נכתב על ידי Purplelove1998

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"Fading memories and a broken heart is what I'm getting for loving you. For trusting you when I was not even... עוד

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נכתב על ידי Purplelove1998

Tae blinked.

He was confused by Dale's question. Then it dawned on him.

" Oh. No. But she wants me to be her boyfriend. I denied. But she won't accept it. She always follows me around".

" Then why are you comfortable with her?"Dale pressed. He doesn't want his best friend to get hurt again.

Tae chuckled, shaking his head. " Dale. Did you forget? I am not an introvert", he smiled weakly.

"I don't like loneliness. I like to be around people. I don't mind wasting hours just talking. But now I am pretending to be an introvert. It is not that easy. So most of the time I am alone because no one dares to approach me. But Yura is the only person who is ready to waste her precious time on me. She doesn't expect anything more after the rejection. She is alright as long as I won't be harsh with her. So it's natural that I will find her comfortable to be around", he said, making the other frown.

" But she has feelings for you!", Dale exclaimed, unable to understand the other.

Tae shook his head. " No. She just wants to be around me. She is after popularity. She knows that I won't reciprocate her feelings. She somehow also knows that I will not accept anyone else as well. So she is happy as long as I allow her to be around me".

"Is she pretty?", Dale asked, not ready to drop the topic.

" Yeah", Tae replied wondering where his friend is leading on.

Dale sighed. Tae looked at him puzzled, not understanding the sudden change of his friend.

Dale didn't say anything. He kept on looking around. Tae too remained quiet observing his friend.

Tae now understands that there's something that is bothering his friend.

And he knew Dale would eventually open up. He is now waiting for Dale to continue.

Suddenly Dale turned to Tae. " Then what if you fall for her?"he asked, genuinely concerned.

Tae chuckled. " Are you an idiot? Why would I fall for her after knowing her real motives?"

Dale scoffed. He couldn't find any logic in Tae's reasons. He doesn't want his friend to get hurt again. He doesn't want anyone to take advantage of Tae's sweet nature.

" Then what kind of chemistry do you have?"he asked.

Tae laughed. " It's such a surprise for me as well. I never thought I would feel such a girl as my comfort spot. But she is always honest with me. She told me the real intention after rejecting her. She doesn't care if I curse or insult her. She just wants to be with me. She is madly in love! Not with me. But popularity. I don't know what is really going on in that little head of hers", he answered, confusing the other.

Dale frowned, not liking the situation. " But you won't curse or insult her. That is just not you".

" She knows it too", the redhead said.

Dale frowned. According to him the situation is really messed up. Nothing is making sense. Tae watched his friend quietly. He knows that Dale is not fond of his strategy. But what can he do? It's not as if he has another choice.

But suddenly Dale turned to him. He is smiling now. " Then just make a deal with her. Just date her till you find the right person for you", he suggested.

Tae sighed. Of course! He should have known. " I am not taking advantage of her stupidity. And about the right person, I don't think that will ever happen".

Dale tilted his head. " Really? I don't think so. I thought you are a romantic person who used to get flustered on hearing the cheesy comments of Jae", he teased seeing his friend getting annoyed by the comment.

Tae shot him a glare not liking his friend making fun of him.

" I was !!" , he gritted. "But not anymore! I am going to shut my heart. I am not gonna let anyone in again".

Dale scoffed. He could sense that Tae is upset. But he knows that he should make sure that the other make no such tough decisions.

But he knew the other won't listen to him now.

" Shut down your heart. But love will find a way", he mumbled.

Even if it was a whisper, Tae heard it clearly.

" Shouldn't you be helping me now? Instead of misleading me ?", he asked huffing.

Dale sighed, getting annoyed. " Tae. You are getting all wrong. It's not your fault that you fell in love. Your love was true. But the person you chose was wrong", he tried carefully.

" It's not me. It was he who proposed!", Tae exclaimed.

" But you chose to accept him!", Dale frowned. "It was your choice!! You had an option to reject. But your choice made the difference. You chose the wrong one!"

" Dude! love is not about right or wrong. These are matters of the heart. You can't decide the one for whom you'll fall", Tae argued, unimpressed.

" I have never been in love. So I can't understand your theories", Dale said, making the other frown.

Tae didn't reply. It was true. Dale has never been in a relationship before. Somehow he just doesn't like the idea of being controlled.

And after seeing Tae's relationship with Jae he was even more determined to avoid these commitments. After all, he has seen how Tae forced himself to do things which he would have never done at his own will.

Jae was not the over possessive or controlling type. He was sweet and caring. He never forced Tae to do anything for him. But Tae was so in love with the boy that he was ready to do anything for that boy.

Tae sighed sadly. " Lucky you! It's better not to fall than getting hurt in the end. Real love exists only in stories. This is real life. Here no one cares for the other. All are selfish".

Dale scoffed involuntarily. " What about you? You always kept him as your top priority. You even fought with me. Can you believe it?", he stopped, sighing frustratedly.

Tae lowered his eyes to the floor.

Dale sighed softly looking at the boy.

"All these years when we were together, there wasn't a single fight between us", he trailed off. "But we fought for the first time. Because of him! Because you decided to spend your weekend in the library instead of hanging out with me. Tae you hate going to that room before. You spend your time in comic cafes instead of studying. But you were ready to accompany him just because he was failing in his class. One full day!! Still you are saying everyone is selfish. Tae you were never selfish. You always chose his interests over yours".

He couldn't understand how people change so much for another person. He has heard how people would do the craziest things when they are in love. But he never got to see it until his best friend started dating. He has seen how much Tae changed after he entered into a relationship with Jae.

For Dale it was scary. The way Tae changed scared him to the point that he was scared of the emotion called love.

Dale didn't like it a bit. He was already upset that Tae accepted the confession of a guy whom he had known only for a week. But he blamed it on Tae's sweet nature that couldn't hurt anyone.

But what he didn't expect was his best friend falling head over heels for his new boyfriend. He was more annoyed seeing the way Tae was ready to do anything for the guy.

Tae was that one popular kid that everyone adored. And everyone like Dale was confused when he accepted the confession from a not- too-popular guy. But soon the two became so popular that their relationship became a couple goals in Scarlett High.

But it was only known to a few, how much sacrifices Tae made to spend time with the boy he loved so much.

" I was an idiot", the redhead murmured.

Dale looked at him surprised. He doesn't know what the other is thinking.

" Just don't do it the next time", he said carefully hoping his words won't upset the dejected boy.

" There won't be a next time", Tae said in a firm tone. "Because I will still do the same. I can't help it. But that is how I am".

" But not with me".

Tae looked at him giving an are you serious look. " You are my best friend!", he said. " I know you won't leave me alone. Ever. Look, I cut all the contacts with everyone. But you still found me".

Dale glared at him. " So you were ready to end everything with me just because of him?"

" My mom knows that you are different".

" Whatever".

Dale remained silent. He didn't know what to say at the moment. Because he could sense how upset the other is right now.

But after some time Tae himself broke the silence.

" Are you still upset?"

" No. But what are you going to do about Jae and others? Everyone was really worried", Dale said softly but scoffed when he saw how Tae's gaze softened at the mention of a certain name.

" Honestly I don't know. I am never telling them the real reason. You are the only one who knew why I left. The only one who knew that I overheard that conversation".


Tae sighed softly. " So they won't know unless you tell them. And I know you won't. Moreover you already gave them enough reasons".

At this point Dale couldn't control the inner turmoil. " Do you really think they believed me? ", he asked scoffing. "The whole school knew how much you loved him!".

" They also knew how much he loved me!!", he nearly shouted. "If Jae can fake it then I also can do it. At Least Jae would believe".

Dale shook his head. He couldn't understand why Tae is still being soft on the boy who broke his trust.

But he didn't want to make the other more sad than he already is.

So he decided to be practical at the moment. " What should I tell them? Give me a genuine reason why you stopped loving him. Don't just say that you were bored. It won't work. At Least give me a reason for this transfer".

Dale frowned seeing the blank expression on the other's face. His best friend is so clueless and lost. He really wanted to continue with the reason that he invented. At Least that way he could hurt Jae for hurting his dear friend.

After a few minutes Tae looked at him more puzzled.

" I can't think of anything. That time my only focus was getting far away from him. I am really an idiot".

" That you are!".

Tae turned to him almost annoyed.

" Can't you think of something?"

" I am not the one who acted without even thinking twice. At Least you should have called me", Dale said nonchalantly, seeing the other becoming restless.

" I was not in a state of mind to think straight", Tae said as if he was in a trance.

Dale waited for a few minutes. But the other remained still. Dale sighed. He couldn't let the boy become more depressed now.

So he cleared his throat, cutting the other's train of thoughts." Ok!! I can understand your case. But your mom! What was she thinking that she agreed to all your stupid decisions?"

" She knew something was not okay with me. But she doesn't care about anything as long as I am happy", Tae quietly stated.

Dale frowned seeing Tae still immersed in his own world. So he started again trying to light up the mood. " You really need to talk with her. But the reasons.....", he dragged on. "Okay, give me a little more time. I will try to come with some convincing reasons".

For Dale's relief it brought a smile to the redhead's face." You are the best! Now I hope everything is gonna be okay. "

Dale chuckled lowly.

" Give me your new number so that I can contact you", He said smiling.

"Idiot!! what were you thinking about when you were doing all these crazy things?"

Tae was happy. After a long time he felt relieved.

Dale's visit yesterday was a blessing to him. He was happy to see his best friend. And also shared his burden with someone.


He can breathe again. Everything seems so good today. So what is gonna be wrong?

But the next moment he knew how wrong he was!

" Baby. There you are!"

Tae sighed in annoyance.

What's left to go wrong again?

Tae stood there annoyed. There stand across the hallway grinning ear to ear, his biggest nightmare. Yura.

But he seemed to be trapped. He could have hoped to get lost in the crowd. But there are only a few students in the area.

So there is no way he could escape this bitch. He saw her walking in his direction. But she was stopped by someone. Now he saw her distracted. So he decided to take this chance.

Tae was quick to act. He turned around and ran the opposite way. He turned the corner and looked for a place to hide.

There is no way I'm going to let her ruin my mood.

But he bumped into someone.

" Ouch!! Look where you are going!!". The boy rubbed his temple.
" Taehyung?"

Tae stared at the other puzzled.
" Jimin??"

Jimin looked at him puzzled." What happened ? Is everything Okay? You seemed to be in a hurry-"

He was cut off by someone shouting.

"Taebaby!! Where are you?".

Jimin looked at tae. " Taebaby?", he asked amused.

Tae was embarrassed.


But he is in big trouble so he has no time to deal with Jimin.

" No!! No!", he whispered- yelled.

"Please don't say anything. Just cover for me. Okay? Don't tell her that I am here!! Just misguide her".

Without wasting another second he entered the nearest classroom and locked the door.

What's going on?

Jimin got no time to think as he soon came face to face with Yura.


Yura looked at him puzzled. " Did you see my boyfriend? I mean Tae?"

Jimin smirked." When did he become your boyfriend?"

" None of your business!", she retorted. "Now! Just answer my question!!"

" You could just call him", he said, curious about her next step. And a little bit furious at the way she is acting with him.

" I don't have his number", Yura hissed.

" You don't have the number of your own boyfriend?", he asked, clearly enjoying her misery." Great!!"

" Park Jimin!!", she gritted her teeth. "Mind your own business! Just tell me if you saw him or not!!"

" I didn't", Jimin lied, smirking.

Before he could say anything she turned around and left.


He knocked on the door. Tae opened the door and looked around. " She's gone?"

" Yeah!"

" Thank you", Tae smiled.

" No need to thank", Jimin said, shrugging. "You helped me last time".

Tae nodded.

But the blonde was still amused by the whole thing. He was curious to know what is the meaning of all this. But he didn't want to make the other uncomfortable. So he hoped that the other wouldn't just shut him off now.

Because Jimin has already developed a strong liking for the boy. Tae looked at him wondering whether to continue their conversation or not. But he decided against it.

It's better this way.

" Okay", he said, startling Jimin out of his thoughts. "See you around! Bye!". With that he left.

Jimin stood there looking at the direction where the boy had disappeared into.

He is back to that again.

He sighed.

Kim Taehyung! What are you doing to me? Why am I concerned so much about you?

Jimin looked at his watch. Fifteen minutes more before the bell rings.

" What should I do now?", he mumbled. "Cafeteria? No! no! I don't want to see Yoongi. Rooftop? No!! Taehyung must have gone there. He doesn't want to see me".

Here we go again.

Jimin! Why should you care about what Taehyung thinks about you?

He sighed.

But he helped him. At Least he could give him the privacy that he wants.

His thoughts were interrupted by someone.

" Jimin, what are you doing here? "

He gritted his teeth. Forced a smile to his face and turned around.

" Oh Hobi!! What are you doing here?", he forced a smile.

" I was going to the cafetaria. You are not coming?", the other smiled.

Before he could answer, Jimin saw Yura coming in his way. He was sure she was here for him.

What does this bitch want now?

" Jimin. You liar!", she spat. "Tell me where my boyfriend is! I am sure he came this way. And there is no way you didn't see him!!"

Jimin smirked. " And what if I saw him?"


He cut her off. " I can't believe it!"he chuckled, making her frown.

"You jump from one tree to the next like a monkey! You don't deserve him. Then why are you bothering him? Just find someone who is interested in you".

Yura scowled. "You are not in a position to say that. And who said he is not interested in me? If he is not interested he would have treated me like your stupid friend".

Hoseok was shocked by the way Yura insulted Jungkook. For more than a year the girl was clinging to him like a leech.

But now she has the audacity to call him stupid.

He wondered what could possibly happen to Yura if Jungkook comes to know about this.

But he was shocked to see that Jimin is not at all offended by it.

But instead he is still bickering with her as if she has not just insulted their friend.

" Will that make any difference?", Jimin asked, scoffing. "Even if he asks you to stay away, you won't. So he is staying away from you".

" No!!", she nearly shouted. "He may not have seen me earlier. That's why he left".

While the two were into the argument Hoseok was confused by the whole thing.

He couldn't understand anything. He was wondering what had happened before he entered.

Jimin chuckled. " Really? Then why would he ask me to mislead you? So that he doesn't have to see your face?"

" You-". She shrieked.

But she stopped herself. " You know what?", she scoffed. "I am not going to waste my precious time on you. I am gonna find him".

She turned to walk away.

But Jimin was not ready to stop.

" Just leave the boy alone! He is not even interested in you!!"

Yura looked at him frowning. She opened her mouth to say something. But she decided against it and walked away.

Jimin sighed looking at the retreating figure.

" Waaah!!", Hoseok exclaimed. "What was that?"

He was confused. But still liked the way Jimin put Yura into her place.

Even though he is not aware of the whole thing.

" What do you mean?", Jimin turned to him.

" You fight with Yura for your rivals' cousin", Hoseok explained. "You didn't do this for Kookie when she was bothering him. Now what's so special about this new guy?"

But Jimin didn't smile or deny the other's point.

" Don't ponder too much on this matter", he said. "He just asked for help. And I helped him. And it's not a big deal! Don't you dare drag this matter too much!!".

By the tone he used Hoseok could tell that he was not joking. And he was really surprised to see the way his friend is acting.

" Jimin", he called. "Why are you being cold to me? Are you fine? Is it somehow related to Taehyung? Did he hurt you or something?"

" Hobi.. Stop", Jimin cut him off, his voice deepening at the end. "Don't drag him into this! He has nothing to do with me. And I am totally fine!!Just stay within your limits!" His voice was stern.

But Hoseok didn't understand that the other was not at all happy with his rambling and concern.

" No Jimin! You are not okay. I am sure I am not letting that jerk get away after hurting you. We should tell-"

Something snapped in his mind. Jimin became more furious with each passing second.

" Shut up!! Just SHUT UP!!" Jimin yelled.

" Stop your damn drama! I said I am fine!! Now excuse me".

Before Hoseok could open his mouth Jimin walked away heading to his class.

Hoseok stood there frozen. Everyone around him looked as confused as him.

Why would Jimin shout at his best friend like that?

Hoseok just smiled awkwardly at the other students who were looking at him equally shocked.

But he was really shaken by what just happened.

What just happened?

Drama? What did he mean? Should he tell others?

No. Jimin would be more mad. Maybe he will tell him later.

Hoseok didn't have a good feeling about the whole incident. Yura and Jimin's fight. The way Jimin was talking about Taehyung as if he meant so much to him.

Then Jimin's outburst.

Nothing made sense. He needs to know. But he has been asked to stay away. So he decided to do it. But Jimin has never acted this way before.

Is everything really okay? What has changed?

Of course! Maybe he just thinking too much!!

He shrugged it off.

But still he couldn't get rid of the whole thing out of his mind.

He headed to his class. There is still time for the class. But he was not in a mood to face his friends. What if they see through his face that he is not okay? At Least Yoongi would.

Then he will have to explain. But if he did, Jimin would be mad. He doesn't want that to happen. So he went to his class.

Bell rang.

Soon the teacher entered the class. Ten minutes passed when someone opened the door.

" Sorry for being late!"

But even though it was an apology for being late, the tone he used highly contradicted his words. It's like the boy is too bored so he decided to take a look at how things work.

Everyone looked at Ms. Wang. The guy is done for.

Because Ms. Wang is not someone who entertains the latecomers. So everyone waited anxiously. Most of the students were actually worried for the boy.

But everyone was shocked to see the smile erupted in Ms. Wang's face.

" No problem Taehyung!" She nearly beamed. " Take your seat!"

Everyone was shocked. What the hell is happening?

Even Taehyung looked at her puzzled. But soon he too smiled at her and moved to the back and took a seat near the window.

" Okay!! Fine! Class.. Now where did I stop?"

Hoseok frowned. What's wrong with everyone? Why is everyone bewitched by the new guy? The class continued. But everything was a mess. None of the students were listening to the class.

Even Ms. Wang was stealing occasional glances at the boy who, unaware of everything, was focused on something outside the window. What's wrong with everyone?

Even Ms. Wang?

Yes! She is young. But she is not planning to hit on one of her students. Right? She is not even scolding him for not focusing on the lesson.

Soon the bell rang. But Ms. Wang didn't move. She turned to Taehyung who is now impatiently waiting for the teacher to dismiss them.

" Taehyung,'' she started. "It's really good to see you in the class. Keep it up. If you have any doubt you can come to me. I'll help you".

Her voice was firm but still calm and she didn't sound even a little bit mad. It seemed she was not at all affected by his ignorant behaviour in the class. The students looked at each other puzzled.

" Thank you", the boy replied nonchalantly.

Ms. Wang gave him a warm smile. Then walked out.

Taehyung also followed the suit. But it took a little more time for the class to comprehend the situation before heading for their next class.

Hoseok groaned." What's wrong with everyone?"

It was the lunch break. Hoseok had tried his best to forget the events from the morning. But it's not something normal.

Ms. Wang's interest in the new student is surely not going to remain as a secret. The students got something new to talk about.

But Jimin.

Hoseok couldn't get the reason. But he can't share this with anyone else. He already remembered that Jimin has been acting weirdly these days.

He even questioned when someone among their group of friends said something bad about Taehyung. Is there something going on between them? No way! Jimin hates Hyunjin. Taehyung is Hyunjin's cousin.

He is just overthinking.

He walked into the cafeteria. He spotted his friends. Jimin is also there. Should I have talked to him about earlier?

But as soon as Jimin saw Hoseok, he looked away.

What did he do? Hoseok suppressed his dejection.

He took a seat beside Yoongi. He tried to listen to his friends' talking. But he couldn't focus.

Moreover he got a terrible headache. Soon he felt someone's hand on his thigh. He looked up to see Yoongi looking at him concerned.

" Are you okay?"

His tone was soft. This already got the attention of everyone else.

" What happened to you? Are you not feeling well?". It was Jin.

" No. It's fine, it's just a headache", he said, trying to get them to stop. Because he is not in the mood for anything right now.

But his friends were worried. They couldn't understand what he was doing.

" You should go to the infirmary. You don't look good", Jungkook said.

" Yeah! Jungkook is right", Jin too joined in.

" But what happened? You were fine when I saw you in the morning". Jackson said.

Of course he was fine in the morning. Until he witnessed something that is really out of the box and one of his close friends yelled at him.

Hoseok looked at Jimin. But he was confused when he saw that unfamiliar emotion in the other's eyes. He became uncomfortable. It's not concern or worry or guilt.

But he couldn't figure out that feeling.

He was snapped out of his thoughts by Yoongi.

" Come with me!"Yoongi's tone was soft. "I'll take you to the infirmary. You are not gonna attend the next class looking like this".

Jungkook also agreed." He is right. If you don't, I think you will collapse".

Hoseok didn't oppose it. He let Yoongi drag him out of the cafetaria. But on his way he saw Taehyung.

He was sitting with Bambam. But that guy was looking at him. Soon he shifted his gaze. Now he is looking beyond them.

It took a second for Hoseok to realise the situation. Taehyung was looking at their table where his friends were sitting.

But Hoseok was confused when he saw the concern in his eyes. Who is he looking at? And why is he looking concerned?

Jimin was shaken out of his thoughts by Jin.

" What are you thinking about? Don't tell me you are also sick".

Jimin was furious. His thoughts floated back to the incidents earlier.

God. I hate him!

" Hey. I am talking to you".

Jimin looked at Jin frustrated. " What's your deal now?", he scoffed. "What if I am sick? It's not as you all care! And also I can't get sick. Because there is no one to take care of me".

The whole table went silent.

" What do you mean by that? Care to explain?" It was Jungkook.

" Jungkook stop that", Jin coaxed.

But the ravenette didn't want to stop.

" Why would I stop? Jin he lashed out at you just now".

" It's okay! Maybe he is worried about Hobi".

That calmed Jungkook. He glared at Jimin before he looked away.

" But what happened to Hobi? He doesn't get sick that easily". Namjoon voiced his worry.

Jackson too agreed." I told you. He was fine this morning".

Now everyone seemed to forget the blonde who was scoffing irritatedly hearing them worrying about Hoseok.

Jimin looked away bored.

I don't care. He deserved it. He took away my happiness. I am not the least worried.

He groaned mentally. Everyone was so concerned about their sunshine. But none of them even paid attention when he was down.

He felt like crying. There seemed not a single soul who could understand him.

He looked around not wanting to hear his friends worrying over his enemy.

But he froze when he locked his eyes with familiar red haired. Neither of the two looked away. Jimin was surprised to see the concern evident in Taehyung's eyes.

He didn't know what to do. He just weakly smiled at the boy. He couldn't bear it anymore. He took his bag and stood up.

" I am going", he muttered.

None of them said anything.

So he walked out.

But on his way he didn't miss that assuring smile that came from the boy who seems the only one who is concerned about him.

Why do you care when no one else does?

" What's wrong with him?", Jin asked.

" What do you mean?". Jungkook was confused.

" You didn't notice?"Jin started. "Jimin has been acting really weird. He had stopped his fights with Hyunjin. All of a sudden. But now he is just fighting with us. He is getting triggered just by the harmless remarks we make. He keeps opposing everything we say. This is not a good sign. Why is he blasting at us?"

Everyone looked at Jin.

Youngjae nodes. " I also agree. It's true Jimin is a little disturbed these days. Is there something bothering him?"

" Is it his family?", Jinyoung asked worried if there's something bothering the blonde that he has changed so much in a short period of time.

" Jimin never talks about his family", Namjoon said. " But we are his friends. Right? He should tell us. How could we help him if he wouldn't tell us?"

" Guys! Don't worry! He would surely tell us if it's something serious". Jackson tried to reassure them.

But nobody seems to have the same thought. Because it is clear as water that something has changed with the usually cheerful blonde.

" It's okay,'' Jackson said, looking around the table. "Give him space. It will be fine".

Hoseok rubbed his forehead. He is worried. There is something wrong with Jimin. He didn't even notice Yoongi coming towards him.

So he flinched when Yoongi placed his hand on his shoulder." What's bothering you?"

Hoseok looked at him alarmed. " m..mean?", He asked while looking away hoping the other wouldn't notice his uneasiness.

" Don't lie", Yoongi warned. "I can tell. You are even stuttering".

Hoseok looked at him trying to hide the turmoil in his mind.

"No. No. It's the headache", he tried again hoping that the other would let it slide.

" I know you are not lying about the headache. I am asking what or who caused this headache?" Yoongi's tone was not at all soft or calm.

It is demanding. It's clear that Yoongi is not going to do what the other wanted.

" What are you saying? I am fine", Hoseok said, trying not to stutter again. But he knew the other could hear his heart beating wildly.

" What are you hiding?" Yoongi asked, making the other shiver in a cold tone.

Hoseok was conflicted. He was already confused as hell because of Jimin. And now Yoongi. The one who should support him is being like this with him is interrogating him as if he is a criminal or something.

What's wrong with this guy? Can't he respect my decision and let the matter slide.

Just because they are dating, it doesn't mean that he has to share each and everything with him.

" I am not hiding anything", Hoseok hissed, raising his voice, all the emotions getting out of his control.

Yoongi, surprised by the sudden change, tried to say something but Hoseok raised his hand to stop him.

"Now", he started trying not to yell at the other. "Don't talk!! My head is about to explode!"

Yoongi looked at him in shock. Hoseok cocked his brow not understanding why the other is getting so worked up like this.

But for his relief Yoongi stopped the questioning.

Hoseok was concerned, seeing the serious yet worried look on the other who was sitting on the chair near the bed facing the door.

He doesn't know why Yoongi is becoming so worried and confused over a headache.

And why is he kept on accusing him of hiding something?

Can Yoongi read his mind that easily? Is he also worried about Jimin? Hoseok was puzzled.

He raised his hand to hold the other's. But suddenly the nurse came inside. So he immediately retrieved his hand.

She gave him a soft smile. And as soon as she gave him the pills she excused saying that she had an emergency and went out after instructing Yoongi to take care of the sick boy.

All the time, Yoongi didn't say anything but just kept on nodding his head. But even after the nurse went out Yoongi remained silent.

He watched as Hoseok took the pills and then gave him a glass of water, gesturing to him to drink it. Hoseok just did as he was told. He didn't understand why the other was being like this.

At first he was interrogating him as if he had done something wrong. Now he stopped talking all of a sudden.


Then it clicked. Maybe he is not talking because Hoseok asked him to keep quiet. That must be it. He was relieved.

After he took the pills. He laid down on the bed. And Yoongi sat beside him. Hoseok wanted to hold Yoongi's hand that was kept on his side on the bed.

But he didn't want to take the risk. What if one of their friends came to check him or something?

So he laid there staring at the ceiling. He refrained himself from thinking about Jimin. Because it will only give him another headache.

He looked at Yoongi but the boy seemed to be in his own world. Hoseok was thankful that Yoongi decided to keep quiet. Because he needs time to calm himself.

But his thoughts were soon interrupted.

"Is it me?", Yoongi asked. But the voice confused Hoseok.

He looked at the other alarmed. And Yoongi looked confused and sad?

" What?", He asked, not understanding what the other meant.

" I know it's really hard for you", Yoongi choked out as if was about to break down. "This secret dating. But it's for our own good...... Just bear with it. If you are bothered so much-"

Hoseok was conflicted. What is the other even saying? And what does their relationship have to do with the headache?

He doesn't know why the older is bringing up their relationship out of the blue. Even though he didn't understand what the other is implying he stopped Yoongi because if not Yoongi is kind of nearing a break down.

" It's okay", he said, trying to find an excuse. "I can deal with it. It's just.......... yesterday I stayed up late watching a movie with my sis. It was okay in the morning. But now I have this awful headache".

Yoongi looked at him puzzled. But he looked kind of relieved as well.

" And I didn't tell you because I thought you would get mad at me for being so careless", he added.

Hoseok felt relieved for finally managing to find a convincing excuse and the other seemed to believe him by the looks of it. Hoseok remained silent waiting for the other to say something.

Silence engulfed the room. None of them tried to break it. But it took another fifteen minutes for Yoongi to start.

And all the time Hoseok was looking at Yoongi watching the other getting lost in his thoughts again.

" Oh!Thank God!"Yoongi was smiling widely. "I was going to ask if you want a break or something?"

Hoseok turned to him, scoffing. Now where is this coming from?

He finally realised that. All the time Hoseok kept on thinking about Jimin, Yoongi was thinking that the headache was caused by the pressure of secret dating.

That was the reason he kept on questioning him like crazy. Understandable.

But he didn't understand why the other would suddenly link the current situation with their relationship.

" Don't even think about it", he said, making the other smile sweetly at him.

" I can't see you hurting yourself because of me", Yoongi said, taking the other's hands on his own.

His voice was soothing and calm and that is what Hoseok needs at the moment.

He smiled widely. " It's okay. We will be fine", Hoseok grinned, forgetting all the internal conflict.

At this point, everything else seems insignificant. Both of them are happy. And that is what that matters.

" I love you", Yoongi said as he stroked the other's hands.

" I love you too", the younger said with the same enthusiasm.

Jimin was walking fast. He wanted to run but he needed to be calm.

Endure a little. Hold on. He kept on chanting.

Soon he turned from the hallway. And reached the stairs. Nobody was around. He ran up the stairs. He opened the door and closed it behind him.

He slid down against the wall dropping his bag on the floor. Tears started flowing ceaselessly. But he didn't try to stop them. No one is here to judge him.

No one is going to mock him for crying like this. He pulled his hair irritatedly.

" Why?", he yelled, not caring about anything. "Why am I like this? Why can't you love me? Why is it him? "

He soon started sobbing. His tears kept flowing, finally getting an outlet for the pent up emotions. He has been holding on for a long time. He has tried his best not to think about it. About anything.

He has been convincing himself that everything is going to be alright and he will forget it in no time.

But who is he trying to fool? No matter how much he tried to forget, everything would come back to him. He has no control over his emotions. He has been suffering from the things he could never voice out. All the things that he is keeping to himself are suffocating him.

Jimin chuckled dryly. This is really funny. Everyone thinks that he is heartless.

For Bangtan, he is the biggest flirt in the school who flirtes with anyone and everyone. Park Jimin is known to them as the zero EQ boy who plays with others' feelings.

But no one has ever felt the need to look beyond what he shows them. Literally no one. Even his friends are thinking the same. They never care. They didn't know why I became like this.

They don't know that they are the reason why I end up being like this. And they will never know the emotionless guy they despise is crying out his mind because of the feelings he has been holding so precious to his heart.

They did this to him. And yet they call him heartless. He wiped his tears harshly trying to control the sobbing.

Hoseok has been getting on his nerves today. In the morning he was meddling in his business.

At the lunch break he showed up with that awful face trying to get Yoongi's attention. And he got it. Then that drama.

Those two liars. Making a fool out of everyone else. But it's not gonna work with me.

Jimin was furious seeing his friends getting concerned for hobi. No one even bothered to check if he was okay for the past few days. He was not fine.

But today they were all worried because of that jerk. Then how could he be okay?

And then their fake concern. They were never there when he needed them the most. He knows all his friends defend each other whenever someone else accuses or targets one among them.

But when it came to him, no one found the need to defend him. Or atleast console him. But in fact they also joined the squad.

He was always there for them. But when it comes to him no one really cares. It seemed that they never considered him as one of them.

For them maybe he is just the childhood best friend of Min Yoongi.

Nothing less. Nothing more.

And now they are acting as if they care. As if they had never pushed him to the edge. They are acting as if they didn't force him to become someone that he is not. Someone he never wanted to be.

They made him the fake persona that he is now. He didn't need their fake support or care. He doesn't need any of this. That is why he left.

But none of them even tried to stop him. Really interesting. So when he walked out he was trying to get away from them.

But it was then Jimin realised that he messed up. He had been rude to Hobi. And if Hobi told everything to Yoongi, his crush would hate him. So he decided to check on them.

When he reached the infirmary there was no one around. So he took the chance and peeked into the room. Then he noticed both of his friends in the corner of the room.

Hobi was lying on the bed. Yoongi was sitting beside him. They were talking. Jimin tried to listen. He was able to catch a few sentences.

But that was enough for him. So he didn't want to hear anything more. He backed away and walked hoping he wouldn't bump into anyone.

" I can't see you hurting yourself because of me".

" It's okay. We will be fine".

" I love you".

" I love you too".

Jimin sat there. He couldn't calm down.

" Why did I follow them?", he hiccuped.

But what can he do? He was there to see if Hobi is badmouthing him or not. But he witnessed their confession.

Why am I even living? Why did you lead me on when you never felt the same? Why did you make me fall for you and then throw me away?

" Now I hate him more. I am the one who met Yoongi first. I fell in love with him first. Hobi was just a stranger. But....... he took away the love of my life...... He took away my everything. Now I am not gonna forgive you".

Jimin keeps on mumbling. But he was finally feeling better. It's good to vent your emotions rather than piling them in your heart.

Jimin wiped his tears. " God, I need to wash my face. I can't let them see me like this. I don't need their fake concern. And I am not gonna skip my classes because of them".

He stood up taking his bag. Opened the door and walked out.

But he didn't notice that he was not alone on the rooftop. There was someone else besides him who heard each and every word that the blonde was shouting carelessly.

" This idiot,'' he sighed. " I hope he will be okay".

He looked at the closed door.

" He should really check his surroundings before rambling. What if someone heard everything?"

Jin was in the library. He was going through various books collecting information that he needed for an assignment he had to submit this week.

He looked up from his notebook when he sensed a presence near him. It was Jihyun. She is in his Maths class.

He didn't say anything. He is already late. So he has no time to waste. Jihyun sat there flipping through the pages of the book she may have randomly picked from the shelf.

But she seems reluctant. Jin ignored her. Seconds passed. He didn't mind her sitting there. But the sound of flipping the pages started irritating him.

He thought she would stop. But that wasn't the case. She would neither talk nor go away. So he decided to know the matter.

" What is it, Jihyun?", he went straight to the point. "If you have something to say, just say it! If not, sit somewhere else. Because you are irritating me with your book".

Jihyun gasped. " Oh no!!! I didn't mean it! I just want to ask something. But I don't know if I should".

" Then don't".

" But I need to", she whined, making the other even more angry. "I want to make sure".

" Just spill it!!"Jin spat, not liking the idea of wasting his precious time on her. "I don't have much time".

" Yura has been saying that she is dating Kim Taehyung. Is it true?"

Jin froze. It's not a good news. Now Yura is making it hard. He didn't know what to do. But Jihyun was impatient.

" Just say it's not true.....", she is pleading now. "Just say she is lying".

Jin couldn't understand what this girl was saying. " What do you mean?"Jin asked, surprised.

"Do you also have feelings for the new guy?"

He already knows about Yura. So that's not new information. But to know that, there are other people who also are crushing on the new guy is surprising.

The girl scoffed." Who doesn't have feelings for him? But now Yura is threatening everyone saying that she won't spare those who go near her boyfriend. It's really irritating".

Threatening? Wow! That's something new from Yura. That girl is really becoming too daring. She had never threatened anyone when she was after Kookie. But now?

And Jin was even more confused. Because he was sure that Jihyun had a crush on Kookie.

It's just that she was scared of Jungkook like many others who have a crush on the cold guy.

So she, like most of them, never openly expressed her interest. But Jin has seen Jihyun lurking around Jungkook's locker many times.

" I thought you were all after Kookie", he said, voicing out his confusion.

"Then what's with this new boy? Shouldn't you be happy that you can pursue Kookie without any worry now?"

" Then what?", Jihyun scowled. "Then be treated in the same way as Yura?"

She paused before starting again. "Everyone is scared of Jungkook. No one will dare to propose to him after what did last year. He made the principal expel that girl. Yura was the only one who got the guts to bother him. But that bitch changed her track now. It's not right. It's frustrating".

Jin didn't comment on it. He is really not interested in that topic. Both Junkook and that girl did wrong.

She proposed to him publicly, trying to pressurize him. And Jungkook, besides coldly Rejecting her, used his power to expel her out of Bangtan because she dared to question him.

" Why will you listen to her?"he asked, genuinely interested.

" She said they are dating, '' she sighed.

Jin cocked his brow not really believing that.

" Is there any proof?"

" We wouldn't even listen to her if there wasn't", she said as if she herself is still not convinced.

"A lot of students saw them together",she sighed.

"She was hanging out with him a lot. Yesterday both of them were at the library. At first she was the only one who was talking. He didn't even seem to listen. Later he was talking to her. You know what... he didn't even seem to be bothered. They were talking as if it was so natural. There were students who saw him smiling at her".

"Can you believe it?", she exclaimed. "He smiled at her!! Then how are we supposed to remain calm?"

" What if he smiles?", Jin raised his eyebrows, not really getting what the real deal is with a smile. "What's so special about it?"

It's just a smile. People smile. That's natural. Why does everyone make an issue out of it if he smiles at that annoying girl?

It must be even not intentional. Who knows?

But Jihyun seemed offended. " Are you kidding? Have you ever seen him smiling?"

Jin shakes his head.

" No. Right? He won't smile at all! He always keeps that straight face. So if he smiles at her, then it means something", she said, sighing. "Should I warn him? I don't want him to get hurt".

" Why would you warn him? Hyunjin must have done it already".

Jin is right. Taehyung is Hyunjin's cousin. If Yura is after Taehyung, Hyunjin would surely know about it. And he would also warn him. But Jihyun shakes her head, not agreeing with him.

" I don't know. He just came", she started. "But Yura already claimed him. It's not fair. You know there are a lot of people who have tried to start a conversation with him. But he rejected all of them. But he spends hours with her. How is it even possible?"

Jin didn't say anything. Kookie won't like this. There is actually no need for him to be mad. But he is not going to admit that.

He rejected everyone who had dared to propose to him.

The last incident took place last year. That girl proposed to him in front of the whole school. When he rejected she didn't back away. She even dared to question his sexuality in front of everyone.

That is what triggered Jungkook. He expelled her from the school. It's true that Jungkook is gay. But that is his own business.

There are also guys who proposed to him. But he rejected them as well. That idiot just doesn't believe in love. If he likes someone he wouldn't wait even for a second to confess. That's what he said.

But all those idiots could never get that in their head. But everyone stopped after that incident. After that no one dared to confess to him. Of course he still gets a lot of anonymous letters.

But he disposed of them without even checking them. Heartless. It seems. But what can he do when he is not the least interested?

And he doesn't want to be in a relationship just for the sake of it.


But Yura never understands this. No, she never tried to understand. She keeps on irritating him.

He had tried his best to control his temper. He warned her. Not once or twice. But a hundred times.

But she won't stop until he makes her his girlfriend. She admitted she has no feelings for him, she just wants that title.

That didn't go well with Jungkook. He was furious. Since then the fact that she is a girl, never stopped him. He insulted and hurt her. But surprisingly that girl didn't stop.

She was just obsessed. So she bore it. It was okay for her. But everything changed. After he came.

But Jin's thoughts were interrupted by a new guest at their table. It was Alexa.

Jin didn't know her personally. He just knows that she is a member of the student council.

Also a friend of Baek. So it's clear she is not here for him.

" Jihyun, did you hear the news?", she said while taking a seat near Jihyun.

Jin became angry. Why are they gossiping here? But the news Alexa delivered shocked him.

" Ms. Wang is interested in Kim Taehyung".

Wow! New twist!!

Jihyun looked at her shocked. " Are you nuts? Ms. Wang? She is not even interested in guys of her age!! Now why would she all of a sudden get interested in a student?"

" So you didn't hear of what happened in her class last week?"

Jin was curious. What has happened? And why did he never hear of anything?

" What do you mean?"Jihyun seemed too surprised.

" Are you living under a rock?"

" Just tell me!!" Jihyun seemed already done with everything.

She came here hoping to get a positive response for her doubt. But ended up getting such an unexpected one. Jin wanted to laugh.

Maybe she is contemplating her choice of pursuing Taehyung. Must be wondering how she is going to compete with Ms. Wang now. Jin however suppressed his urge to laugh.

Because these girls are really scary once they become mad.

They are already mad enough. Now he doesn't want them to take it all out on him.

" Tae attended her class last Friday. But he was already late. According to Ms. Wang she would have sent them to the Principal's office. But she was blushing when she saw him. She didn't give him detention. Or didn't even scold him. During the class, all her attention was on him. She keeps on getting distracted. He was looking out of the window all the time. But she didn't punish him. And after the class she sweetly offered him any help he requires. Can you believe it? It's Ms. Wang we are talking about. And today, he was not there. And she enquired why Taehyung didn't attend the class. During the class she kept on looking at the door. What more evidence do you need?"

Jin couldn't hold his curiosity.

" Why is everyone infatuated with him? According to me, he is very boring".

Alexa frowned." Boring? You are boring!! Don't even dare to say anything against him. Just because you didn't like his cousins, you don't have to hate him".

" But he wouldn't even talk or smile".

Jin really meant it when he declared that Taehyung is boring. How could he not? There's nothing really interesting about the boy.

Of course! The boy is undeniably handsome. Maybe he is a little bit attractive by the way he carries himself around.

His cold attitude and blank face somehow still make him hot. But that's it. He never attends class. No participation in any of the popular clubs. And he doesn't seem like a sports type.

" So what? He is handsome", Alexa glared at him.

But before Alexa became more mad, Jihyun grabbed her attention. "But you heard what Yura said. She said they are dating"she said lazily.

" Don't believe her", Alexa consoled her. "Baek said it's not true. He said his cousin is not the kind to date Yura".

" I hope so", the girl mumbled nonchalantly.

Jin kept quiet. He should have brought his earpods. But soon Both the girls stood up.

" See you later", Jihyun waved at him.

Jin rolled his eyes. " Annoying". He muttered under his breath before shifting his focus to the books before him. But how could he focus?

Ms. Wang? Seriously?

He soon was interrupted by another commotion. What's it now?

Soon he found the newcomer who caused the havoc.


He was alone. There were a few magazines in his hand.

Jin couldn't help but roll his eyes. Seriously? He came to the library to read these?

To his surprise he took a seat at the same table where Jin sat.

Jin felt uncomfortable. He doesn't know why. He himself was confused. How could this boy make him uncomfortable even just with his presence?

It's okay. It's not as if I should talk to him. But soon there was another one to arrive at their table.


He was surprised. So it's true. They are dating. Jin felt more irritated. But he was not the only one.

Yura also seemed out of place. But her frown immediately turned into a smirk as she saw Jin. She took a seat next to Taehyung.

" Baby..."

Both Jin and Taehyung tensed. Taehyung looked at Yura then at Jin.

But instead of answering he focused on the book.

But Yura won't stop.


" are you ignoring me?"

No answer.

Jin looked up from his book at Yura and saw her already looking at him. So he looked away.

Now Yura started whining.

" Why are you being like C'mon.."

Wrong move.

Tae looked up. " Yura. Listen. I tolerated you for two hours already. Please stop this stupid drama. If you want you can sit here. But for God's sake don't talk to me".

" Why? I am your girlfriend", she pouted.

Jin rolled his eyes, not sure why he still couldn't stand her.

" When did I accept you as my girlfriend? Huh?",Tae asked, making the other two look at each other shocked.

"As far as I remember I rejected you already. But you won't leave me alone. So I am just putting up with you. So please don't talk to me", he added now trying to focus on whatever book he is holding.

Jin's initial shock has subsided. He couldn't get hold of what was happening before him. Jin was surprised. He somehow suppressed his laughter.

Yura was bewildered. She tensed. She looked at Jin. Jin smirked.

So this made her more determined. She glared at him before turning to the redhead's direction.

" Tae...sorry...I didn't-", she started but was cut off.

" Shhhhhh.....don't . Talk. To Me", the boy warned sternly.

" Why?"Yura whined, still not ready to stop.

Jin looked at her really surprised. This girl doesn't know what it is to respect others' decisions.

Tae closed his book. And took all the books in his hands.

" That's it", he looked at her while getting up. "Yura...... Now listen. I am going-"

" I will also come with you", Yura enthusiastically stood up. "We can go to the cafeteria".

" Just listen to me", Tae started, sitting down again. "I am heading out first. But don't even dare to move from your seat. You can only come out after thirty minutes".

" Why?", She whined "I don't like it here".

Tae glared at her warningly.

" Who told you to follow me?"

" But then where can I find you?", Yura asked, making the other frown.

" Who told you that I want to see you again?"He crossed his arms across his chest.

"Please just leave. You know my head is gonna explode already. Just remain here and do something useful".

" But you are wasting your time. Then why shouldn't I?" She seems really like she doesn't know when to stop.

But as soon as the words left his mouth she stopped. He covered her mouth with her palm while looking at the boy.

Jin was surprised not understanding what just happened? Looking at Yura, the girl seemed really guilty.

And the boy is now looking at her with a blank expression. Jin didn't like it a bit. These two are making it really difficult for him.

Even though he is happy to see the girl's plight, he is honestly not interested to see this. Especially when it is clear that the redhead seemed to have no idea about who Jin actually is.

Moreover he didn't like the intimidating aura radiating from the boy. Because he himself is getting affected by it.

He is now really hoping that the girl would let the already annoyed boy go.

" Mind your business", the redhead deadpanned. "Stay in your limits. Just because I am letting you irritate me doesn't mean you can advise me", he said, his voice coated with clear seriousness.

After that he stood up and made his way out.

Jin released the breath he didn't know he was holding. He is confused to say the least. Jin doesn't know what to do. He looked at Yura. She looked embarrassed.


But Jin thought it's best to not tease her. So he kept quiet. But Yura was making it hard for him. She kept on looking at her watch.

Is she gonna follow him again?

He decided not to say anything. It's not his place to speak. But seeing her doing the same thing again and again made him angry.

He closed his book and turned to Yura who was still looking at her watch impatiently.

" Are you gonna follow him again?"

Yura looked at him puzzled.

" Sorry?"

Jin shakes his head irritated. He didn't want to do this. But he couldn't help himself.

" He told you to leave him alone. Don't you know what that means?"

Yura scowled, not liking the other trying to intervene.

" Why are you meddling in our relationship?", she asked. "He is my boyfriend. I can do whatever I wanna do with him. Don't you dare interfere".

" Wow!", Jin gasped." You are really something! I clearly heard him denying your claim as your boyfriend. He already rejected you".

Yura gritted her teeth. " Don't you have any shame?", she scoffed. "Why did you listen to our conversation?"

Jin rubbed his temple. He really wants to stop. But seeing her act like this. It's too hard to stop. He didn't even want to talk with this girl. But he already started. And he is not going to give in to her accusations.

" Great! Now you are accusing me of eavesdropping", Jin started.

"Do you know that we are sitting at the same table? You two were not even whispering. I can clearly hear each and every word without even trying. And I did. So you better watch your words. If I were you, I wouldn't even dare to argue with you".

That did the work. Yura didn't say anything. She tried to read the book that was kept open in front of her.

But it didn't last too long.

" Oh! it's thirty minutes!", she exclaimed standing up. "I can go now!!"

With that she's gone. Jin sat there frozen.


He couldn't believe what happened. But it's crystal clear that Taehyung and Yura are not dating. He is not even interested in her.

He already rejected her. But why is he not denying the rumours? Then why is he tolerating her?

He is really strange. Two hours?

He spent two hours listening to her? If he is not interested in her, then what's their relationship?

" Ugh!! This is really too much. I shouldn't have come here", Jin rubbed his temple frustratedly trying to calm himself down.

He gathered his books. Kept the books that he had taken for reference back and walked out.

"I need to have something to cool off. Otherwise my head is gonna burst".

He nearly laughed at the thought. I got a terrible headache because of her.

Then how did that idiot manage to keep up with her for two hours? No wonder he behaved like that.

He walked into the cafeteria. To his surprise Yura was there with her friends.

But no sign of Taehyung. How did he manage to escape? She seemed really determined. He spotted his friends at their usual table. Jackson waved at him.

He was going to head to his friends but Yura's laughing face didn't seem to be okay for him. Because of her I got a terrible headache.

So with a smirk he walked to her table. Yura already saw him. He saw her getting tense seeing him walking to her table. Her friends also looked at him.

He reached her table.

" Where did your boyfriend go?"he asked, looking around as if trying to find the boy. "I thought he was waiting for you".

Yura gritted her teeth." Mind your business".

Others present in the cafeteria are now looking in their direction eagerly, not understanding what is happening.

Jin was not going to stop." Why are you repeating his words now?"

Yura now seems terrified. She didn't say anything. Jin gave her smile before heading back to his friends.

" What was that? What were you talking about?", Namjoon asked as soon as he took his seat.

" Nothing. Just a payback".

Jin looked around. Almost everyone was there. But no sign of Jimin. Again.

" Where's Jimin?"

Everyone looked at him. Hoseok looked away.

" No idea. He is in school. But I don't know why he is avoiding us". Yoongi said.

Jackson looked at him puzzled. " What are you talking about? He is not avoiding us. He missed some lessons. He is just trying to make up for it. He is spending his time at the library".

" Are you sure?"Yoongi was not convinced. " Yesterday I saw him. But he ignored me".

"Why are you making it an issue?", Jackson started. "He may not have seen you. He was okay when I talked with him".

Then he turned to Hoseok. " How about you? I know you have classes with him".

Hoseok was frozen." It's okay between us. He seemed more focused with his studies now",he lied.

He clearly knew there was something. Jimin was avoiding him. This morning he tried to Initiate a conversation.

But Jimin just walked away. He wanted to ask what's bothering him. But he was already terrified by the last incident. He was not ready to take risks. So he let him go.

" Are you sure?". It was Jungkook.

" Of course", Hobi nodded. "He seems really worried about his studies".

Youngjae looked unconvinced. " But why? Exams are already over. Then why is he tense about his studies now?"

Namjoon gasped. " Speaking of it, results are gonna be announced this week".

" Oh gosh!"Jin gasped, "I just want a passmark".

" My parents won't be satisfied with a pass", Jungkook said, sighing.

Youngjae nodded." Mine also".

Jimin has a tough day. A really bad day.

Ever since last Friday he had been like this. He can't really concentrate on anything.

He doesn't want to see his friends again. Specifically Hoseok. He couldn't bring himself to act before him. His emotions are taking the best of him.

That day after the fight with Yura, Hobi was trying to meddle in his business. Nothing Yura said has affected him. After all, who is gonna pay attention to her words?

But after she left, Hobi was starting the same drama. Both him and Yoongi were playing in front of everyone.

He was trying to drag and accuse Tae when that guy did nothing wrong. Jimin didn't like it when Hobi mentioned Tae's name even though he didn't know why. So he tried to stop the discussion.

But the other won't stop. And Jimin couldn't control it anymore so he shouted.

Even though he didn't regret shouting at Hobi, he still felt uneasy.

Jimin was scared. He thought the consequences if Hobi told everything to their friends made him more nervous. It won't be okay.

Firstly they may ask about his relation with Tae. Actually there's nothing between them. They are not even friends.

But Jimin always felt something deep with the other. But he didn't want to tell anyone. He would just keep it to himself. After all he is not obligated to tell everything to them. Right?

So he had to lie. But when they come to know about his outburst, he doesn't know what would be their reaction.

Of course Yoongi would blame him. And most of them are gonna support Hobi, because he is so close with everyone.

Both Jungkook, Jackson will support Hobi along with Yoongi. Because the bond between them seemed stronger since they became basketball teammates.

He is not sure about anyone else. But chances are for them to blame him because no one would say anything against Jungkook.

So in conclusion, he is in trouble.

So his breath hitched when Hobi walked to them that afternoon. He had seen Hobi looking at him. But he avoided eye contact at all times. But then the drama occured.

He got a headache out of nowhere. He was fine earlier. Jimin really doubted if it was really a strategy to trap him.

But he became pissed when he saw the way Yoongi was worrying about Hobi.

It was just a headache.

He was going through a heartbreak. But no one sees that. But they were acting so worked up when he got a headache. Really?

So when Hobi looked at him, he didn't hide the hatred he had for him. Hobi's face contorted in confusion. And Jimin looked away. He scowled when he saw how lovestruck Yoongi had been acting around Hobi.

But none of their friends seemed to mind that. But another thought occurred to him. Did they know? Were they hiding this from him? This irritated him more than he already was.

So Jimin snapped at everyone who tried to talk to him. Who can blame him? They keep on scolding him. But no one could see the pain in his eyes.

Except for one person. And that reason gave him the courage to visit the rooftop again. He knew Taehyung wouldn't mind if he went there.

Jimin had already been here a lot this week. But he never got to see the other.

He is avoiding his friends. He doesn't want to see them.

Why should he see them? In the end he is gonna get hurt.

But Jimin is not a fool. They should never know that he hates them. So he has decided not to avoid them when he sees them in school. But Jackson is the only one he had talked to this week. But he couldn't bring himself to forgive both Hobi and Yoongi.

He had seen Yoongi once but he ignored him. In the case of Hobi, they have a few classes together. But Jimin ignored Hobi completely. He didn't even try to make it oblivious. He no longer cares if this would hurt Hobi or not.

After all, it's Hobi who hurt him. So he deserved this cold treatment that Jimin is giving him.

And why would Jimin's cold behaviour even hurt him? After all, Jimin is a nobody to everyone. Just a card they could use according to the need.

And Hoseok has got what Jimin has been yearning for the past five years. And he is the barrier between him and his dearest Hyung.

He was always the number one for Yoongi. But not anymore.

And everything happened because of Hobi. He snatched away his happiness from him. So why should he care about what Hoseok thinks?

Now it's the lunch break. But he didn't want to see anyone. That's how he ended up on the rooftop. He slowly opened the door. The cold air hit his face.

He stepped out and closed the door.

Finally he could breathe.

He didn't need to pretend that he was okay. But he was startled by a deep voice.

" Oh!! It's you".

המשך קריאה

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