To the End of Infinity

By hexpea

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You arrive at Tokyo Jujutsu High after transferring from Kyoto. You had lived nearly your whole life there, g... More

Ch. 1 - Welcome to Tokyo
Ch. 2 - One and The Same
Ch. 3 - Pretend I Am
Ch. 4 - Temptations and Turning Tides
Ch. 5 - Indebted
Ch. 6 - Testing Patience
Ch. 7 - Breaking the Seal
Ch. 9 - Suguru's Pet
Ch. 10 - The Body's Desires
Ch. 11 - Giving Up
Ch. 12 - Falsified Betrayal
Ch. 13 - Nanami
Ch. 14 - Chase Me
Ch. 15 - Didn't I Do It for You?
Ch. 16 - Reinstated and The Sister School Event
Ch. 17 - Such a Rush
Ch. 18 - Homecoming and Heartbreak
Ch. 19 - Oops
Ch. 20 - To the End of Infinity
Epilogue - Family

Ch. 8 - 影悪意

652 20 0
By hexpea

Gojo released himself from you, some of his fluid spilling out of you and onto the black blanket. You moved your body so that you wouldn't make it worse as you stood up, hesitating to make eye contact for just a moment.
Gojo then walked over to you, placing gentle hands on your upper arms, looking down at you. Your jaw fell open just a bit as if you were about to say something.

"Wanna' take a shower or anything?" He asked softly. "I can give you a pair of my clothes...though they may be a bit long on you..." 

"Mhm," you looked up at him with eyes that were glistening over, emotion bubbling over the conflict in your chest.

"Okay," he responded with a smile before heading over to one of his dressers, the two of you still completely nude. There, he pulled out a pair of athletic shorts, boxers, and one of his white tee shirts. "You might have to hold these shorts on...but it's something." He handed them to you with the smile still on his face.

"Thanks," you mumbled, taking just the shirt and boxers from him, "I think this will be long enough."

"Here, let me show you to the bathroom," he walked toward the door of his room, using his finger to motion to follow him from behind. Your bare feet were cold against the hardwood floor, still as they stepped onto the white, marble tile of his bathroom. 

It was just as magnificent as his other rooms, nearly covered in the tile with a large jetted bathtub, separate shower, and large, fancy toilet complete with bidet. You watched him carefully as he started to run the water in the bath for you.

"Oh," you nearly whispered, "I was just gonna' shower."

"What's the fun in that?! Start in the shower, then hop in the bath! It's really comfortable...I know," he smirked, his loud self starting to return. You smiled to yourself, suddenly feeling tides start to genuinely turn within you. "I'll wash the clothes you came in along with the blanket, we'll have to be up for another hour or so while they dry...unless you'd rather sleep in the guest room." He's offering to sleep in the same bed with me! What is this side of him?! You thought, nearly shouting in your head.

He left you be, shutting the bathroom door behind him. The bright fluorescence in the room made you feel self-conscious for a moment - still feeling a little lost in Gojo's large residence. You stopped to look in the mirror and, just as you guessed, a bright purple bruise was on your neck. Just as the bruise from your nose started to go away, you had a brand new mark to replace it. You also looked over the leftover scars from the mission that nearly took your life as well as a few others from your deep past. Your body was colored with history, memories...some that you cherished and others you wished to forget...memories nonetheless. 
You hopped into the shower with only Gojo's soap available to you. You half-expected the usual ten-in-one men's soap that tools like him would use, but what was available was some kind of organic soap you had never heard of, still in the usual masculine scent but clear care went into selecting it.
The warm water was incredibly comforting as you went through the busy task of getting yourself clean. When you finally sank into the bath that Gojo had drawn for you your body began to melt in the warmth. Thanks to the motion sensor lights about the condo the room quickly went pitch black, however you didn't mind - nearly falling asleep in the water.

"Y/N?" Gojo popped his head in after some time, the lights quickly flickering on with his movement. You winced at the brightness and found him dressed again, sunglasses and all. 

"What?" You hissed, disturbed out of your peace. 

"Just wanted to check on you," he chuckled, "nice, right?" You glared at him, squinting your eyes and sinking further into the water - still trying to be your usual salty self to him despite having damn near the best night of your life in a long time. 

Gojo left you alone but you had decided to get out anyway with the water now cool. You slipped on his boxers that nearly came down to your knees. When you slipped on his tee shirt it, too, went all the way down your body like a dress. 
You used your fingers in an attempt to brush out your wet hair and exited the bathroom to find Gojo on the couch once more. Rattling came from a nearby closet, signaling that was where the washer and dryer were. He glanced over to you in the distance as you stood in the hallway. A smile grew on his face, you wearing his shirt brought him joy - another something he wasn't used to. Usually after a one night stand he'd boot the chick out, not offering her any type of courtesy...but were different

You walked into the living area, nearly ignoring his presence as he stared, and exited onto the balcony. The view was gorgeous, it practically lured you in. Gojo was a man for a good view. You looked below at the busy people in the streets, enjoying their Friday night. The lights of the nearby buildings and advertisements twinkled, your eyes traveling about in near overstimulation. 
You began to smell the scent of burning ash and female perfume...which could only mean one thing.
Suddenly, you felt a presence next to you...a dark, shadow-like presence sitting on the balcony next to you. It drifted in with the wind, forming into the human shape you recognized almost immediately.

"Y/N," her voice was low, seductive as always. Your head immediately whipped in her direction and then behind you to see if Gojo was still sitting on the sofa - of course he wasn't.
Her jet black hair cascaded down her shoulders near her waist, dressed in a black leotard and long haori that draped all the way down to her thigh-high heeled boots. One of her legs crossed over the other as she sat precariously on the edge of the railing, the leg atop the other wagging casually. Her facial expression was that of someone scheming and prideful.

"Akui," you took a step back from the ledge and balled your fists up.

"You really thought I wouldn't find you here," she chuckled, "Tokyo...of all places. Of course I'd check the sister school. Unfortunately when I got there, the scent of you was there...but not you. I had to follow your scent all the way here and with Satoru Gojo of all people," she crossed her arms with a sly smile. 

"What do you want, traitor?" You hissed, staring at her through a hostile brow. She looked toward the sky briefly as if thinking about something.

"Oh, don't play stupid, Y/N...what did you expect? You cut me off... You should have known that I'd only come back to haunt you. I am a shadow after all."

"Y/N?" Gojo suddenly appeared, standing at the sliding glass door. He glanced at you and then quickly moved his focus to Kage, an infamously known sorcerer who was on the program's shit list, a most wanted. She was expelled from the Kyoto school after the events of December 24th when her alliances were displayed for the administrators to see. "Akui Kage..."

AN: Inspired by Slumber Party - Ashnikko

"Satoru," she greeted with a slick grin, showing her teeth. 

"Y/ need to get inside," he warned as if he couldn't put two and two together. Kage began giggling which slowly erupted into louder laughter. Gojo pushed his brow together angrily. 

"Oh Satoru, the only reason I'm here is for her," she shook her head and then cocked it to the side as if to tease the sorcerer. Gojo glanced at you in confusion. "She's great, isn't she? An absolute goddess in the sack...the sounds she delicious..." Kage lifted her eyebrows, licking her lips. 

She then hopped off of the railing and slowly walked to you, grabbing your jaw with her long nails. She lifted your chin up as if to inspect you, quickly noticing the hickey on your neck. Gojo watched you both carefully. She leaned toward your neck, trailing her serpent-like tongue up the side of it until she reached your mouth. Your body was shaking, completely frozen in fear - memories of how she left you flooded your brain. 

"I think she likes that, Satoru," her gaze moved to Gojo, head still tilted toward you, "what do you think?" Your heart wouldn't stop pounding, half out of fear and the other out of desperation for your former lover. 

"I-" Gojo stuttered, eyes wide behind the lenses. He, too, was frozen and completely unsure of the threat that stood before you.

"What do you think?" She continued, leaning back toward your neck and sucking on the opposite side of your already existing hickey. You felt your knees growing weak, mind fogged over to even begin to push her away. "Isn't she precious?" She pulled back again, this time keeping eye contact with you. "She's so special, I've been looking all over for her since my banishment from Kyoto."

"You need to leave," Gojo finally spoke up, clear hesitance in his voice as he noticed how much you reacted to her presence. The reaction was neither positive nor negative, it was as if you were hypnotized around her.

"Do I?" Kage stepped back from you and put a hand to her chin in thought. "Do you mind if I take her with me? It's taken me so many weeks to sniff her out of all these nasty heathens," she motioned to the public on the sidewalks below. 

"I'm staying here," you gulped, finally getting a bit of composure under you, "just as I told you in Kyoto...we're through."

"Ah, but remember what happened after...please don't make me do that to you again," she asked and shook her head, giving you baby doll eyes. 

"That's exactly why I refuse," you declared. "You do that to me again, I'll refuse help..." you threatened, knowing her strange addiction to you was the only reason she still tormented you - all of her other sadistic goals were for her own selfish gain against the program and the manipulability of human souls.

"Sweetheart," she tsked, "you're special, but you're not that special." You could slightly tell in the tone of her voice that she was slightly lying. "How about I give you two some time...and I'll be back, Y/N," she backed up against the black metal railing, you and Gojo watching her movements carefully. "Until then!" She waved with a coy smile, waving her fingers as she began to dissolve into smoke once more.

"What just happened?" Gojo turned to ask you now that she was gone. You stood there, still in shock. Your heart's palpitations began to slow as the nerves left your body.

"That was who I mentioned before...the reason I had to leave Kyoto... And believe it or not, she's the bottom," you ran a hand through your hair and took in a deep breath before walking past Gojo and back inside, "and now I'm in danger again."

"You're telling me your ex is Akui of the most wanted jujutsu sorcerers...part of Suguru's group of misfits?" Gojo followed you inside, his mind partially blown.

"Something like that," you sighed again, plopping down on the couch and resting your head in the palm of your hand, elbow on the armrest, "she's quite the yandere. She had wanted me to join Suguru and align with his goals so I wouldn't be massacred at the time. She's probably just back for me..."

"That makes things dangerous..." Gojo mumbled nervously, "you're putting the students at risk by being on campus."

"I can be used as bait and you can just get rid of her," you shrugged.

"Sure, but that doesn't necessarily make it safe for you to go back to school," Gojo shook his head, "not with her on the loose. You're like a magnet for one of his lackeys."

"Are you telling me I shouldn't return?" Frustration began to build in you. Who was Satoru Gojo to tell you where you can and can't go?! "I have no where else to family."

"I...don't know..." Gojo muttered.

"I'm going back," you stood up and headed to the closet where your clothing was just about to finish drying. "You can't tell me where I can and can't be. If you won't take care of Akui, then I'll just have to whenever she shows herself." You undressed, leaving Gojo's clothes on the floor. 

"Y/N..." Gojo got up and walked to you, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder.

"No, Satoru," you yanked your shoulder away from him, "what I came here for is I can get over you and move on with my life." You stormed toward the front door. "Thanks," you hissed, slamming it behind you.

You hurried out onto the busy street below, now feeling very wary of your surroundings knowing that Akui could show herself at any minute. 

"Y/N!" You heard Gojo call out from the crowd as you navigated your way to the station. "Y/N, wait!" He called again when he noticed you were clearly ignoring him. "Seriously, can you stop?" His large strides made it easy to catch up to you. You paused with his hand holding your upper arm.

"What?!" You turned and hissed, eyes nearly flaming with hatred.

"I'm sorry..." he muttered, "that was a bit harsh...I just...I just want what's best for the kids." His admission was admirable but you just didn't want to let your rage subside. "We'll just need to be careful..."

"Satoru," you sighed, turning to face him, "what is with you?" You had no idea what to say or do out of his uncharacteristic attitude toward you.

"You're like family now...we're all one, big happy group and I'd hate to exclude one just because of some stipulation we can figure out," he flattened his lips, "even if you hate my guts." Your heart quivered at his words. You desperately wanted to shout, I don't hate you at all! Not even a little bit! 

"Alright," you mumbled, refusing eye contact. You then turned your body back toward the station.

"You...can come back up if you want... I mean, I won't stop you if you'd rather go back to campus, but..." he offered, face turning a little pink. "I mean, usually I kick chicks out right after, but...I figure I already invited you to stay the night in the first place."

"What a gentleman," you rolled your eyes and proceeded back to the tower with him.

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