smirk adorning his face.

" So you are not going for a relationship anytime soon?"

Tae glared at him, clearly annoyed.

" I don't wanna run away again", he said.

But the other two ignored the sudden change in the redhead. Both of them chuckled.

" Don't worry baby. We are here. We are not letting anyone hurt you. Be it Yura or anyone else", Hyunjin said smiling.

Baekhyun patted Tae on his back.

" Now go. Go and call your mom. She must be worried".

He is still nervous about telling everything to his mom. But he is more confident than before. Because his cousins has taken in the information quite calmly than he expected.

But he couldn't help but wonder how his mom was going to react. He is going to give her the explanation for his strange behaviour for the past few months.

That means he is going to talk to her about his sexuality as well. Tae knew that his mom loves him so much. She would accept whatever decision he takes.

But he is still her only child. Would she be really happy about the fact that her only child is gay? Tae is actually confused about the part. He is not still sure whether he is actually gay or bisexual.

Actually he didn't care about it anymore. It's not as if he is going to date anytime soon. But he needs to give an answer if his mom pops up with the question.

So even though he kept on telling them that everything would be fine, there is still a tiny bit of uncertainty that he couldn't get rid of, no matter what.

The past days were okay for Tae. Why? He already talked to his cousins.

They understand him very well and are very supportive.

He already talked to his mom. He told her the reasons why he had actually acted that way.

He didn't say anything. But he promised her that he won't let her down.

She was happy. They cried a lot. She told him that she was really worried about him. She also told him she knew about him skipping classes and all. But she said it's okay as long as he is fine.

She was also not indifferent about his sexuality. She told him that she would love him no matter what. Even if he is gay or bisexual or anything else, he is her son. So she is going to accept whatever decisions he makes.

Tae was happy. He was thankful that she was really understanding.

So he is finally relieved from the tension of hiding things from his family.

Yura was also not bothering too much. Of course! They still hang out a lot but Yura has been staying within the boundaries.

She is no more trying to dig into his life as she used to do in the past. Moreover she is now worried about the results that will be out this week.

Jimin was also telling him the same. They had a few more meet ups on the rooftop. The rooftop had become a perfect hideout for the two friends.

Even though he is feeling okay these days, there are always new ordeals coming his way. Because thanks to his newly found friendship, Tae is now stuck between two idiots.

At first he had to tolerate only Yura. But now he has to tolerate another one too. When he told Jimin that he is always ready to listen to him, he didn't actually think it would turn out to be something like this.

Now along with Yura's ranting about the most insignificant things, he had to listen to Jimin blabbering about Yoongi.

But still he is okay with the whole scenario. Because he is no longer all alone in this place. He has two people who are willing to spend time with him even though their reasons were really different.

Anyway for him the school is becoming a lot more interesting now. Maybe the transfer and transformation are not really too unbearable.

It will be a lie if it is told that he is not worried about the results. After all he was a straight A student.

But he had been skipping classes here. But the exams were not really tough for him as he had studied using the notes Hyunjin had prepared for him.

Moreover he is not someone who needs to study hard to score better. So he hoped he would get a better result.

He didn't want to make his Mom upset. He knew his Mom would accept his results but he hoped he should have been a little more mature.

He is in the cafeteria. He has skipped his class again.

How could he not? He has that class with Yura. And it's a sure thing that he will have to tolerate her whining if he went there. Why is everyone so worked up about the results?

He had been scrolling through his insta. But then he felt like someone's eyes were on him. So he looked up. He saw the guy he had met a few days ago in the library looking at him. The same one who had witnessed his interaction with Yura.

What does he want now?

But that's when he noticed the other people at that table. Jeon Jungkook.

Great!! How did I not know this?

So they are friends. And that guy already knows about my great relationship with Yura.

Tae was furious.

Idiot Hyunjin.

He should have shown him the pictures of everyone he should avoid.

Hyunjin had recently warned Tae that he shouldn't let his rivals know about his real relationship with Yura.

But that jerk had acted really well. And Tae had taken him for a nerd. Now he knows that he belonged to the opposite group. He was annoyed. But he hid it.

I shouldn't bother about it now. I better go somewhere else now.

But he doesn't know if that guy is a real threat or not. But he still remembered how Yura got tense when he was being rude to her.

Is he a real threat? Maybe I can ask either Jimin or Yura.

His thoughts were interrupted when someone shouted his name from the other end of the room.

" Baby....."

Great. Speak of the devil.

Yura happily made her way to his table where Tae was trying to hide his irritation.

He can't lose his temper here. There are already a lot of people here. He should drag her out from here.That is better. Anyway he should be ready for anything.

Yura took her seat on the opposite side of the table. Everyone's attention is here. Why can't she lower her voice a bit?

Now everyone is looking here. How will I drag her out now? Tae decided to be civil.

" Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in the class now?",he asked.

" I should ask the same to you", she said, shrugging.

Tae sneered. " It's not something new for me. But for you".

" C'mon it's not a big deal for me. It's really boring without you", she said while tugging on his sleeve.

Tae queried his brows as he looked at her clinging onto his arms. " I don't want you to get in trouble because of me".

" I am ready to get in trouble", Yura said, now tightening her grip.

" What about your results?", Tae asked while he freed his arms from her.

Yura reached out to his arms again. But he shot a glare at her warningly. Yura got the message and retreated. She must have decided not to mess with him right now.

She leaned on her seat. " It will be out today. Are you worried about it? Don't worry I will help you with your retests".

" Retests?"Tae was confused. " Why should I take the retests?"

" Of course!!", Yura started. "You are going to fail. You were busy skipping classes and you had not submitted your works".

" Who told you?". Tae chuckled.

" Why are you laughing?"Yura questioned, confused by his behaviour.

" I studied using Hyunjin's notes and I already submitted my works. I need not listen to those boring lectures to understand things. I am not sure about the marking system here. So I don't know how much I will score. But I am sure that I won't fail. After all I don't want to make my Mom upset", Tae said while Yura looked at him bewildered.

Yura was shocked. She sat there unable to say anything.

Tae chuckled seeing her expression.

" Really Yura? I thought you loved me. Were you expecting me to fail?", he said with sarcasm evident in his voice.

He clutched his heart. " Ouch! I am hurt".

Yura was now more annoyed. He is teasing her now.

"'s not like that. Ugh!!!", she shrieked, embarrassed. " No. It's not like that. I am really happy. You know. It's true".

Now Tae cannot hold it anymore. So he burst into laughter.

Yura looked at him puzzled.

" Relax. I was just teasing you", he said, still laughing.

" You are really cruel". Then she smiled.

" Tae..". She started.

He looked at her.

" You should smile often. Your smile is really beautiful", she is smiling widely at him.

Tae shook his head. " C'mon. Don't be cheesy".

But that's when he heard the door opening. He looked at the entrance.


He saw him walking in. But he saw him pausing. At the sight of Tae with Yura.

But soon his shock turned into a smirk. Tae nearly rolled his eyes. Now what's with this idiot? But Tae was shocked by his friend's next move.

Hoseok took a seat next to Jackson.

" Guys. Today the results will be out".

He heard Jackson saying. Hoseok let out a shaky breath. Today is going to be a long day.

" We know", Youngjae groaned.

Jungkook chuckled. " Why are you all tensed up? It's just a midterm test".

" You can say that. After all, you always get good marks", Jackson scoffed.

" Whatever!! But where are the others? Where are Jin, Yoongi and Jimin? Namjoon has a meeting. He already told us. We promised to meet up here", Jungkook questioned, glancing around.

" Yoongi has some work. I don't know about others", Hoseok told them.

" How's Jimin now?" . Youngjae started.

"He is okay. Right?"

" I hope so". Hoseok mumbled. But no one heard him. It's true that Jimin had returned to their circle. But there is something going on with him. He is always present during the break. He now sits with them.

But Hoseok knew that Jimin is now skipping classes. Something that has never happened before. Jimin has started behaving normally with him again. But there is still something that has changed.

" Hey guys!!".

It was Jin." I'm sorry I am late. I had to submit my assignment. It was due. I couldn't delay it anymore".

Jin looked around the table. " There are still some missing".

"Maybe Jimin too had something to do", Jackson said.

They were talking about the results when Jin started again. " It's Taehyung. Right?"

Everyone turned to the direction in which Jin was looking. He was right. The guy was sitting at the other end of the cafetaria. He was alone.

" He is really something. Not bothered about his academic performances", Youngjae said.

" He must be studying in the library. He is always there". Hoseok couldn't control his thoughts.

" Of course. He is busy studying in the library", Jin blurted out.

Everyone looked at him surprised.

" No way!!" Kai couldn't believe it.

Jin smacked his head. " Idiots. It was a sarcastic remark. I saw him the other day. We sat at the same table. He was just trying to focus on the bunch of magazines he took".

Jungkook looked at him confused. "You said he was trying to focus. What does that mean?"

Jin snorted. " Who could focus when that annoying girl is sitting beside you and whining non stop?", he scoffed. " Yura was also there".

Kai scowled. " So, is it true that they are dating?"

Jin chuckled. " You know what? I don't know how I managed to hold back my laughter".

Everyone looked at him puzzled.

So Jin narrated what he saw.

" I really don't know why he is bearing her when he is not even interested?", Jin said, still remembering the incident.

" No one can tolerate her", Jungkook said bluntly.

Jin shook his head. " C'mon Kookie. Don't be delusional. He was being polite with her even after keeping with her for two hours. It's not something normal. You know after spending that much time with her I got a headache. That's why that day I went to annoy her as a payback. Then how is he managing her?"

" I can't understand the situation". It was Jungkook.

Jin gasped." But there is one more thing. She said about wasting his time. Then he got really angry and said just because he was letting her to irritate him didn't mean that she could meddle in his business. I really didn't understand that part. That is when she started apologizing. They were talking as if they were really close".

" If he is not interested in her, then what's going on between them?", Jungkook asked, evident in his words.

" It's their business. Why should we bother about it", Hoseok frowned.

"Hey don't look there. He saw us", Youngjae panicked.

Jungkook sneered. " What's wrong with you guys? Why should we hide? He's not gonna do anything with us".

" But he is looking at us. No he is looking at you, Jin", Jackson said.

" Why is he looking at me?"

" Maybe he just realised that you were one among us", Youngjae chuckled.

Jin snickered. " No wonder. He didn't show any hatred towards me at the library".

" Why would he hate you?", Hoseok asked, still not liking the situation. He couldn't understand why his friends are actually paying attention to that stupid redhead.

Jin turned to him snickering. " C'mon!! We are not his friends. But the rivals. Hyunjin won't just want his cousin to have a peaceful relationship with us".

" You seemed to be sad about it", Hoseok scowled.

Jin looked at him frowning. " Of course!! I really like him. How can I not?"

" Baby..."

The whole cafetaria went silent.

Yura. Jin frowned as they saw her happily making her way towards a seemingly annoyed Taehyung.

" He is not at all happy to see her. But that bitch is always delusional", Jin said scowling while Hoseok rolled his eyes irritatedly.

" I really want to see her getting humiliated again", Youngjae said, anticipating a drama likely to take place soon before them.

But Jin shakes his head, not agreeing to the idea. " I don't think you would be able to see that".

Everyone turned to Jin.

" He is not like Kookie. He was really patient with her '', Jin explained, annoying a certain raven head.

Jungkook smirked. " Then he is really pathetic", he started.

"He just doesn't know how to say No. That's it!! If he continues with this, he is not gonna get her out of his life. Yura is just a gold digger. Is he an idiot to not realise that?"

" Guys!"Youngjae interrupted, gesturing towards the other table.
"What's happening there? They are not fighting. He is smiling at her. This doesn't make sense. Jin said he doesn't like Yura. But why would he smile at her then?"

" But Yura doesn't seem pleased", Jin said, confused.

" I think the rumours are true", Kai said.

They all turned around when they heard the door opening.

It's Jimin.

"Oh. Finally!"

Hoseok kept quiet. He is already tired of everything. Now he doesn't want anyone to ruin his mood. But instead of coming to the table Hoseok saw how he stood at the entrance.

He tried to see who Jimin was looking at. He was shocked to see Jimin looking at Taehyung. And he was more shocked to see the other also looking at Jimin.

What's going on between them?

But everyone else was distracted by something Jin had on his mobile.

Hoseok looked at the interaction between the two.

Jimin winked at the redhead before walking to his friends.

Tae was frozen. He chuckled. Idiot.

Yura was puzzled by Tae's behaviour. So she turned around to see whom the other was looking at. But her smile faded when she saw the group sitting at the other end of the cafetaria.

She scoffed. " Tae. You were not smiling at those jerks. Right?" Yura asked, hoping her assumptions are wrong. After all, why would Tae even associate himself with those mudheads.

Tae furrowed his brows." Jerks?"

" Jungkook", Yura specified.

" I don't have anything to do with him"

" Then we can go somewhere else", Yura asked pleadingly. Because that's only going to work with Tae right now.

Tae looked at her sceptically. " Why? I thought you wanted to show off".

Yura shakes her head. " I don't care. Now C'mon".

She took her bag and stood up.

" But-"

But he couldn't complete it. Yura reached his hand and pulled him up.
" Please. If you follow me today. I won't bother you tomorrow".

Tae was confused but he let her drag him out of the cafetaria.

He heard loud gasps from behind. But he didn't care. It's such a great offer. He doesn't have to see Yura tomorrow.

So he didn't object when she dragged him to an empty class. They took seats at the back of the class.

Tae looked at her unimpressed. He folded his arms across his chest." Okay. What was that?"

" I don't know, I don't want to breathe the same air as them", Yura replied lazily.

" But keep your promise".

" You are too much. At Least I can have lunch with you. Right?", she asked, looking at him with hopeful eyes.

Tae smiled. " Nope".

" Please...."

" No. You should keep your promises".

" Okay fine. I hope I won't die".

Tae scoffed.


Hoseok froze when he saw Jimin winking at the other. He looked at Taehyung only to see the surprised look on his face. But soon it turned into a smile.

God what's with these two?

He saw Jimin taking a seat next to Yongjae as if everything was quite normal. As if he didn't just winking at his enemy.

" Guys results are gonna be out today. Aren't you nervous?", Jimin chipped, grabbing everyone's attention.

" Can you just stop reminding me about that?", Hoseok asked.

He didn't intend to be rude with the blonde. But after seeing how he winked at the redhead he couldn't control his irritation. His emotions are getting out of hand.

Already for the past few days Jimin has been driving him crazy. And Hoseok has no idea what he has done for the younger to be this much hostile towards him. And now he is being friendly or whatever with the new guy. And it didn't fail to annoy him.

Jimin looked at him, not pleased. But he is not someone to back down.

" Why are you getting angry at me? If you are getting low grades, it's your fault. Not mine", Jimin said, scowling.

Hoseok had enough. He is not going to tolerate this anymore.

But before he could say anything, Kai gasped. " Omg!! Did you see that? Yura dragged him out of the cafetaria. And he doesn't even resist. So it's true!!".

" What are you talking about?". Jimin is now confused.

"We are talking about Taehyung and Yura. They were there in the cafeteria a few minutes ago. Just now she dragged him out of the cafetaria '', Kai told him.

Jimin frowned. " And he let her?"

" Yeah".

Jimin rubbed his temple. " Now that is odd".

He looked at the exit. Hoseok looked at Jimin now, curious what the other was thinking about.

Jimin shrugged. " Whatever!! By the way, where is Namjoon?"

" He has a meeting with the council", Jackson said.

Hoseok was beyond furious. He is fuming now. It's confirmed. There's something fishy about Jimin and Taehyung. For the past weeks Jimin had been acting really weird. He had stopped his fights with Hyunjin.

And he had already defended Taehyung on a few occasions. And also that incident with Yura...

These are all enough clues to connect the dots. Moreover he had clearly seen how Jimin winked at Taehyung and the way other smiled at him.

And Yura also noticed this and that is when she dragged him out. But how did this happen? Is it Taehyung who is provoking Jimin?

The doubts had caused a severe headache for him. So he became more angry. So he decided to get back to Jimin.

" As far as I see, Hyunjin's cousin is a coward. That is why he's being controlled by Yura. Look at Kookie. He knew how to to deal with her. Look he finally got rid of her'', he said not caring how mean he is sounding now.

Hoseok saw the way Jimin frowned. So he waited for the outburst. But Jimin looked at him surprised.

But Jin was the one who opposed the view. " Look Hobi", Jin looked at him unimpressed.

"I don't have any idea about what you have against that guy. Maybe they are dating. The incident I told earlier must be some misunderstanding. But I am sure that he is not the type who likes to be controlled. I am sure Yura is really scared of him. It was clear. Moreover it is not your place to jump to conclusions. After all he had not done anything against us".

Hoseok lost his words.

Jimin chuckled. " Hobi. You should not say anything against him. Because Yoongi has been interested in him for as far as I can remember".

Hoseok froze. Jimin smirked. He was enjoying the other's distress. But most of them were not really sure what was happening.

Jungkook looked confused. He looked at both Jimin and Hoseok. " Is everything okay?"

Jimin smiled. " Of course. What can go wrong?"

But soon the sounds of notifications from their mobiles interrupted them.

" The results are out".

Everyone was busy checking their grades when Namjoon approached their table.

" Satisfied with your grades?"

Some of them were happy. While others were not. Youngjae was groaning.

Jin looked at Namjoon. " First?"

Jackson snorted. " Why are you even asking? Isn't it so predictable?"

Namjoon smiled. " Okay. There is a twist. Do you want to hear something really special?"

Jimin scoffed. " Just tell already!! I really expected some twist or miracle in my results. But it seems like there's none".

" Kim Taehyung came third".

Complete silence.

Soon they all burst into laughter. They were all laughing so loudly that they grabbed the whole room's attention.

Jin was laughing like a maniac. Jimin couldn't control his laughter and he nearly fell off the chair. Rest of them were also not any better.

Namjoon frowned. But he waited for them to stop.

Jimin was the first one to stop. " Okay!! Nice joke. Who said that you are not funny? Now what is the real twist?"

" There is nothing else", Namjoon frowned.

Jungkook scoffed. " What the heck! He was already late to join. And was skipping classes. Then how did he manage to get such a high score?"

Jimin wiped his tears. " Are you serious?"

Hoseok sneered. " He may have cheated. After all he is rich".

" Hobi, Stop the nonsense. Even if you are rich that doesn't mean that the school will support cheating". It was Jungkook. Then he paused before starting again. " Maybe it has something to do with his cousins".

Jimin rolled his eyes. " Just because they're on our opposite side doesn't mean that you can make baseless accusations against them".

" Why are you supporting him? It makes no sense", Jimin could say Jungkook is clearly annoyed.

But before anyone could do anything, Namjoon interrupted them.

" Guys!! Don't make a fuss. Taehyung was a straight A student. He is not the type to put full focus on studies all the time. He has a sharp memory. Moreover Hyunjin had been giving him the notes. So even if don't attend the class he can score".

" Jerk" Jimin muttered. But thankfully no one except a single person heard it.

Jimin turned to Namjoon. " Has he been informed?"

Namjoon nodded. " Baekhyun called him to the council room. He has a blank face. But then he said that his Mom would be happy. And soon he left. Baekhyun was on cloud nine. It's actually nothing new for him. He was always a topper in his old school".

Hoseok was not ready to stop. " Maybe the teachers helped him. You all know Ms. Wang. Right? There is already a rumour going on that she is interested in Taehyung. She was so happy when he came to class one day. He was even late. But she gave him permission to enter. She didn't even say anything when he sat there looking out of the window. She asked him to go to her if he had any doubt regarding the lessons. Isn't it strange? She has never been bothered about anyone before".

Jimin sighed. " Are you for real? What is with you? He must be a prodigy. Why are you spreading rumours?"

But Jin was the one to answer. " No. Jimin. There is already a rumour that Ms. Wang is interested in Taehyung. But I don't think that has anything to do with the results".

" Who told you?"

" I heard from Alexa last week. But you can't blame her. Almost the whole school is crushing on him".

Jimin cracked up. " Ms. Wang! Oh my god! Poor him..what will he do if she confesses?" But then he stopped. " Does he know about this?"

" Who cares?", Hoseok scoffed.

" Well I do", Jimin smirked.

Everyone looked at him puzzled.

Jimin cleared his throat. " Well I thought it was interesting. Don't you guys think so?"

No one bothered to answer. It was then Yoongi showed up. He looked at everyone.

" What's going on? Are you guys okay?"

" Stop it. Yoongi. Why are you all so concerned about the results? It's not the end", Youngjae groaned.

" Okay..... Fine!!", Yoongi said while he took the seat next to Hoseok.

Jimin rolled his eyes mentally.

So natural. How did I miss out on the romance between these two? Well I had better things to do. I am not going to sit here and see their disgusting romance.

He stood up. " Okay. I am going!".

Everyone was so busy that nobody listened to him. Hoseok and Yoongi are in their own world. And others were busy talking about the basketball game that is approaching.

So Jimin walked out. At Least there is someone who is there for him. Moreover they have a lot to talk about.

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