Ch. 14 - Chase Me

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As Nanami showered, you though how you could get back at Gojo for having you removed. You knew where he lived, knew what the key card looked like. You knew that he'd be out with the kids tomorrow and not anywhere near either of his residences, neither on campus nor in the city. Your plan was shaping up quite nicely...
You didn't want to admit it, but this was also a way to get Gojo's attention, your mind still forcing images of him at the most inopportune moments.

"Kento?" You asked as he came down the stairs in a pair of shorts, towel scrubbing his wet hair dry. "Would you be up for some mischief tomorrow?" You asked and he halted on the landing before heading down the rest of the stairs.

"That depends, especially if it's during working hours," he said calmly, "what kind of mischief?"

"I'm looking to get back at Satoru," your smile curved at the corners devilishly. 

"In that case...I'll take some time off," Nanami smiled back in return, tossing his towel on the nearby island counter and coming to join you on the sofa.

The next morning, you and Nanami readied yourselves for the day as you usually would. You took the train to campus and made sure no one could spot you.
Around mid-morning, not many were on campus as it was a key time for traveling to mission sites. You knew Gojo wouldn't be anywhere near his room. 

"What exactly are we doing again?" Nanami asked as you carefully used your sorcery to create a small pick from your fingertip. 

"We're going to take his house key," you mumbled as you jammed the tiny spike into the keyhole, nearly breaking it in the attempt. 

"What will we be doing at his house?" Nanami continued, watching you with perfect posture as the door gently swung open. 

"Finding his car keys," you giggled to yourself, looking around the messy room to see if the key would be anywhere obvious. "Yes!" You saw it clear as day on the top of his desk. 

"Fancy," Nanami pointed out in regard to the key card, "so we're going to steal his car?"

"You got it!" You smiled, slipping the key card in your pocket and casually leaving - making sure to lock the door again behind you. "I'm sure he loves his car more than any of his other possessions. Plus it'll be quite the joyride," you hinted, wiggling your eyebrows playfully.

"What kind of car is it?" He asked as you both descended the stairs to head back to the station.

"I forget what it's called...but it's really expensive," you emphasized, "he said it cost him nearly two billion." Nanami halted on the stair he stood on. 

"If it's that much, is it really a good idea we be doing this?" He was almost annoying with how many questions he was asking, so you sighed loud enough for him to hear it.

"If you kick me out of my residence and strip me of my job after taking advantage of deserve it." You looked back at him with a piercing expression, eyes boring into his soul as if he were Gojo himself.

The two of you took the train downtown and you did your best to remember the walk back to his condo. You both looked up at the tall tower, memories flooding your brain almost as a distraction. You shook your head to dismiss them. 

"Alright, let's do this," you said in a determined tone, Nanami following you.

You waved the key card in front of the sensor to Gojo's door and it unlocked. You opened the door to find the place a little messier than usual. You chalked it up to him not expecting any company though Gojo would tell you otherwise. He had been in a mental mess since having you dismissed. 

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