Once a Dare leads to Love (BO...

By Chocolatey__Queen

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It all started with a dare. A stupid, damn dare! Challenged to slap a stranger, Skylee Kingston wasn't the on... More

|01 |Begining|
|02|Unknown Mysterious Beauty|
|03|Another Sleepless Night|
|04|New School|
|05|School or Trouble?|
|06|First Detention|
|07|Salty Chocolate|
|08|Sick Prank Of Cactus|
|09|I'm innocent|
|10|Isn't it Suspicious? (I)|
|11|Isnt It Suspicious (II)|
|12|A True Brother|
|13|A Devil's Deal Of Mine|
|14|Night Adventure|
|15|Strange Night|
|16|Last Warning (I)|
|17|Last Warning (II)|
|18|My First Friend|
|19|My screwed Friends|
|20|Still Love The Betrayer|
|22|Unwanted Vacation|
|23|Code Red|
|24|Stange Feelings|
|26|Why Always Her?|
|27|Pissed Off|
|28|Stupid Cactus|
|29|Saving Zack|
|30|Addicting Smile|
|31|Do I Really Love Her?|
|32|A Crush Of Mine|
|33|A Terrible Fight|
|34|Uninvited Feelings|
|35|A Talk Of Heart|
|36|Helen Outburst|
|37|NGO Tour|
|38|Smiles And Apologies (I)|
|39|Smiles and Apologies (II)|
|40|Masquerade Party|
|41|Perfect Yet Imperfect|
|42|Not So Drunk|
|43|So Stubborn|
|44|Way Too Straightforward|
|45|Bad Day|
|46|Çay Ve Menemen|
|47|Change Of Events|
|48|Sweet Moments|
|50|The Ferris Wheel and Promises|
|51|Neglecting Everything For Him|
|52|Officially Official|
|54|A Advice|
|55|A Mess (I)|
|56|A Mess (II)|
|57|Past Dreading Pictures|
|58|Days Like Years|
|60|Way Back|
|61|Frustrated And Compelled|
|62|Days Like Synx|
|63|I Love You|
|64|Truth And Dare|
|67|Almost Lost|
|68|A Flying Moment (I)|
|69|A Flying Moment (II)|
|70|Please Don't Leave Me|
|71|No Hope (I)|
|72|No Hope (II)|


128 11 21
By Chocolatey__Queen

1 Year Later~

Helen P.O.V

I zipped my last bag after making sure everything was packed. Then I looked over my room as a small sad smile cascaded my lips. Time flew away so fast. It seemed like yesterday we had a girls' sleepover, all three of us over my bed, laughing and watching different series. I didn't know when a tear slipped out of my eye, but I wiped it right away.

With a sigh, I came downstairs where my parents were waiting for me. Dad gave me an encouraging smile but I knew he was internally sad. On the other hand, Mom was continuously shedding tears. I smiled as I stepped towards them.

"God, Mom! I'm not dying. Stop crying, please. I can't leave you like that." I hugged her and kissed her cheek.

But the angry woman slapped my arm hard as she glared at me, "God forbid! Don't make me cancel my decision of letting you go so away from us." And she again started crying. "God, I'll miss you!"

"Aww, my pretty Mom. I'll miss you too!" And I hugged her again. Dad also joined the hug as he kissed my forehead and whispered proudly, "My daughter is so big already. I'm so proud of you that you want to chase your dream."

"Thanks, Dad." That made me smile.

"Now, now," He pulled apart and checked his wristwatch. "Your flight is in five hours. Have you packed everything?"

"Yes, all done." I nodded at him. There was still one thing left though. I again looked at my Mom, who was wiping her tears.

"Mom..." I trailed off. "You don't want me to go?"

"Helen!" Dad scolded at my question as he looked at Mom, "Come on, honey. You can go anytime to meet her."

"I know but the thought of her moving so away from us is breaking my heart." She reasoned out.

"But I have always lived separately from you."

"Yeah, but you were our neighbor. So it doesn't count."

"Mom, if you really don't want me to go then I won't go."

"You won't go?" She looked surprised. I nodded at her. She shook her head as she said, "No, I want you to go. Go and chase your dream, I won't stop you. I'll always support you. Life is too short and I want my daughter to live every moment of it." She kissed my forehead as she wiped her tears and smiled at me.

Now it was my time to got all teary eyes. I hugged her once again as I cried. I didn't plan to cry but one couldn't stop their tears after hearing such emotional words.

After a few more hugs and kisses, I finally made it to the door. I told them that I would be back soon. Because... I had to say goodbye to them too.

As I opened the door, I found Owen in front of me. He had his hand up in the air like he was about to knock it. I looked at him surprised. I didn't expect him to be here.

"Hey!" He smiled at me, flashing his cute dimples that made my heart race, but not in a way, it used to do. We had lost our spark. I knew the little I feel for him, it would also vanish when I moved away from him.

I closed the door behind me and stood in front of him. "Hey!" I had confusion in my voice. We stood there for a moment, his eyes locked on my face like he knew it would be the last time he had the privilege to look at me closely.

"What are you doing here?" I asked after a while.

"You wanted to say goodbye to our friends." He said, blinking his eyes rapidly.

"Yeah, but why are you here?" I again asked. I was confused.

"To pick you. I'm your driver for now. I'll take you wherever you want to go." He again smiled.

"That's... Owen, thank you but I can manage." I slightly smiled at him.

"I'm not listening to anything. And yes, you're coming with me." With this, he held my hand and dragged me towards his car. I followed quietly. There was no use in arguing with him.

Once he pulled the car over the road, I looked outside the window. Memories flashing in front of my eyes. So much had changed. I sighed. This was what we called life.

After the silence felt suffocating, I looked at him. He was silently driving. His eyes focused over the road.

"What are your future plans, Owen?" I broke the silence.

He looked at me and passed me a warm sad smile before again fixing his gaze ahead, "I'm taking a year break. My therapist says I have to settle myself before pursuing a career. She says I should go somewhere in between nature for it's the perfect healer."

"And I have so many scars to heal." He shook his head with a small smile. My heart ached. I felt bad for him. But I didn't know what to say to him. What could I say?

Silence fell for a moment before he decided to speak again.

"I guess I'll be moving too, soon. And honestly, I need some change to get my mind clear. Too much had been happened in past months."

"Skylee... It was unexpected. No know thought she would leave like that. She has literally changed the patterns of our life and now she's gone."

I didn't reply to that and looked away. My gaze looked outside the window. I rolled the window down as the warm wind caressed my face. I closed my eyes and felt it.

Some people in our lives are like the wind. They come like a fresh roll of breeze, scattering and falling the leaves as they pass by, but in the end, they have to pass by. They are not for stay. They just come to change the pattern of the leaves like autumn wind, and when it's changed. They can't even stay to witness the change. They just go away. Skylee was like that wind.

"We are here," Owen announced, making me open my eyes.

I slid out of the door and walked inside the house. The door was opened as we walked in.

I smiled at the scene in front of me. Zack and Rosalyn were sitting on the couch, whereas she had Zack's ear pinched so harshly that it had gone crimson. He was whining as he said, "Princess, it hurts. Please let go of my poor ear."

Owen chuckled beside me as he stepped forward, "What did this idiot do this time?"

Rosalyn's deadliest glare turned towards him and it almost immediately changed into one of those lost puppy looks. She had the worst kind of mood swings now that her due date was this weekend. She let go of his ear and touched her baby bump.

"You won't believe this! I asked for a chocolate cupcake and here he bring me a strawberry one!" She glared at her husband again.

"But you asked for the chocolate one!" Zack pouted as he gave me a small 'hi' smile. I nodded at him, smiling at their little banter.

"You should know I have two babies inside of me who happened to clash at the likes!" She hit his arm hard.

Zack sighed in defeat as he smiled at her, kissing her forehead that made her flushed in a second. "I know, princess, I know. I'll keep that in my mind next time."

I smiled at this lovely couple. They married a few months back, right after graduation. Their marriage was one the biggest in this country. It had every luxury in it, many big shots were invited there, but everyone had that sullen look on their faces. The person who had made the marriage happened wasn't there.

"What are you doing here, Helen?" Rosalyn narrowed her eyes at me. "You're literally blessing us with your face after a whole week? Where the hell were you busy?"

Yes, that woman had turned into an angry gorilla with a sarcastic mouth since she was pregnant. Zack passed me an apologetic smile. I smiled back at him assuringly. I never mind her banters. It was actually fun to see our sweet little Rosalyn all angry and bossy.

"I was busy with the paperwork. My flight is today in about a few hours. I came to say Goodbye." I said softly.

That made Zack's eyes widened while she stood up in a hurry, making Zack called behind, "Carefully, woman!"

She didn't pay attention to him and embraced me in a hug. Well, as much as she could hug with her baby bump. "You're leaving so soon. God! I'll miss you! I thought you will stay for the babies. They are literally coming right this weekend."

"I'm so sorry, but I have been already delaying for so long. I have to go now. It's time for me to say goodbye." I said as she again hugged me and started to cry. I patted her back as my own tears couldn't stop.

"Take care of yourself and the babies. Send me lots of pictures of them. I'll keep in touch with you." I said as we pulled apart.

"You too. Don't be harsh on yourself. I wish you would find someone to love and cherish you." She smile at me as she wiped her tears.

"Thank you."

Then I looked at Zack, who passed me a sad smile and enveloped me in a hug. "Take care of yourself." He said, kissing my forehead.

"I will. And you, take care of my friend. I swear I'll break your bones if you ever think of hurting her and yes keep track of her cravings too." He laughed at the last sentence.

"I can never hurt her." He smiled as we pulled apart.

"I know," I paused and added with a grin, "And grown up now. You're literally going to be a daddy of two."

"Yes, ma'am!" He scoffed at that.

"Where's Eric?" I asked.

"Upstairs. Probably still sulking over her in his room." Rosalyn rolled her eyes. I rolled my eyes at her as I trekked the stairs.

Everyone's lives were already on a new track. Rosalyn had paused her studies to take care of her babies until she could leave them with some nannies. Zack continued his study as well as he had taken over his Dad's multinational business. I was already going to England to participate in a beauty pageant from where my career would start. Owen had decided to take a break for a year and here was our Eric...

I opened the door and met with an empty room. He had literally changed the outlook of his room, gone were the posters and video games. The walls had painted grey, the simple furnishing was white with black sheets, a rug, and curtains. It was simple and elegant yet lifeless and colorless at the same time.

What have you done with him, Skylee? But no matter how much I wanted it, I could never really blame her for anything.

I knew where he would be. I closed his room door. My eyes dwelling over the door of the room which used to be hers. Sighing, I trekked upstairs.

There he was, knocking the life out of the punching bag. He was wearing a black tank top, his biceps with those veins in his arms and neck were prominently bulging out. He was drenched in sweat. His face was void of any emotions, his grey eyes seemed so dull, all in all, this guy who used to be a Playboy looked so lifeless. He was literally torturing himself.

"Hey!" I said to grab his attention. He stopped in his way and looked at me.

"Hey! How come you are here?" He asked as he picked a towel and wiped the sweat off. I handed him the water bottle as we both sat down on the couch.

"I'm leaving for England," I told him.

"Oh, good luck for everything that life holds for you," was his response. I had never thought he would say something like this ever.

"Thanks." I slowly mumbled.

"How are you?" After a little contemplation, I asked.

"I don't know," He gave me that straight look.

Oh, Eric.

"You need to move on. Life doesn't end here. There's still so much in life. Have a little hope in destiny, who knows there'll be something special for you." I whispered, looking at the blank screen of the LCD TV.

"I'm trying. It's just..." He heaved a sigh, "I don't seem to accept this."

"I can understand." I sighed.

I wish if only I could do something about this whole situation.

"How long you'll be gone?" He asked.

"I am not coming back," I whispered. It was the truth and I hadn't told this to anyone except him and my parents and of course, her.

"I'm assuming no one knows about that." He looked at me, his gaze empty. It was like he didn't know what to feel anymore.

"Right." I nodded.

"I wish you the best of luck in your life. If possible, I hope we'll meet again." He smiled for the first time. A smile that didn't reach his eyes. It was a formality, a hostile smile. Tears prickled my eyes as I looked away.

"Take care of yourself and consider this her wish, she wants you to move on," I said.

"She doesn't have the right to say and think anything about me. Goodbye, Helen!" With this, he stood up and again started to punch the bag. This time, with much force.

When I came downstairs, we had another section of hugs and cries. After that, I left the house and sat inside the car.

We sat there for a moment in silence.


"Drive, please. I'll get late." I cut him off.

He nodded but I knew he would not hold back it anymore. He wanted to say it. I didn't want him to say it. Life always had been difficult on my account.

The drive was in utter silence so I played the music. The lyrics of the song 'Dynasty' started to break the silence.

Some days it's hard to see
If I was a fool or you a thief
Made it through the maze to find my one in a million
And now you're just a page torn from the story I'm building

I inhaled deeply. My gaze was fixed on the road above me.

And all I gave you is gone
Tumbled like it was stone
Thought we built a dynasty that heaven couldn't shake
Thought we built a dynasty like nothing ever made
Thought we built a dynasty forever couldn't break up

Once we reached the airport, it didn't take much and it was already the time to say goodbye to him, too. We were silently staring at each other. No one of us wanted to speak first, but one of us had to. I was about to say something when he spoke,

"Should I wait for you?" His voice was tired and defeated.

"Don't... I'm not coming back." My own voice trembled. It didn't matter how hard I was trying to move on. I still loved him, but I couldn't trust him with my heart again. Honestly, I could never trust anyone ever whenever it came to loving someone. I knew my heart would never dare to love someone again.

"It's a Goodbye then." A small smile graced his lips, aching my heart even more.

Oh, God, this is so hard!

"It is," I mumbled as I slowly nodded. The look on his face tore me apart so I looked away, until, he said,

"Can I kiss for the last time?"

It wasn't a question, neither a request nor demand. It was a longing, regret, guilt, and the desire to feel each other for the last time. I again slowly nodded as I stepped towards him. He kissed my lips. It was a deep one. He poured every emotion into it that he never got the time to say. I apologized for I had to go. There was no turning back now. As we pulled apart, he hugged me so tightly. I felt wetness over my shoulder as my arms wrapped around. Some involuntary tears fell over my cheeks too.

We were practically at the entrance of the airport. People might be thinking of us as some couple deeply in love. How strange was it? It wasn't always true what we see, there was a story behind every tear and smile.

When he let go of me, he smiled with teary eyes, and it made my heart ached more for him. Was I doing right?

"Goodbye, Helen Mark. Do good in your life and always shine as bright as Sirius star." With this, he turned around and walked away.

I was left there with tears nonstop streaming down my cheeks. Giving one last glance at his retreating figure, I also turned around.

I passed the entrance, walking towards the boarding when my phone rang. I fetched it out of my purse and looked at the caller's ID. Another sad smile formed over my lips.

"Hey! How are you?" I asked, pulling the phone over my left ear.

"When you'll get here?" Came her robotic voice. She never replied to this particular question, she didn't want to lie, and I knew she was not fine. She would never be.

"I'm just going to broad. I'll be there till midnight," I said.

"Great, text me when your plane land. I'll come to pick you." She added.

"Skylee..." I trailed off.

"See you soon, Helen. Have a safe flight." And she hung up.

I can't believe this! This book officially ends! Oh, God! This is literally my BEST book!

Finally, this is the end of BOOK 1 but not the end of their journey. There's still so much to know and encounter, only our lovebirds (Zack and Rosalyn) got their happy ending. And BOOK 2 will be coming out soon. I'm going on a break temporarily and will come back with BOOK 2!

Until then,

Stay safe and happy!

And don't forget to VOTE, COMMENTS, and FOLLOW.

Started: 9 May 2020
Ended: 30 September 2021

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