Izuku The Timelord: Early Adv...

By NuclearLobsterman

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Alone, Izuku felt alone. Surrounded by people everyday, but the feeling still persisted. Was it because he wa... More

Chapter 1: Early Days....
Chapter 2: The Voice Calls....
Chapter 3: A Distressing Signal....
Chapter 5: A Trip Down Memory Lane...
Chapter 6: Arrival And Battle
Chapter 7: A Battle For The Mind
Chapter 7.5: The Aftermath
Chapter 8: Ten's Guilt
Chapter 9: A Promise
New Book just released!
Big Announcement

Chapter 4: Somewhere Unknown...

950 28 144
By NuclearLobsterman

Narrator's POV

An unknown land was only seen, shrouded with mystery. Filled with trees thin, long, and curvy trees. The ground had regular patches of grass surrounding the tree some even grouping up covering the floor with grass. The middle of the ground was shaved of all of it's abundant grass, making a pathway filled with rocks and soil. It would seem to be a regular old forest located anywhere in a rural area. But it was different, for you see it little to no woodland animals such as Bears, wolves, rabbit, fowl or any insects at all. No sign of life lived in this forest just the quiet noise of nature. But the most eerie part of this land was how it was filled with thin, unending mist. The mist was everywhere in the forest not allowing that much light to pass through just a small bit. It made the tree's leaves look like dark clouds covering the night sky, it hid small bumps on the forest floor making it easy to trip for unsuspecting victims. The worst part was what the mist did for the tree's, their long, curvy, and thin structure could be mistaken as a silhouette of a mangled being. The atmosphere in the forest seemed tense and quiet it was almost unforgiving at times making it seem creepy and mysterious making anyone who walks into this forest seem on edge.

A frail boy was seen lying down on the forest floor, his head laid on a log for support and some form of comfort. The boy seemingly was asleep or unconscious ignorant of his surroundings. It looked as if he was having a peaceful dream, as if a weight had been lifted of his own shoulders. Sadly some dreams come to an end as the boy shook a bit eliciting his body to wake up. His face scrunched up a bit before he turned to his side to fall back to sleep. His stubborn actions didn't help him as his body was now fully awake so he had to awaken as well.

He turned once more making his body lay on the ground flatly, his face still scrunched before stopping. As his eyelids slowly opened revealing his green eyes adjusting to the sudden wake up. He slowly sat up still not noticing the forest surrounding him, rubbing his right eye with his right fist yawning and saying.

"Yawn...Hmmm, that was a good nap...Maybe I'll try napping like that again?" He said out loud smiling hazily still wanting to take a nap once more.

"Now...Hmm? What time is it?..." He said looking around for a watch or clock on the forest floor shaking the grass a bit.

It was before long when he realized that he wasn't sleeping on his bed or in his room at all, but was in some sort of are with grass. He then exclaimed.

"W-What!? W-Where a-am I!?" He said questioning his surroundings and his current location.

He suddenly stood up from the ground and looked around expecting to see something else. Only to be met with a forest filled with curved trees and a thin but ominous mist. He started hyperventilating because of his circumstances.

"F-First I-I was a-about t-t-to be b-beaten b-by K-Kaachan and S-Shoto-kun! T-Then s-some s-strange s-shadow thing s-stops t-time a-and b-belittles me t-then when I-I answer b-back I g-get beaten u-up!!!" He says as his heart starts to palpitate making him grip his chest accompanied by the feeling of dread.

"N-NOW I'M I-IN S-S-S-SOME S-SORT OF F-FOGGY FOREST!!!" He said as tears fell from his eyes and he fell to his knees sobbing and stressed as he felt as if he couldn't breath properly.

His lips quivered as his body couldn't take the stress, he wanted to think of today as a sick dream. He just wanted to live on with his life in peace and follow his dream even when others interfere with it.

"W-Why i-is it a-always l-like this?...hic...W-Why are w-weird s-stuff happening t-to me?" He said as his tears stream down his cheeks.

"I-I just w-want a-a break...hic...I-I want a-a hug...I-I want t-to be t-treated p-properly...hic...I-I w-want m-mama and p-papa..." He said wanting some comfort as his ten year old mind has been put to it's limit.

He wants to feel a gentle and warm hug from his parents, something most children don't receive it often but is cherished. He just wants at least some bit of comfort as he was going through a panic attack.

His mouth was dry a sort of bile filing up his throat, his heart palpitating. His breath hitched and trouble with breathing at times. He felt dizzy as his eyes spun and shook a bit, tears streaming down his cheeks. His two hands gripping the sides of his head pulling on his hair in the process. Sweat poured down his face mixing with his tears. His eyes dilating back and forth still shaking and probably due to the shaking.

Izuku wasn't really in the right state of mind as his feeling were everywhere, but the most profound one is the feeling of utter panic evident in his eyes. As if he dreads what would happen next, what would add on to the stress. He felt as if he were to snap in half with the amount of pressure. He was going to pass out in any minute before a loud noise was heard.

His senses were on high alert as he was scared as too what's in the forest. He feared the unknown monsters that may lurk in this forest as his body became jittery. His tears stopped flowing as his teeth started to jitter. He slowly stood up revealing the sort of dirty school uniform pants he wore. As he stood up he looked around quickly, snapping his head to his sides looking for any creatures that may be lurking.

He checked and saw nothing slugging on the ground, nothing swinging on the tree's or hiding behind it. He saw nothing moving the bushes of any sort of shadow he could pinpoint, there was nothing to his sides he feared what was behind him or something not able to be seen in his peripheral vision. He slowly convinced himself to turn around quickly trying to get the deed over with in a flash.

"Okay...Okay...Okay...I-Izuku y-you can d-d-do this! D-Don't b-be n-nervous! T-There's n-no such t-things a-as m-monsters..." He said to himself trying to reassure his panicked mind. As he slowly turned around too see what shocked him the most.

A door appeared out of no where, it was surrounded by lush leaves that came from no where as well. The door was surrounded by smooth polished stone that has seemed to age, some parts of it was covered by the leaves and small thin pieces of trees. A path of stone tiles was somehow made from thin air trying to blend in with the dirt path, the stone path was curved as it didn't want to overlap the tree and small forest bump beside it. Then there was the giant door, the door was made out of mahogany as it held no form of splinter or bump. Pure smooth mahogany doors. At the top of the door was some sort of lowered mahogany ceiling. it had a certain design to it, strange to the young boy.

The boy was confused, shocked, amazed, and horrified seeing a giant door appear out of no where. He started to build up another mini panic attack as he stood there frozen in shock. He quickly shock it off and approached the door still shaky and nervous. He walked up to the door seemingly about to open it before he goes of to the side.

When he reached unto the side he walked past it and looked behind it, seeing nothing on the other end of the door. It was just the other side of the door, the same as the front side nothing strange or different. He walked back to the front of the door and sighed in relief, knowing it maybe some fake doorway. His sudden relief was clouded by the eerie thought that a door appeared out of no where.

"H-How did this door e-even get here?...A-And who w-would build a-an unfinished d-doorway?!" He said still inspecting the door for any suspicious parts.

"I-It's s-so detailed..." He said in awe still confused at the fact someone made a door.

"H-How come I didn't n-notice it?..." He asked himself as he suddenly stopped for a second.

He then started to asses his situation once more but more thoroughly in his mind, ignoring his surroundings once more.

"M-Maybe the d-door materialized o-out of no where?...L-Like an illusion of sorts! Yes. YES. Just like an illusion...With the amount of Quirk's these day's and what they can do...There's bound to be one that can create illusions on a whim!" He thought to himself coming up with a theory as too why the door came to be.

"Hmm, maybe the forest I'm currently in is an illusion as well? It could work...I mean the evil spirit can 'supposedly' stop time...Or was that too an illusion? Who knows!? The amount of endless possibilities left to be explored is unsettling and worrisome..." He said to himself starting to reveal his logical theorizing side still within the boundaries of his ten year old mindset.

He then starts to expect the door a bit more and once more. He looks at it while rubbing his chin thinking to himself.

"All it takes to open those possibilities to the world-" He said out loud approaching the door one step at a time.

He then gently grabs the door knob turning it a bit, his hand shaking he was nervous. The endless possibilities frighten him. What if it's another monster? What if it's leading him to his own death? What if the spirit is behind this door? What if?...

He gulped and spoke out loud.

"-Is just a gentle pull?" He said pulling the door his hands a bit jittery, closing his eyes afraid of what lies ahead of him. Or what waits for him inside the door.

The inside of the door was a giant vortex, it kept on swirling around as if you were looking at the top of a tornado. It was bright as Izuku recoiled at how bright the vortex was, it lit up the path in front of him being the only source of light in the forest. It's pinkish color felt relaxing the light in it's middle felt warm and comforting. It was as if you wanted to jump into it hoping to be washed away by it swirling vortex.

He went to go inside of it as if he were in a trance of sorts, the color of his green emerald eyes were now pinkish. He took long slow steps until he was close enough to the door once more and was about to jump in. Until he gripped his head again and shook it violently, his eyes went back to the original color. He looked at the portal again but with fear in his eyes, he slowly walked away from it thinking to himself.

"W-What even i-is that?! A-And w-why did I-I even open t-that door?! I knew it was a bad Idea!" He said to himself as he quickly started to back up more.

He was now few feet away from the swirling vortex close to being far away from the vortex. He was going to take a few more steps until he felt like he was being drawn closer to the door.

"Huh?!" He could only say as he felt being vacuumed closer to the door.

His uniform was being sucked closer to the vortex as the air behind him accompanied. His body was tilted his feet and legs were the first to get vacuumed and was as if it was getting lifted of the ground. He tried to fight against it by turning the other direction and running.

"C'MON! LEGS DON'T FAIL ME NOW!!!" He said as he tried sprinting the opposite direction his legs exerting so much effort in trying to move away from the vortex.

His efforts were in vain as the vortex increased it's vacuum power and started to even pull leaves from trees with it. Izuku's body was now lifted into the air still somehow going against the vortex still trying to run as fast as he can. His body suddenly started to slow down as his legs are getting the strain from the sudden exertion. As his body soon became slower the vortex took this opportunity.

It amped up the vacuum power and made Izuku fly straight into the vortex. His body was flying to it legs first as if it were a bullet. He was too distressed and worried as he tried to find something to hold. There was nothing he could hold as he still stubbornly didn't accept what will happen to him.

As he got closer to the vortex he could only bare some words before being sucked in.

"NOOOO-" Before he could finish his plea he was sucked into the large pink vortex.

It sucked him up whole leaving nothing left, the forest was now quiet as Izuku suddenly disappeared leaving it empty. After a few second the vortex made the door shut itself making a noticeable.


Transition Brought To You By Izuku:

Real World POV

Both Shoto and Katsuki stood there frozen in fear, shaking as they were stared down by a being. They didn't know why they were scared, out of all the things they were scared of this Deku. The most useless person in there own eyes, the person who's so unfortunate to be Quirkless. The person the look down upon, the person society despises so much. Is making them shake in their own shoes, it was so degrading and embarrassing. The worst part was that it looked as if this Deku was basking in the pleasure of their fear, a smile filled with lunacy plastered all over his face. They weren't even sure if this was the same Deku anymore, everything about him was odd.

His eyes they were filled with immeasurable bloodlust a hunger for suffering, what evil hides behind those eyes. His face plastered with a sinister smile, an evil Cheshire cat grin almost not human-like. His hair darker than usual a mix of green and black making a sort of dull dark shade of green. A purple aura radiates of him violently as some of it tries to wisp away into the air. The worst part of it was his facial expression, filled with a sense of smugness with a hint of lunacy. This person, monster, thing, being, or presence calls itself The Varlet.

The two boys still processing the information that was just given to them. Shoto decided to keep quiet and watch what's going to happen. Katsuki decides to reclaim some of his lost bravado and confront the being and saying.

"T-The what!? T-The Verrlat?!" Katsuki said failing to hide his stutter mixing in horribly with his come back of sorts.

"It's The Varlet you impotent swine~ Your act of bravado is very poorly executed~ Especially with that atrocious stutter~" The Varlet said catching on to Katsuki's plan.

"H-HEY YOU D-DON'T KNOW SHIT!" Katsuki said controlling his stutter a bit as he barked back at the Varlet.

"Fufufufufu~ Your reaction to my comment says it all~ How pathetic~ What next? You try to curse me to oblivion~" The Varlet said as he knew that he was several steps ahead of Katsuki.

"N-NO!" Katsuki said in defiance knowing well that the Varlet knew what he's going to do next.

"What a shame~ It's honestly sad to see such potential ho to waste~" The Varlet said peeking Katsuki's interests, still on guard for his motives.

"Such a useful Quirk....Such a shame that it's been given to a primitive ape~" The Varlet said showing his obvious distaste to how Katsuki uses his Quirk.

"What the hell do you know, dickhead!?" Katsuki said losing his stutter. As he raised both of his hands and set of explosions from his palms.

The Varlet could only watch while smirking a bit. His lunatic smile stretching even more around his face seemingly creepy and unnatural. Katsuki took this as an insult and began to do what he does.

"Huh, got nothing to say!? That's what I thought Deku-looking Jackass!" Katsuki said setting off more mini explosions from his palms like fire crackers.

"Fufufufufufufu...HahahahaHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" The Varlet suddenly started laughing hysterically while clapping his hands in the process.

"You utter fool~ You think that insulting me will get you anywhere!? How pitiful~ A lower life form using insults as a defense mechanism~ It is to be expected for such idiotic creatures~" The Varlet said continuing to laugh at Katsuki's actions and personality.

This greatly offended him as he started to get even more angry. Even growling a bit as the explosions decreased in number. But increased in utter strength and size, him ignoring the pain he feels when using too much of it. He began to think to himself still enraged at the insults.

"How dare he...HOW FUCKING DARE HE...INSULT ME! I DON'T CARE WHAT DAMM NICKNAME YOU GIVE YOUSELF! VARLET OR SHIT FACE! YOU'RE STILL A DEKU!!!" Katsuki said to himself readying to charge at the Varlet setting off explosions once more.

"JUST YOU WAIT YOU CONFIDENT BASTARD!" Katsuki said as his hands started glowing even more indidcating more explosions will crackle in his hand rather than usual.

Before he could charge he was interrupted again by Shoto. This felt like Deja vu and it greatly pissed him off once more. He growled and nudged Shoto's hand off his shoulder and said.

"What the fuck is it this time, icy-fucker!?" Katsuki said annoyed still.

"You can't just charge at him...We need to plan..." Shoto said trying to convince Katsuki.

"What damm plan is needed when we're two people!? I swear to kami-sama you're so fucking retarded!" Katsuki said barking at Shoto once more.

"Look. At. Him." Shoto said pointing out the menacing aura surrounding the Varlet.

"If I can over power him! With just one of my explosions! Then your ass is grass!" Katsuki said threatening Shoto not listening to him.

Shoto stared at Katsuki in disbelief, annoyed that he's still this stubborn. He simply lets go of Katsuki's shoulder and says.

"You know what? Be my guest..." Shoto said making Katsuki smirk replying.

"Fucking knew it." Katsuki said before looking at the Varlet once more staring at him in the eyes.

He got into a stance ready to charge at the Varlet. His explosions detonating violently in his palm, a wicked grin plastered all over his face. Still blinded by his rage and arrogance failing to see the Varlet's wicked smile in reply.

They both stare down at each other, neither side backing down. The Varlet still standing there his hands behind his back, relaxed and not worried. Katsuki ready adrenaline rushing through his veins ready to beat up whatever this being is. As they stared down at each other both had separate thoughts to themselves.

"I...SWEAR I WILL BEAT YOU UP SO FUCKING HARD! THAT THEY'LL NEED TO FUCKING BUILD YOU A NEW BODY!" Katsuki thought to himself impatiently imagining the outcome of the battle, cocky as ever.

'Fufufufu~ I'm dying to hear some delicious screams~ Especially from that cocky, explosive, and illogical boy~ His delectable screams will be music to my ears~ I just know it~' The Varlet thought to himself his smile stretching even farther as his red eyes start to shine even more, and dare I say much more evilly.

"Come at me with you best shot~ Fufufufufufufu~" The Varlet said as he opened his arms in a welcoming motion beckoning Katsuki to go all out.

Katsuki then inhales sharply as two spurts of air come out of his nose and saying.

"AAAAAAHHHH!" Katsuki said letting out a loud battle cry as he charged at the Varlet. The explosions crackling violently from his palms as it sort of repelled him faster to the Varlet.

Transition Brought To You By Izuku Once Again:

With Izuku POV

I remember passing out while inside that weird vortex thingy. Why did I even enter the thing for goodness sake!? My curiosity cursing me once again! Curiosity killed the cat for heavens sake! It might as well killed me in the process! How frustrating and stressing!

But for a few minutes of being passed out, I woke up. I still saw I was in the vortex thingy due to the pinkish swirl and that it was the only other color in the vortex. Then all of a sudden a door had appeared out of no where. Once more I think it might be another door that will lead me to certain doom once more.

Then strangely it opened itself up by itself. I was confused to see it open once more revealing an empty door way. Only revealing the vortex once more. I was going to ignore it and accept my fate by the vortex before I felt a familiar vacuum like feeling.

I was being sucked into the door again! This time I had no other time to react as the door sucked me in completely. I was sucked in at the speed of a bullet head first into the doorway. I couldn't tell what else had happened since when I enter the vortex I black out once more.

I woke up once more. I felt as if I wasn't floating anymore. My back felt as if it were flat on a surface. I gently open my eyes revealing, a cloudy blue sky filled with natural light. I slowly sat up my body feeling as if it were a ratchet joint, possibly from the floating?

I see a forest of sorts, multiple tree's there as if they were standing in line. They were filled with lush green leaves, some tree's barring delectable fruits for harvest. I turn my head side to side frantically trying to find some familiarity. Though this place looked quite familiar, but I don't know how familiar.

I saw even more tree's and rocks, birds, insects, moss and grass. I was obviously in a forest of sorts. But the question was what forest am I currently in? Is it close to school!? Is it close to my home!? Is it close to my neighborhood, town, city and area!?!?! Is it even in my country once more!?

I start to shake again, my head dripping sweat as my throat began to dey up. My breathing becoming hitched, and I had a hard time with breathing. Tears swelled up in my eyes as I felt the stress coming back again. I wanted to roll and pass out once more before, only then I could have a calm day. I feel my vision going blurred once more, I feel as if I'm going to puke! Is this the panic attack psychology books talk about?

I couldn't focus properly on my thoughts, as I think I heard footsteps and ruffled bushes. I turned my head to my right to see where the noise came from. Quickly wiping my tears away once more trying to focus on what maybe in the forest with me. 

I saw a group of thick bushes shaking a bit, as if it were being ruffled violently. Accompanied with loud footsteps and panting. Instead of walking or running away from the noise I stayed for some reason. As I stayed I heard more footsteps and two voices shouting out while panting.

"COME BACK HERE DEKU! YOU DAMM BASTARD!" I a female child say out loud.

I froze in place as a rush of memories flow down my mind in a second.  I couldn't believe this was happening...It seemed and was impossible.

Before I could do anything else as of the moment, the bushes looked as if a person was going to go through them. I remember who will come out of that bush...It was none other than...

"AAH!" A young child at the age of 5 said. He had fluffy green and unkept hair, his face was round and his cheeks were rosy complimented with some freckles. The boy looked as if he were running a marathon, due to the dirt and sweat he's covered in.

"How could this be?...This is impossible!...H-How d-did I-...How am I-I back here?" I ask myself as I still stood there frozen like a stone statue. Gazing at my younger self with horror and with pity, looking at his-no my scared expression.

I saw myself falling down on my knees, panting hard and shaking a bit. Small scuff marks covered my arms as I saw and remembered wiping my face with my arms possibly to remove dirt. My younger self looked extremely tired and sacred as my face had a worried expression with some tears forming at the side of my eyes. It broke my heart to see my younger self put through so much stress...Sort of like self pity?

"H-How is t-this p-possible!? I-Is t-this another I-Illusion or something!? I-It might be...N-No It must b-be! T-Time travel i-isn't possible y-yet! T-This i-is just l-like t-the ominous f-f-forest and t-the weird d-door all o-over a-again!" I say to myself trying to find another reasonable explanation to this even weirder situation I'm in.

I heard the two distant voices get closer as I think they were close to the bush and I hear one of them saying.

"C'mon hurry up! I think Deku's past this bush or something!" I heard one of the voices say as it was accompanied by a crackling noise.

"It is obvious that he is...I mean we just saw him go through it didn't we?..." A monotone voice said stating the obvious.

"Hey don't you think I know tha-" The other voice was suddenly interrupted by the monotone voice saying.

"No time to argue...He might get away..." I hear the monotone one say making the other one reply.

"Tch...You're right..." I heard her say lowly trying not to make the other voice hear her reply.

I looked at my younger self and then back to the bush knowing who is behind the bush at this very moment. My younger self also knew that as I saw him tiredly try getting up and running. It was saddening to know what would happen next as I saw myself fall over possibly from how hard I placed pressure on my young body back then.

"C-C'mon I-Izuku...Y-You c-can do i-it!" I hear my younger self say as he lifts himself up with his fragile arms before flopping back to the ground quickly face first.

"C'mon I-I believe i-in you l-little me!" I say to my younger self trying to encourage myself and him. But he seemingly doesn't hear me or ignoring me, as I watch myself still struggling to get up.

I then hear the bushes start getting ruffled and the voices talking once more and whining and complaining about it.

"URGGGHH I HATE THESE DAMM BUSHES AND THEIR STUPID THORNS!" I heard the loud voice say as she continues to struggle in the big and tight spaces of the bush.

"I know these are annoying Katsumi bu-OW! I got pricked..." I heard the monotone voice say as she took a sharp inhale from the sudden thorn lodged in her thumb.

"I JUST WANT TO TEACH DEKU A LESSON YOU DAMM BUSH! SO GET OUT OF THE DAMM WAY!!!" I hear a younger Katsumi say still struggling to wiggle through the bushes.

I look on in fear as I see younger me is also in the same state of fear, I see him put even more effort into trying to push his already exhausted body to it's limit. He places both of his elbows onto the ground and tries to lit up his exhausted torso upward sort of in a plank form. He slowly pushes himself second by second as the sound of the ruffling was getting closer. 

I ran to my younger self and tried helping him up. I went and tried to grab both of his arms to lift him up. But surprisingly my hands went through his arms as I saw them on the opposite side of his, as if I were a ghost. I look on with horror as I thought I had become a ghost or an observer watching my younger self struggle even more.

"W-What! W-W-What i-in K-Kami-sans n-name i-is this!?" I say to myself still in shock as I recoiled in fear. Falling to the ground across of my younger self who looked like he was getting up already.

As I looked at my hands in horror I ignored my younger self's problem. I tried waving my arms around and checking if It was okay and that the stress was making me see somethings. As I was examining myself looking at my arms with worry I had the idea to direct my hand in the direct sunlight.

As I looked up and quickly blocked the sun's rays glaring at my eyes with my arm, I saw something that made me go deathly pale.

"W-WHAT!" I said out loud looking at my now transparent arm as the suns ray's went through it as if nothing was blocking it.

I quickly recoiled my arm back as I placed them on my lap. I looked at both of them worry and fear filling my eye's as stress was taking over me once again. I even began to question myself once more even saying things among the lines of.

"Am I-I dead!?...W-Why are m-my arms l-like that!?...A-Am I a-a g-g-g-ghost!?" I said out loud shaking my hands even more as my mouth was held agape from the shock and worry.

As I was still in my shock, I hear noises coming from my younger self, as my head snaps to his direction wanting to know what had happened to him after those few seconds. I look on with small pride as I saw the tired boy standing up properly still shaking a bit as his legs and waist wobbled. He then whispered something that I vaguely remember when I was younger.

"I-I d-d-did it..." I hear my younger self say in awe at his accomplishment, I my current self also in small awe at him.

The moment of pride was suddenly over as I heard the rustling in the bushes became even louder as I feared Katsumi and Shoko were already close to escaping the thorny labyrinth. I hear both Katsumi and Shoko say clearly.

"C'MON HURRY UP MORE SHOKO! DEKU MIGHT GET AWAY BECAUSE OF YOUR SLOW ASS!" I hear Katsumi say cursing at Shoko once more just like Katsuki.

"I'm trying my best...And don't worry I'm fine...If you cared at all..." I hear Shoko say sarcastically feeling her rolling her eyes back at Katsumi in response.

Both me and younger me froze in fear knowing that if I don't act I'll surely get caught, at least my younger self will get caught. As I saw him struggling to walk as his right leg was limping being forced to move a strained muscle. I quickly got up and tried to help him failing in the process remembering that I can't touch him with my arms. 

I looked on with horror as I saw both Katsumi and Shoko exiting the bush both of them covered in leaves. As they saw younger me limping away from them quicker, as Katsumi prepares her Quirk as small explosions crackle in her palm. Shoko preparing her fire Quirk as her arm suddenly lit a flame.

I saw the look in my younger self's eyes, a look of fear and dread as he tried running while his legs were still limping away. I wanted to help as I immediately run to my younger self and try to block him from harm's way as I see Shoko throw a small unstable fireball at my younger self. I was about to close my eyes embracing the burning impact...Before I felt a sucking feeling.

I look to my right too see another door appear out of no where in the bushes. It was a regular white door see at western homes or Doctor's offices in Japan depending where you are of course. I saw it's own door opening up by itself a white vortex inside of the frame. My eyes widen in terror, but before I could do anything I was sucked into it.

This time with no struggle and no resistance from me or my surroundings...As before I was consumed by the door I saw my younger self fallen on the ground. Looking at both Katsumi and Shoko in terror as tears formed begging to fall out of his eyes. As he looked on as an unstable fire ball was coming at him and hands full of explosions threatening to pounce on him. I saw in a few seconds him closing his eyes as a small tear fell down his right cheek, accepting his fate.

As all I could do was watch in horror remembering vividly what would happen to me that horrible day. That day that would start the suffering I'll endure for 6 long years. I looked on one last time a tear falling down my left cheek knowing what will come as my green hair cover my eyes. 

Then the white door closed one me leaving me floating once more in the swirling vortex, this time painted in a white hue. I close my eyes as I slowly pass out once more no other thoughts in my mind only except one. I thought...

"What will happen next?..." 

I say to myself before I fully pass out still floating through the endless white vortex......
























































Next Time On Izuku The Timelord..........

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